
Showing posts from July, 2010

Add a new static route for few server

hello is possible to add new static route few servers, example if save list in text file ? thanks new-netroute  ( requires ps 3.0 ) mike crowley | mvp my blog -- planet technologies Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

LPD/LPR Print Issue.

hello, we're having issues setting our new print server running 2012r2. we have printers hooked print boxes , having issues printing. we've installed file , storage services along print services. lpd installed. when go print management , add port or new printer port seems setup fine. drivers installed. port seems configured correctly. when go print test page or it spools 5 minutes , might print test page. have 3 different print boxes , have tried each 1 see if maybe printer in particular causing issue doesnt seem one, of them. any input helpful. check print-service admin events errors. there maybe events in operational logs not enabled default.  can follow these steps enable events. alan morris formerly windows printing team Windows Server  > 

question about authenticating a users on different forest domain.

hi all i have network setup below : if want to authenticate users on vpn1, should do? first of all, configured nps1 nps server , vpn client server .. computers internet able connect , then i configured nps2, vpn , radius client i tried create network connection policy on nps1 , in condition part didn't know ... please show me in steps what  need , why these ... my purpose learning many thanks. regards hi, according description, understanding want authenticate users on vpn1. assume these 2 forests connected forest trust( accessing resources across forests : ).  configured nps1 radius proxy server, forward authentication request(credentials belongs nps2. below link mentioned: if want nps1 act both radius server(processing connection requests locally), ,

NTPClient setup on WIndows 2008 R2. Syncing to 'LOCL'

hi got windows 2008 r2 x64 wan configure ntpclient , sync time external time source. have followed , read setups , hints , tricks on net net, server ends syncing 'locl'. when run w32tm /monitor refid 'locl'. in windows logs, there error message saying: ntpclient unable set manual peer use time source because of dns resolution error on ''. ntpclient try again in 3473457 minutes , double reattempt interval thereafter. error was: requested name valid, no data of requested type found. (0x80072afc) i tried run w32tm /resync, gives: sending resync command local computer computer did not resync because no time data available. anyone seen before? ideas? regards, roarl. hello, i suggest reset time service it's default , start again configuration, seems settings changed , result in output. if i run commands on windows server 2008 r2 machine works expected. to reset use elevated command prompt , type: net stop w32time w32tm /unregist

AutoEnrolled certificates not working with NPS - EAP Type cannot be processed by the server

hi all, i've done quite bit of reading stage i'm @ , i'm happy have correctly configured, functioning 2 tier ca based on windows 2012 r2 offline root. trying use certificates nps wireless user authentication. have created duplicate of default user certificate template , modified use client authentication , bumped settings client/server os compatibility , key strength. enabled "do not automatically reenroll if duplicate certificate exists in active directory" didn't work expected (still resulted in multiple certificates per test user various computer sessions each person had). made template in order use credential roaming , stopped issuing based on previous template. according following link credential roaming requires version 3 template can't set except @ time of template creation both templates still exist i'm issuing v3 one.

Creating answer file from an existing machine?

i've got waik , mdt 2010 running, , i'm trying create new images.  want have .wim base os, , customizations, apps, etc... in answer files, scripting, etc... because our bases can change, plus have number of different ones.  i'm finding answer file gui in waik 2010 time consuming - there's large number of items i'm having slog through 1 one figure of them out.  what's best way start putting together?  i'd use of our existing machines and, don't know, run kind of diff on them find out options in answer file create closest thing existing machine.  things i'd have script in post-install, i'd start can possibly in answer file.  i'm having hard time new system - it's not intuitive me @ all, , seems tonne of stuff wade through if don't want make giant image stuff , deploy more-or-less clones. hi,   as issue related mdt, suggest discussing in our mdt forum. best resource troubleshoot issue.

