
Showing posts from August, 2010

authorize DHCp

i know if there script can use authorize 100 of dhcp servers im using netsh dhcp server initiate auth but not trick until log on dc open dhcp , authorize server. any other way of making process quicker help. thanks junaid  junaid m   hello,   you can create batch cmd files includes:   netsh dhcp add server <fqdn_1> <ip_address_1> netsh dhcp add server <fqdn_2> <ip_address_2> netsh dhcp add server <fqdn_3> <ip_address_3> …   and execute on domain joined servers or workstations administrative credential.   netsh commands dhcp   hope helps.       Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Bug Check

hello . i have a windows server 2008 r2 enterprise, which has restarted unexpectedly, showing dsod . when i review events generated as follows: the computer has rebooted bugcheck.  bugcheck was: 0x00000101 (0x0000000000000019, 0x0000000000000000, 0xfffff8800213f180, 0x0000000000000004). dump saved in: c:\windows\memory.dmp. report id: 080511-50996-01. this may related to ? thanks ******************************************************************************* *                                                                             * *                        bugcheck analysis                                    * *                                                                             * ******************************************************************************* clock_watchdog_timeout (101) an expected clock interrupt not received on secondary processor in an mp system within allocated interval. indicates specified proces

Windows Server 2008 Host Activation Errors After Installing Hyper-V RC0

problem: after installing hyper-v rc0 via windows update, on next boot windows server 2008 standard 64-bit host reports activation error 0xc004e002.  steps reproduce: 1.   install windows server 2008 64-bit standard (msdn iso x14-26714) 2.   do not enter license key or activate (default install method part number, running in trial mode) 3.   perform windows updates, including hyper-v rc0 4.   add hyper-v role , perform initial setup of hyper-v (note: order of steps 3 , 4 can switched, makes no difference) 5.   shut down server 6.   boot server next day 7.   when see ctrl-alt-delete prompt, log in @ console 8.   receive activation error follows: ---- windows activation an error has occurred you can contact microsoft phone resolve problem (link vista genuine web site) code: 0xc004e002 description: the software licensing service reported license store contains inconsistent data. ---- i have repeated on several clean installs on 2 different hardware platforms different variations o

HELP I just bought this computer and I can't access all the files, have limited permission, diagnosis wont work, Access Denied etc.

i have several issues , ready take laptop, windows 7 in , have complely reset original config. can't rename files. (this owned "thefamouscoy". name on every part of computer. don't know how change that. permissions limited. should total recovery? edit , manage everty piece, file, user seperately? also personal computer need user group , admin. , owner. more identities need? other than  system, local service, network service , of course famous coy the knot now try asking them here.     regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional -microsoft mvp [windows] Windows Server  >  Management

Client Monthly backups retained "forever"

i have set backup retentions of daily - 5; weekly - 4; monthly - 6.  daily , weekly backups managed each week expected.  monthly backups have never been deleted. have monthly backups going december 2013. why don't monthly backups deleted? john hi, before going further, please let me know whether it’s windows server 2012 essentials or windows server 2012 r2 essentials? would please let me know whether monthly backup manual backup or automatic backup ? on dashboard, open properties of client computer , click backup tab, navigate monthly backup , click “view details” button. when backup details panel appeared, please check if manage backup automatically ? in addition, please type taskschd.msc in run open task scheduler, follow path: task scheduler library-> microsoft-> windows-> windows server (if it’s windows server 2012 r2 essentials, please follow path: task scheduler library-> microsoft-> windows-> windows server essentials). plea

Cannot connect to mapped drives after a Server 2000 to Server 2008 R2 Migration.

hi everyone. i did server 2000 migration server 2008 r2. here steps followed migration. health checks on 2000 dc , 2008 dc joined new windows 2008 r2 server domain member server prepared active directory windows 2008 r2 server made windows 2008 r2 server dc of existing domain installed dns service transferred 5 flexible single masters operation roles removed old 2000 server global catalog server everything seemed fine, when take old 2000 server offline, users can log in, cannot connect network drives. following error: "h:\ not accessible. system detected possible attempt compromise security. please ensure can contact server authenticated you." i have feeling logging onto cached profiles, instead of new domain when old domain offline. did maybe screw dns settings? any greately appreciated! thanks, werner wmarx okay! think solved issue!  i had "jrnl_wrap_error" on old dc under frs event log.  i fixed frs errors, 2 servers seems repl

