
Showing posts from June, 2014

Unplan Downtime for automatic failover VMs on Hyper-V 2012 clustering(Windows 2012) without SCVMM

dear all,     check you, if setup hyper-v on windows 2012 clustering 2 nodes , not have scvmm manage on hypervisors.          - 3vms locate on node 1.          - 2vms locate on node 2.    if node 1 failure or crash,  3vms on node 1 automatic failover node 2 or not?    or if need automatic failover, have use scvmm manage hyper-v only?    need know, hyper-v server can automatic failover vms node 1 to node 2 or not if don't have scvmm.    please advise. dear all,     check you, if setup hyper-v on windows 2012 clustering 2 nodes , not have scvmm manage on hypervisors.          - 3vms locate on node 1.          - 2vms locate on node 2.    if node 1 failure or crash,  3vms on node 1 automatic failover node 2 or not?    or if need automatic failover, have use scvmm manage hyper-v only?    need know, hyper-v server can automatic failover vms node 1 to node 2 or not if don't have scvmm.    please advise. even free hyper-v support ha vm , failover clu

Authenticate per MAC-Address? Best-practice?

securing complexity cisco nac appliance (clean access): technical view hi everybody,   im testing nap company. far working well. i followed step step guide 802.1x enforcement , nap windows clients working well.   but have lot of devices not 802.1x capable, ip-phones, printers ... what microsoft advice handle these devices?   allowing access no compatible devices no option us. we tried authenticate devices per mac-address, entering 400+ mac-addresses 1 field (calling-station-id) , keep up-to-date no option. using regular expression open access 5-6 vendors , devices.   thanks & regards a. girrbach hi, please refer post:  and tell me if sam's answer provides methods work you. describes use of regular expressions , tools. this discussed on nap blog here: i hope helps, -greg

Replicated DFS, moving files around

we have 4 node replicated dfs namespace.  there 16 folders in namespace.  on years, we've consolidated 16 shares onto 1 file server in each of 4 locations (so have 4 file servers, one in each 4 locations, each 16 shares). our management committee has decided way use our files , folders needs restructures , we're consolidating down 7 shares in namespace.  of folders being moved existing folders.  had anticipated, dfs not aware enough move in between shares if source files on same physical drive, file copy/delete.  because of replication delays, take months complete moves suggesting. does have suggestions consolidated replicated dfs shares without having re-replicate of data? a quick examples of our name space , physical configuration: dfs namespace is: \\test.local\data we have following shares:  share1, share2, share3 , share4 (share4 has 2 sub folders, folder1 , folder2) all shared folders physically reside on same physical disk. this configuration repeat 4 times in primary of

authenticate via active directory credentials

i ask , authentication wifi access point via active directory credentials scenario : we have active directory , radius server ( windows 2008 r2) installed on same pc , tp_link access point  configured radius client . want connect pc outside domain controller wifi (access point ) via active directory users credential , have idea ?? i appreciate anyyy helpp , thank uuu :d hi, thanks post. it’s depended on authentication method trying deploy. example, peap-ms-chap v2 easier deploy eap-tls , peap-tls. need issue valid certificate nps server, , clients need trust ca. more detailed information, please refer follow article. 802.1x authenticated wireless deployment guide radius server 802.1x wireless or wired connections best regards, aiden aiden cao technet community support

How do I map drives in SBS 2008?

yeah, yeah, know has been asked before. however, i've done lot of recommended suggestions , didn't work. want have direct on this, since can't working. i trained under server 2k3, , used scripts/batch files automate things. i'm fine doing map drives, unless there's reason not so. point me in right direction here. i want map drive users in domain. pcs windows xp windows 7. nothing wrong using login script simple net use s: \\server\share command alternatively use group policy preferences these provide little more control , gui rather script interface. stilling using xp need lastest sp installed , ie7 gpp run correctly. to configure using gpp open existing gpo or create new 1 linked users ou. : expand user configuration > preferences > windows settings > drive maps right click - new mapped drive - in location put share connecting to, chose drive letter, , long want create under same user account , not elses that's it. regards, denis

"Security Database does not have a computer account for this workstation" - does a computer account in active directory ever expire?