One RRAS VM and 3 it possible?

all, i'll setting lab simulate standard network there 2 firewalled networks, essentially; internet <==> dmz <==> internal network i know rras, can route between 2 different subnets, though curious if 1 rras vm, interconnect 3 networks sake of testing? if not, know have have 2 rras vms interconnecting networks laid out. thanks, christian christian frank hi christian, in brief, need 2 rras vms achieve your goals. we can add 3 subnets 1 rras server, of these 3 subnets can comunicate each other. means function of dmz gone. therefore, need 2 rras vms simulate dmz. best regards. steven lee technet community support Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

Window firewall blocks connection to VPN

i can not connect vpn server through windows 8 firewall. please help hi, if vpn connection can established when windows firewall disabled, please check if ports in article opened. vpn , firewalls if issue persists, please let know more details, such error code. hope helps. jeremy wu technet community support Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

.net framework

hi have uninstalled .net framework on windows server 2012 , display features (ui) disabled this server not connected internet , power shell doesn't seems work. vm. experts guide me how install powershell , ,net framework. can see black screen. see this article dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3 /all /limitaccess /source:d:\sources\sxs source drive drive windows cd Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

Unable to Join to Domain from Remote Site

i have 2 servers in remote ad site i'm unable join/dcpromo domain.  i'm able ping fqdn of domain ( , resolves pdc.  additionally, i'm able nslookup srv records in domain without issue.  dcdiag passes tests on both domain controllers in main site.  nothing appears not work in main site. when attempting domain join, recieve login prompt, enter credentials domain presented following error: "the following error occurred attempting join domain "": specified network name no longer available. what's odd, doesn't matter credentials put in, valid or invalid, same error message. history: server i'm attempting join domain used domain controller in remote site, stopped replicating domain information, disjoined domain re-join it.  that's now.  second server member server on domain, wasn't able dcpromo, thinking there issues domain trust relationship, disjoined domain , unable join domain. i've opened critical supp

Dual booting 2003 and Longhorn

hello,   i've got 2003 enterprise installed on c: drive , installed lh beta3 e: drive. able boot longhorn fine , can choose boot prior version o/s no issues lh.   the problem occurs afterwards when i've booted 2003. how switch longhorn without physically accessing console? 2003 still reading entries boot.ini file , there's no option listed lh. how switch lh without physically accessing console swap lh?   i'm guessing use bcedit haven't figured out magical combination yet. if give me example command or easier way accomplish this, appreciated.   regards, john   you might want take @ bcedit faq: Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Domain server stuck behind ISP NAT

i have domain controller dhcp aand dns stuck behind isp level nat no public ip. wish host exchange server , web site here, there way? i have access azure if that's help. ideas how around issue? hi   pcmanrules, it not recommended host roles on dc. configure server host roles. to host exchange server , website behind nat, map ports on nat device. is nat device provided isp? if yes, ask isp or manufacture help. best regards, leo please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

FRS client referrals

dear all, i added rodc servers branch offices , joined clients current domain, works fine except clients policy request redirects them rodc's , or main dc out of site . checked out dns server works fine , resolves correct ip's. configured sites , site links correctly , assigned rodc's related sites , nothing wrong there too. what should do!?? everything works fine except clients policy request redirects them rodc's , or main dc out of site . hi, not quite sure meaning. talking clients authenticating wrong dc? please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Mixing Forms and Windows Security

project thought popular one, i'm hoping solution easy enough. develop intranet using functionality of forms authentication, automatically logs in authenticated active directory users windows authentication (so not have sign in again after logging onto computer). far i've got website using windows authentication on iis6 , works well. i've followed posts listed below, limited knowledge of & i'm struggling these solutions working - , i've noted quite old in later versions of .net has been sorted (though cannot find anything). or failing that, can verify , expand on of these @ least know if still valid, , can again @ interpretation.