Some questions about storage spaces

hi all, i'm thinking of setting storage pool on windows server 2012 essentials, reading across internet there things want (double) check. my plan start 2 3tb drives (2 way mirroring) , expand afterwards if necessary. main questions when run out of space. 1) had hoped when 2 disks got full, add 1 more disk , let system take care of rest, read that's not case , i'll have add 2 disks instead of 1 ? 2) let's , have added 2 disks after while (resulting in 4 disks in total). next time run out of space able add 2 more or have add 4 more ? (so 4 6 or have go 4 8 disks) have assumed 2, this text here made me doubt: quote: "when comes mirror spaces, have take account both number of columns , number of data copies. example, two-way mirror created 4 physical disks figure 10. numberofdatacopies equals 2, , numberofcolumns equals 2. number of disks needed extend virtual disk can found using following formula: numberofdatacopies * numberofcolumns 2 * 2 = 4&quo

Why delegated permissions are not inheritaning automatically from OU in AD

hi facing issue "delegated inheritable permissions object's parent unchecked in users objects in ou in ad 2008 r2 environment. checked belwo article workaround given in article not working me. main issue my help-desk team not able reset, unlock or can user management for randomly users not in ou even-though we have provided the delegation rights the help-desk security group on ou. 1 thing more, issue started monday (01/07/2013) , before working fine. please me resolve issue. among groups admincount=1, didn't include account operators , cert publishers. also, administrator , krgtgt users, not groups. beyond that, seem have lot of privileged groups (with admincount=1). there reason many? also, purpose of protection prevent abuse of members of these groups. if need passwords reset, or accounts unlocked, need have done administrator, not account operator. membership in admin groups, ad

Security database on the server...

hello. in company have 2x ad dc, primary working on windows server 2k3, additional working on windows server 2k8. at workstations appear error: " security database on server not have computer account workstation ". turned off preauthentication people accounts , computers account, doesn't help. remove computer account form ad , added next time doesn't to. times, when at workstation appear error is need to reboot computer , user can sign in computer. in event log there errors related wins server. solutions? best regards.   ps. when shutdown 2k8 ewerthing ok. error logs in event viewer: " logon attempt by:  microsoft_authentication_package_v1_0 logon account:     pc-beh-37$ source workstation:             pc-beh-37 error code:           0xc0000064     for more information, see , support center @ ."   " pre-authentication failed:                user name:            mateusz      

dns suffix issue - please assist!

 hello, we restructuring our company's dns server 2003. each of our sites being added dns have own zones. running 2003 domain , forest fl. what noticed put, say, primary domain suffix on client, machine no longer allowed browse root company.local in network places=>all networks=>microsoft=>company strangely enough seems work when browsing path on server. doesn't work when changing dns suffix on client machine. the new suffix has been added msds-alloweddnssuffixes attribute in root schema on server. should allow clients use suffix... so ideas why might be? thanks, taz hi, thanks reply. as turned silly thing afterall. have checkpoint secure client vpn software installed on machines bound nic's of machines, hence blocking connectivity. unchecked them , issue resolved. thanks, taz Windows Server  > 

ForEach loop does not working. Error: Cannot convert value to type System.String.

hi, i have written function event logs multiple machine below. getting error 'cannot convert value type system.string.' when passing text file of computers using $comp = get-content -path 'file path'. $comp = import-csv -path 'csv path' get-eventlogreport -computer $comp -before '10/10/2016' -after 10/09/2016 -logname 'system' -csvpath c:\3.csv -newest 5 scripts:     function get-eventlogreport { [cmdletbinding()] param (         [parameter(mandatory=$true)][string]$computers,         [parameter(mandatory=$true)][string]$before,         [parameter(mandatory=$true)][string]$after,         [parameter(mandatory=$true)][string]$csvpath,         [parameter(mandatory=$true)][string]$logname,         [parameter(mandatory=$false)][int]$newest          ) foreach ($computer in $computers) { write-verbose 'processing event logs on each server' -verbose if (!($newest)) { get-eventlog -computername $comp

Terminal server in Windows 2012

is regular "terminal services" available in windows 2012 standard? want know if can have users connect windows 2012 server using rdp such how windows 2003 has , each user have own desktop way i know rdweb , and vdi deployment, want know if terminal server works same. bl hi, windows server 2012 has 2 administrative remote desktop sessions can use connect server. these sessions build in , not require configure remote desktop services role. the name terminal services (used in server 2003, , 2008 r1) has been replaced name remote desktop services in 2008 r2 , server 2012 same feature. you need enable 2 build in remote desktop sessions before can use them: danny van dam, citrix ccia/ccee microsoft mcse server infrastructure/mcse desktop infrastructure/mcsa server 2008, cisco ccna, vmware vcp 3/4/5 Windows Server

