
Showing posts from July, 2014

Mixed multipath I/O configuration

hi all, i've windows 2008r2 physical server uses luns exposed iscsi storage via multipath io. the storage supports both iscsi , fc connections, want migrate iscsi connections fc. @ given time, can expose lun windows server both in iscsi , fc? servers sees same lun 4 paths? (2 iscsi , 2 fc)? it better shutdown server, disconnect iscsi, connect fc , reboot? hi you better close services use lun, disconnect iscsi lun, close server , connect fc. thats simplest , safier path take. thanks mcp | mcts - exchange 2007, configuring | member of technet wiki community council | french moderator on technet wiki (translation widget) Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Domain Administration

if have ,, can consolidate administration gpo , ad? what best way can go this? hi  you can manage both domain on active directory administrative center( parent&child),check detailed information, group policy, this posting provided no warranties or guarantees,and confers no rights. best regards burak uğur Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Backup SQL database to local disk or network shared drive

i have install sql server 2008 2012 cluster. i schedule backup sql database local disk in 1 of cluster node or network shared drive. is possible? i have install sql server 2008 2012 cluster. i schedule backup sql database local disk in 1 of cluster node or network shared drive. is possible? sure. sql-aware backup application callable exported api should work. or can use sql script, example: sql script backup full sql database backup script sql server backup overview however tom had told it's sql group question... hope helped bit :) starwind vsan [virtual san] clusters hyper-v without sas, fibre channel, smb 3.0 or iscsi, uses ethernet mirror internally mounted sata disks between hosts.

Rename Windows 2003 Domain Controller that containing Exchange 2007 Server

i have windows 2003 domain controller , exchange 2007 installed on same domain , email addresses want change domain name have plan upgrade windows 2003 domain controller windows 2008 , exchange 2010 so pleasae let me know whre satrt , how with regards ashraf_ak         regards domain rename not supported in forest in exchange server 2007 or exchange server 2010 deployed. for more information, refer microsoft article: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. microsoft student partner microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 active directory, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 network

Windows Server 2008 Standard Drivers for Intel® I217LM Gigabit Network adapter

hi everybody, i unable find network drivers intel® i217lm gigabit network adapter windows server 2008 standard (32-bit). have found drivers windows server 2008 r2 being 64-bit not work.kindly me in sorting out problem stuck need install drivers. thanks in advance. shoaib please post question in intel forums : arnav sharma | please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

Pictures missing in .docx document

i created .docx document using third-party software. document on machine on network, it's on hard drive (though machine connected same network). when open file on computer can see images fine, when send else in office, broken links , message saying pictures not located or file names have been changed. i need email document client, i'm if so, won't able see images. i have access original images, not original text, can't republish. don't know put images, since word document not saying it's drawing images from. not find option embed images in file. no, can't send pdf. time of essence, quick response appreciated. thank you. your images have evidently been inserted links. can embed images via file>edit links (lower-right corner)and choosing 'break link' option each link. cheers paul edstein [ms mvp - word] Microsoft Office

Cant ping my FQDN

so notice when try running apps error ts address not being able reached. assume has fact cant ping fqdn. inside domain on lan can ping out side domain on lan cant. nor can ping in wan. need call isp , inform them forward lookup ? can go (that forwards site) , iis7 site fine, can ping , ip of server when ping or tracert fqdn unknow host or unreachable. hi,   1.        are there some special firewall settings in lan devices , server. 2.        whether client computers configured correct ip address, gateway address, subnet mask , dns address. 3.        whether of client computer same name or ip address in lan.   technology changes life…… Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Printing HA on Windows Server 2012

hi all, i'm trying configure ha printing windows server 2012. there's few things need assistance below.  i'll need ha server hardware , printing services if there's error on hardware or printing services, auto switch over i'll need have ha print management software i'll need auto switch on if there's application services error i'll have 2 servers hardware , 1 san storage. please advice windows server license should run , if possible guide on how setup ha thanks in advance assistance. in windows server 2012, high availability of print services can secured running print server highly available virtual machine on hyperv cluster. virtual machine monitoring feature used trigger vm failover when print services inside vm fail. see  install , configure high availability printing  for more information. gleb. Windows Server  >