Windows Vista RDP will not connect to Server Running Windows Server 2000

when attempt connect server running windows server 2000 vista ultimate laptop, following error message:  computer can't connect remote computer.  try connecting again. if problem continues, contact owner of remote computer or network administrator.  can connect server using windows xp machine, not vista machine.  has seen before? yo, juan i  haven't heard problem. from dialog box it seems network connectivity problem. @ firewall settings , ensure listner running on server ( run qwinsta to find out) thanks  Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

RDSH, User Profile Disks, and Remote Desktop Roaming Profiles

i have 2012 rdsh collection configured use user profile disks.   of users configured use rd roaming profiles through active directory, maintain windows 2003-based citrix farm many applications. how can disregard rd roaming profiles on 2012 rdsh collection?  i'm having issues users logging off , having things hung in vhd file, then, on subsequent logons, getting temporary profile.   can see when temp profile, system not mounting vhd (i'm looking using mountvol session). i've tried "use local user profiles" , "preventing roaming profile changes propogating server", didn't work.   (i think related windows roaming , not rd roaming profiles anyway, though wrong.) i've considered adding mandatory profile , using user profile disk store of settings wants, i'm not sure if work.   know if work, or still mandatory , throw away info in upd each logoff? appreciated, appears me user profile disks poorly documented technologies micros

No Start Menu, removed and added User Account then no "Built In" Apps - Build 1049

so quick history, having problem start menu not working under build 1044 second user i'd added machine (microsoft account). rebuilt using "remove , reinstall windows". seemed resolve problem newly added user , still working under original user (also microsoft account).  along came build 1049 , same start menu issue occurred original user account.  so, both setup admins, removed original user account, restarted, checked data removed , added account again.  first attempt added account local account added microsoft account after login, result = start menu working no "built in" apps (store beta, insider app etc). so removed account again , added again, time using microsoft account immediately, logged in , same result. any ideas how resolve? tried both "refresh" , "remove everthing , reinstall".  both options didn't fix this... ?? Windows 10 Insider Preview

Update user's DN

hi, is there command, script or tool update display name ad users ? (i'm using win2k3) thanks you cannot rename user object set-aduser. must use rename-adobject cmdlet instead. has -newname parameter. perhaps work: get-aduser -searchbase 'ou=ou,dc=domain,dc=domain' -filter * | foreach {rename-adobject -identity $_ -newname ($_.givenname + " " + $_.surname.toupper()) } however, i must caution while names case aware (that is, maintain case assign name of object), not case sensitive. cannot rename object new name difference in case. if problem you, solution have seen rename twice. richard mueller - mvp directory services Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

How do I disable FTP connections through any window? (server 2008 R2)

hi, what i'm trying disabling function in user can use window's address bar , type in ftp://ip. don't want them be able of contacting ftp server in manner. how best go around doing that, whilst maintaining option of have filezilla ftp server running? thanks in advance, ottosen. hello, you can disable outcoming traffic ports 20 , 21.   this posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. microsoft student partner 2010 / 2011 microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 active directory, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 network infrastructure, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 applications infrastructure, configuration microsoft certified technolo

enterprise single signon

i supposed login via weblogin,desktop,mobile,proximity card,bio metric,ivrs web-based applications / client server applications / mainframe applications / .net applications / java applications / legacy applications using single signon feature.. prerequisites Windows Server  >  Security

VAMT 2.0 configuration

hi all, i have kms server (windows server 2008 r2), being used activate windows 7, ms office 2010 , windows server 2008 r2. i had not installed vamt tool. now want install vamt 2.0 tool monitoring.   my question is, f install vamt tool now, previous counts, number of requests etc.. kms server appear on newly installed vamt tool? many & regards vinay hi, yep, display activation status of specific computers via vamt figure below:   for detailed information of vamt 2.0, refer link below: title: managing activation using volume activation management tool (vamt) url: regards, james james xiong technet community support Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

Virtual PC - numerous problems [Wrong forum I know]

hi, i'm having virtual pc issues , hoping can find here. the first problem can't find virtual pc forum on msdn on can ask *real* problem. know best place ask vpc questions? if fancies tackling real problem here is. have got virtual pc rc running on windows 7. working fine except fact mouse seems calibrated wrongly i.e. wherever click/right-click, that's not guest os thinks have clicked - instead (e.g.) context menu appears when right-click on desktop appears in different place. a big problem can imagine. i'm experiencing few other oddities want mouse problem sorted. any advice appreciated!! cheers jamie | | @jamiet have installed integration services? window 7 vpc equivalent of virtual machine additions. if doesn't solve problem, please post question in windows 7 virtualization forum found here:

