
Showing posts from May, 2013

Remote Desktop Services Licensing "Credentials not available"

dear community, we have remote desktop service licensing server activated , having user cals there already on 2008 r2 server in workgroup (dmz). @ moment there's no chance activate a  separate win 2008 terminal server connect license server running on 2008 r2. both servers in same workgroup , subnet. licensese installed 2008 , 2008r2 servers. if check licensing diagnosis: error:  credentials "not available"  , entering remote(servername\user) user credentials not work.  not applied. (even when using admin credentials) what can done ? regards   hi,   from description, understand windows server 2008 remote desktop sessions hosts (terminal services) unable discover remote desktop services licensing (terminal server license server) within workgroup environment.   please following these steps check:   executed following procedures remove 'remote desktop services' customer installed incorrect component.   1.  select start\all programs

Won't install error code 0x8007045D

a friend installed ubuntu me on windows 7 have no idea how use linux , tried go windows thinking i'd try windows 10. of problems started. having real issues bootloader converting linux windows. wend cmd, i've ran commands fix bootloader, repaired mbr, (i've done on bootrec.exe). went bios , disabled linux boot, , before pc used tell me couldn't install because mbr , gpt, has managed installation part of windows butit gave me error , did not install windows cannot install required files make sure files reuired installation available , restart installation. error code 0x8007045d i'm newb when comes os , of have done reading other people's issues , trying troubleshoot there. pc asus k55a 1b. tried go onto website see if needed reinstall drivers, it's greek me. hi mechanicaldoll, like david suggested, should better ask friend here. error code 0x8007045d means there problems on hdd, think should related linux partition. and if

TS device CAL grace period

hello, there way can change defautl grace period device ts cal ? need set short device cal available client..i think not possible...can confirm ? thanks ! bodo hi, there no way change validity period of per device rds/ts cals or initial server grace period.  if licensing server 2008 or later may revoke 20% of issued per device rds/ts cals.  once per device cal revoked available issued different device. -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Is a class B network a good option for us?

our company small 1 , steadily growing towards mid size. have 200 or users. naturally have run out of ip addresses , must redesign entire ip schema. our plan implement class b subnet whole network ranges belonging kinds of devices/machines/servers. there cons this? if so, link me documentation explains this? read online isolating broadcast domains, require huge cost new routers , such. feel our size not justify cost of isolating broadcast domains right now. if there huge cons having class b network now, helpful know. can offer insight? you not going see "con" creating class b network.  see network begin "slow" down add more , more computers network.  while may have switched infrastructure, 1 class b network still going in same broadcast domain.  means (as may know or have read) broadcast packets delivered hosts in subnet. so, if grow double size, after few years , compensate gb switches, may not notice of difference.  aware con cannot work-around

virus or malware not sure but some of the files in the shared folder has are corrupted

hi, we have windows 2003 32 bit from yesterday of excel have extension .geapoij , not opening, if file renamed .xls or xlsx can see junk characters. there no suspicious software in control panel how data back. thanks in advance... hi jayanth kundar, the virus inject issue dangerous , critical, suggest shutdown computers , ask anti-virus software vendor further or can open css online case further help. please visit below link see various paid support options available better meet needs.;en-us;offerprophone best regards, please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  Security

Terrible Flickering/Delay While Playing Video in Hyper-V

hello community, have hyper-v server running on windows 8.1. have had couple years now. there's been problem has been bugging me (i can't believe waited long anything!) , wanted see if can me out it. essentially, when play video in webpage in hyper-v instance (also windows 8.1, 1 has update), experience tremendous lag , flickering when scroll page or alt-tab away it. it's pretty terrible. not that, sound gets out of sync video , not pleasant. in fact, feel browser/instance going crash @ moment, heh. when alt-tab, take 10 seconds @ times before video rendering window refresh/clear. anyways, wanted out there see if can assist. running gtx660, driver version 344.48. thank you, michael of course, can wait until windows 10 new workspaces functionality.  that's using hyper-v for. :p Windows Server  > 

reboots on shutdown

on build 9879, when shutdown, system reboots, instead of shutting down, on the first try.  on second try shuts down normally.  perhaps problem unique system , combination of installed software.  has else noticed behavior? bill shutdown using start menu results in restart rather shutdown.  using win-c settings results in correct behaviors.  command prompt shutdown -s results in correct behavior. ** new information ** oh happy day!  update kb3019269 resolved issue! Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview General


hi, we're planning simple disaster recovery site users able post , updates or announcements. we'd host using 3rd party host provider. employees can login using windows credentials , data in active directory in 1 of our servers. how can authenticate users website hosted somewhere else dont have access passwords active directory ? google apps directory sync me in issue? other options  do have ? please advice. thanks you can use adfs doesn't require trust or account exist there.   regards   awinish vishwakarma my blog: this posting provided as-is no warranties/guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Servic