PSS-Session connectivity issue

i have system (let's call server-a) has command line application (ixchariot) requires external license server. if physically on server-a or if remote desktop server-a, ixchariot communicates license server , good. however, problem comes if enter pssession server-a. i logged in domain administrator, , can enter-pssession server-a without problem. if attempt run ixchariot in pssession, refuse run because not contact license server. however, can ping license server. does seems application issue or kind of rights issue powershell? thanks yea, pssession credential issue. software tied user account. interesting. you'll have either associate software account you'll remoting with, enable remoting associated account, or remote 1 account , run application other using credentials. al dunbar Windows Server  > 

GPO not working for working for servers

hi, i have active directory 2 windows 2012 servers dns (i have changed infraestructure  physical virtual (vmware) ). my problem gpo have created , linked ou servers (2003, 2008 , 2012) not work. have tried remove , create gpo again same problem. however, policies linked wxp , w7 of domain work properly. can me? thanks lot. regards. enter "gpupdate /force" in command prompt ensure gpo updated in computers. verify gpo settings "gpresult /r" in command prompt confirm whether required gpos applied in computer / user settings. Windows Server  >  Group Policy

User Profile Disks & Roaming Profiles

we have small w2k12r2 domain roaming profiles. i believe using "remote desktop services profile" path option prevents roaming profiles being inherited when users log onto rds. do user profile disks provide separate profile rds session or interact domain roaming profiles in way? thanks >> joe hi , user profile disks agnostic of other profile management solutions , if use folder redirection or roaming profiles , when user logs on rdsh collection new upd created , albeit empty 1 if use mechanism. hope makes sense. Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Removing a Subordinate CA

first background: os: server 2008 r2 std i have 1 enterprise root ca on server1 (brand new, standalone server, no issues) i have 1 subordinate ca on server2 server2 dc i remove ca role server2 , maintain it's status domain controller only.  this leave me 1 enterprise root ca on server1. i'm in process of reading through following articles , trying in test environment: does have experience this?  my main concern is: happens certificates issued server2?  any input appreciated. 1) certificates invalid after 2/2015 , should not accepted application anymore - need replacement ca issue new certificates these clients before. 2/2015 absolute latest time can use certificates, provided valid crls availabl

RDGW 2012 in Workgroup and DMZ supported?

hello forum, iam testing server 2012 rdgw server in our dmz forward rdp-packets in our internal lan. server not member of our domain. iam able establish connections internet our lan-machines, have deal local groups , users on rdgw. my questions: supported scenario in server 2012? not make rdgw member of our domain because of security risks open ports our lan. and if supported, how possible connect scenario based installed rdp-environment in windows server 2012? thanks in advance fandreas hi, the "most supported" solution use uag published rd gateway... you have solution here : cheers, sam Windows Server  > 

MOM 2005 Web Console Issues

i'm not sure if mom problem or iis problem.  i've installed mom 2005 on windows server 2003 iis 6.  when try go web console ie 7, gives me error page says "this website requires log in," never gives me option enter credentials.  when try access web console firefox, lets me enter credentials, gives me error "directory listing denied."  i'm using admin user name, there shouldn't problem permissions.  also, if allow directory browsing through iis, let me see folders , files in directory list, doesn't show actual web console ui.  ideas? hi lauren,   according error message, suspect authentication issue may related iis 6. forum focus on management questions of windows server system , here not best support resource iis 6, suggest initial new post in iis related newsgroup on site instead:

Server 2008 R2 RDP: limit max number of rdp connections per user group?

hello everyone, i have windows server 2008 r2 rdp installed. i want create couple of user groups have 5 different users in each. limit rdp connections, let's 2 connections first group , 3 connections second group. example, if 2 users group 1 connected when 3rd user group 1 tries connect rejected connect, 3 users group 2 still can connect. doable? thanks in advance. hi, there no built-in capability limit maximum numbers of rdp connections based on user group. to accomplish goal need write script or program.  example, script run @ log on , check how many users logged on each group , log current user off if limit group has been exceeded. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Hard disk utilization become %100 when i run a virtual machine?!!