How to sync two streams in Windows Media Services

hello possible sync 2 streams 2 encoders? i'm trying stream @ same time content webcam (instructor's whiteboard) , content screen capture (instructor's desktop) , embed 2 contents webpage. i'm able see 2 streams not in sync (e.g. 1 has 20 seconds delay , other has 25 seconds delay); best way stream content , in sync?   what you're asking gets pretty complicated.  best solution mix 2 video sources prior encoding.  simplifies streaming client significantly.  try getting video mixer that supports vga imput  and take output , run through encoder. Windows Server  >  Streaming Media Services

Access Denied when adding Domain-Based DFS Namespace

hello everyone, we have been running windows   server   2008   r2 (server a) main domain controller , file server. file server configured standard dfs namespace server.     recently added additional windows   server   2008   r2 (server b) domain controller , configure domain-based dfs namespace on server , migrate data server domain-based dfs namespace.   problem: during domain-based dfs namespace configuration, got following error: “access denied when adding dfs namespace server user account specified not have sufficient permissions create domain-based namespace. please specify user account member of domain admins groups” – see attached     i  am  logged on unit (server b) domain administrator . unfortunately, when review error log, not dfs issue. thanks, aj hi, first test if same account create namespace on servera. if so, check if ad replication finished on serverb. domain admin should have permission create dfs domain based n

After Windows update my Virtual Machine got "Limited Internet access Icon"

after these 2 windows update security update windows server 2008 r2 x64 edition (kb2993651) update microsoft silverlight (kb2977218) my virtual machine  (which running 2008 r2) did reboot , after not able remote it. had log in host machine and checked virtual machine shows "limited internet access icon" . had restart the virtual machine or reset nic card up. please advice 2nd time happed. last week our 60 server stuck in state , had manully go each host server reset/reboot virtual machine.  if need log , detailed , happy provide .  please advice asap. found solution  solution : please check link have possible solutions. what did, contacted our data center , asked them there possible changes our cisco switch windows update. checked there end , found new u

Hyper V Gust OS system backup

dear:     want make system backup machines inside hyper v copy whole vhd files other storage supprise when found last update vhd files date of last restart guest or host machines how can lets vhd files updated out effecting restart or pause guest machines dears    when restart or save goust machine , copy vhd file other host machine working fine without small problem last update before restart or save. now if write small script schecdual save operation or snapsoht , copy vhd files , sanpshot files out side storage can restore other host machines thes scenario correct ??? absolutely! that's simplified version of majority of backup apps :) starwind iscsi san & nas Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

'Allow New Connections' - change logon /enable | /disable | /query

hi all does rds server manager > collection name > host servers > allow new collections effect traditional ts key on host servers command have traditionally cmd > change logon /enable | /disable | /query  : [hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon]   "winstationsdisabled"="0"  / "1" or inform rdcb? reason ask reg key doesn't appear change , i'm not sure if should or something's broken! thanks lea   hi jay good old process monitor!  but looking key affected by: change logon /drain i found remote winstationsdisabled... change logon /drain or change logon /drainuntilrestart  hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\terminal server\tsserverdrainmode 0 = allow connections 1 = allow reconnections, prevent new logon until reboot 2 = allow reconnections, prevent new logon many thanks lea

Local security settings not applied on domain controllers by GPO - Red cross in RSOP.MSC

hi having big problems getting local audit policy settings applied on our domain controllers. default domain controller policy configured correctly, linked , enabled. got result below rsop.msc auditpol /get /category :*    shows "no auditing" setting all gpresult html indicates settings should applied. checked local security setting directly , settings not set no audit events logged. i have no idea why have red cross , why not being applied.  i hope can help?  hi, if want use local audit policy settings, policy should disabled. best regards, alvin wang please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

