
Showing posts from March, 2010

Windows Server 2003-Terminal Services

hi all, i have issue dealing terminal services in windows server 2003 , scenario 1.there 1 domain admin account has remote access needs concurrent sessions access server. 2.there 4 - 5 more user accounts have access server , concurrent sessions should not enabled these users. 3.the other 4 - 5 more user accounts part of remote desktop users group on server machine , user accounts part of administrator group. 4.and domain admin account member of administrator on server. our client wants enable concurrent sessions domain admin account , not other users part of remote desktop users group. please let me know how go it. thanks & best regards santhosh hi santhosh, there no built-in feature in server 2003 allow users on server restricted single session while allowing other users not restricted single session.  exception in 2003 admin can have regular rdp session console rdp (mstsc /admin) session. in other words, either all of users on server must restricted

MsiInstaller Event 1008 when trying to install 3DS Max 2011 after Group Policies apply on Domain connected Windows 7 x64 machine

when run setup 3ds max 2011 on windows 7 x64 machine when it's connected domain, program starts initialise, comes following message: "this installation forbidden system policy. contact system administrator. #1" followed by "fatal error during installation." at point setup.exe bombs out. in application log, message: "the installation of c:\users\ username \appdata\local\temp\_ random .tmp\setupres\eval.msi not permitted due error in software restriction policy processing. object cannot trusted" source: msiinstaller  event id: 1008 when run on machine before adding domain works ok, know it's policy or security setting of sort, can't see how. use applocker policies have been set allow admins run windows installer files, executables , scripts on path. i've unlinked virtually of policies without success in finding problem. applocker event log doesn't show errors suggest it's blocking program. any gratefully receive

DFS root login Script

 i have created dfs root \\\wdocroot , have few links under root. when dfs in effect, want create log in script , implement throgh group policy. currenly, have serveral mapped network drive , in login script. login script batch file this: net use g: \\servername\sharedfolder  /persistent:yes this works when mapped shared folder network drive. my question how can create login script, dfs root availabe of computers on network? fzia "net use g: \\domainname\dfsrootname " , clients should map dfs-root. read here more information: technet forums moderator | senior specialist Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Does Remote Desktop Services Gateway Support RSA SecurID without TMG or ISA?

we roll out single server rds gateway in our dmz can allow users work home , access primary windows 7 physical box workstation in office. instead of purchasing laptops needs work remotely, of users able use home pcs , not need install vpn or other software on computers. we have rsa securids used vpn clients, , wanted know if there way use these existing tokens second factor authentication instead of having purchase additional product such duo security or authanvil. if easier use know , more economical use securid tokens paid plus add few more if needed. we not have tmg or isa , when web search rsa tokens rds gateway, of results talking using tmg make work. hi, thank posting in windows server forum. sorry per research rsa securid use tmg or isa without not function correctly. can follow article useful information. rd gateway deployment in perimeter network & firewall rules

Windows Server 2012 - How to use an existing 2008R2 broker server

i have windows 2012 server installed, wondering if possible install 2012 rds , use existing 2008r2 connection broker?   if so, how go this? hi, it impossible.they totally different platform. regards, clarence please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

Windows Server 2008 SP2 computer account does not show up on Active Directory

i have  print server w/ w2008 sp2 reason not come when searching computer name account on ad.  can browse server name , ip connect shared printers , shared folders.  i've tried taken off domain , putting back, no luck.  tried manually creating computer account, ad tells me name exists.  main reason need find computer account on ad need move server to ou apply windows update via group policy. othewise, not updates. if netbios name of computer myserver, following @ command prompt of dc retrieve distinguished name of computer, indicates in ad object resides: dsquery * -filter "(samaccountname=myserver$)" samaccountname (pre-windows 2000 name) of computer netbios name trailing "$" character appended.   richard mueller - mvp directory services Windows Server  > 