Group Policy over PC's in Domain

hi everyone,   i trying set group policy on pc's in domain. 'standard user' group have rights, such not been able change background, administrators able change background. have created groups, , moved groups organisational unit. go here?   thanks much,   tom. you can use security filtering of gpo control user have settings in gpo apply. remove "authenticated users" security filtering , add "standard user" group security filering. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

WSUS catalogue size, location and log file

hi all, quick question, catalogue stored in wsus server? trying find size of latest update synchronization client use , size in total of catalogue, possible? our clients caused issue pulling 35mb catalogue file server, seem correct size sccm/wsus delta update? i had @ wsus related logs (change , software distribution)but couldn't find right info, long day appreciated on have missed in log files, or point in right direction great, thanks help many thanks hi, have install sccm wsus? if yes, better help, please post question on sccm forum. best regards. steven lee please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  > 

Windows 7 cliets fail to get policies from a Windows 2000 Active Directory

·                                  i have new installed clients windows 7 os. problem is, when i'm trying use domain admin user, have no admin rights (such add security privileges on folders, save changes on hosts file, etc). also, when go computer-->mange -->local users , groups -->groups--> administrators lack of "domain admins" group which should automatically added when i associate pc domain. instead there's unrecognized question mark whick led me believe there's problem between windows 2000 active directory , new win7 clients. double checked when entered active directory , tried ping win7 client computer name- got request timed out. so in coclusion, problems active directory makes trouble both admin users , regular users trying use different programs kinds of "access dined" , "access path c:\..... denied" errors . need a.s.a.p, i appreiate it limor hello, by default firewall enabled , have allow icmp can pin

Using ADMT to update groups in a one-way trust

i have 2 domains/forests, extranet , intranet.  we looking decommission extranet domain have large number of accounts.  i have setup admt migrate accounts extranet intranet domain.  however, think i'm missing something.. i not want of groups in extranet. many of our extranet accounts members of groups on intranet domain. when run test user through admt intranet domain not update new user.  i'm assuming because object gets new sid.  if enable sid history update intranet domain groups newly migrated user?  i don't think so, correct? sid history has no role here.   the issue issue, new account in target domain , admt doesn't know group since in target domain.  you migrating source target. santhosh sivarajan | houston, tx posting provided no warranties,and confers no rights. Windows Server

WSUS 3.0 SP2 - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException

when delete computer console or if run wsus cleanup process , reaches point of removing computers, console gives error: -- delete statement conflicted reference constraint "fk__tbexpande__targe__038683f8". conflict occurred in database "susdb", table "dbo.tbexpandedtargetintargetgroup", column 'targetid'. statement has been terminated.   source .net sqlclient data provider   stack trace:    @ caller, delegate method, object[] args, boolean synchronous)    @ method, object[] args)    @ microsoft.updateservices.ui.snapin.wizards.servercleanup.servercleanupwizard.oncleanupcomplete(obj wsus 3.0 sp2 - sql express 2005 sp2 thanks resolve!!! i deleted fk__tbexpande__targe__038683f8 Windows Server

windows 7 logon script from windows server 2003

i have 1 windows server 2003. i have 25 windows 7 pro computers , 6 windows xp pro computers. only 1 of computers allow users log in , see home folder.  no other computer will.  nor allow them connect other shared folders on server except administration folder individuals, can access that.  help appreciated. hi,   based on your description, suggest performing the following steps :   1.     only 1 of computers allow users log in , see home folder.   please try use map network drive achieve target.   for details:   how connect , disconnect network drive in windows xp   mapping network drive on windows 7, vista, windows xp , windows server 2003     2.     nor allow them connect other shared folders on server except administration folder individuals, can access that.     i not clear user cannot connect share folder, why can access them?  

sysprep and enter computer name from script

two questions,   1 after imaging workstation, want image search script , add correct name , auto login domain. image weekly , dont' want add computer name , rejoin domain on every cleint. also, don't understand, once workstation joins domain , reimage workstation, there way auto detect if computer name in domain , sync or have manually remove computer ad before re-imaging? 2. unattended installation(xml) i have unattended installtion working have mulitple images , option select image want. how do that?     hi,   let me try answer:   1.   usually can use wds naming policy auto-name clients. if prefer using command, please refer following articles:   add custom command answer file   to auto domain join, please refer following article:   you not need remove computer name first. sync. however, if use wds naming policy, should remove