VMs with Server 2008 x64 Std sporadically losing network connection when migrated to 1 host of 2 in a 2 node cluster

we have 2 node hyper v cluster built on dell 2950 equallogic san cluster shared volume vhd storage. 2nd node added replace previous box had hardware failures. previous node gracefully removed cluster , domain prior building replacement box. unfortunately, replacement server not have exact same cpu (dual e5430 vs dual x5355) cause problem? vms on cluster have "allow migration host different cpu" tick box checked. if performing continuous ping 1 of vms running server 2008 x64 std, pings fine 1 node 1. after migrate node 2, continuous pings start randomly failing , come back. networks on both nodes named identical , have same network cards same drivers. if migrate 3 servers (2 server 2008, , 1 xp pro 32 bit), xp vm not have issues. 2 2008 servers lose connectivity @ different times not physical problem. any ideas?   i have found problem believe stability has been several hours (the longest far). virtual network these vms bound intel alb team. node 2 had rlb enabled


have installed hyper-v on server 2008 r2 (hyper-v role only).  2 vms installed: sbs 2011 , server 2008 r2 (for sql server).  can start either vm individually, following error when trying start second vm: error occured while attempting change state of virtual machine (no additional details, nothing in event logs).  server dell poweredge t610, 24gb memory, dual xeon e5620, virtualization enabled.  each vm set 8gb of memory. is dvd/cd drive on host shared on vms? if yes, try remove dvd drive vms. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

How do I install ASP.NET on 2008 Server with Powershell

i know 2008 r2 has new module allows server administration, however, need find way install server components (in particular without module. will; why want without module?   look here pkgmgr suggestions: karl co-author, windows powershell 2.0 bible -join("6b61726c6d69747363686b65406d742e6e6574"-split"(?<=\g.{2})",19|%{[char][int]"0x$_"}) Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

which one takes precedence at last ? persistent mode server or preferred owner server ?

hi all in failover cluster 2008 r2 , on properties of clusterd service ( example file server ) , there 2 parameters : 1 ) persistent mode : failover runs on last running server 2 ) preferred owner : tme server online , server handles cluster ? what ridiculous confusion exist here in interface , microsoft hasn't mentioned ! so 1 takes precedence @ last ? persistent mode server or preferred owner server ? thanks in advance hi, i believe preferred owner takes precedence on persistent mode default owner if both set. see " note if group’s preferred owners defined, preferred owners take precedence on default owner.   the default owner behaves if last preferred owner—the group placed there if not placed on of preferred owners."   sean massey | consultant, iunite feel free contact me through blog or twitter . please click mark answer button if post solves problem!

Server w2k8 is very slow

hello currently have windows server 2008 x86, virtuaizado in vmware. on server, have sql 2008 database. this server processing in reaches 100%, becoming slow servers. i reviewed events of server , no errors or warnings detected give sort of signal slowness. is updated available security patches. this server in evidence, put in production environment soon. any advice can follow? thanks jorge muñoz colombia with becoming slow, mean virtual machine has slow ui when log on or sql performance decreasing? if reach 100% cpu usage in vm used eg sql server, there little can other increase number of cores vm or optimize statements (you can check if theres querys taking exceptionally long profiler). if logged on session kinda slow reacting sql server on vm, sql server took ram. in case can limit amount of ram sql server allowed grab, left other processes/your admin session. Windows Server

LDAP authentication and DNS query

could clarify statement true: when using ldap v3 authentication (some exotic non .net) client against ad , using domain name bind , query dns for available dc's on multi-site domain, any dc can be at top of list, e.g. client gets random or @ least not "closest" dc log on to? thanks   hello, make sure ad sites , services contains subnets , sites configured correct subnets , dcs in site. if doesn't maybe have hardcode dc in application, disadvantage of inavailability of dc result in problems. best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Hyper-V 2012R2 Server - Assign vlan to single NIC

hello, with nic teaming it`s easy assign vlan team: now, want same...but single nic. how can this? powershell?? thx hi, at first of - nic must support vlan id. go network adapter properties -> configure -> advanced tab -> property list. you can set vlan id powershell:  set-netadapter Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Update user account properties

hi can me find out why getting following error messages? function setl1customaccountproperties($ip,$vm,$acc) { $erroractionpreference = "silentlycontinue" $error.clear() write-host "setting properties " -foregroundcolor $colfunc -nonewline; write-host $acc -foregroundcolor $colvar -nonewline; write-host " account on " -foregroundcolor $colfunc -nonewline; write-host $vm -foregroundcolor $colvar -nonewline    $user = new-object -typename adsi -argumentlist @(     "winnt://$ip/$acc,user",     "$ip\$guestusername",     $guestpassword                             ) $user.connectclientdrivesatlogon = 0 $user.connectclientprintersatlogon = 0 $user.defaulttomainprinter = 0 $user.enableremotecontrol = 0 $user.allowlogon = 0 $user.setinfo() error-check } hi kelly, to enable "connect client printers @ logon" , "default main client printer" in ad, please refer script below: $user.i