Need to install printer by GPO on Windows server 2003 enterprise sp2

hi, i have installed printer on server , need have 16 desktops have printer default one. is there way gpo? it's a windows server 2003 enterprise sp2 , desktop windows 7 32bits. thx in advance help! jay hi,  i suggest creating shared printer using group policy preferences. open gpmc on win 7 machine , navigate user configuration\preferences\control panel settings\printers. right click on printers node , select new, shared printer.    that should provide options need.   guy Windows Server  >  Group Policy

yahoo messenger

yahoo messenger  unable download files needed installation. please check firewall settings , retry again hi, as has been while since ed provided reply, know if issue still exists. sometimes downloading issue temp issue , fixed reboot. if issue still exists, please test disable security programs antivirus program, firewall etc windows firewall.  also if client system (windows 7/8/8.1), post related forum forum focus on windows server system.  windows 7 windows 8 if have feedback on our support, please send Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Changing domain password Remotly

i'm looking way let remote domain users change password. have laptops part of domain when offsite have no access domain controllers. access allowed exchange email. there no vpn or remote desktop control. aside connecting network there way change domain password on machine , have sync our servers? depends upon mean 'no access domain controllers'.  it's not uncommon create public facing web site provides ability change passwords.  technically, end user not have access domain controller, web site does.  pretty common support line not have take password reset requests when end user has either forgotten password or need change it. . : | : . : | : . tim Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

microsoft client virtualization

when go open word 2010 micrsoft client virtuailization pops asking me if permit make changes hard drive time , pops when want work saved filed word 2010 how can stop this???????  it pain in ::: hi,   thank using microsoft office professionals forums.   from description, please inform uac setting , detail error message.   to determine uac setting, can type uac in search programs , files box press enter .   if unclear or if there can you, please feel free let me know.     sincerely rex zhang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. rex zhang technet community support Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions

AD CS Design and scalability question

good day, everyone. have question cetrificate services design. let's have 1 company consisted 1 site have 500 users in it. , company have ad cs server deployed. 2008 r2 single enterprise root ca, domain member, no other ca servers, no additional issuing servers. in recent future company planning buy company, locating in other town. have sort of wan connection between them, connection slow , unreliable. company2 has total mess in it infrastructure , lots of users , on time workstations migrated in company1's domain. in end 1 ad domain left. the question is: valid solution set subordinate issuing ca in company2's site users company1 obtain certificates root ca , users company2 obtain certificates subordinate ca? assume root ca's certificate added trusted list on computers in both sites. hi, the certificate enrollment process not site awareness. means enrollment code not see site client , ca in.  enrollment code queries list of enrollment service obje

Asp.Net debugging vulnerability.

we having windows server 2008 r2 being used application server running applications. ran third party software(qualysgaurd express suite) assessment of potential vulnerability , reported debugging enabled on host , hence server vulnerable attacker can send debug statements remote asp scripts. how can disable debug statements in server? if disable debug statement in server application affected in manner? hey , it easy implement follow steps described bellow please: a detailed description of case available in following link further studies if like g luck Windows Server  >  Security

ADFS “MSISIPSelectionSession” cookie created and then deleted during RP-STS mode WS-Federation passive sign in

we’re using adfs (on windows server 2012 datacenter edition) in rp-sts mode configured ws-federation passive sign in. there multiple rps, , multiple upstream ip-stss configured. desired behaviour follows: 1. user browses first rp, , redirected adfs. 2. adfs displays home realm discovery page, , user chooses ip-sts. 3. adfs stores session cookie “msisipselectionsession” remember choice user made. 4. adfs sends sign in request chosen ip-sts, authenticates user, , issues sign in response adfs. 5. adfs issues sign in response rp, windows identity foundation takes care of rest. 6. user browses 2nd rp, , redirected adfs. 7. adfs uses ip-sts choice made previously, via “msisipselectionsession” session cookie. 8. adfs sends sign in request chosen ip-sts, authenticates user, , issues sign in response adfs. 9. adfs issues sign in response rp, windows identity foundation takes care of rest. works perfectly, 1 strange problem: “msisipselectionsession” session cookie