ADMT permissions issue, intra-forest migration

hi, we consolidating root/child domain infrastructure, have root domain , using admt move users. the problem exchange "send as" permissions. exchange 2013 in root domain. after user migration root domain "send as" permissions lost (full access permissions remain). send , full access permissions granted universal groups in child domain. what issue here? hi, thanks post. regarding issue, please refer following troubleshooting steps: 1. allow inherited permission adsiedit.msc opened adsiedit.msc,   looking "allow inheritable permissions parent propagate object , child objects." option on adminsdholder system container. if option unchecked, should check option. ad sites , services force dc replication between domain controllers. 2. remove affected accounts of following groups administrators      account operators server operators print operators backup operators domain admins schema admins enterprise admins cert publishers the "

Share folder permission

i using win server 2008 r2 sp1. d: create 1 folder , shared "project" folder use local user local user access share folder not able delete folder , child folder . how set permission kindly me ? right click folder , go 'properties' > 'sharing' tab > click 'share...' under network file , folder sharing section. choose ad groups wish share folder with, , click share. also, click 'advanced sharing' tick 'share folder' click 'permissions' , add relevant users/ad groups desired access. click apply. done! thanks ryan Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

FileSystemWatcher Crash

i using monitor directory on unc path.  i have used quite bit in other scripts, , never ran issues.  however, past day or so, have been getting random crashes.  today running locally, try , identify cause, , able reproduce it, , got following error. --------------------------- system.appdomain --------------------------- illegal characters in path.    at path, boolean checkadditional)    at path)    at relativepath)    at action, string name)    at errorcode, uint32 numbytes, nativeoverlapped* overlappedpointer)    at system.threading.executioncontext.runinternal(executioncontext executioncontext, contextcallback callback, object state, boolean preservesyncctx)    at system.threading.executionc

Windows stalls when copying reaches 99% or when saving changes to spreadsheets and documents

i have virtual windows server 2012 r2 standard use file server. users access these files on via network share on virtuel server. i have checked settings , configurations, can't seem find reason why [some times] large file transfer stops @ 99% , .... waits. can wait 5 seconds 2 minutes. of times finishes, result can "network error". also, when saving changes spreadsheet or document message remains on screen several seconds (up 15-20 seconds) (the message says "saving" in danish): regards, allan kjær blog href="">blog</a> this tool may figure out happening.     regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter management disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees, , confers no rights.

Executing local variable to a remote Active Directory server

hi, remote pc tried using below command create users in ad. in "-path" section getting error. please me resolve this. ----------------------------------------------- $theou = "hr" #status = success $myou = invoke-command -computername dc01 -scriptblock {"(get-adorganizationalunit -ldapfilter '(name=$theou)' -searchbase 'ou=users,ou=labou,dc=cyquent,dc=ae').distinguishedname" } #status = success invoke-command -computername dc01 -scriptblock {new-aduser -displayname peter -path $myou -givenname peter -city houston -country -description accountant -surname jason -name peter -samaccountname peter -userprincipalname peter -accountpassword (convertto-securestring password@123 -asplaintext -force) -changepasswordatlogon:$true -enabled:$true} #status = error error: cannot validate argument on parameter 'path' . argument null or empty. provide argument not null or empty, , try command again. -------------

Adding a new Cluster Node with different memory speed?

i have requirement add additional nodes existing hyper-v failover cluster. dell have quoted new hardware , identical existing kit, except memory speed, unable match. i've spent time looking this, can't find clear statements microsoft or other third parties. could tell me if cause cluster validation wizard fail and/or other problems operation of cluster?    clustering in general doesn't care if systems identical...  it's recommended have storage stack consistent, , hyper-v want cpu's same.  otherwise fine... different memory speeds won't issue... nor throw alerts in validate thanks! elden Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

SMIG fails with "UI language" even with lang pack

hello, i need migrate file server(it's single share/directory) english windows 2003 spanish win 2012r2. ofc got ui language mismatch error..... so downloaded english (united states) display language on win2012r2, enabled it(my entire ui in english), changed locale , locale non-unicode programs "united state (english)" same 2003, rebooted, still same stupid error. why isn't working?, installation language irrelevant in 2012r2 era language on top of os cosmetic @ best hi  did tried migrate file server migration tool??if yes,migration source server destination server running operating system in different system ui language (that is, installed language) source server not supported. also can try migrate file server 2003 2012 richcopy,check artilce about, this posting provided no warranties or guarantees,and