NAV 2015 Development Client broken in latest build on SP3

hi, i'm hoping might able replicate , confirm, or offer potential solution. in current 10166 build, can no longer open nav 2015 development client, simple 32-bit native windows application. upon trying open application, error app failed initialize, code 0xc0000022.  uninstall , reinstall have been unsuccessful. event viewer contains no info on this. able start client when booting safe mode, without issue... disabled non-microsoft automatically starting services, , did normal boot  - issue persists. leads me believe has drivers loaded windows itself. there has been problem (for me) vertical scrolling mousewheel or touchpad never worked in development client, if replicable issue, total deal-breaker me , company work (silver partner). here's hoping work out soon. edit: sfc /scannow running - report back. edit2: sfc found , repaired problems, unable fix others - same result in safe mode. dism aborted after 40% error 1762, remote procedure call

windows server 2003 blus screen when i try to do a remote desktp connection for another workstation

windows server 2003 blus screen when try remote desktp connection workstation   look slike got printer issue - please check event log , see print driver causes issue. code bluescreen. either print drver or sound card driver. try connect server without mapping printer , see happens. founder , ts training in europe! love microsoft &its people bits! Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

?? Can't Connect to IIS via Routable IP ??

hello all, the problem i'm having easy describe: have home network that's behind router. have set 1 of machines web server , i've configured router's firewall point machine incoming requests on port 80. using web browser, can browse router's external ip address , sure enough, i'm forwarded web server. it works great, but if not on local network! works when use router's external ip address , not @ home. for example, if @ work or @ coffee shop, *can* browse router's ip external address , see web server. if, however, @ home,  i *cannot * use router's external ip. home have to use the web server's local ip: . can explain what's going here? why can use router's external ip if outside my local network? now, should mention router, many, is configured via web interface. url is . so, requests  go router's configuration panel whereas requests

2008r2 rdp auto logoff

hello everyone, have problem on windows server 2008r2 server, many users (4) connect without problem through rdp, t here user disconnects continuously, write username/password, appear "preparing desktop" , after 0,5sec change "disconnecting" end, disconnected.  if create new user, works correctly need fix user.. can do? hello, without additional information hard advise can try the steps below: 1. check if user has active/disconnected session on server. if force account log off. try log on again. 2. if possible , not critical, reboot server , try log on. 3. still issue? check server logs, should able find there. correlate time when user log on identify issue. many factors can occur, logs should able tell reason. 4. nothing found, still issue? copy user data (backup) somewhere , remove profile. try logon new profile created. regards, slava fedenko mcse | blog | linkedin | twitter

Disable Outlook 2010 Mail Tips Cache

  is there gpo / settings disable mail tips data cached client-side (outlook/owa). standard client-side cache expiry 24 hours. mailbox full , automatic reply mailtips (which expect change more often), cache 2 hours. we have reported issues on outlook 2010 mail tips not providing date info , clearing client-side cache requires restarting outlook 2010.   hi,   as far know, there no related group policy. issue related exchange server 2010. you’d better submit new question exchange server forum best resource further assistance.   exchange server 2010   for more information regarding mailtips, please refer following microsoft technet article:   understanding mailtips   regards,   arthur li   technet subscriber support   in forum if have feedback on our support, please contact   .   pleas

User DNS Issues :'( Can someone help ?