Best Practices for CA Hierachy for Multi-Countries

hi all, a client has pki infrastructure based on root ca , subordinate ca main domain . have 5 child domains (,,,, located in 5 countries each one. so have requirement use certificate users , computers child domains users , computers, best practice it recommended use same subordinate ca issuing certificate these users , computers or need implement subordinate ca each country? regards. regards. josé osorio. take @ designing guide pki infrastructure ms ds team.   regards   awinish vishwakarma| my blog disclaimer: posting provided as-is no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server

checking for the login window from powershell

i have script runs @ startup.  when login window appears.  there way check login window powershell?  thinking along lines of finding loads when login window loads, in tasklist /m ? hi, as far know, it’s not possible via script. i suggest try "psexec \\computername shutdown /r". if these no error when initiating shutdown, return "shutdown exited on mpc03 error code 0." thanks. this posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Cross Certificates and what to do with them

i doing alright , came across mad naming scheme appeared when renewing root ca new key pair. found explanation on specific naming here:- i've found discussion on cross certificates generated when performing renewals new key pairs are, here:- but cross certificates? in 2 tier ad cs pki, need use certutil , use -dspublish switch push certs ad? need cross certs in http publish location also?  now have grasp on these files new suffixes are, should doing them?  a little confused again. sorry everyone! :( regards paul. it depends on whether have offline root ca (workgroup-based, standalone root ca), or online root ca (enterprise ca, or domain-joined standalone ca). if ca s online (as defined above), crossca certificates automatically published. if offline, run following commands certutil -d

Delegate Member Server Control

i looking delegate ability login locally on member servers group administers applications on servers. way there accountability, not having give out local administrator credentials. there way besides adding users built in server operators group? can’t use gpo? computer configuration\windows settings\security settings\local policies\user rights assignment\ santhosh sivarajan | mcts, mcse (w2k3/w2k/nt4), mcsa (w2k3/w2k/msg), ccna, network+ houston, tx blogs - articles - twitter: @santhosh_sivara - posting provided no warranties,and confers no rights. Windows Server  > 

can not access df share from different domain

i have 2 domains: a.pri (root forest) and b.pri there domain controller dca.a.pri domain a.pri , dcb.b.pri domain b.pri i created 2 shares on dca.a.pri: 1 normal share \\dca.a.pri\share  and distributed share \\a.pri\dfs  (i entered dca.a.pri namespace server when using wizard) i can connect normal share both domain controllers can connect dfs share only from computers in domain a.pri, getting "network path not found" when connecting domain i opened dfs management console on dcb.db.pri , tried add namespaces display (domain: a.pri, can see list of namespaces) after add namespace got error: \\a.pri\dfs : namespace cannot queried. rpc server unavailable     i executed "dfsutil cache referral" , found out referral had no fqdn followed  and added dfsdnsconfig = 1 key after rebuilding root can access dfs folder both domains Win

Missing Getting Started Tasks on login

when login windows server 2008 first screen initial configuration tasks. have read, first screen should getting started task. there missing install? thanks. vic   hi,   where did read first screen getting started task?   the initial configuration tasks wizard appears upon first login after windows server 2008 installation.   as know, getting started task pane automatically opens when launching office programs.   for more information initial configuration tasks , getting started task pane   hope helps.   tim quan - msft   Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Reinstalling active directory integrated dns zone

hi, i have problem server 2008 r2 in a testing environment . i had active directory integrated dns zone dns server service failed start. i tried reinstall dns server got error (even after restart!):       <informational>: server might need restarted after installation completes. dns server     domain name server   the dns server role being installed on domain controller, , dns zones integrated active directory domain services. dns server: installation failed     <error>: attempt install dns server failed error code 0x80070643. fatal error during installation please refer full log at: 'c:\windows\logs\servermanager.log'     now i'm stuck. can't install dns server , prefer not reinstall active directory (in order prevent rejoining client computers domain). i want keep dns records had if possible. i error when start active directory users , computers: naming information cannot located following reason: server not

Windows user administration

hi, i have created local user , added local administrator group in windows server 2008 r2 member of domain. later found user was moved out automatically local administrator group. have added user again local administrator gruoup, still same problem persists user again moved out of local administrator group. suggestion on issue regards. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم i think group policy applied on server as restricted group under policies - windows setting - security settings  or local users , group under preferences - windows setting - control panel settings   mohamed abd elhamid abd elaziz microsoft system administrator abdul samad al qurashi co. blog: Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Server 2012 Standard File Shares prompting local users

the issue having have created new virtual machines , 1 of them file server. have migrated file shares , tested internal domain users. have slew of users using domain credials thier local offsite laptops (local accounts). when go access file shares required enter "domain\user" , password first time access shares. not expected behavior , have been unable find solution stop happening. have gone throught local security settings , have been unable find solve issue. if log on local admin account using same credentials domain admin account able access shares without prompt. suggestions? the issue having have created new virtual machines , 1 of them file server. have migrated file shares , tested internal domain users. have slew of users using domain credials thier local offsite laptops (local accounts). when go access file shares required enter "domain\user" , password first time access shares. not expected behavior , have been unable find solution stop happeni

