
Showing posts from March, 2014

DFS Folder Target Site Associations Incorrect With Server 2012

i've brought new 2012r2 file server add our existing dfs infrastructure. other dfs servers 2008r2 , working expected. the new 2012r2 server getting wrong ad site association dfs folder targets. instead of being associated site of more specific subnet file server resides in, being associated 1 of sites configured catch-all subnet. nltest /dsgetsite shows file server in correct ad site (new york) while folder targets on file server show associated catch-all ad site. we have ipv4 subnets configured our ad sites. ipv6 not disabled on file server. have read, vista , beyond prefer use ipv6 determining ad site. i'm wondering if has changed in 2012r2 preventing file server using ipv4 determine site association or maybe there 6to4 conversion going on causing associated catch-all? or other ideas? thanks, dan found problem here. our nic binding order had our iscsi nics @ top uses 172 private ip space. causing folder targets match ad site catch-all subnet configured o

Windows Server 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Gateway missing connect to a remote pc link

i able access , login inside , outside of network.  if computer inside network, see "connect remote pc" link, click on it, enter internal ip address, , works fine.  if connect computer outside of network, able logged rdg, "connect remote pc" link not there.  i can enter address ( ) link manually , page.  but if enter internal ip address or matter , click connect, nothing happens.  rdp client not launch , try connect entered ip address.  have port forwarding enabled port 443 on external ip of router internal ip of server running rdg.  have tired multiple client os's (windows 7, windows 8, mac) , multiple browsers (ie, firefox, , safari). any suggestions? hi, 1. in rd gateway manager, rd cap, please make sure domain users listed, , client computer group membership blank. 2. in rd gateway manager, rd rap, please make sure domain users listed, , set allow connection network r

GPO Printer Deployment. Once a printer is deleted, it is never reapplied. "Access Denied" in logs

hello all, win7 workstation, 2008r2 ad, using user config -> prefs -> control panel -> printers in trying deploy printers, i'm doing testing , have noticed unexpected (for me) behavior. i can set printer deployed via gpo.  i run gpupdate , see printer, all's well.   when delete printer, , re-run gpupdate (or reboot), printer not appear , typical "access denied" error. the printer never re-installed on workstation. hi, thanks posting. have check article? deploying printers via group policy preferences meanwhile, may consider enabling policy under path [computer configuration\administrative templates\system\group policy\printers policy processing] policy , select “do not apply during periodic background processing” option. if issue persists, please run gpresult , post here. regards.   vivian wang technet community support

WSS 2008 Enterprise Ed - iSCSI configuration on NAS Cluster

i want configure hp msa2000 nas running windows storage server 2008 enterprise edition on 2 hp x3400 front end servers clustered iscsi target. of reading i've done in windows storage server startup guide has been helpful except bit, has not enough detail me able implement confidence: "connect iscsi storage – failover cluster requires each node have access storage both cluster functions , data storage provide high available resource. if using iscsi, use iscsi initiator included windows storage server 2008 connect each node iscsi storage." could detail me needs done meet prerequisite? remaining steps clear , detailed enough, not. thanks. john hi,   as may know, windows storage server oem-only product, means don’t support windows storage server 2008. recommend contact oem more details. understanding.   by way, can check following blog.   six uses microsoft iscsi software target htt

How to delete user from deleted objects.

hi! please help. i need know how delete user deleted objects in active directory administrative center, not want delete objects single user. thanks in advance hi, thanks post. as far know, cannot manually delete user deleted objects container. the container, "cn=deleted objects" has objects has attribute "isdeleted" set "true". managed system. these deleted objects waiting "garbage collected". default process runs every 12 hours on each dc. however, can change frequency modifying attribute garbagecollperiod under path cn=directory service, cn=windows nt,cn=services, cn=configuration, dc=,dc=,dc=com. best way modify attribute use support tools' ldp.exe utility. set 2 days , see objects gone. however not recommended because affects entire forest. deleting objects active directory using ldp.exe below thread described same requirement: delete user object deleted obje