hello all,  can me ?  i have problem dns (i think^^) ..  -> dns server 2012 r2 (domain migrate 2003 last week) ( 2 ip adress on 1 interface)  with pc : nslookup srv-xxx -> it's ok from laptop on same network, same dns client : nslookup srv-xxx -> server can't resolve   if try : nslookup srv-xxx.domain.local -> it's ok !!  i don't understand what's problem ;... tried flushdns, reboot, clear cache on server ... thanks :) anthony anthony 1. more 1 ip address on dc risc. technet documents multihome domain controller" 2. in case diagnose active directory dcdiag. 3. network monitor maz zou resolve problem. wireshark job. m. Windows Server  >  IPAM, DHCP, DNS

file server needs to be replaced

thanks time. i'm in bit of bind.  need replace our file server.  the concern is part of dfs service.  it root server.  i guessing cannot go in , create new file server , add in.  my initial thought process shutdown failing file server , bring second 1 same name.  but thinking wont work.  will using file server migration toolkit work better? want keep same root target name.  for example have fileserver01 root dfs target dfs shares. how go keeping that?  renaming fileserver02 01 not work? thank again. if domain-based dfs namespace, it's pretty easy. create new server (with different name), , add dfs replication group. should automatically added folder target in dfs namespace(s). if current server namespace server dfs namespaces, add new server additional namespace server. once complete , replication has finished, can remove old server replication group , namespace , power down server. if standalone namespace, more difficult. may worth considering moving domain-bas

applying Sp3 on SQL2005

hi people... first post on here if miss sorry. we running wsus sp2 on sql 2005 sp2 64bit , wish upgrade sp3 sql. has applied this sp, have issues , wsus compatible? hope so. many thanks i have updated several wsus environments sql 2005 service pack 3. lawrence garvin, m.s., mcitp:ea, mcdba, mcsa principal/cto, onsite technology solutions, houston, texas microsoft mvp - software distribution (2005-2010) mvp profile: blog: Windows Server  >  WSUS

Microsoft Remote Desktop: how to disable extended desktop?

i'm using remote desktop (version 8.0.24091) mac.  i'm using external monitor mac extend mac desktop.  when connect remote windows 2012, session uses extended desktop.  i don't want this.  i want session use single single monitor.  the remote server running on aws ec2, don't have access console. thanks. hi, in settings of remote desktop connection, please check if “use monitors” selected. thanks. we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview project appreciated if have time. helping make community forums great place. Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop clients

How do I get a Printer Driver for Vista for my HP TOUCHSMART TX2?

i trying install new canon pixma mc410 printer , everytime try install disk stops , says there problem mp driver.. think printer driver because when go device manager dont have printers listed.. bought driver decective , when tries download driver says problem well. try go locate printer driver cannot find one. please help. frustrated. hi, this possibly issue pc, rather printer/driver. this article @ ms answers may help: for single-machine , end-user issues, recommend ms answers forums. thanks! don Windows Server  >  Print/Fax

monitor flash rate

hi i have 10 servers (2008r2) \the flash rate on server go 79mhz . the kvm + monitor that use don’t support rate under 70 mhz how can configure flash rate permanent 70 mhz , don’t jump 79 mhz?   thank help!!!   hi, based on description, i’m little confused issue. did mean screen refresh rate below shows? sorry confusing. if so, please if there new monitor drivers monitors , check if can achieve target. meanwhile, please check gpu drivers if can updated achieve target. if misunderstand, please don’t hesitate let me know. hope helps. best regards, justin gu Windows Server  >  Management

Extra Registry Settings

hello all, i have list in default domain policy called registry settings , don't know reference. joined comapny few years ago , believe comes that. in doing  or adm file i'll need install appreciated. here list: display names settings cannot found. might able resolve issue updating .adm files used group policy management. setting state software\policies\microsoft\windows\safer\codeidentifiers\262144\paths\{191cd7fa-f240-4a17-8986-94d480a6c8ca}\description   software\policies\microsoft\windows\safer\codeidentifiers\262144\paths\{191cd7fa-f240-4a17-8986-94d480a6c8ca}\itemdata %hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\systemroot% software\policies\microsoft\windows\safer\codeidentifiers\262144\paths\{191cd7fa-f240-4a17-8986-94d480a6c8ca}\lastmodified 128760432852720788 software\policies\microsoft\windows\safer\codeidentifiers\262144\paths\{191cd7fa-f240-4a17-8986-94d480a6c8ca}\saferflags 0 software\poli