Certreq -accept not working for subordinate ca

hi i trying script setup of standalone subordinate ca having issues installing ca cert after has been signed offline root ca. if install cert via certification authority gui works expected if use "certreq -accept -machine filename.cer" no warnings or errors in command line not install certificate correctly. appears put in "local computer\intermediate certification authorities" area of certificate store instead of personal store , if open cert not has private key. trying possible in command line or powershell? you need use different command install response ca certificate: certutil -installcert path\cacert.cer vadims podāns, aka powershell cryptoguy weblog: powershell pki module: check out new: ssl certificate verifier check out new: powershell file checksum integrity verifier tool. Windows Server

Help w/Merge Cells Macro

can me short macro please?  i've got table can have different amounts of columns (5 10) , lots of rows of course.  i'd click left cell in given row then run a macro will: select cells right merge cells enter text, "notes:" cell along enter one: carriage return that's it.  please?  (i can't write vba crap!)  in advance!!!  ~dax   try this: sub mergecells() dim doc as word.document dim rng as word.range set doc = word.activedocument set rng = word.selection.range if rng.information(wdwithintable) then rng.startof unit:=word.wdrow rng.endof unit:=word.wdrow, extend:=word.wdextend rng.cells.merge rng.text = "notes:" & vbcr end if end sub   kind regards, rich ... Microsoft Office  > 

For the AD FS Wizard how do I configure a certificate so I can run WCF applications on my server

for ad fs wizard how configure certificate can run wcf applications on server. certificate status: ca root certificate not trusted because not in trusted root certification authorities store. in iis under server certificates: iis express development certificate it not let me "complete certificate request" because not have ".cer" certificate file. how ".cer" file certificate or maybe make one in iis 8.0 not express?  you need make certificate trusted adding in trusted root certification authorities store using certificates snap-in. can use certificates snap-in in mmc export certificate in .cer file. this posting provided no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. ahmed malek my website link my linkedin profile my mvp profile Windows Server  > 

DsReplicaGetInfo() failed with status 8453 (0x2105)

dear, sorry english,... i has 2 windows server 2003 domain controller in environment. i'm tried in-place upgrade domain windows server 2008. after upgraded first dc (fsmo role holder) windows server 2008, check repadmin /showreps found error....below, other function fine (two dc can replicate normally). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- default-first-site-name\testcmad1 dc options: is_gc site options: (none) dc object guid: 8182d2d1-bb2e-415e-96c4-c3e32cb32341 dc invocationid: 4c39039f-a7e5-494c-998f-3c1b8e2d887e ==== inbound neighbors ====================================== dc=testcm,dc=local     default-first-site-name\testcmad2 via rpc         dc object guid: 58c4a24c-0da1-440b-8876-8262f5404ed1         last attempt @ 2009-02-21 15:26:19 successful. cn=configuration,dc=testcm,dc=local     default-first-site-name\testcmad2 via rpc         dc object guid: 58c4a24c-0da1-440b-8876-8262f5404ed1    

Can't log into dc

i've got windows server 2008 ent. server functioning dc, file/print server, vm server. have 1 other old 2003 box dc. main server, server1, has been running fine weeks until yesterday, when started getting error: login failure:, target account name incorrect." when workstations logging in. users denied access file shares. vm's still ran/worked fine. began denied login both on console , rdp. when randomly able login ok ran through dns, ip config, event logs etc. dcdiag failed connectivity test. i'm stuck, unable log in under safe mode or dsrm. when try use remote administration other dc mmc denied access.tia. scott hello,   thank post here.   when attempt logon dsrm local administrator account, exact error message prompted?   for further investigation, please collect mps report have ds , networking diagnoses dc? microsoft product support's reporting tools

"Because of an error in data encryption" I get disconnect RDC

hi,   i connecting server 2008 via rdc vista ultimate. finished new install , since getting intermittently above fault. i never had before, , @ least 3 month now.   any glues, checked registry, per previous problems, no luck.   thanks   sepp schembera i have discarded server2008 , using server 2003 --- no problems.   it seems to combination of server 2008, vista ultimate , virtual server 2005 r2 sp1.   the problem did not exist vs 2005 !   regards   sepp schembera   Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


in clustering san drive not working,in type of scenaria what kind of steps need check. correct - windows 2008 doesn't support anymore parallel scsi therefore "legacy" storage subsystem isn't certified windows 2008 not work shared storage failiover clustering. must support scsi-3 persistent reservation. failover clusters include following new requirements storage: improvements in failover clusters (as compared server clusters in windows server 2003) require storage respond correctly specific scsi commands. confirm storage compatible, run validate configuration wizard. in addition, can contact storage vendor for getting more details around failover cluster requirements please check out following article -> if have further questions please let know. regards ramazan Windows Server