hi folks, 1 of experts can shine light on topic. work support in large company doing i.t. (has multiple departments). have had more few incidents the user tries login in computer , receive following message: "security database not have computer account workstation" turns out found computer account in 'inactive>disabled' ou folder in active directory. our server intel team may have done cleanup , informed of following: "machines have not talked domain in last 30 days have invalid trust password , need rejoined domain."  'thought' computer account never expired or become inactive - meaning if user out in field months, never on network , 1 day came still on domain? can inform me if above statement true? point me related microsoft article. hi, it caused machine’s password hasn’t been updated, initiated computer every 30 days default. here blog below reference: machine account password process

error ID 41 with hp proliant dl160

we have 3 servers hp proliant dl160 g6 server r2 enterprise, core edition installed on 3 servers. latest updates installed. all servers resetting every 30-300 minutes error id 41 - <event xmlns=""> - <system> <provider name="microsoft-windows-kernel-power" guid="{331c3b3a-2005-44c2-ac5e-77220c37d6b4}" /> <eventid>41</eventid> <version>2</version> <level>1</level> <task>63</task> <opcode>0</opcode> <keywords>0x8000000000000002</keywords> <timecreated systemtime="2011-11-01t03:02:09.849211200z" /> <eventrecordid>326861</eventrecordid> <correlation /> <execution processid="4" threadid="8" /> <channel>system</channel> <computer>hv-02.msft.local</computer> <security userid="s-1-

Task scheduler on NLB cluster

hi, we setting 2 windows server 2012 r2 servers on nlb clusters iis ( sites. need run console apps using task scheduler. easy when had 1 server. now, 2 servers, what's best practice? store apps? how run on 1 server, not both, etc. ? thanks ! hi mmilan, >> thsoe console apps need run on 1 server. problem if 1 server fails. i'm afraid there no solution except installing app on 2 nodes. nlb cluster guarantee service available external users. but applications running on node fail if node down. best regards, leo please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

Powershell Scripting Request

i new scripting, , need helping developing powershell script update user's profiles "user must change password @ next logon"  i have cvs file 2000 users (display name) , script process user every hour.  any assistance appreciated...  the above set-aduser cmdlet syntax incorrect. correct syntax "changepasswordatlogon". ie set-aduser username -changepasswordatlogon $true  ( tested , works ) . you may have check "passwordneverexpires" etc " get-aduser username -properties passwordneverexpires " . , "cannotchangepassword" property get-aduser username -properties cannotchangepassword and set them required via powershell or gui. can use "set-aduser username -passwordneverexpires $false" etc see below set-aduser [-identity] <aduser> [-accountexpirationdate <system.nullable[system.datetime]>] [-accountnotdelegated <system.nullable[bool]>] [-add <hashtable>] [-allowrevers

Connection Broker Client sporadically loggs event id 1306

on remote desktop services session host servers sporadic event logs: log name:      microsoft-windows-terminalservices-sessionbroker-client/operational source:        microsoft-windows-terminalservices-sessionbroker-client date:          4/28/2011 5:21:33 pm event id:      1306 task category: rd connection broker client processes request user level:         error keywords:      user:          network service computer:      server description: remote desktop connection broker client failed redirect user <some user>. hresult = 0x88150006   please help hi,   whether there network connectivity problems between rd session host server , rd connection broker server.   for rd connection broker work properly, rd session host server must able communicate rd connection broker server across network.   please refer the  following article troubleshooting: event id 1306 — rd connection broker communication


i running windows 2008 r2 - can not find dfsdiag.  bc found answer utilize dfsdiag.exe utility first, administrator of environment namespaces should routinely run dfs diagnostics ( dfsdiag.exe ) tool. dfsdiag available in windows vista, server 2008, 7, , 2008 r2. for 2008 or 2008 r2 systems not hosting dfs namespaces service, need install distributed file system tools found in remote server administration tools (rsat) using server manager . rsat separate download vista , windows 7 . in addition, may leverage tool in environment consisting of windows server 2003 domain controllers , namespace servers, need @ least 1 of later os's run dfsdiag. if possible, use windows 7 or 2008 r2 version of dfsdiag--it contains additional text describing each option. lastly, supports both domain-based , standalone namespaces. bc Windows Server  > 