hi all i'm using windows 10 64bit ,and have hyper-v client configured , created virtual machine on ( hard disk virtual machines stored in different  drive ) when run 1 of virtual machines total disk utilization become high hi siyamand, i notices have installed kaspersky, suggest disable temporarily , try again. when disk utilization high, vm booting? have checked disk usage inside vm? besides, use performance monitor see if high disk usage caused vm: best regards, leo please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

outbound/upload problems

hello, have deployed r2 standard server not sufficiently copy files off other resource.  download speeds fine , can copy large files other wan resouces or server on same swith without problem.  attempts copy small files other resource drag.  r2 goes through discovery phase, copies @ minimal speeds.  have disabled av , firewall, no change.  ideas? hi ryan_wh, i following on issue have posted earlier. wanted know if still looking assistance on issue ? if please provide netmon trace , because anlayze smb protocol , behavior difficult predict without trace or possible debug problem when enabling rdr tracing premature enable rdr tracing . Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

How to re-run a .bat script without closing the console window?

hello all, thank in advance. i have created script works fine. scripts enables lync user , sets conferencing policy. scripts imports lync module take few minutes launch , ofcourse currently, im having close window , re-open user. set single user enable reason. way can think of getting work putting script block function , @ end of function read-host if null, call function again, if 1 exit. work , there , easier way? sthe actuall script be: function <name> { code } <name> how starting script? i'm guessing double click gui, correct? if so, have tried starting powershell , running script there? this: ps c:\windows\system>.\mypath\myscript.ps1 <arguments> your script run 'inline' , modules loaded stay loaded, until close console window. Windows Server  > 

Microsoft authentication package keeps locking account out

i have been having issue of accounts getting locked out once password changes. normal active directory accounts used login domain , onto exchange server. error seeing in our domain controller is: authentication package: microsoft_authentication_package_v1_0 error code 0xc000006a  and  error code 0xc0000234 this particular user had not changed passwords in few years checked of mobile devices , computer have logged , still nothing. account gets locked out seconds after unlock account. have source workstation , have checked of services on it, , deleted exchange profile , re-created it.  id start using account lock out tools try , find computer causing lockout. use event comb grab event logs dc's, open event log in excel , filter computers - should see pattern showing lockouts source.  then on computer make sure not have on computer / device running under users account - scheduled tasks etc.  run full vi

Windows SBS 2008 stops working

at least twice since sbs 2008 server has been deployed (in november 2009) i've had problem there server stops working, although services still running , can remote server.  rebooting solves problem.  below event logs seem have occured when problem started: log name:      system source:        microsoft-windows-grouppolicy date:          3/14/2010 12:45:13 am event id:      1058 task category: none level:         error keywords:      user:          system computer: description: the processing of group policy failed. windows attempted read file \\xzy.local\sysvol\xyz.local\policies\{4c09cede-bde0-4e2f-b988-790428505676}\gpt.ini domain controller , not successful. group policy settings may not applied until event resolved. issue may transient , caused 1 or more of following: a) name resolution/network connectivity current domain controller. b) file replication service latency (a file created on domain controller has not replicated current domain controller). c) dist

How to restore a backed up VM

decided start thread original 1 created lot of confusion. how can restore backed vms new vm host? used vss aware tool (whatever tool might be) backup live running vm, how can restore backed vm new host , make vm show under hyper-v? thank you hi,   the exact steps restore virtual machine depend on backup application which you use.   currently, symantec announces new backup exec 12.5 agent supports windows server 2008 hyper-v , can backup running virtual machines. according following blog, entire guest machines can restored flexible options provided rename server, change network configuration if desired power on guest machine following restoration.   for exact steps use symantec backup exec, please contact symantec more information.   by way, windows server backup can backup whole hyper-v computer, not individual vm.

High Ram demand on Virtual Server

hi, have got virtual server running on hyper-v on server windows 2008 r2 i using dynamics ram option on server a start up value of 5000mb , maximum ram amount of 6500mb. this server run sharepoint 2010, project 2010 , crm 2010. my problem memory demand on hyper-v keep on climbing. restarted 8 hours ago , on 8650mb. before restarted it on 20gb. i dont know post probable more crm issue latest installed software , guess there might memory leak somewhere trying hyper-v section first... any ideas? first of all, yes, have found application not return memory tot system when finished it.  isn't memory leak, not compatible dynamic memory. if dynamic memory working @ all, have integration services installed within vm - @ least @ 2008 r2 sp1 level in vm. about thing can cap maximum memory of vm, or set vm memory static , decide how give it. the system won't let vm consume entire server, take other vms not using (from description) - @ least take can. there other applica