Forcing a File Server Quota Alert

i'm doing testing 2008r2 file server resource manager. i've created quota template, , applied quota onto test folder. i'm in process of editing wording of alert email, how can force resend email? have wait hour (or time between when sends alerts) or there way force it? assume quota alerts aren't scheduled happen on demand when user breaches quota settings, there spot can force alert if it's been sent? alternatively, put dummy data in there, remove , re-add trigger quota alert. tia, shane. Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Windows Active directory

i want case study of different active directory setup please suggest me site examples.  three different sites x, y , z method configure active directory when has mpls connection , without mpls.  mean active directory site setup. we have enough documents in technet. here examples: santhosh sivarajan | mcts, mcse (w2k3/w2k/nt4), mcsa (w2k3/w2k/msg), ccna, network+ houston, tx blogs - articles - twitter: @santhosh_sivara - posting provided no warranties,and confers no rights. Windows Server  > 

Folder Redirection issues with Windows Server 2012 R2

we have 2 node cluster our file server , file server role configured. of done in windows server 2012 r2 , server 1 , server 2 vm running in hyper-v. server 1: gcdc-wfs01 server 2: gcdc-wfs02 cluster role (file server): wfs01 the issue having when have folder redirection configured clients (windows 7 , windows 8.1). folder redirections works great until client loses network connectivity. when happens, pc stops responding. if try open computer, blank screen , cannot access local drives. if try open word or excel, hang on splash screen. restore network connection, starts working again. if not using redirected folders , disconnect network adapter, pc still usable. can access local files, can open word , excel, can locally on pc without issues. redirecting following folders: desktop, documents, favorites , pictures. turning on offline files doesn't issue either. as test, created file server running windows server 2008 r2 , server, have no issues. any ideas? hi

Login error for windows 10

i upgrated windows 10 when start computer a log in error (wrong user name or password mircrosoft account) i have click on user name , enter email address , password  which accepts. how can avoid original error message of wrong user name or password?? seems system loading wrong information somewhere error?? hi, since microsoft account, may try reset password, click link below reset password: detailed steps may reference when can't sign in microsoft account : best regards,  eve wang please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  Server Core

How to hide windows XP synchronizing each log in and log off

have windows server 2008 have folder redirection  gpo windows xp users are experiencing slow logg off  and login because each time user login the synchronizing process  is  starting  as log off there way can hide  this syncing windows 7 users. windows 7 users don't see sync operation on each login , loggoff me regards  hello,  i suggest check thread once regards, ravikumar p Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Routing and Remote Access: No Ping after configuring RRAS

hello all i have configured vpn on windows server 2012 r2, have 2 network adapter cards, card1 internal non routable ip , card2 external public ip. i have cisco linksys smart wi-fi: vpn passthrough enable, pptp port 1723 on gre port 47 on linksys router. problem: after configuring routing , remote access service cannot ping external ip network card, ping result says: general failure, general failure, general failure, general failure. if disable routing , remote access can ping external ip on same server. and when try access vpn locally, can access without problem, when try access vpn outside give me 807 vpn error. windows firewall disabled on server 2012 machine. symantec endpoint protection (unmanaged) installed on server machine have disable it, , created firewall rule allow traffic on network adapters. i appreciate if kindly me resolve issue in vpn, sometime works fine , on next day stop working , stop ping external ip. sometimes can't ping external i

Encrypted File System (EFS) certificate and Group Policy issue

yesterday, users had problems opening/saving/modifying encrypted files.  found out efs certificate our pki had expired day before.  followed instructions @ create new certificate given out group policy.  users issue resolved after doing gpupdate /force.  small number of users (5-10%) had ongoing issues files being read-only , other certificte related issues.  resolved rebooting machine (a couple of times).  1 strange thing new certificate valid 100 years (!!) today, many more users still reporting issues permissions/read-only etc in efs protected folders.  suspect there issue replication between our 2 domain controllers dc01 , dc02 sysvol/policies folder has 10 policies on 1 dc , 7 on other - assume content should identical. see no errors in replmon. dcs - windows server 2008  sp1    clients - xp - w7 any appreciated, particularly: - did take correct action when fixing certificate? - why new cert 100 years? - right in suspectin

The exact URLs and Ports required for KMS server for Volume licensing

hi, i trying implement kms license server infrastructure , need know exact microsoft urls , ports required kms server communication internet activation. my kms server shall 2012 r2 vm. i active server operation systems(2008,2008r2, 2012 , 2012 r2) using same i have checked microsoft kb 921471 did not much. regards, mudasser ports used http80 , https443, url patterns listed in articles. activating kmshost, utilises similar traffic mak. you can activate kmshost, or mak, via telephone activation if wish (this do). activating kmshost one-time step, after activation of kmshost, no further kmshost communication -> microsoft necessary don [doesn't work msft, , they're glad ;] Windows Server  >  Management

how many certificates do I need?

hi all, i read through documentation , checked out step step guides. it mentioned certificate needed signing rdp file using remoteapp manager; certificate rd web access; certificate rd gateway... so, if need build farm 2 rd session hosts, how many certificates need? also, certificate signing rdp file must trusted party?  ssl certificate? thank you.   so, if need build farm 2 rd session hosts, how many certificates need? just farm function dont need certs. websso , rdp sso need one. also, certificate signing rdp file must trusted party?  ssl certificate? you can create self signed certificate, need add 1 trusted on clients. here more information on this: htt

ADC unable to authenticate users

hi, i have scenario in have 2 domain controller on windows server 2012, spanned on 2 data centers, 1 dc on each data center. data center-a primary dc vm crashed, had transfer fsmo roles on adc of data center-b make primary dc. after have created new adc in data center-a , manually removed old crashed dc of data center-a active directory schema using ntdsutil and removed entries dns. all replication between both domain controllers working fine change in both dc replicate on each other. now issue our newly created adc in data center-a unable authenticate users of data center-a machines. when primary dc of data center-b not available due data center-b outage or when have dns address of in data center-a adc in in data center-a machines. please me in issue. thank m farooq hello, "data center-a primary dc vm crashed, had transfer fsmo roles on adc of data center-b make primary dc." i assume talk seizing fsmo roles transfer means dcs available? "

Gateway URL for internal published remote app

i trying determine how configure rds deployment.  have reverse proxy using expose rds website via port 443.  have both the rds session host , ts web access roles on same server , on seperate server have rds gateway.  rds gateway supposed conduit rpc on http don't know if have configured properly.  don't think have.     rdshost => session , web access roles rdsgateway => gateway role   internet ----> reverse proxy ----> firewall ----> rdsgateway ----> rdshost   if want gain access remote app published on rdshost, enter rdshost url , rerouted through rdsgateway , required enter credentials , once authenticated presented remote app.    this works internally how supposed publish externally?  need url refers rdsgateway server not rdshost server. any thoughts on this, have gone on numerous wbsites , can't find on how expose name external consumption. tia -- paul bergson mvp - directory services mcitp: enterprise admini

Get the "Name" column in AD Users/computers to show Username and not full name

good morning, i populated ad users using batch file dsadd commands. (created in excel , copied batch file) this worked great. when go active directory users , computers , go ous users stored, "name" column populated username. , how want it. however, if create new user, or copy 1 of template users, name field populated full name of user instead of username. so, example, have user- bob smith. username bsmith. add him using dsadd command , shows in staff users ou expected. in "name" column, shows bsmith. great! command used is: dsadd user "cn=bsmith,ou=staffusers,ou=organisation,dc=domain,dc=internal" -samid bsmith -upn "bsmith@domain.internal" -fn "bob" -ln "smith" -desc "staff" -display "bob smith" -pwd changeme -mustchpwd yes -disabled no have user, jane smith. username jsmith. add jane smith by creating new user object directly in ad users , computers. however, when view in ad users , compute

PushPrinterConnections.exe and Linked GPO Not Finding or Applying the Policy

hello - i have issue have gpo's being applied correctly (rsop , gpresult both show policies being applied), , pushprinterconnections.exe running -log parameters enabled. print management installed, , when edit gpo , @ deployed printers tab, listed. the printers not deploying when logging onto windows server 2003 r2 terminal server. the ppcuser.log showing following: no gpo deployed printer connection setting found. no deployed printer connection settings found in active directory. there no connections remove. any ideas? when printers machine connections in computer configuration pushprinterconnections.exe needs fired off in machine context.  when users logon have connections adding in user context.    if there no connections in users section of gpo, data reported correctly. alan morris windows printing team Windows Server  > 

adprep /domainprep /gpprep for 3rd DC fails

i have win2k3 forest 1 2k8 dc , 1 2k3 dc.  i want to replace the last 2k3 dc 2k8 dc.  i run adprep /domainprep /gpprep infractursture master, win2k3 dc, , error tells me in adprep.log.   go there , following.  so waht preventing me promoting third dc can replace old w2k3 dc. adprep call following ldap api. ldap_add_s(). entry add cn=domainupdates,cn=system,dc=cic,dc=scic,dc=com. [2011/09/21:08:42:32.110] ldap api ldap_add_s() finished, return code 0x44  [2011/09/21:08:42:32.110] adprep attempted create active directory domain services object cn=domainupdates,cn=system,dc=cic,dc=scic,dc=com.   [status/consequence]   the object exists adprep did not attempt rerun operation continuing.  [2011/09/21:08:42:32.110] adprep call following ldap api. ldap_add_s(). entry add cn=operations,cn=domainupdates,cn=system,dc=cic,dc=scic,dc=com. [2011/09/21:08:42:32.110] ldap api ldap_add_s() finished, return code 0x44  everythign else looks @ end of adprep.log get adp

Windows NLB - Multicast

hi,  i configured windows nlb in multicast mode , gave mac network team adding static arp entry in switches, wondering whether mac id dynamic or stay same untill change mode, or should go igmp mode they stay same: " network load balancing provides second mode distributing incoming network traffic cluster hosts. called  multicast  mode, mode assigns layer 2 multicast address cluster adapter instead of changing adapter's station address. the multicast mac address set to  03-bf-1-2-3-4  for cluster's primary ip address of . since each cluster host retains unique station address, mode alleviates need second network adapter communication between cluster hosts, , removes performance penalty use of dedicated ip addresses." ref: post provided no warranties or guarantees, , confers no rights. ~~~ questo post non fornisce garanzie e non conferisce diritti

How does Vista Service Pack 2 look through the WSUS?

i'm gearing vista sp2 push through wsus, boss concerned how end user sees updating. there's icon in systray telling percentage of download example, tells whether pc needs restart, user restarts, what? if run vista sp2 manually of course asks 3 questions (do want restart automatically, accept eula, blah blatty blah) , goes through windows portion of updates. reboots , goes through second series of updating (step 3 0% yadda), reboots again until gets log in. need know when push through wsus happen , if how long? need tell user how long pc updating once restart begins, ten minutes? thirty? hour?   i saw on youtube people did vista sp2, none find of when it's pushed through wsus, there 1 there? help.   mostly it's because no matter tell them, either email or on phone, there still people shut pcs @ night. have work around lowest denominator among 3200 pcs.   way fix inform them service pack installed overnight <on date>.. , if fail leave machines

Tpm software stack is

i referring tpm management overview page msft: information regarding tpm software stack in windows. from here, see tpm service components in windows consists of following potential layers: - tpm driver - tpm base service (tbs) - tpm wmi (tpm windows management interface) - tpm management snap-in + wizard. now looking @ "a practical guide tpm2.0" book has coverage on tpm1.2 also: in book lists out following high level layers api tpm software stack (which assume referring being same tpm software stack: - fapi (feature api) -eapi (enhanced api) -sapi (system api) -tcti -tab -resource manager -local tpm driver now there add'l information regarding both tbs , - there application use tbs (tpm base services) , application use microsoft supplies tpm simulator. states not compliant tcg. but says in p77, tss  tcg compliant software standard , app-s written t

Windows 2k3 to Windows 2k8 CAL question

hi, we migrate 2 dc's wk2003 wk2008. own number of cal for w2k3.  if we do migrate to wk28 do need buy new cal's? or just 2 w2k8 licenses be enought if we want to use servers dc's?  thanks.    hi , thank posting in windows server forums. for licensing questions, suggest contacting microsoft licensing center detailed explanation.   meanwhile, share following sites regarding windows server 2008 licensing.   for licensing questions, please call 1-800-426-9400 (select option 4), monday through friday, 6:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. (pst) speak directly microsoft licensing specialist.   worldwide customers can use guide worldwide microsoft licensing sites find contact in

Windows Server 2003 R2 Domain controller has been disconnected from Domain for over 1 month

hi all, i have issue sattelite site dc has been off domain on month, after reconnecting server domain via vpn have event id 4 kerbros error target :   event type: error event source: kerberos event category: none event id: 4 date: 11/01/2011 time: 14:58:11 user: n/a computer: sheffield-dc description: the kerberos client received krb_ap_err_modified error server host/  the target name used cifs/llitedc. indicates password used encrypt kerberos service ticket different on target server. commonly, due identically named  machine accounts in target realm (, , client realm.   please contact system administrator.   for more information, see , support center @ is there anyway of recovering without having remove server off domain , onto it. regards jon   hi, i advice first visit link ! best regards best regards don't forget mark answer if helps

Task scheduler trigger: "At system startup" - what does it actually mean?

hello, i'd use "at system startup" trigger run scheduled task (a powershell script) on windows server 2008 r2 server. could tell me @ point of time task executed? above all, i'd confirmed, whether auto start services (o.k., except delayed ones) in running state, when such task runs? my script going start windows services required our application in proper order (and then, our application). thank explanation. jan i believe means run when system started, before user logs on. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Configuring Endpoints (Import-Module WebAdministration) problem

hello. i have created endpoint imports webadministration module: new-pssessionconfigurationfile –modulestoimport webadministration –languagemode ‘fulllanguage’ –sessiontype ‘restrictedremoteserver’ –path ‘c:\webadmin.pssc’ i have no problems registering endpoint.  however, when try connect endpoint using following command: enter-pssession -computername ussrv001 -configurationname webadmin2 receive following message: cannot find drive. drive name 'function' not exist. cannot find path 'c:\windows\system32' because not exist. cannot find path 'c:\windows\system32' because not exist. interestingly, when configure endpoint imports activedirectory module, have no problem.  but when configure endpoint imports webadministration module, errors listed above. does know why have error messages? thank you. have tried running test-pssessionconfigurationfile on config file? [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516

Sistema operativo windows server 2008 r2 de 64 bits y compatibilidades instalacion con sqlserver 2000

es posible  la instalacion de  sqlserver 2000 en un sistema operativo windows server 2008 r2 de 64 bits ? gracias. hola, no es posible te dejo los siguientes link de referencia ruben rosales matamoros mcse + m / mcts Windows Server  >  Administración de servidor

NPS access and failed logs not generating

hi, we have windows server 2008r2 dc , have integrated wlc dc of radius server. 2 days before have enabled audit policy account, directory , object changes success , failure. after these changes nps access , failed logs not generated on radius server, before 2 days logs generated. 4400 event id generated on server. users accessing wireless network. please me. thanks, manish hi manish, it seems setting overridden. maybe can use group policy enable nps auditing. please run gpedit.msc, expand computer configuration à windows settings à security settings à advanced audit policy configuration à system audit policies - local group policy object à logon/logoff. then open audit network policy server properties, check configure following audit events, check success , failure. then run gpupdate /force command in command prompts make policy work @ once. security policy setting determines whether operating system generates audit events radius(ias) , network access protecio

Policy registry keys

sometimes make adm-files policies. must put settings in: hklm\software\policies\microsoft hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies hklm\software\microsoft do know reason that? example, when put de policy in de key hklm\software\microsoft? hi, please clarify requirement? writing custom adm files system policy editor: in addition, i'd share article how core group policy works you: hope helps! best regards elytis cheng elytis cheng technet community support Windows Server  >  Security

DHCP - Multiple scope splited by SITE

hello, afternoon! have mission replace old ad structure (sbs 2011) new 1 , multiple sites in different countries. have: ad sites , services site - subnet: site b - subnet: site c - subnet: dhcp scope scope scope question is: how can associate "dhcp scope" "site"? need: distribute 1 specific ip range (scope) site. thank you! now wait. your dc can part of 1 site only. it cannot belong sites @ 1 time so each site have separate dc.  you can install dhcp on separate dc's , have separate scope in each site. regards, soumyajyoti biswas Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

NAP Deployment in my Office

hi all,   i have assigned task deploy nap in our office. let me describe scenario, i want computer (workgroup) not part of domain when connect network, first check health status visitor's laptop, vendor's desktop computer or wifi mobiles , redirect them subnet (different dhcp server) can ip , start using internet. network , domain resources disabled them if 1 have domain user id , password.  2ndly when computer joins domain. first check health requirement , if not meet redirect other subnet (different dhcp server , remediation server), after remediation joins domain. also want joined domain clients should health checked , remediated automatically. complete report can generate. currently 1 dhcp server running in network. hope have understood scenario. kindly guide me how design , deploy   thanks in advance. naeem         hi, there couple of basic concepts must understand before proceed. first, nap not typically remediate guest or vendor comp

Script in remote server

hi .. im using machine run script validate if specific folder exist in remote win 2008 r2 server , if doesnt exist, shall create it.below script.   how can make below lines in script applied on a  remote server? if ( !(test-path $folder_name) )     {new-item -type directory -path $folder_name |out-null} else {write-host "$folder_name    exists" -foregroundcolor yellow } ammarhasayen hi .. im using machine run script validate if specific folder exist in remote win 2008 r2 server , if doesnt exist, shall create it.below script.   how can make below lines in script applied on a  remote server? if ( !(test-path $folder_name) )     {new-item -type directory -path $folder_name |out-null} else {write-host "$folder_name    exists" -foregroundcolor yellow } ammarhasayen if have psremoting enable, can use invoke-command:   $scriptblock = { param ( $folder_name ) if ( !(test - path $folder_name ) ){ new - item - type directory - path $fo

Problema de compatibilidad de server2008 y XP

buen dia  tengo un servidor proliant ml350 g6 el cual le aumente la capasidad de memoria e instale otro procesador .. funciona bien pero los clientes que usan xp no pueden acceder anuestros sistemas y los que usan w7 o mas si pueden .. la pregunta seria que wserver2008 al manejar mas memoria los clinentes con xp no puedan acceder correr algunos procesos. gracias por sus comentarios! que significa... "no pueden acceder nuestros sistemas" ? a-te da un error b-no encuentran en equipo por nombre c-no tiene conectividad contra el equipo d-no autentica e-no autoriza f-todas las anteriores g-otra saludos! Windows Server  >  Administración de servidor

WAIK install of Server 2008 to a virtual machine does not activate integration services

can install windows server 2008 (w2k8) hyper-v virtual machine, have been unsuccessful getting integration services activate without intervention.  if install w2k8 manually virtual machine integration services automatically installed , activated following final reboot of virtual machine.  if add waik feature pack integration services , tell "configure" there no change.  if add feature pack , tell "install" verify warning integration services part of image.  again result still no integration services.  in cases when view settings vm shows "all services offered" offered integration services, though nothing works (ie mouse, network). i can activate integration services using action menu, selecting "insert integration services setup disk" , selecting install within virtual machine. the installs done media .iso attached virtual cd, , autounattend.xml available through virtual floppy.  install works fine, , able add refinements answer file improve ins