The last bit

i'm attempting set remote web access hyper-v environment.  im following microsoft rd deployment model using hyper-v server 2008 r2 rc ( no gui). last step specify virtualization host server error "the remote desktop services hyper-v agent service not running on specified rd virtualization host server.".  can start service on hyper-v server? how? or have rebuild using server 2008 r2 standard? there lot of info out there on configuring hyper-v server, easiest way with hvremote Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

vista ultimate 64 vs. server 2008 resources

im not sure if correct place post, couldnt find better spot. i running win xp pro sp3 , fine....but upgrade vista ultimate 64 bit the reason use linux time time , love security features , windows effects.  use many windows programs use full time. i downloaded vista readiness test , said computer vista business. so did not vista @ all. a couple days ago saw trial download 2008 server , had read posts being vista in core, downloaded , installed see how system handle it.  dont know servers.  spent 20 minutes setting run workstation never firewall or anti-virus programs install.  anyway got aero working , applied eye candy find. i opened online poker game , started 4 active tables.  opened firefox 64 bit beta , opened 15 tabs, had 3 server windows open. the results ran great,  fast , no problems @ all.  using 3% or less of cpu , 43% of memory.  loved it. now here question.  have simular experience vista ultimate 64 bit running aero?? i ask because live on social security , cant afford buy

Regedit Looping Problem

hi; i've been trying search keys in regedit , after first find (if any) next few attempts blow up\time out. the search doesn't end of registry. gets stuck looping , never finding instance of looking for. had force close , takes few attempts. i'm admin that's not problem. else be? thx  alex hi; it seems working better under 74. looking easier key ( name alex). blew twice did find instances...... thx alex Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Insider Preview Feedback

Some users loose ownership on their server-side copy of the roaming profile (Windows Server 2008 R2)

hello, recently discovered strange behaviour concerning roaming profiles in our domain. domain has 2 domain controllers distributed file system. setup running quite time now. there 1 behaviour worries me: users contacted me reporting problems profiles. of these problems solved. however, while working on profiles folders discovered profiles there no owner , not access permissions page. problem solved directly accessing profiles folder on 1 of servers hard discs , taking ownership domain administrator. next step change ownership user. directly setting ownership profiles user not possible. last step (!) permissions had set again. after that, check if replication has accepted changes , tell user login on computer. looking shadow copies realized problem existed weeks. concerned fact @ point user looses ownership of profile , not know why. second, seems no more changes made profile. makes sense, user has no more rights access it. therefore assume users working local copies withou

Valid Forest Recovery Scenario using VMs?

i’ve been working on various dr scenarios our active directory forest.   i’ve read forest recovery white paper , covers bare metal restore using windows server backups working on in lab. i’ve organised fsmo roles , features ones required restore consolidated on virtual servers (my logic being these quickest restore)   domain_a_dc1 (forest root domain)   ·          pdc emulator ·          domain naming master ·          rid master ·          infrastructure master ·          schema master ·          dns ·          not gc   domain_b_dc1   ·          pdc emulator ·          rid master ·          infrastructure master ·          dns ·          not gc   domain_c_dc1   ·          pdc emulator ·          rid master ·          infrastructure master ·          dns ·          not gc   we backup using 6 hourly windows server backups local volume , networked l

Program to manage USB Drives acces to Active Directory

hi need extrnal gui manage usb drives acces active directory. can please recommend something? hi,  i need extrnal gui manage usb drives acces active directory. >>>as far know, there no built-in way achieve this. maybe there third-party tool achieve this. there no recommendation microsoft. best regards, jay please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  >  Management

How to Parse this XML File and require below mentioned value as output using powershell script

need values below output below xml file me script: under criteria tag- timestamp display value oid corresponding display value nodes "criterion" under report body tag-- name in report section , oid value     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <reportoutput>     <reporthead>         <report name="execution action" type="detailedchanges_rpt">             <description></description>         </report>         <criteria>             <timestampcriterion name="date" displayvalue="08/10/14 23:08">                 <timestamp displayvalue="08/10/14 23:08">1412780929000</timestamp>             </timestampcriterion>             <matchcriterion name="approvalid" displayvalue="not applied" operator="contains" />             <matchcriterion name="promotioncomme