Could not access internet/ map/

hello, i have 2 vms supposedly identical but: one able access internet , desktop map drives. the other 1 not access internet , not map drives desktop. i check proxy settings identical done gpo. 2 vms in same ou. the subnet set same way. i noticed 1 vm ( 1 not working) when launch ie showing in bar  " detecting proxy setting: ever before failing " not display page" when trying browse default web site through role > web service  web service has been uninstalled rebooted server install web service again same error what be? thanks, dom system center operations manager 2007 / system center configuration manager 2007 r2 / forefront client security / forefront identity manager hello, yes able ping gateway... i able resolve  so cross-checked network team find our vms blocked going external site... , needed rule specific server able connect microsoft. starngely not find overriden rule other server wor

No Windows Defender on Server 2008 R2 wSP1?

i have 2 machines installed windows server 2008 r2 sp1 x64 (617601) using iso image technet subscriber downloads burned dvd. there no problems installing noticed windows update wasn't telling me windows defender definiition updates.  on further examination realized because not installed. i tried installed windows defender using downloadable package windowsdefenderx64.msi, tells me don't need because vista includes windows defender.  thought windows 7 , server 2008 r2 included also, since other server08r2 machines have it.  gives?  has been removed server 2008 r2 sp1 integrated install package?  or infected somehow? note, other 2008 r2 servers upgraded sp1 using sp1 package.  using these machines in isolated environment, testing , learning purposes. i think defender part of desktop experience pack. try going server manager -> add features -> desktop experience. add of features missing between server 2008 r2 , windows 7.   hope helps. toby

Very large SQL server memory is trimmed out when chimney offload is automatic

hi experts,   ran sql server chimney offload = disabled before 2/23 on hp dl980 emulex nc550sfp , teaming(802.3ad) , observed many connections broken(sql error 10054). we decided change chimney offload = automatic. after setting chimney offload automatic, found issue occurred. sql server memory trimmed out time time , impacts performance great deal. is driver bug on nc550sfp(v4.0.360.8, latest)? or there special settings should take care when teaming/chimney offload enabled? 2012/02/21     04:22:59  tccap45_tcp_45     03100158        zqdrm043             by    m     sql error 10054 occurred; work process in reconnect status           2012/02/21     04:22:59  tccap45_tcp_45     03100158        zqdrm043             by    y      work process has left reconnect status   hi all,   help. set allocated memory large because did not notice bios disables 32gb problematic memory. sorry. 

Install Domain Controller from backup media when DC is down

is possible use "dcpromo /adv"  install media option of windows 2003 domain controller on new windows 2008 computer?  i have system backup backup available windows 2003 server.   however, 2003 domain controller *dead* , can not verify credentials of domain. is possible install new replica domain controller backup media , domain , functioning? many thanks. you can create vm , restore systemstate. how complete restore system state in different hardware ? note:officially system state backup not supported on different hardware used on same system or similar seen scenario doesn't work on similar system due driver version difference. best regards, sandesh dubey. mcse|mcsa:messaging|mcts|mcitp:enterprise adminitrator | blog disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights

Not able to modify the files

hi, we migrated our data on server server. scenario when user try create file in folder can when user trying modify old files shows access denied. user have modify rights.  please help thanks prashant singh hi prashant singh, thanks post. could please check both share permission , ntfs permission folders? users effective permissions combination of both share , ntfs permissions. use below tools check effective share , ntfs permissions on folders. accessenum v1.32 shareenum v1.6 how move data server? if copy data new location, couldn't retain original permission. may inherit parent folder in new location default if didn't set permission. if use robocopy , xcopy, keep the ntfs permission. however, may still need check share permission. , set share permission users. besides regards, mary dong please remember mark replie

Time & Zone Syncronization

hi everyone, i have new machines joined domain picking ad time , zone. how enforce this? i've seen cases of machines on domain have varying time other 1 on pdc. meshack hello, time zone settings not automatically configured when checking the time in domain. dcs work utc , don't care time zone use on computers. see options additional gpo questions please ask in best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my blog : disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights.