Help! disk has reached a logical block provisioning permanent resource exhaustion condition

i keep getting error (in subject) , offlining 1 of 2 volumes have setup in storage spaces. have 2 volumes (cameras, , data) , cameras seems operating fine, while data keeps offlining saying out of room guess. using 5tb out of 15tb. the drive configuration 7 3tb drives (which 1 has died why it's in degraded state, problem has been going on before degraded) can me figure out how fix this? have ordered 3 additional disks (1 replace bad disk , 2 in case need expand whatever weird reason) it sounds weird somehow have ran out of space 5tb being used up. noticed number of columns off between 2 volumes too. not quite sure why or how fix either. below read out of get-virtualdisk below. ps c:\windows\system32> get-virtualdisk | format-list objectid                          : {ab0dd747-ff1f-11e3-944a-d850e6c17f11} passthroughclass                  : passthroughids                    : passthroughnamespace              : passthroughserver             

svchost.exe run service DHCP Client [DHCP] and DNS Client [DNScache] use high memory

i’m using windows 2003 server standard sp 2 found problem svchost.exe run service dhcp client [dhcp] , dns client [dnscache] use memory lot around 2 gb. try scan virus did not found when t o   restart service memory   is   returned . i have 4 servers same problem. 1. make deeper analysis of network service(s) including dependences. autoruns show? go thread level affected process , show here results 2. give more information on logs - system, dns, application , security. increase of traffic? 3. see , correct dns aging , scavenging ( ) 4. long term problem, or appeared after (installation, change of configuration, update,...)   Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Падений производительности в Hyper-V Windows Server 2012 - при прокидывание адаптера в Hyper-V

Добрый день, имеет windows sever 2012 + создаем teaming на 2 10gb адаптерах. Пробуем прогнать тест между двумя серверам - все работает на скоростях близких к 9 gb/s. Как только прокидваем этот team в hyper-v как external - получаем резкое снижение пропускной способности при передачи файлов с одной машины на другую - скорость падает до 2-3 gb/s. Это нормальное падение производительности при передачи адаптера в hyper-v? Есть ли возможность улучшить производительность? Дело в том что на данных хостах установлен windows server 2012 и они собраны в кластер - при live migration виртуальных машин - это чувствительно - да и не должно быть такое снижение. Подозрение что это какая то ошибка, либо мы что то недопонимаем.... Добрый день, имеет windows sever 2012 + создаем teaming на 2 10gb адаптерах. Пробуем прогнать тест между двумя серверам - все работает на скоростях близких к 9 gb/s. Как только прокидваем этот team в hyper-v как external - получаем резкое снижение пропускной спос

GPO to allow a domain group install Service Packs

hello have domain group have added few users, want allow group install service packs or i.e or microsoft updates. please guide me how achieve task. this sounds you're looking for: mcp windows server mcts .net Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Print Operators group is not working properly

hello all we have 2008 r2 managing printers queues. we added service desk users print operators , power users groups on server still cant manage queues. do know sort of bug is? thank you, de lucca this design unless on domain controller. even print operators group work expected remotely. power users group deprecated in windows vista, it's not 1 use.  create own servicedesk group managing printers on server.  you need modify existing printers proper security setting. alan morris formerly windows printing team Windows Server  >  Print/Fax

IIS redirection for an application

hello, i have windows 2003 member server running application which could be accessed application uses apache as web server and the libraries not configurable us. have application accessed simple url example having users not remember port number. i have a separate windows 2003 web server iis 6 installed. can configure redirection iis to so requests in turn directed server running application?   thanks not positive, i'd have no.  still have give port number. thanks, james Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Windows 7 GPO Script - Enable file and printer sharing

hello, i'm trying activate advanced file , network sharing bia script (as there no gpo option this) the script simple :  netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="file , printer sharing" new enable=yes netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="network discovery" new enable=yes netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state on in .bat , .ps1 works fine when logged in computer admin rights. want run script on computer level via gpo. gpo applies properly, settings aren't changed. ideas on getting work? environment following :  dc winserv 2008 r2, test machines : win 7 pro x64 test ou inheritance disabled, gpo testing enforced no other parameters apart computer startup script. user , computer account in test ou. gpresult shows gpo applied, no data available under computer or user configuration. script stored in correct sysvol location. hi, checkout below thread on similar discussion,