Release and re-register a domain without original microsoft account

when registerering microsoft remote web access domain name ( on our windows server 2012 essential couple of years ago, microsoft account used verify domain name. now we're having issues domain name (expiring certificate , old encryption method) and need re-register it. problem don't know microsoft account used verify domain name. when trying release name, error saying domain name registered using microsoft account. we can register new domain name leads fact both old , new names accessible online, old certificate warnings. any ideas on how release , re-register domain name without access original microsoft account? have in: hklm\software\microsoft\windows server\domain manager\active configuration the account name field should show liveid used. note field encrypted in 2012 r2, should display in plain text in 2012. robert pearman wssmb mvp @titlerequired | linkedin | google+ facebook | windows server

System state backup fails using ntbackup

event viewer details event type: error event source: esent event category: logging/recovery event id: 215 date:  10/2/2012 time:  16:22:08 user:  n/a computer: exchange description: certsrv.exe (1760) backup has been stopped because halted client or connection client failed. for more information, see , support center @ . event type: error event source: vmwriter event category: none event id: 109 date:  10/2/2012 time:  16:22:18 user:  n/a computer: exchange description: description event id ( 109 ) in source ( vmwriter ) cannot found. local computer may not have necessary registry information or message dll files display messages remote computer. may able use /auxsource= flag retrieve description; see , support details. following information part of event: vmvsswriter: stopping backup due external request. i can perform backups of exchange data store no issues, attempting system state resu

ADPREP /Forestprep Language Problem

we running 2 domain controllers on our network 2012. these have been upgraded in past 2008 r2. in stages of getting out domain ready 2012 r2 domain controllers. we trying run adprep /forestprep command ms websites telling to. coming problem of   “can not open adprep.dll.mui” “did fail copy on adprep language folders?”   we running on main dc server , running full administrator command prompt running administrator.   i have been brows ing internet looking resolve , not had luck. disabled non windows services, check language settings , tried rename language folder. still unable future. does have resolve problem please? hi, there error message in event log? if so, please provide detail information error. refer article below upgrade dc. upgrade active directory 2012 2012 r2 please note: since website not hosted microsoft, link may change without notice. microsoft not guar

French Keyboard Mapping problem

the french keyboard still not mapped correctly, last release fixed mapping slovenian , hungarian keyboards, french mapping wrong still first version 8.x making app not useful. on our new remote desktop preview mac have improved keyboard handling. have look: features missing delivered on time. please tell if 1 fixes keyboard issues. Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop clients

Activate windows server 2012 evaluation standard version with a product key OEM

very morning. microsoft technical manual not clear. you know if can activate windows server 2012 evaluation standard version oem key registry? greetings. juanma hi, per research, can able use oem key windows server essential edition , standard version need follow below path: dism /online /set-edition:serverstandard /productkey:xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx /accepteula more information provided in previous link. in addition refer beneath additional details. windows server 2012 evaluation – convert & activate licensed hope helps! thanks. Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

Microsoft Word

i tried bring microsoft word daughter's computer, 2 days ago worked says has been deleted.  tried run restore june 5th did not work.  daughter , in barcelona spain , not have access code reactivate software, should do.  in valencia spain , not until tomorrow. hi, seems topic out of scope of forum. may ask in office or windows client forum. regards, clarence please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Apply Windows Preference Settings (CSE's) *after* Software Installation Policy finishes.

i have 1 group policy object.  have 2 settings of policy configured computer configuration-->policies-->software settings-->software installation (simple installation of small application) computer configuration-->preferences-->windows settings-->files (replace 3 specific setting files or create if don't exist - default behavior of "replace" option)   here problem.  upon starting computer windows settings (client side extensions) execute creating 3 files.  shortly after software installation policy applies , installs software.  however, software installation overwrites 3 files cse policy created.  need these 3 files overwrite files software installation policy creates.  current workaround using computer configuration startup script executes "gpupdate."  reads cse files policy again , replaces new files.  however, i'd rather not have use workaround since delay's boot time. is there possible way contain of these policy setti

Exchange powershell help

ive got command runs fine. (get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited) | select-object name,@{n="primary size(mb)";e={(get-mailboxstatistics $_).totalitemsize.value.tomb()}},@{n="archive size(mb)";e={(get-mailboxstatistics -archive $_).totalitemsize.value.tomb()}} |export-csv c:\mailboxsize.csv i want add primary , archive databases in new columns. hadded following end archive database dosent work. command hangs ,@{n="archive database";e=(get-mailboxstatistics -archive databasename) so in (get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited) | select-object name,@{n="primary size(mb)";e={(get-mailboxstatistics $_).totalitemsize.value.tomb()}},@{n="archive size(mb)";e={(get-mailboxstatistics -archive $_).totalitemsize.value.tomb()}},@{n="archive database";e=(get-mailboxstatistics -archive databasename) |export-csv c:\mailboxsize.csv any ideas how database name added?