Odd issue with Folder Redirection GPO change

our client pc's receive gpo points "my documents" folder via redirection server share. target tab settings basic, target "create folder each user", rootpath set \\server1\share$ . on settings tab, both tickboxes ticked , policy removal set "redirect folder local userprofile location" the server1 location replicated using dfs share , frs server2 , separate \\server2\share$ exists. during recent change patch server1, gpo changed point \\server1\share$ \\server2\share$ when odd event happened... previously, gpo resolved "my docs" \\server1\share$\%username%\documents since change resolves " \\server2\share$\%username%\my documents" as result, when users logged in , server swamped windows creating new "my documents" folder, copy file file "documents" , when empty, delete "documents" folder. caused long delays login. it occurred once per user trying investigate why gpo decided add in word "

Cannot join Domain from Windows 7 Pro 64bit to Windows Server 2003 R2

i have used xp pro client os to join domain(win server 2003 r2), no problem @ all. win 7 pro client os keeps telling me wrong dns domain name. there hot-fix or update win server 2003 r2 fix problem? lot. sounds name resolution issue.   make sure can ping dc fqdn , netbios name windows 7. please post ipconfig/all windows 7 , dc here.   santhosh sivarajan | mcts, mcse (w2k3/w2k/nt4), mcsa (w2k3/w2k/msg), ccna, network+ houston, tx blogs - articles - twitter: @santhosh_sivara - posting provided no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Server 2003 DC Authentication

hi experts, i have 2 sites in domain (site - , site - b), 2 dcs there per site. when users logging in site - : 1) how understand user gets authenticated dc ? 2) possible can configure 100 users authenticated dc1 , rest users dc2 ? hi, you may run following command verify client authenticated dc. set logonserver or echo %logonserver% in addition, please note client using srv records in dns locator dcs. client choose nearest dcs , determined weight , priority of srv records of dcs. domain controller locator: overview best regards, aiden aiden cao technet community support Windows Server  >  Directory Services

source mac address of packets originating from VMs when passing from host's nic

hello i need know whether mac address translation performed on packets coming virtual machines ccnnected external network in hyper-v, when these packets going out hyper-v host real physical local area network ? when have 2 virtual machines connected  hyper-v host, see in cam table of our cisco switfh inside network? mac address of vm or host ? depends upon how have configured virtual switch. if switch configured host operating system using switch, see mac addresses both vms using switch , host.  if configured host os not using switch, see mac addresses vms using switch. . : | : . : | : . tim Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Downgrade server 2008 license to 2003 server.

dear team we have server 2008 vlk license. want downgrade server 2008 server 2003. it’s possible downgrade our licenses server 2008 server 2003?.  please me out send step step process link guide or documents. thanks & regards, mohd here's info on downgrade rights.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Some Issues With Security Permissions

hi all i asked question in general forum , guys said me ask in here in order better help i did admt previous domain new 1 , after had problems. thankful help. my domain 2008 r2 1 way. the problem security ntfs permission on file server hosts more 2 million files (about 2 tb of data) we have 500 users different permissions on different files. what gonna these : 1- many of permissions duplicated. example see twice in ace. remove them 2- permissions of previous domain there. except permission both seen in ace ( , 3- remove permissions assigned users disabled. (those wont return company related ace not needed). 4- there many ace entries users have been deleted ace looks s1-2324-*** i delete entry users deleted ad. do need script these done or can them via windows server self. by

Issuing Client/computer Certificates which are not part of the domain

hi , - have several linux clients contact server (which linux web server) , plan ensure server authenticates every client using client certificate used .none of these machines belong ad domain of enterprise ca .they belong ldap stand alone . my answer problem have separate sub ca (certified existing enterprise ca ) , feasible  have sub ca belonging domain(ldap domain) altogether ? or should have root ca ldap domain? - how issue certificates these clients if they're part of domain ? enabled computer certificate template on enterprise ca dont see on web enrollment interface used requesting   certificates ( see efs , user template there) . pl advise thanks shaun hi shaun, is need? enabling cep , ces enrolling non-domain joined computers certificates niko