How to share my Win8 latptop between 2 Win2012 servers ?

hello have windows server 2012 essentials @ home. planned install windows server 2012 standard @ work too. wonder if can connect windows 8 pro laptop 2 servers. have advice ? it's better if can share user account (desktop & bookmarks @ least) on both networks. thanks sure, need creating same username , password no computer/servers. bob lin, mvp, mcse & cne networking, internet, routing, vpn troubleshooting on how setup windows, network, vpn & remote access on Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

Networking problem with shared nothing live migration over SMB 3.0

hello! my basic setup atm consists of 2 windows server 2012 r2 nodes, network configuration basicly done discribed in video: so 2 nodes have 4 port 1gbit adapters , configured ports 1 , 2 on different subnets , directly attached between nodes. here's thing now, if move data (shared folders) between nodes pumped 230mb/sec , both links used smb3.0. i full link usage when move vm in status "shutdown". if try move vm in status "running" both links used well, time there magic 800mbit (or maybe 1 gigabit, dont gigabit speed single link either, while live migration) barrier cannot overcome. (the 800mbit split evenly on number of links) i searched 5 days until , cant find error in setup. (for curious, rss enabled 8 queues , far smb 3.0 goes, setup seems working) thanks in advance, dont know how further problem. kind regards rico check here first:

Stop-vm , shutdown intergration services is unavailable?

hello trying shutdown guest-vm host computer. when running powershell prompt: stop-vm dc1 i get: hyper-v cannot shut down virtual machine dc1 because shutdown integration service unavailable. to prevent .............. powershell version major 3, minor 0, build -1, revision -1 host server 2012 (not r2) what wrong? /edit vm-guest running server 2008 sp2 hi, this message means says (odd, right!!??) the integration service set of drivers in guest communication sorts of things host memory , cpu demand, , accept guest shutdown command example.  first, what's os , sp level on guest? for example, 2012 r2 guest has up-to-date ic: whereas linux (ubuntu) guest not: when hyper-v manager gui shows no information vm ic, may or may not mean can shut down via stop-vm command. means not ic services available...  sam boutros, senior consultant, software logic, kop, pa (please take moment vote helpful and/or mark answer, appl

VM crash on server reboot (update)

hi,  have problem vm. when hyper-v server has been restarted after update located on virtual machine did not rise. message:  <event xmlns="">   <system>     <provider name="microsoft-windows-hyper-v-worker" guid="{51ddfa29-d5c8-4803-be4b-2ecb715570fe}" />     <eventid>18590</eventid>     <version>0</version>     <level>1</level>     <task>0</task>     <opcode>0</opcode>     <keywords>0x8000000000000000</keywords>     <timecreated systemtime="2014-03-24t13:54:47.645925800z" />     <eventrecordid>478</eventrecordid>     <correlation />     <execution processid="988" threadid="1524" />     <channel>microsoft-windows-hyper-v-worker-admin</channel>     <computer>xxxxxxxxx</computer>     <security useri

openSUSE 12.03 only gives 800x600 display resolution capability in Microsoft Hyper-V virtual box

i have installed opensuse 12.03 in virtual machine box under microsoft hyper-v on windows 8 pro. i attempted change resolution 800x600 more acceptable, under display , monitor configuration, there no other options 800x600. microsoft's website says opensuse 12.1 supported operating system integration services built in. should, think allow me utilize full range of resolutions display adapter in machine. because other guest operating system installations work fine complete range of resolutions available display. i have installed ubuntu 12.04 , centos 6.4 windows xp, vista , 7 , none of these other installs gives me similar problems. is there known problem opensuse in hyper-v v-box respect resolution?  i have noticed several similar posts in web searches, no answers shed light on problem apparently not mine alone. i running intel core i3-3220 intel b75 chipset motherboard uses intel default graphics available through board/cpu on physical system. thank in

