
Showing posts from March, 2011

Moved subnet to different site, Outlook Mac clients unable to connect to Exchange

hi, recently added new site in ad sites , services. when configure appropriate subnet new site and move dc's new site, seems run ok  however couple of minutes after change outlook 2011 our mac users starts have issues. not connect exchange server. (pings server still fine) none of ip adresses have been changed, attached subnet x new site , moved dc site via ad sites , services. idea why mac's feel cannot connect exchange server anymore? kind regards, dennis thats reply. the error is: exchange server did not respond on of default ports. telnet port working. i've performed testing , think related mac os , not network issue. mac's joined domain , when login new user runs expected. mac os seems cache settings in user profile. kind regards, dennis Windows Server  > 

Windows Server 2008 for a small group of home users

i have setup windows server 2008 r2 enterprise edition, i'm managing small group of users wanting use personal home pc's clients.   running xp, others running vista, , have windows 7 in there well.  of them may have home edition of xp. if want setup file share them off of windows 2008 server box, what's best way it.   should setup domain?  or fine workgroup?  active directory? hi, that windows server 2008 r2 enterprise edition wasted can work in workgroup without installing active directory. bye. edoardo benussi - microsoft® mvp management infrastructure - systems administration windows server italian forum moderator edo[at]mvps[dot]org Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Send to Compressed folder missing

hello   terminal server 2008 r2. users cannot send compressed folder. when right click on files, option not there. fine admin users   any idea ?   thanks   do have redirected appdata folders? if so, might problem, otherwise - try this:   the compressed (zipped) folder icon present in each user profile , in default user profile. follow these steps restore icon user account: 1. click start, type following , press enter: %systemdrive%\users\default\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\sendto 2. right-click compressed (zipped) folder , choose copy (shortcut: ctrl+c ) 3. open sendto folder of user profile. so, click start, type following , press enter: shell:sendto 4. right-click empty area in folder, , choose paste (shortcut: ctrl+v )   source: microsoft: mcp, mcts, mcitp: sa, mcitp: ea || ciw: associate, security professional || compt

Hyper-V Server 2012 with HP Smart Array B110i RAID Controller

i'm setting new server client , attempting install hyper-v server 2012. when turn on 'embedded sata raid' within bios settings on ml330 g6, hyper-v installation cannot find available disks installation proceed. searched drivers 250gb sata drives installed no avail. installed windows , can see raid1 array fine. upon turning off 'embedded sata raid' function in bios, hyper-v installation can see both drives. hurrah. can't use hw raid :( i've turned 'embedded sata raid' on , tried hyper-v installation once more, again no drives available. what's go? hyper-v doesn't support hp's smart array controllers, or controller specifically? windows does?? regards, <object cotype="cs" id="silobfwobjectid" style="width:0px;height:0px;display:block;" type="cosymantecnisbfw"></object> hello it more hp forum related question.. however.. here drivers need : http://h20000.

Vista Security Center, Automatic Updates and Group Policy

i've windows server 2008 group policy set few windows xp/vista clients. i've enabled automatic updates , set them download , install @ 10am every day wsus server. policy works clients, however when open security center on vista clients, "automatically updating" listed off. in security center under automatic updating there's option "change settings". if click it, select "install updates automatically (recommended)", error "security center can't change automatic updating settings". in control panel -> windows update -> change settings, it's set "install updates automatically" every day @ 10am. it's set download recommended updates. any ideas?   hi,   according description, it seems windows vista issue setting cannot changed even when applying manually. please confirm if group policy has been applied teh windows vista machines. if has been applied, i'd recommend post issue in windows vista forum.

LDAP search from Mother Domain to Child Domain and Child Domain to Mother Domain

hi all, i want ask if have mother domain , child domain   both ldap server win 2003. can users child domain authenticate ldap server in mother domain. can user of mother domain authenticate child domain's ldap server.   i know works of ldap referral want check.     your questions , title mix topics, ldap referals not same things authentication. >>>can users child domain authenticate ldap server in mother domain. yes, test authenitication is allow user child domain login workstation member of parent (mother) domain. yes, test ldap referrals, use ldap utility ldp, or vbscript , query child domain objects against parent (mother) domain. >>>can user of mother domain authenticate child domain's ldap server. do reverse of above. more information:

Need current NIC drivers for Windows server 2008 .....

i have windows 2008 sp2 server using broadcom bcm5708c nic. i've been searching current driver haven't had luck. current driver is: microsoft corporation  6/21/2006 driver version surely there must more current driver. appreciated.   david hegner have tried broadcom site regards, ~p mcse, mcitp, mcts, mcp, ccna Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Hyper-V Server 2012 & Broadcom NIC

i using broadcom netxtreme ii 1 gige nic (bcm5716) (according broadcom , dell) should be supported in-box driver. but still find config showing there "no active network adapters found". please advice me how solve it.      ok, solved... network cable needs connected device show in config. ouups ;-) Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Excessive Downloads on 2008 SBS Server

hi,     have installed new 2008 sbs server test performence against our old 2003 server.  server is running 1 user , 1 mailbox downloading on 700mb of information everyday consistantly.  what processes need access external information everyday ?  hi,     the problem mine fact forefront trying download update kaspersky which 30mb download , failing every hr try again.  i change forefront update interval daily rather hrly , fixed it. Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

Help to change registry "REG_DWORD" value

hello, i'm wanting turn off (un-tick) the "send authentication trap" setting on "security" tab of snmp services using powershell on remote server. registry "reg_dword" called "enbledauthenticationtraps" , resides directly under $subkey and needs set "0" instead of "1" $server = "srv01" $basekey = [microsoft.win32.registrykey]::openremotebasekey(‘localmachine’, $server) $subkey= $basekey.opensubkey("system\\currentcontrolset\\services\\snmp\parameters",$true) can assist? thank you   can try like $server = "srv01" $basekey = [microsoft.win32.registrykey]::openremotebasekey(‘localmachine’, $server) $subkey= $basekey.opensubkey("system\\currentcontrolset\\services\\snmp\parameters",$true) $valuename = “mydwordvalue1″ $valuedata = 123 $subkey.setvalue($valuename, $valuedata, [microsoft.win32.registryvaluekind]::dword) if find post has answered question, please mar

Some groups show no members in Get-ADGroup

so have question strange powershell behavior get-adgroup . if use on group created, can members fine. on (not all) built in groups, including domain users , returns nothing. see: ps c:\> get-adgroup -filter * -properties * | {$ -eq "iron throne"} | select -expandproperty members cn=robert,ou=baratheons,dc=seven-kingdoms,dc=local cn=daenerys,ou=targaryens,dc=seven-kingdoms,dc=local cn=margaery,ou=tyrells,dc=seven-kingdoms,dc=local cn=joffrey,ou=baratheons,dc=seven-kingdoms,dc=local cn=cersei lannister,ou=lannisters,dc=seven-kingdoms,dc=local ps c:\> get-adgroup -filter * -properties * | {$ -eq "domain users"} | select -expandproperty members ps c:\> they show fine in active directory users , computers . on win2012r2 dc administrator. knows why? if interested, "primary" group membership in ad determined primarygrouptoken attribute of group object, , primarygroupid attribute of user (or computer) object. powershell g

Configuring Strong authentication b/w WSUS Server in AD AND non-domain clients ?

i have wsus server sitting on win2008 platform in window 2003 ad domain pushes windows update around 10 servers. challenge push updates 3 win 2003 servers sitting behind firewall not part of ad domain belongs workgroup. network team wants me enable strong authentication b/w 3 servers (non-domain) behind firewall , wsus server belongs windows 2003 ad domain) before open traffic flow in firewall. using customized port 8530 in iis7 , using local computer policy these 3 computers push windows update using   http://wsusservername:8530 in local policy does have idea configure strong authentication in specific scenario? please let me know if need further detail i imagine depends on network team considers strong authentication. personally, in response such request, i'd suggest enabling server-to-server ipsec, better alternative ssl. ssl one-way authentication technology when implemented wsus -- validates *server* known, client still anonymous far wsus server concerned. lawrence garvin,


que diferencia hay entre los usuarios de un dominio y todos los usuarios que aparecen por ejemplo cuando damos permisos??? ahora creo que  comprendo la pregunta :-) estás usando el sistema en español, luego "todos los usuarios" se refiere al grupo especial llamado "everyone" "usuarios del dominio" son todos los usuarios de tu dominio, incluyendo por supuesto administrador e invitado "todos los usuarios (everyone)": incluye todos los usuarios, de tu dominio y de otros dominios en los cuales el tuyo confíe. e inclusive dependiendo del sistema operativo y de cómo se haya actualizado el dominio lo largo del tiempo, podría incluir también "anonymous" como regla general, si quiere dar permisos todos los usuarios de tu dominio, utiliza el primero (usuarios del dominio), es más seguro   guillermo delprato - buenos aires, argentina visite windows server - todos los paso paso mvp [directory services] - mct - mcse - mcsa mcsa


hi, i've got bit of funny here i'm hoping kind soul can assist with. run hardened workstation configuration have inherited , our workstation baseline gpo disables number of windows services.  in addition this, there other random services disabled whatever reason.  don't know. problem this... have a gpo deploys printer queue our workstations on our domain.  60% of workstations are getting printer policy. if run gpresult, says machine should getting print queue settings. however, when move 'faulty' machine out of hardened ou , ou no linked policy, printer queue magically appears on affected workstation. if delete printer of workstation , move workstation hardened ou printer queue re-installed.  once machine 'fixed', fixed , can no-longer replicate fault on machine more... need find faulty machine test with. so, wondering if there tools out there allow me watch real-time processes starting / stopping or ideas on how deal this. in a

connect to shared IPC$ in win 2008 R2 64 bits

dear team you can make the connection between win 2008 server to shared folder ipc $ , so you can see the contents of the folder. i 'm doing a \ \ server \ ipc $ and shows me a message: "\ \ server \ ipc $ is not accessible. you might not have permission to keep my network resource, contact your administrator. incorrect function" carlosp hi carlosp, thank post. by design ipc$ not able accessed since windows server 2003 not share folder. furthermore, run "net use \\server\ipc$ " verify if ipc$ working. if there more inquiries on issue, please feel free let know. regards, rick tan technet community support Windows Server  >  Server Manager

Disable Fast Boot on Lenovo Yoga because computer group policies are not applied

i evaluating windows 10 our company. use group policies , preferences extensively configure our machines. have deployed windows 10 tp desktop , virtual machines wds. now our latest addition fleet, lenovo thinkpad yoga, running snag... it deploys succesfully , joins domain boots fast login prompt , no computer policies applied. user can login , settings. i have feeling keeps using 'fast boot / rapid start" when told not that...  gpupdate /force gives error computer. what have tried sofar: powercfg /h off given in master image , powercfg /a shows hybernations disabled.  this alone should disable fast boot... shutdown win-x menu or shift pressed should force 'full startup'. local group policy editor: system\shutdown\require use of fast startup - disabled registry editor: hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\power\hiberbootenabled = 0 updated bios , searched setting, maybe system , not windows thing??? (getting pretty desparate no

Managing Fine-Grained Security Policies with Powershell

after bit of hopping around, came reference creating , managing security fine grained policies activedirectory module. i tried doing web search on "managing security fine-grained policies", , reference didn't come up.  that's why i'll add favorites, , why i'm making post. here link: grant ward, a.k.a. bigteddy what's new in powershell 3.0 (technet wiki) Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Web Interface for Powershell Scripting

i looking design internal website administrative functions common exchange powershell scripts run , things that.  i make nice interface non-technical people know how use this.  i know server 2012 has powershell web access not have 2012 servers installed yet.  i have read ton of articles , see may work have better instructions or possible free solutions out there can me this.  thanks. hi, there nifty feature comes windows server 2012 allows use powershell in web browser. regarding write full script, suggest post in official scripting guys forum: regards, yan li if have feedback on our support, please click here .   cataleya li technet community support Windows Server  > 