Question on Quorum : Windows Server 2012 R2 + SQL 2014 AlwaysOn AG

os on nodes : windows server 2012 r2 sql on nodes : sql server 2014 cu2 2 cluster nodes in primary data center , alwayson ag doing sync transfer between these nodes auto failover. 2 cluster nodes in dr data center(different subnet) , alwayson ag doing async transfer between primary replica , these nodes manual failover. as multi sub-net cluster giving dr nodes 0 vote. 2 nodes on primary dc has votes , file share on primary dc has vote. if primary dc gone,then should re-assign node votes 2 nodes in dr site , again manually configure file share witness , give vote? whats best strategy here? recommendation highly appreciated. thank you, anup, think if have network issues between primary dc , dr dc. dr node might think…hey, i’m 1 running now. can take resources. not want nodes in secondary site contribute decision take cluster offline when there nothing wrong primary site. mean dynamic quorum smart enough handle situation? is smart enough on it's own? no. tha

how do I enable automatic ip address allocation?

  hi, i have dhcp server requires each computer in network have ip address reserved, instead of dynamically assigning ip addresses. i'm not sure on how turn off though, whenever anyone plugs network automatically ip address, instead of me needing reserve mac address. thanks! hi, right click scope, select properties and modify start ip address , end ip address. see here great link dhcp operations: have nice day! masterplan - mcse,mcitp-ea Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

RAS VPN for Domain Users

hi all, i have setup test lab @ home , have ad on windows 8 hyper v. ras server windows 2008 server vm. problem is, when try connect vpn , server in domain, not accept credentials , keeps popping window.  but when remove domain works fine. clients windows 8 machines. any here please? mateen fugawala i able figure out.. misconfig. didn't add rras server in ras group , had register using netsh command.  reference article   mateen fugawala Windows Server  >  Network Access Protection

ActiveX an Goglobal

dear all, i installed go-global trial version. use application lunched through internet explorer. published explorer exec file on go-global server. when run go-global client , click on explorer, message 'your security settings not allow websites use activex controls installed on computer' please should me out. hi, please try setting provided on thread add sites on trusted sites under “ security ” tab. below link thread , providing thread details. 1.   activex control cannot run on terminal server 2.   activex   hope helps! thanks, dharmesh Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Remove old and false DNS Entries

hi all, i looking way remove false entries dns server using windows server 2003.   thanks hi, you should think dns scavenging. please check out this: martin forch Windows Server  >  Directory Services

¿Como o con que programa puedo saber que usuario tiene abierto que documento en red?

hola tenemos un dc montado que la vez es servidor de ficheros. cada carpeta del servidor de ficheros tiene asignado unos permisos según el grupo o departamento que sean. alguna pasa que usuarios no pueden cambiar nombre de carpetas porque les canta un mensaje de que archivos (de dentro de dicha carpeta) están siendo usados por otro usuario. los usuarios aseguran que está todo cerrado pero no deja, yo les contado que hay veces que archivos tipo word o excel se quedan "cojidos" después de haberlos cerrado pero no les convence esta explicación me han dicho que investigue la manera de saber cuando pasa esto, que usuarios tienen abierto que recursos en el servidor ¿hay manera? saludos puedes verificar si algun usuario tiene tomado el archivo verificando el computer managent ( boton derecho en mi pc - administrar ) ahi puedes chequear en shared folders y dentro en sessions u open files. adicionalmente si ahi no encuentras que el archivo esta siendo usado por algun us

Black screen on the terminal services session when idle

dear all, we have setup new remote desktop servers windows server 2008 r2. however, found issue still can't find resolution. there no issue remote desktop clients login servers. however, when session idle , clients try resume remote desktop after time, screen becomes black. please advise on this. thanks much. regards, henry hi henry, comment. happens on single system or systems when rdping single user? network connection on slow link? please see whether there group policy setting. can find under following path per above link. computer configuration\policies\administrative templates\windows components\remote desktop services\remote desktop session host\session time limits  user configuration\policies\administrative templates\windows components\remote desktop services\remote desktop session host\session time limits  apart have commented, feel seems might in sleep state. can check power management setting on network adapter “ allow device wake c