Corrupted files when copying through remote desktop connection from Server 2008 R2

dear, we have setup windows server 2008 r2 sp1 remote dektop services configured. when copying pdf files through remote desktop (copy on remote server , paste on local workstation) using the remote desktop client xp sp3 6.0.6001.18589 got corrupted on local computer. if copy same file through remote desktop server windows 7 local client working. i tested 3 picture formats , no corruption. copying of files local remote working well. after analyzing differences between corrupted pdf , 1 transferred noticed that the corrupted 1 got padded after "%eof" random data: ~ 6 kb. i can provide further details if needed.   what can causing ?       hi,   make sure have installed latest updates rds server , client pc.   please install latest version of remote desktop connection 7 in client pc. remote desktop connection 7.0 client update remote desktop services (rds)   please make sure clipboard red

Dead Windows Server 2003 R2 Domain Controller on DC1 - FSMO Roles Issue - Urgent Help!

guys, had server crash on dc1 - got replication dc2 -, global catalog on replication of both active directory , dns. i unable restore dc1 tape drive faulty.. my fsmo 5xroles on dc1, , 30 users join domain. still able use dc2 function on dhcp/dns/ad problem fsmo roles, affect users pc join domain if able somehow restore fsmo roles. how savage this? please me. hi need seize them; you'll find procedure here seize fsmo roles using ntdsutil utility, follow these steps: 1. log on windows 2000 server-based or windows server 2003-based member computer or domain controller located in forest fsmo roles being seized. recommend log on domain controller assigning fsmo roles to. logged-on user should member of enterprise administrators group transfer schema or domain naming master roles, or member of domain administrators group of domain pdc emulator, rid master , infrastructure master roles being transferred. 2. click start, click run, type ntdsutil

How could I utilise a fillable form created on MS Office-Word in a computer that does not have MS Office?

hello guys, this question may have been discussed before goole find answer resolve has failed. i issued ms document (created fillable form in ms office) regional authority. these forms expected used diverse practice premises in field of optometry. the difficulty found myself practice premises work has computer runs on windows xp , not have programs such word or ms office. i access(open) said document in google document not showing office format!! ms office document in a single page when opened in google document displayed in 2 pages. the computer need open not allow me install "open office" due restrictions imposed employer. it dreadful employer not listening request update adobe convert document fill in adobe not successful. add on google to work computer blocked (no downloads allowed) hello snowshine. i suggest ask question in office answers forum , more appropriate topic of question. bye. luigi bruno mcp, mcts, mos, mta

Trust, authentification or connection issue between server 2008 domain and 2003 none domain member server

hi folks i have application connection problem, dont know if place post ill give try. server a windows 2008 std r2 sql 2008 std ed - 64 bit - domain member (stand alone physical db server) server b windows 2003 std application server (only 1 application) - no domain member server b runs appliaction service, when user connects connects service , service connects database , faults. ive run profiler , doesen't seem try connect db, after while got know service needs have administrative rights on db server, meaning account running service needs same rights on db server able connect. there way configure work since appliction server yet can't join domain. i tried create accounts in active directory on dbserver , domain controller having same name account running service no results. cant create account on dbserver name serverb\servicerunner since serverb isn't domain member. if use start->run \\servername\c$ works in both directions. sqlserver configured

Need adivce about storage

hi, i think choosed not correct place post it, i'm sorry. i know may newb question, lerned enough before asking, still want te answwears "from outside" , profs sure in i'm going do. we've got compaq dl580, , compaq 4300 14bay scsi array, , can use iscsi target if install wintarget? or maybe it'll better intogetting else?iif need else, have decent priced recommendations? have 5 dual amd's rioworks hdama motherboards. 1 of them dns machine , active directory, other 4 going 2 dual node clusters, , hoping go 3 gigabit switches, aseparate switch each node iscsi connection. if has recommendations, or anything, please feel free let me know, know enough myself trouble, , kinda feeling might in bit on head venture. thank you hi,   for storage advice, following posts discussed similar issue, can refer to:   software sans....   starwind