RemoteFX license

i have seen question similar mine, not right on mark.   i have windows 7 ultimate runnning remotefx on hyper-v host. been working while under trial license, thats expired. when connect remotefx enabled error license server cannot located, sort of expected. here's what'ts not expected - have license server running, has rds cals on (windows server 2008 or windows server 2008 r2 : installed ts or rds per user cals). when pull report can see test user i'm trying connect win 7 remote fx has been issued 1 of these cal's , not expired. understand why this way being remotefx rds feature, need rds license. can tell have 1 though.   here questions: 1) license above right 1 use remote fx? haven;t been able find telling me not right license. 2) if license right win 7 remote fx machine must either not able find or talk licensing server. there way test this.   any or tips on test next huge help.   thanks, doug   hi doug,   yes, rds per user cal

How do you attach a virtual machine that is not exported

i had several virtual machines got detached from hyper-v cluster. machines have been removed cluster , need reattach them. there vhd, several avhd files , folder called snapshots (mostly xml files think)... can't find way reconnect these vhd files hyper-v using hyper-v console, clustering console, or vmm. domain controllers our test forest root, need them back. not can reproduce. is there way readd these servers hyper-v can bring these servers on line? what did worked... server recovered... Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

How to move selection based on word outline?

hello everyone, i trying write script adding tags comment word document. idea add tag every heading , sub-heading present in document. input word documents not have 'word style' followed. have following 2 questions. 1.) how can extract number of headings based on outline? document not use word styles adding headings or sub-headings. makes difficult use 'outlinelevel' used. if heading written in normal text outlinelevel return '10' , script miss heading. read on forum outlinenumber can used not seem working paragraph object. 2.) how move selection 1 heading next? script not able move selection. below script manage write. (i'm new scripting , first script) $filepath = "h:\desktop\ashishk\f1k\functionalsafetycopy.docx" $word = new-object -comobject word.application $word.visible = $false $mindepth = 1 $maxdepth = 9 $tagprefix = "ts_fs_" $tagstart = 1 $tagstep = 1 $tagnew = 0 #document object $doc = $$filepat

server manager.exe is not working

dear sir, server manager.exe not working in windows 2012 r2 server. after updating cannot add , remove roles , features.kindly , suggestion tthis problem. hi praveen bhadran, please tell detail status now. such , can’t open server manager , got error code or can open server manager can’t add role. you can refer following server manager troubleshooting guide try repair server manager first. windows server 2012 - server manager troubleshooting guide, part iii: common events , errors in server manager more information: fix windows corruption errors using dism or system update readiness tool i’m glad of you! we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview project appreciated if have time.

remove wsus configuration from win 10 machines

i have win 2008 domain (sbs2011) used have wsus.  i've removed wsus station still looks updates in server.  on winodws 8 , 7 can force update microsoft,  it looks can't on windows 10 -  how remove wsus configuration windows 10 machines - having them grab updates microsoft directly ?  thanks hi daniel-il, please find registry key: computer\hklm\software\policies\microsoft\windows\windowsupdate\au, change value of "usewuserver" "0", if don't want use other au settings, can delete registry keys in au. also ensure win10 client not apply original gpo more. best regards, anne please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  WSUS

Recommendations to force outgoing network traffic from NLB Virtual IP instead of individual Node IP

hi, we have new setup 2 node nlb on windows server 2012 r2 website hosted in iis in active/active mode. incoming requests there no issues have allowed nlb vip clients there schedules web servers ftp connection ftp server / smtp connection smtp server etc request using individual nlb node ip. appreciate expert advice/recommendations if should change ip order (move vip on top outgoing traffic can use vip source ip) have vip source ip. if not use nlb vip outgoing ip, have create individual connections destinations & incase use vip source ip, there 1 source outgoing & no need maintain outgoing connection individual node ip. dhiraj hi dhirajharitwal, base on understanding, want know if use virtual ip of cluster visit other servers. as far know, we couldn't. although we could use virtual ip visit cluster, when transfer packets, still use physical ip addresses communicate. so, changing ip order with no help.  best regards, anne please remember mark rep