How to convert Hyper-v vm to physical machine

is there way convert hyper-v vm physical server, have performance issues vm wanted check same on physical server.     krishna hi,   the following post discussed similar issue, can refer to:   hyper-v , guest v2v/v2p     best regards, vincent hu   Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Recylce bin RDS r2

hi all, how recyle bin behavior in windows 2008 r2 rds. i know network drive deletion of files , local. when delete file recylce bin on rds host , when not?   anyone ideas? ivan basically works same describe network drives.| files go recycle bin when deleted local drive of rdsh server. file deleted network drive not end-up in recycle bin. since hardly ever hand regular user access local drive of rdsh server, of files users delete (redirected home-drives, shares etc.) not end in recycle bin. to give end-users ability restore file suggest implementing shadow copies, way regular user able restore previous version of file. (besides regular backups of course). see below what shadow copies of shared folders? shadow copies of shared folders feature included in shared folders mmc snap-in or users can use view shared files , folders existed @ points of time in past. accessing previous versions of file

Can you use a Security Group in a Distribution Group For the Members

i have 2 a/d groups: - global security group ntfs security server shares     group contains list of a/d users - universal distribution group the e-mail piece     group contains above global security group i dont want maintain 2 different groups used security group member in distribution group you can mail enable security group -- paul bergson mvp - directory services mcitp: enterprise administrator mcts, mct, mcse, mcsa, security+, bs csci 2008, vista, 2003, 2000 (early achiever), nt4 twitter @pbbergs please no e-mails, questions should posted in newsgroup. posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Direct

Windows SBS 2003 to Windows 2008 Standard server migration

hi guys, i have seen few docs relating migrating sbs 2003 w2008 standard server still confused how licenses relate this. can explain me if/how possible migrate client licensing existing sbs 2003 server w2008 standard server? there upgrade path maybe? it should way renew sbs license windows 2008 standard. detailed information should contact microsoft license center: shaon shan| technet subscriber support in forum| if have feedback on our support, please contact Windows Server  >  Migration

WIndows 2008 Proliant 350 Very bad performance

hi, i've tested hyper-v on small machine home made piv quad core , 8 gb of ram. satysfied test i've decide make investement small company, , decide buy new server develop new network inside company. i've buyed a hp proliant ml 350 g5 2 quand xeon @ 2.5 ghz 13 mb of ram , 2 hd 72 gb 15k rpm sas, 2 hd 500 gb sata 7200 rpm 3gbit transfer rate, 2 hd 750 gb sata 7200 rpm 3gbit transfer rate. i thinked machine develop virtualization solution. on phisical machine i've installed windows 2008 datacenter x64 on tre virtual machine i've installed windows 2008 enterprise edition x64. the physical machine standalone server dhcp, hyper-v (13 mb ram, 8 core) the 1st virtaul machine domain controller 2 mb ram , 2 dedicated processor, dns, iis (this pdc) the 2nd virtual machine domain controller 3 mb ram 2 dedicated processor, dns, iis, exchange 2007 enterprise (this mail server use smasrt host 3rd machine) the 3rd virtual machine standalone server, autenticated in domain 3 mb ram,

GPM Custom GPO-Settings: An error occurred while generating report: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

hello, as can tell title of question, no expert gpo's.  before begin, spent few minutes hour searching , reading in hopes of finding solution , avoid putting myself out there "gpo newb".  while found several posts , answers similar , related, questions , answers more advanced , did present solutions providing person had initial knowledge already.  that not case , ask little patience , bit of 'hand-holding' need. i run sbs 2011, , in group policy management have custom gpo.  in gpo define settings.  i understand may not best or practical method of applying policies, not strict , have few settings.  this policy existed prior joining company, , migrated in sbs '11 sbs '03.  that may issue, before making changes seeking expert advice. when select gpo, named "main gpo", , click on tab @ top "settings" see error: "an error occurred while generating report: object reference not set instance of object." i saw when right

server 2008 trial test

hi all, seems have problem microsoft server 2008 standard (trial) i installed without problems but seems freeze , then my system configuration: amd athlon 64x2 768 mb ddr2 memory m2v-mx se mainboard via chipset geforce 7300 le 128mb mem on board , 128 shared main mem i cannot turn of mem sharing vga card anyone able me of freezing problem   thx hi,   i suspect issue caused incompatible device. please note, because windows server 2008 has been released in february, manufacturers may have not produced or have produced have not published device drivers products work windows server 2008. therefore, recommend contacting hardware manufacturer see whether have windows server 2008 compatible driver available.   meanwhile,   i'd suggest checking system log in event viewer error messages might identify device or driver caused problem.   and also, please boot safe mode see if issue exists in safe mode.   to boot to safe mode, follow these steps: