
Showing posts from September, 2011

lost administration file.

i seem have lost administrator file on our computer.....all accounts have limited accounts, means cant update anthing on our pc, , j purchased new pc game, , cant put on pc....i tried goto user accounts , make new administrator file....but uhave have 1 make another....someone plz help? hello, don't know file talking about, mean administrator account password? also forum belongs server os versions, please use microsoft answers forum instead windows xp: best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Remote desktop is not working at all plezzz help me

my os windows server 2003 standard , remote desktop not working , have enabled system properties , enabled remote services still not working. i cannot reach login screen , tried ways still cannot use remote desktop. plezzz me.   you might try; portqryui - user interface portqry command line port scanner port reporter (portrptr.exe) regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Simulate No Response in TCP Connection (Credit Card Transaction)

i've been requested perform simulation of credit card transaction in data transferred processor communication cuts out before processor can confirm has been processed. our developer trying integrate error handling in send credit card data conversation cuts out whatever reason in middle of transaction. can't wrap head around way allow outbound connection established on tcp , denying response after 3-way handshake has been completed. thoughts? consider using vm 'pulling cable' within hypervisor. virtualization tools offer ways limit bandwith and/or add packet loss. mcp/mcsa/mcts/mcitp Windows Server  >  Security

Windows 2008 WUS reboots

hello, i have several dozens of windows 2008 r2 servers configured updates local wus box. reason after recent security patche release 2008 servers started install , reboot though wus registry configure to:   "automatically download , notify of installation"  (auoptions=3) this "phenomenon" happening only on windows 2008 servers ...   2003 behaving expected. is else experiencing this?  ideas how prevent this? thanks!  sigitas the servers are configured gpo. the interesting part these servers behaved expected last 2 years and out of blue started installing patches , initiated reboots in middle of day. please note the reboots occurred randomly in middle of day, not @ 3am , happened win2008 hosts… sounds enabled deadline on a windows server 2008 update. post windowsupdate.log entries actual installation event on 1 of these servers. if deadlines factor, log entries confirm that. lawrence garvin, m.s., mcitp:ea, mcdba, mcsa principal/cto, o

Windows 10 UWP Remote Desktop App and RD Gateway

hi, i'm unable connect our remoteapp resources windows 10 uwp remote desktop app using our rd gateway server. remote resources refreshes webfeed when try initiate connection remoteapp it times out error "remote pc can't found". narrowed down issue app when using the rd gateway since can connect if bypass it. the rd gateway functioning have no issues connecting same pc using remote desktop classic application or browsing rd web , initiating connection. tried changing host file on client connects directly 1 rd gateway server rather go through load balancer. wireshark trace shows client , rd gateway negotiating unknown reason being dropped. the setup briefly follows. appreciated. 2 x rd connection brokers in ha - windows server 2016 2 x rd web , rd gateway - windows server 2016 2 x nps servers azure mfa extension - windows server 2016 * 6 x rd session hosts - windows 2012 r2 * have tried turning mfa off still same result. did discover there issue curr

TSGateway registry settings

hello. we use tsgateway connected main site domain controllers via vpn channel, no domain controllers or other servers on site tsgateway server. it's needed because users have problem access main site location. sometime tsgateway throw error terminal-services gateway event id 201: the user "<username>", on client computer "", did not meet connection authorization policy requirements , therefore not authorized access rd gateway server. following authentication method attempted: "ntlm". following error occurred: "23003". after reconnection - user have access via ts gateway. i think may happen if server doesn't receive response domain controller. hi, remote desktop gateway client fails authentication “your user account not authorized access rd gateway”,refer here:

Document in DFS update

dear all one case, dfs share on \\server\abc point 1. ad site file server1 folder abc 2. ad site b file server2 folder abc when user in ad site access , edit \\server\abc\test.txt, can user b in ad site b access \\server\ab c\test.txt  ? any alert user opening file? thx q k hi, txt file not example accessed in same time different user. understand file locking related question. result depends on server user , b directed to. for example if user directed server1 , user b directed server2 (this default users directed in-site server target), accessing different file (same content on different server), not alert. result last-one-win, file closed later win replication , earlier 1 moved conflictanddelete folder (hidden folder). if both users directed same server, works let accessing file in shared folder. technet subscriber support in forum |if have feedback on our support, please contact

how to remove orphaned domain trust user account

i see account under users container, named xyz$, useraccountcontrol attrobute set 2080 (passwd_notreqd | interdomain_trust_account).  i assume account used sort of domain trust relationship, created years ago , nobody recalls.  i remove account.  one odd thing noticed lastlogontimestamp unexpected, contains value 1 year ago.  i not sure how be, either way long time ago (by logon standards should actively used).  i remove account, keep getting permissions denied no matter try. > remove account, keep getting permissions denied no matter try.   we face issue time time. do: create new trust same name "in domain only", delete new trust.   Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Windows 2008 Security Patches

when ms stop releasing security patches windows 2008 r2?  hi, thanks post. the answer no. windows server 2008 r2’s extended support end date 4/9/2020 , can still receive security updates during these years. please check below articles , screenshots: microsoft support lifecycle support lifecycle policy best regards, alvin wang please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact Windows Server  >  Security

Server 2008 R2 DCPromo after Exchange 2010 install

this current situation: have 2x servers (see below specs).  the old server domain controller.  the new server running exchange 2010 , functioning correctly.  traditionally, when install new server, make domain controller , install exchange.  unfortunately, step skipped. have second domain controller, in case old server dies.  what options?  research has led me believe dcpromo'ing after exchange install goof things up. new server - server 2008 r2 std - exchange 2010 old server - server 2008 std - had exchange 2007, migrated off caveats: not want migrate temp server , back.  i leave servers intact possible in current configuration. hello, it not supported promote exchange server domain controller. and not recommended, not microsoft, run exchange on dcs. leave as domain member server. in case, without wanting reconfiguration, work single dc(also not recommended), use older machine second dc/dns/gc or buy additional server.

Administrator.000 after in-place upgrade

i did in-place upgrade windows 2008 foundation windows 2008 standard windows 2012 standard on 1 server environment dc. after in-place upgrades completed have corrupted admin profile shows administrator.000. since dc cannot delete profile users , groups.  i can log onto server fine domain admin , appears operating should. how can fix profile? should change registries profile? set showing  c:\users\administrator.000>set allusersprofile=c:\programdata appdata=c:\users\administrator.000\appdata\roaming clientname=servername commonprogramfiles=c:\program files\common files commonprogramfiles(x86)=c:\program files (x86)\common files commonprogramw6432=c:\program files\common files computername=servername comspec=c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe fp_no_host_check=no homedrive=c: homepath=\users\administrator.000 localappdata=c:\users\administrator.000\appdata\local logonserver=\\servername number_of_processors=4 os=windows_nt path=c:\windows\system32;c:\wi

Powershell construct for mulitple values. Using the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet.

hello, find $_.innerthtml -like "*brother* or "*hp*", when add "-or" operator, return value blank. what better way write below snippet can lookup 2 or more values if exist where-object filter? ##################################################### $site = read-host "enter printer ip" $request = invoke-webrequest -uri $site $request.allelements| where-object {$_.innerhtml -like "*brother*"}| sort-object { $_.innerhtml.length } | select-object innertext -first 1 thanks! $request.allelements| where-object {$_.innerhtml -like '*brother*' -or $_.innerhtml -like '*hp*'}| \_(ツ)_/ Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Error al ingresar con cuenta de Administrador

hola buenas noches. tengo windows server 2008 r2 std ed 64 bits. habíamos estado trabajando bien, pero desde ayer no puedo entrar la cuenta de administrador, ya sea local o remoto. al intentar ingresar localmente con cuenta de adminisrtrador, se queda en pantalla negra con cursor parpadeando y después de unos segundos regresa al login sin mandar mensaje de error, ahora, al intentar entrar por escritorio remoto con la misma cuenta del administrador y después de unos segundos manda el mensaje: la tarea que intenta realizar no se puede completar por que servicios de escritorio remoto está ocupado. no querido reiniciar el servidor por miedo que no entre, de hecho si me permite entrar por escritorio remoto con otras cuentas de usuario, pero no con administrador. que puedo hacer? que se deberá este comportamiento? gracias por el apoyo. saludos  hola jorch_82, lo primero sería conocer qué fue lo último que se hizo con esa cuenta, si se instaló algo, si se cambió la cuenta de algún ser

Windows 2016 Standard guest VM

hello guys, win 2016 standard  am able install 5 guest vms win 7 os? thanks. every second counts..make use of it. disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. might read through one.     regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter management disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2016 General

Remote desktop RDWeb returns HTTP 500

hello i haven't found s forum remote desktop services, post here. have 2012 r2 server installation. i had share point installation on it, because of performance troubles removed it. installed remote desktop services , have published apps. when access http://servername/rdweb we got http 500 answer. i tried different things found in web fix issue, nothing helped. changed mode of application pool integrated classic mode , got hint: when trying access wab page exception die datei oder assembly "microsoft.sharepoint, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=71e9bce111e9429c" oder eine abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. das system kann die angegebene datei nicht finden which means assembly couldn't found. correct, uninstalled! why iis trying load assembly when accessing rdweb pages? how can configure iis rid of dependencies? checked configuration of .net providers (anbieter in german) , foun

Difference between profile path and local path under Profiles tab of a user account.

what difference between difference between profile path , local path under profiles tab of user account. what type of files stored in these 2 folders? can both set same folder? thanks , regards, radhakrishnan profile path - path user profile stroed (roaming profile). defining path , user can hop 1 system , profile mapped there in of computer logs in (for eg - user desktop items, dcouments, favi...etc) local path (under home folder) - path user can store files , folder. let user specify path on local system has logged in. if logging other system not files or folder there. has use connect option below local path option can put server path. doing folder , files if hoping 1 system another refer below link regards, _prashant_ mcsa|mcitp sa|microsoft exchange 2003 blog - disclaimer: posting provided as-is no warranties/guarantees , confers no rights.

WDS - When to use different install and boot images

i curious, following thread , came issues. everytime try capture 2003 server, used windows 2008 (non r2) disc boot image from, finish install , right when windows symbol coming start windows. bluie screens on me. im guessing hardware drivers. try attach driver groups x86 version or x64 version, whichever verion im trying capture @ time , not allow me add driver packages. option greyed out. on boot images 2008 servers option not greyed out. i'm trying figure out how make image (with boot.wim server 2008 disc) , capture 2003 server image , deploy other servers. have been working on awhile , have come nothing. missing?   note: using vsphere test these deploys , captures i have tested on physical servers , have had still no luck 2003 installs 2008 capture/deploys work. i tried create answer files (which don't know with) , sysprep 2003 servers in

Extended\Enhanced Key usage in Sub CA Certificates

bonjour,  i had made test 5 level ca , doing microsoft smart card logon end tier ca, had big big problem sub cas did not have smart card logon extension in eku, end entity certificates unable sc logon. error client certificate & chain certificates not valid intended usage. sc logon extension missing in upper layer sub ca certs. diagnosed after long time , included desired extension in subca certs. microsoft deals constraint if extension not present. as there lot of extensions , thinking evolution, many extensions created n used in future, if add particular set of extension in sub ca certs in future set constraint on pki solution , not able use these new extensions in end entity. is best solutionto remove eku in sub ca certs avoid constraints ? waiting reply regards scott i never add eku constraints in subordinate ca certificates reason. i typically deploy application policies oid in eku extension ekus allowed. the cases eku populated in ca cer

Access Denied while accessing MS Office Files.

i have shared folder file server , been mounted drive in client systems based on permissions. a particular folder have created , mounted client system making issues. a. the user has modify access, have tried give him full rights. b. actually user member of group called (bss). c. i have given, read access group bss , modify access particular user. issue: the user can able create, rename , delete files folder, can able modify , save notepad test files. but, when create or access msoffice files, excel... "access denied contact administrator" prompts when try save file. event log: the description event id 300 source microsoft office 16 alerts cannot found. either component raises event not installed on local computer or installation corrupted. can install or repair component on local computer. if event originated on computer, display information had saved event. following information included event:  microsoft excel access denied. contact administ

Gpo Preferences - Problemas con Mapeo

buenas tardes: la infraestructura es la siguiente, dominios 2003, clientes xp y 7. creamos una politica utilizando las preferencias de 2008 r2 sp1 para mapeo de unidades. tenemos un equipo en una dmz y fuera del dominio que hace de ftp y la necesidad es que algunos usuarios puedan tener mapeado la unidad de red para poder tomar los archivos. la politica es la siguiente: t: (order: 1)hide generalhide action replace propertiesletter t location \\\invitado reconnect disabled use first available disabled connect\usuario1 hide/show drive no change hide/show drives no change con esta configuración no tengo ningun inconveniente en equipos xp o 2003. el problema es con los equipos w7 y 2008 que la unidad queda con la cruz roja y la siguiente leyenda: microsoft windows network: multiple connection server or shared resource same user, using more 1 user name, not allowed. disconnect previous connections server or shared resource , try again

Event ID 96 — AD CS Key Archival and Recovery - can't connect to server via dashboard or install new clients

moving old thread more appropriate forum: old thread few weeks ago installed sbs 2011 essentials on new server, configured new domain, , added several clients domain. file sharing, remote web access, dashboard etc working. starting few days ago, cannot log onto dashboard client computer, or add new client domain, can still ping server, access shared folders, , in general see server on network. see previous thread screenshots/details. rwa works outside network, within network "license revoked" error instead of certificate name mismatch warning expected. after digging server console, seeing lot of event 96 errors,  i feel has godaddy ssl certificate... microsoft info find: event id 96 — ad cs key archival , recovery

Delegating rights in Hyper-V

i need create virtual machine on 1 of our virtual servers in not in our systems group isn’t , won’t part of local administrators group on virtual server running hyper-v.  normally create vm , install server 2008 or whatever needed , give them rights remote desktop server.  however, in situation needs install linux on vm needs able access vm via hyper-v manager.  there way grant him permission via hyper-v manager can access particular vm?  couldn’t figure out way in server 2008 , wondering if there way in 2008 r2. thanks! hi,   you can refer to:   using authorization manager hyper-v security   allowing non-administrators control hyper-v     best regards, vincent hu   Windows Server

Domain Controller Certificates

i opened local certificate store on domain controller renew dc certs. renewed them successfully, right-clicked "personal - certificates" , selected "all tasks - request new certificate" make sure had ones needed. under options saw: domain controller domain controller authentication directory email replication kerberos authentication because certs had installed didn't have same titles under "intended purposes" selected them , have duplicates , wary remove them. should remove duplicates , there implications? thanks i recommend removing them , selecting kerberos authentication certificate. if setup correctly (in environment), should deploy using autoenrollment. brian Windows Server  >  Security

Direct Access on Hyper-V 2012 R2

hello i'm running direct access on hyper-v 2012 r2.  i have 2 servers running windows nlb. 2 processors, 8 gig of ram (they not being taxed hard) 2 nics behind nat firewall my speed , latency on these things poor. i've seen go 65ms comparable native fortigate vpn , acceptable.  but i'm more seeing 275-800 ms , transfer speeds of 80kb/s. 2 clients. i can't find "performance" best practices on internet other disabling other transition technologies that's client connect faster. any 1 else have tuning guides or suggestions? thanks. hi, directaccess performance dependent on many factors such speed of directaccess client’s connection internet, internet latency , congestion between directaccess client , server, , current load on directaccess server. to narrow down issue, please perform tests below: please put client same subnet of directaccess server. if works, issue should caused internet or firewall. please try shutdown vms on hyp

Migrate DHCP from SVR 2003 to SVR 2008

good afternoon, i in process of implementing first server 2008 (standard x86) domain controller windows 2003 domain environment.  @ point have run adprep , dcpromo server 2008 system on network domain controller.  next step migrate existing dhcp win server 2003 new win server 2008 dc.  have never completed dhcp migration unfamiliar process , have been getting lot of questionable feedback colleagues of mine. can please assist me in understanding recommended/appropriate way migrate dhcp server 2003 server 2008?  number one, can have dhcp running on both servers @ same time? any appreciated.  thank you! hi,   thanks post.   from description, understand know how migrate dhcp server windows server 2003 windows server 2008.   we can have 2 dhcp servers @ same time. using more 1 dhcp server on same subnet provides increased fault tolerance servicing dhcp clients located on it. 2 dhcp servers, if 1 server unavailable, other server can take place , continue lease new addresses or renew

Access violation Remote Registry

discovered yesterday if rrs has been used access performance counters encounters access violation when service restarted. causes hosting process go away taking other services hosted in process. work around put remote registry in own process. av still occurs of course no other services affected. have dump. windows 2012 r2 patched. if attach windbg process hosting service , net stop remote registry happens. 0:007> !analyze -v ******************************************************************************* *                                                                             * *                        exception analysis                                   * *                                                                             * ******************************************************************************* faulting_ip:  regsvc!unloaded+334c 00007ffa`7910334c ??              ??? exception_record:  ffffffffffffffff -- (.exr 0xfffffffffffff

Block DameWare mini remote control application using GP

hi , i block dameware mini remote control application in organization using group policy . if possible ,please share procedure hi,   thanks posting.   to block specific application, can use software restriction group policy. so, please refer following steps:   1. start gpmc, , open gpo edit.   2. expand following items: computer configuration->policies->windows settings->security settings->software restriction policies. right-click software restrictions, , select new software restriction policies.   3. 2 nodes appear under software restriction policies: security levels , additional rules. select security levels.   4. under security levels, 3 levels displayed: disallowed default blocking of software, basic user software can run run without administrator credentials, , unrestricted allows software run. if right-click option unrestricted, option “set default” appears, forcing policy mode (unrestricted default). if leave unrestricted defau

Automatic Files and Folders Permission

dears, is there way automate permission set on folder contains number of x folders, these x folder named user name of users need access it, example there folder name "john.runner" user john.runner should able access folder , have full access in addition of administrators group , domain admins. i need know concept on how such thing using script or so, , can customise needed. thanks alot in advanced. looks need this: Windows Server  >  Security

CRITICAL: Repair-Volume DESTROYS File Replication Service

after running: repair-volume c: -offlinescanandfix ps command (after restart), windows server 2012 standard (domain controller member) is logging following error: -------------------------------------------------------------- log name:      file replication service source:        ntfrs date:          8.10.2013. 1:14:26 event id:      13552 task category: none level:         error keywords:      classic user:          n/a computer: description: file replication service unable add computer following replica set:     "domain system volume (sysvol share)"   caused number of problems such as:   --  invalid root path,   --  missing directory,   --  missing disk volume,   --  file system on volume not support ntfs 5.0   information below may resolve problem: computer dns name "" replica set member name "dnbdc03" replica set root path "c:\windows\sysvol\domain"

Accessing files on a winodws server over the network

hello, if large file (600mb) copied raid 5 volume on windows server then selected windows pc....does that entire file  get "loaded"  pc ram ?  ( pc=1gb ram) or segmented  , if more ram permit file loaded? thanks this depends on application , file in question. there programs load whole file ram (or try to, notepad example load entire textfile ram) , there programs stream through file. without further details of scenario, no way tell Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Some problem after renaming domain

after renaming domain on windows 2008 r2 (using rendom.exe), cannot join clients server , the following error occurs: "the network path not found" and moreover 1 of clients cannot log in error: "the security database on servers not have computer account workstation trust relationship". in addition, "dns name" of clients not in "computers ou" previous domain name. i'm newbie , don't understands these issues please , give me step step solution. appreciated. after renaming domain on windows 2008 r2 (using rendom.exe), cannot join clients server , the following error occurs: "the network path not found" and moreover 1 of clients cannot log in error: "the security database on servers not have computer account workstation trust relationship". in addition, "dns name" of clients not in "computers ou" previous domain name. i'm newbie , don't understands these issues plea

Visio SaveAsWebObject on Powershell

hey guys.. im trying build simple script open visio drawing, export html , close.. i got 1 work method export, exporting without crtl function show shape data , other things, if can give me awesome $directory = "c:\visio\" $filename = "drawing" $application = new-object -comobject visio.application $application.visible = $true $document = $"$directory$filename.vsdm") $objsaveasweb = $application.saveaswebobject $vsowebsettings = $objsaveasweb.webpagesettings $vsowebsettings.startpage = 1 $vsowebsettings.endpage = 2 $vsowebsettings.targetpath= "$directory$filename.htm" $objsaveasweb.createpages $document.saved = $true $application.quit() once try run get the property '*' cannot found on object its happening startpage, endpage, targetpath don't know if im referencing object on right way. thanks mcts - sccm hi josé luiz schenardie, please try script below export visi

Remote Desktop Server just Rebooted itself

2012r2 remote desktop server in hyperv vm restarted out of nowhere. last log entry in system log says "the appx deployment service (appxsvc) service entered stopped state." no idea if cause or not (not sure what's talking about, after googling it). working fine until reboot. applied latest "important" updates last weekend. nothing in otheer logs can find pointing problem, there must 1 because never happened before. anywhere besides event viewer should checking? thanks, jeff hi jeff, you may check event 1074 for reason of shutdown. shutdown event tracker overview if events logs not helpful, may need use third party monitoring tool track shutdown activities. best regards, amy please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact .

How often can I move a virtualized server?

i have windows server 2008 server (used terminal services access peachtree) converted physical virtual 30 days ago, , running in virtualbox in physical server.  performance has been quite bad (pentium d, 4gb ram on physical box), , i'd move again, virtual instance on different (higher performance) physical server. 1) can this, or trigger licensing/activation problem when moved new machine? 2) suggestions on virtualization technology use (should go hyper-v or else)?  server going used less , less start using different financial management solution, now, it's still in production, , frustrating poor folks have enter data.   any suggestions appreciated; please ask if need more info. hi,   1. if move virtual machine new physical machine, need activate again. 2. virtualbox host-based architecture virtualization technology, runs within operating system environment. guest operating systems run @ third level above hardware host-based virtualization solution