Task Scheduler wont run when set to "Run whether user is logged on or not"

hi i have 2 2008 r2 servers same task , pretty same powershell script schedule running.  powershell runs daily snapshot of server.  1 server runs fine  "run whether user logged on or not" selected.  when selected on second server won't run.  mean, schedule says run, poweshell doesn't launch , job.  same on each server apart being snapshotted.  location of snapshot going same.  same domain account, same password.  when change "run only....." runs fine.  server may not logged in time, need run whatever. any appreciated. thanks matt  i'd check in windows system , application event logs. check task log. event viewer\applications\microsoft\windows\taskscheduler\operational       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.

manage-bde -lock never completes

on windows server 2012r2 external usb3-attached 3tb disk, on windows server backup , crashplan pro store backups (nothing else uses drive), year or more attach drive once week, bitlocker unlock "manage-bde -unlock h: -pw", come day or later, , re-lock "manage-bde -lock h:". good. a couple of months ago, became impossible ever re-lock drive. "manage-bde -lock h:" command takes long time - hours or days - , says drive being in use (i think; neglected note down results of last attempt week or ago; i've got manage-bde -lock running/hung right now. i'll update post if/when ever fails). (all while, manage-bde command sits there in cmd.exe window, not returning shell prompt; , can hear external usb drive quietly 'ticking'; have done full offline chkdsk of volume - no errors found. also, while manage-bde -lock command stays unresponsive, can still access drive e.g. dir h: /s works fine). i see nothing in event logs, neither application

Restore data from files encrypted if possible how

i have  external hard disk connected windows server2003 have excel , word , pictures files when open of these files found not open  , give me message "the file try open"file...xls" in different format other specified please check file corrupted" i try open these files microsoft excel viewer , word viewer , open not open when open file see 3 files generated how_decrypt type text how_decrypt html how_decrypt type internet shortcut i open file text found : all files including videos, photos , documents on computer encrypted cryptodefense software. encryption produced using unique public key rsa-2048 generated computer. decrypt files need to obtain private key. what need restore data inside these files if possible on mon, 21 apr 2014 14:43:00 +0000, ahmedsalah2012 wrote: all files including videos, photos , documents on computer encrypted cryptodefense software. you have fallen victim known "ransomware". is type of

How do I set the default printer for new RDP sessions

server 2008 r2 running rdp 4 printers defined.  users log in mandatory profiles.  i rdp sessions use printer default printer.  if go devices , printers, modify printer (change name slightly, etc.) , set default administrator, every user sees default when log in.  however, whenever maintenance reboot, unless go in administrator , modify printer , set default, users printer c default.  oddly, setting printer default not affect users.  i have make change printer.  is there way to permanently set this?   p.s. there no gpo's in effect bring in printers local session, etc. you can create new gpo, specify settings , add ou rds servers are. then enable group policy loopback processing on computer gpo rds servers and user settings applied when logging in rds servers. whenever see helpful reply, click on “propose answer” / “marked answer” , "vote". microsoft related blogpost on

DFS 2008 r2 : accessing a server target outside the current domain. No authentication asked... just an error message saying no access

hello, we add link in our dfs serveur in workgroup , able provide username/password access data in server. actually, authentication step not provided user receive error bad user/password... we need advice.. thxs hi. atleast in 2003 should have been valid configuration. "the unc path can lead shared folders in workgroup, shared folders within same domain namespace, shared folders in trusted domains, , shared folders in trusted forests." what happens if user access share on workgroup server directly without dfs, work then? oscar virot Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Server 2008 - Sever Manager Roles/Features error

hi, on of our windows server 2008 server manager throwing error when trying view roles , features, there other symptoms. event id 1601: could not discover state of system. unexpected exception found: system.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x8000ffff): catastrophic failure (exception hresult: 0x8000ffff (e_unexpected))    @ system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.throwexceptionforhrinternal(int32 errorcode, intptr errorinfo)    @    @ documents)    @ state) we same catastrophic failure when trying install updates: installation failure: windows failed install following update error 0x8000ffff: update windows (kb960568). sfc /scannow not working: c:\users\userme>sfc /scannow beginning system scan.  process take time. windows resou

ADMT, sIDHistory : access denied with group based ACL

hello, i'm trying migrate accounts using admt. disabled sid filtering , enabled sid history , user account able access shared folder added source account in acl of folder. however, if remove acl use group, no longer access folder. my user member of group (of course). sidhistory attribute both on group , user populated sid of source objects. it's pretty weird :-/ missed don't know what. the migration involve windows 2008 , windows 2012 r2 active directories. thank ! hi, have disabled sid filtering on both domain side? if not, please have try using netdom command below that: netdom trust sourcedomainname /domain:targetdomainname /quarantine:no /usero:<user name> /passwordo:<password> (source side) netdom trust targetdomainname /domain:sourcedomainname /quarantine:no /usero:<user name> /passwordo:<password> (target side) , enabling sid history: netdom targetdomainname /domain: sourcedomainname /enablesidhistory:yes and scope grou

What happens when PDC fsmo fails

hi i have 2008 r2 native domain what happens if pdf fsmo role fails? take other dc time role? what impact in clients? thanks previous tread. fsmo - if server holding pdc emulator fail on 2003 / 2008, happen? regards biswajit biswas my blogs | technetwiki ninja best regards biswajit biswas disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. mcp 2003,mcsa 2003, mcsa:m 2003, ccna, mcts, enterprise admin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Is VPN necessary with RDS over the Internet

first off can negate gateway role discussion it's not option devices using. question this, if rdp traffic encrypted default still necessary further secure rdp connection on internet vpn? cheers c hibs ya bass! hi, whether or not vpn or rd gateway necessary judgement call make based on security needs/concerns.  if have trusted certificate installed on server with security layer set ssl (tls 1.0) , encryption level set high, and the rd clients configured server authentication, yes, traffic encrypted and a mitm attack unlikely. the key consideration rdsh server still exposed directly internet, if rdp port.  if vulnerability discovered in rdp (like has occurred in past) server @ risk.  example, vulnerability allow unknown attacker send few packets server , crash it, or compromise in way. there automated attack bots attempt connect default rdp port (tcp 3389) on different ip addresses , when response start trying username/password combinations.  if have strong userna

WSUS update

hello, i have installed wsus sp2 on our server of updates installed still shows 3-4 updates ready install not installed on servers. when check win 2008 server updates not showing give message " no update available" when click on online update link give me updates. i want know how can install updates using wsus.  thanks. first thing determine servers (windows 2008?) configured use wsus server. second thing determine servers querying against target group updates have been approved installation. third thing determine servers detecting availability of updates. (obviously not happening, fault either @ step or before.) all of necessary diagnostic information determine above found in %windir%\windowsupdate.log, let's try this: 1. pick 1 machine diagnostics. 2. note time. 3. restart automatic updates service (net start/stop wuauserv), or reboot server. 4. run command wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow 5. wait 30 minutes. 6. post contents of %windir%\windowsupdate.log starti

i cannot seem to get rid of a service

hi all, iv tried use sc delete servicename in batch file in computer startup script rid of service not work! when log in can see service still there , still running. can sc delete servicename used in a batch file , can used startup script opposed logon script? i need rid of service iv managed far stop , disable service, surely there is a way delete it. thanks services can found @ hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\ in register editor, can delete on there. after that, can use sc delete remove service. but i'm not recommending this, service trying remove? please make backup of you're removing before deleting it. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Office 365 Powershell Help

guys, i have interesting powershell question.  forgive me, i'm not powershell expert...but want delete users in cloud a) not licensed , b) not administrators...  short , sweet, have lab we're using test o365 features, etc. , 1 of tests directory sync specific ou's, however, accidentally sync'd entire ad domain.  don't want remove admins, , have sharepoint licensed users want keep, however, blow away else in lab.  i've stopped directory synchronization, need powershell delete objects in cloud. i've figured out how query non-licensed users.... get-msoluser -all | {$_.islicensed -eq "false"} and how of global admins: $role = get-msolrole -rolename "company administrator" get-msolrolemember -roleobjectid &role.objectid but i'm having heck of time figuring out powershell false licensed users , non-administrators , pipe remove-msoluser command. i figure like:   get-msoluser -all | {$_.islicensed -eq "false

%Logonserver% question

hi, we have funny here. we have multiple site (hub , spoke) ad design. lets calls head office site: hq_site, , has example entire 10.x.y.z range defined subnets belong hq_site. a branch site, branchsite, has 192.168.x.y range. i have client physically sitting on 10.x.y.z network; has 10.x.y.z ip address dhcp....but when check %logonserver% - points branchsite not using of local site dc's (and there 2 of them; , yes they're both , running). weird?   hi, we have 4 sites, 4 pretty difficult mess ;-) i have not tried running nltest yet - of sudden switched correct maybe silly temporary glitch. i did nothing extra, no additional reboots, configured correct %logonserver%. weird. thanks quick responses though.   Windows Server  >  Directory S

Windows server 2008 error

hi all, when try join windows server 2008 server site different subnet got following error attempt update host service principal names (spns) of computer object in active directory failed. rpc server unavailable. when click ok , continue when server restarts can't access domain account , got following error the security database on server not have computer account workstation trust relationship any ? thanks tarek khairy is there firewall between sites ? if yes please refer this Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

RSA Authentication for RDWeb without TMG or ISA

hi i make rdweb fba authentication against rsa secureid instead of via ad. have installed rsa web agent 7.1 , created agent profile. however, still can't login rsa account. there thing need change on web.config authenticate rsa? thanks hi there, seems have encountered problem :) hope help, sam Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

NtFrs issue

i having trouble 1 of dcs in network....the error message is: event type:        error event source:    ntfrs event category:                none event id:              13568 date:                     11/17/2011 time:                     11:57:13 am user:                     n/a computer:          fr-server1 description: file replication service has detected replica set "domain system volume (sysvol share)" in jrnl_wrap_error.    replica set name is    : "domain system volume (sysvol share)"  replica root path is   : "c:\windows\sysvol\domain"  replica root volume : " \\.\c :"  a replica set hits jrnl_wrap_error when record trying read ntfs usn journal not found.  can occur because of 1 of following reasons.    [1] volume " \\.\c :" has been formatted.  [2] ntfs usn journal on volume " \\.\c :" has been deleted.  [3] ntfs usn journal on volume " \\.\c :" has been truncated.

2003 Server - None of the MMC pieces work (event viewer, services, computer mgmt)

mmc cannot open file c:\windows\system32\services.msc.   this happens on of computer management links.  server not part of domain. it 2003 standard ed. sp2.   i have same issue xp machine after applying sp3.   thanks, tracy have test on 1 of following 2 steps: a.1. go windows\system32 folder , mmc.exe (microsoft managment console). a.2. if there, go tools --- folder options --- file types , msc extension, highlight , go change button, browse system32 folder , click on mmc.exe. b. can click on dfrg.msc (c:\windows\system32\dfrg.msc) , open with, browse system32 folder , mmc.exe. don't forget check box open files this program. if issue persists, please refer following kb article: it mentioned 4 files, check version of these files on system see if different. if so, backup files , copy same files working computer replace current ones. note: may need register 3 dll files after replacement. method run "regsvr32 &

Pkgmgr v/s ocsetup

ive longhorn test machine, on need enable\diable windows features clustering, mpio etc. tool best me use ocsetup or pkgmgr? also there way can tell features olready enabled on host, before try enable it. using server manager utility trick, need command line usable. you should use server manager (or command line version servermanagercmd.exe) on full installation of windows server 2008. server core installation of windows server 2008, these tools not available, need use ocsetup install roles , oclist query list of available services.   details @ Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

Start menu never loads on Lumia 1020 build 10166

hey people, just installed build 10166 on 1020 (was on build 10149, running remarkably - except apps never update in beta store - looking @ asphalt 8) , seemed complete (no tpm issue, saw update screens).  i'm having issues start screen again (had pre-10149 builds, not bad). when phone tries go start screen, "loading" plus sliding dots, blank, "loading" dots, blank, "loading" & dots, etc, etc. i once managed start screen going settings checking something, going back. i figured must running in background (couldn't see using button) phone running hot, restarted phone , can't start screen @ all, no matter try. lock screen fine. swipe down notifications/settings, etc fine [if little hesitant appear]. but start screen never finishes loading. older build had similar problem, slow appear, rather getting stuck in loop. anyone else seeing this? thanks craig ok, managed turn up. swiped down notifications/settings. tapped o

review nap ipsec reporting mode

just fast 1 i have nap ipsec in reporting mode - can see logs in nap sever event viewer is there anyway else study nap clients status  hi, on server side, can log sql , create sql queries. requires set nap reporting. see nap reporting. to see types of reports possible, see track compliance . you can examine client-side logs , check status netsh. see nap tools . -greg Windows Server  >  Network Access Protection

What would be the optimal Active Directory settings for installing Server 2003 R2

hey guys, wanted know if there optimal settings active directory server 2003 r2 make sure runs possible. if there optimal settings or suggestions please let me know. thanks hello, my suggestions are: make sure using @ least 2 dc/dns/gc servers for best practices of assigning fsmo roles, refer article: make sure each dc/dns points primary dns server , 1 secondary 1 make sure each dc without dns points correct internal dns server primary 1 make sure client computers pointing internal dns server primary 1 avoid slow logons it better dc highest os holds fsmo roles. .... there other things depends of need , environment.     this posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. microsoft student partner microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certifie

DNS Aging and Scavenging

i need find script, or batch, that allow me set dns aging , scavenging zones. have several domains , several dns servers. 2003 2008 servers. have searched on net , have not been able scripts enable aging , scavenging on dns server , zones. have read thru microsoft documentation , have not been able put 1 myself. trying automate process build new dns servers on regular basis. i not scripting guru. please help. jim thomas the active directory cookbook has couple of scripts this. see following search url google books code:   Windows Server

Need feedback about DFS design

hi all, i designing new environment. use 2 storage servers each connected disk array. let's name them srv1 , srv2. on 1 server put our data, backups, files , on. want sync these data svr1 svr2. colleague proposed check if dfs can us. servers 2008 r2 standard. i found limitations of dfs @ we use files (images) close 64gb. thinking place image files 1 server , use sync tool or robocopy mirror script sync data bewteen both servers , use dfs other files. other files files used users every day. please let me know guys think of this. or have other ideas. or know why dfs not use this. bastiaan hi bastiaan, given you'll using server 2008 r2, you'll using dfsr instead of older dfs. 1 of important differences fdsr replicates parts of file have changed - important consideration if you're working 64gb files. you can read little blurb dfsr here . one tip may want blow out default 4g

Can you add a 2008 SBS server to an existing 2008 domain?

a client of mine wants add 2008 sbs standard server existing (all quite new) .local 2008 r2 domain. can done @ all? if so, pros , cons doing this? many thanks danny hi there, i see issue more sbs server , , recommend post query under appropriate sbs group . for convenience, i’ve included link of windows small business server discussion group: discussions in windows small business server general sbs08 public newsgroups hope helps ! Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Need advice on my script for backup reporting - Can it be simplified, is there a better way?

i need test successful backups , created script. working, since don't work in powershell much, appreciate input , advice. $smtpfrom = "email" $smtpto = "email" $smtpsubject $smtpbody $smtpserver = "" $smtpclient = new-object net.mail.smtpclient($smtpserver, 25) $smtpclient.enablessl = $true $smtpclient.credentials = new-object"username","password") $smtpsubjecttrue = "the backup has completed successfully" $smtpbodytrue = "the backup has completed successfully" $smtpsubjectfalse = "the backup has not completed in last 24 hours" $smtpbodyfalse = "the backup has not completed in last 24 hours" $event = get-winevent -filterhashtable @{logname='application'; id=2003 ; starttime=(get-date).date}  -maxevents 1; if($event.count -gt 0) {$smtpbody=$smtpbodytrue;$smtpsubject=$smtpsubjecttrue} else {$smtpbody=$smtpbodyfal