Cluster Network name resource could not be updated in domain

hi, i have following error , need clarification on below solution in bold: event id 1206 - the computer object associated cluster network name resource 'cluster name' not updated in domain 'xxxxx.xxxx'. error code 'password change'. cluster identity 'clustergroup1$' may lack permissions required update object. 1 - move cno computers container 2- give cluster node computer accounts change password permission on cno 3 - take cluster name resource offline 4 - repair cluster name resource 5 - bring cluster name resource online firstly, there implication? secondly if clustergroup1$ cno (cluster name object) cluster node computer account server nodes in cluster? e.g. clustergroup1$ cluster, nodes hyperv01 , hyperv02, add hyperv01 , hyperv02 clustergroup1 -- properties -- security? thank you. as mentioned, need give full control on cno, why think bug? Wind

Setting a registry key for everyone except for a specific group.

hi, i trying set registry key disable/enable instant messaging in communicator 2007.  we use terminal server 2003.  i have set 2 gpos set following reg key disable im (=1) or enable im (=0) the reg key //hkcu/software/policies/microsoft/communicator/disableim when set default domain policy disable im , gpo under users (scoped communicator allowed group) enable im no 1 can use im, when set user gpo enforce... we want have communicator running users presence application, while members of senior management can use im. any appreciated. thanks dan do have group policy client side extensions installed on server?  if do, can try following option configure  setting via group policy preferences.  have remove current "standard" policy setting have in place disable desktop communicator. after doing can either configure default domain policy or create new one to target communicator specifically.  to first create security group senior management members part of , cre

Giving permission for RDP to non-administrator user

i have windows 7 ultimate machine user able access other machines on network. pretty simple me, have admin privileges in both machines. when tried same regular user, had put administrators group work. in homeusers group. way let access own account without putting admin group? thanks, in advance. yousuf khan you can add user "remote desktop users" group. thanks, vikash want know more rds: visit Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Finishing features missing from printer deployed w/ GPP

we have customer savin printer. print server 2008r2 , printer deployed group policy right-clicking , selecting "deploy group policy". such, settings this: computer configuration\policies\windows settings\printer connections -> unc path. when gpo in-place, users can open applications adobe reader , configure stapling option. they want able delete printer locally , item-level targeting, decided move printer gpp. i've moved printer user configuration\preferences\control panel settings\printers. settings are: tcp/ip printer (name: 10.x.x.x) ip: 10.x.x.x local path:  printer path: \\server\share set printer default printer = true run in logged-on user's security context (user policy option) = true everything on port settings tab default i removed link old gpo , linked new one. printer gets mapped fine , prints successfully, when users try add stapling print job, find option grey. what gives? thanks. am 15.03.2013 15:11, schrieb mhashemi: > rem

Restrictions while opening the images in 2012 server

i getting error while opening  images 2012 server  \  this comes result of uninstalling application defined default application launch based on file extension.  find application defined default 'image' file trying view.  set exists on server. if not administrator of system, talk system administrator. . : | : . : | : . tim Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

Move Volume from old location to new Location

dears, i have windows storage server 2008 r2 , have create 1tb partition server x server x have issue , came totally down  need move partition server new server how can please me "foreign" seems created software raid or storage pool in original server.  please try recall if true , if so, connect member disks same server see if raid or storage pool re-recognized.  if have feedback on our support, please send Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Server can't ping a valid IP in the same segment while others can

dear all, i'm having issue, server a: ip /24 gw server b: ip /24 gw server c: ip /24 gw if ping server server b  not working if ping form server server c working fine if ping server b server working fine if ping server c server b working fine windows firewall disable. regards, catherine  looks mac-adress flapping. meaning same mac-adress located on 2 different ports of switch have.  can login switch/router server linked , see if have errors in eventlog?  is server connected single rj45 cable router? or more?  Windows Server  >  Management

Understanding Infrastructre Master FSMO role

hi i trying head around infrastructure master fsmo role. from read: "the dc holds infrastructure master fsmo role responsible cross domain updates , lookups.  when object in 1 domain referenced object in domain, represents reference guid, sid (for references security principals), , distinguished name (dn) of object being referenced. infrastructure role holder dc responsible updating object's sid , distinguished name in cross-domain object reference." so let's there 2 domains in forest, domaina , domainb. user1 adding group in domainb (domainb\group1). so, guess infrastructure master (im) involved here, how work exactly? im's in 2 domain's talk each other? or im in domaina modify group membership of domainb? thought dc's weren't able write information domains other own, , (apart gc's) don't hold information domain other own? as whole, im updates references other domains. is updates "phantoms" in own domain objects. phantoms are "