Windows 2008 Server Schemas

does know schemas windows 2008 server supports. windows server 2003 supported h350 schema documented anywhere still support windows server 2008?   thanks 1. bit ambigues question have many answers. place question specific problem in focus? (see rules here 2. internet: resolved: believe have identified source of problem: "rtfm". page 39 of lifesize video communications systems administrator guide: "..lifesize recommends use ldap server configured h.350 compliant schema..." since windows ad not default h.350 compliant, suspect why not getting results. rely on auto-discovery until our ad schema becomes h.350 compliant. 3. perhaps better follow trace of rfc3944 in ad 2k8 regards milos Windows Server  >  Windows Serve

Remote Desktop error...

hi,   i have ibm thinkpad r52 laptop on our company domain.i trying connect to perticular computer ( hostname "test1" ) laptop through rdp(remote desktop) with "use1" local user id , password, which id added remote desktop groups in test1 machine.test1machine is in workgroup.   problem while trying connect "test1" through rdp using local account "use1" as username , password giving me error that not have privilage access connect computer. but if put that local user account "use1" into administrator group,its allowing me connect through rdp.   if trying connect "test1" "use1" account other machine allowing me login without adding "use1" account administrator group.   for security purpose dont want add "use1" account administrator group.    i can access other machines laptop through rdp whithout error.   please suggest me solution.     what kind of computer trying con

Test ODBC DSN Connectivity from command line

hi , operating system : windows 2008 server r2 64 bit database : ms access 2003 (mdb) secured by workgroup information file (wgi) (placed on shared network drive) created 32 bit dsn based on above dsn. i want check if dsn connecting comman line or other way provided os since odbc administrator not give functionality test connection based on access db. any information appreciated ! regards, anup wadhekar you e.g. use vbscript - e.g. in asp page: - right connection string dsn, e.g. - add web server role classical asp - create new folder , add asp page including this: strconn = [your connection string] set dbconn = server.createobject("adodb.connection") strconn - create application associated folder. - application pool of iis needs configured 32bit apps. on 64bit server (advanced properties of app. pool) it should work without web server, in script - think need careful run cscript s

software installation GPO is not applying

hi,  i trying install ms office communicator.msi package our users. have created policy in staff ou , added policy installing  the software. software not installed in client system. have log on script policy map network drives , ie homepage policy created working fine. software installation policy isn't working.  i using windows server 2008 r2 in server side , windows 7 os on client side. can 1 have idea issue? many thanks,  atk it seems uac preventing software installation. try disabling uac , see if application installs properly. also, suggest have @ similar threads given below, may give more information. software installation gpo not applying on computers software install gpo not applying windows 7 pc's software installation gpo server 2

Even ID: 9 Virtual Disk Service

en computer management se presentan los discos con una x en fondo rojo en el campo volumen los discos estan funcionando bien, pero en el log de evetos se presenta el source: virtual disk service, type: error, event id: 9, erro code: 3@020a001b. es una maquina virtual en vmware con s.o. windos server 2003. agradezco información sobre la solución de este error. hola denisse y gracias por usar los foros de technet, el error que comentas puedes tener diversas causas, por favor inicia con este artículo, este otro y comentanos tus resultados. saludos. el contenido es provisto "como esta" sin garantia de ningun tipo, ya sea explicita o implicita&amp gracias technet community support por favor recuerda "marcar como respuesta" las respuestas que resolvieron tu problema. es una manera común de reconocer quienes te ayudaron, y hace más fácil para otros visitantes el encontrar una solución después.

Use data from xml file that contains several names as input for servernames in new-xaaplication

hi powershell friends ;-) so i'm using citrix powershell snapin create new citrix folder , citrix published application. runs fine except variable use define servers want assigned published application. - here script - ################ # script preparation - citrix script ################ ## ! load functions . \\nobackup\options$\psscripts\codetrunk\loadsnapins_function.ps1     # load loadsnapins function in loadsnapins_function.ps1     loadsnapins ## load getdatatocreatehdcu function. load data (general variables used creating customer) . \\nobackup\options$\psscripts\codetrunk\getdatatocreatehdcu_function.ps1     getdatatocreatehdcu ## ! variables specific script only # -- citrix 2k8 r2 farm srv $citrixfarmsrv = "ts123" # -- cu pub. desktop app. servers $citrixpubdesksrvs = $ ##################### # script body - start ##################### # - citrix notes - # # want use -c