good morning everyone! have problem new laptop! configuration intel core i7 3630qm, 16 gb ram, 16 gb ssd(expresscache)+750 gb hdd, gtx 660m. i purchased , fine until these bsods. i receive bsod dpc_watchdog_violation , don't know do! tried nothing helps! attached dump files here on skydrive!694  .i thankful can me that!thank in advance! edd hi,  here steps analyze dump file(  c:\windows\memory.dmp\. )  and try find file/process, cause of server shutdown. based on files can go new hw drivers update , new hot fixes. below links reference while analyzing dump file: for dump file analysis download windebuger sw , analyze *.dmp file know cause of server shutdown.links software:   or link steps analyse dmp file:

Modify Display Name from ADSIEDIT/LDP.exe (Error: No Such Addtribute)

hi, we have dozens of ad objects double spaces , change them either manually using adsiedi or using powershell script, when try adsieidt, i'm getting error; error: modify: no such attribute. <16> server error: 00000057: ldaperr: dsid-0c090cb6, comment: error in attribute conversion operation, data 0, v2580 error 0x57 parameter incorrect. i have followed procedure posted in thread found in forum; 1.launch ldp.exe , bind server want modify. make sure schema admin, , admin on partition modifying. 2.after connecting , binding, select browse select modify. 3.leave dn blank, type schemaupgradeinprogress attribute field , in values field type 1. add , enter. add command entry list. run. if successful should see successful modify message. view tree. connect appropriate base dn. 7.right-click object in example below , select modify: cn=division,cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=adatum,dc=com 8.enter desire value attribute. val

KB971033 not in WSUS?

we getting ready install windows 7 enterprise 64bit workstations in our environment. setting 1 today , noticed kb971033 ( ) offered going microsoft updates web site. our wsus server not offer update. when reading kb looks update purposely not put in wsus space. hmmmmmm....... thought interesting. when reading kb looks update purposely not put in wsus space. makes perfect sense, not because of licensing model. wsus corporate tool. kb971033 applies consumer machines (or small business entities still being updated via au/wu/mu). windows activation/validation invoked on wu/mu site non-security updates ensure client system licensed. windows validation not applicable when updates deployed wsus server, therefore, update irrelevant wsus clients, , not distributed via wsus. lawrence garvin, m.s., mcitp:ea, mcdba, mcsa principal/cto, onsite technology solutions, houston, texas microsoft mvp - software distribution (2005-2012)

Cannot ping and/or lose connectivity to some 2008r2 servers

hi, we have bunch of 2008r2 servers on occasion cannot ping domian pcs (win7 professional).   dns on servers can't ping set expected , firewall off. one thing notice on of pcs cannot ping problems servers - return address time out , hostname resolved ipv6.   if reboot problematic servers can ping again (say 10 mins) , servers returning ipv6 address return ipv4 address , works. some people turn off ipv6 on servers not ms according following article. anyone know why we’re losing connectivity servers so big issue! thanks do not disable or turn off ipv6, because newer application requires ipv6 accessibility. secondly, rebooting resolves issue make me believe can due memory leak or can due outdated hardware drivers of system. way find problem ad or client system, use vanilla system may vm or new hardware, join domain & see if works correctly, if problem system not ad.i ensure necessary os updates(sp/pat

Hyper-V Server 2012 BSODs when teamed NIC is used VM networking

i have hyper-v server 2012 installed on sun blade x6250 server has 2 nics 1gbps each. using powershell, configured 2 nics nic teaming.     - load balancing algorithm : ipaddresses    - teaming mode: switch independent hyper-v server shows 1 nic set static ip it. then go windows 8 machine hyper-v manager , go virtual switch manager.  when creating new virtual switch, select external network , microsoft network adapter multiplexor driver. when click apply hyper-v server bsods , reboots. does have idea how use teamed nic network hyper-v 2012 vms?  hyper-v server 2012 allow this? thanks. considering first thread have seen issue, unique here. have tried re-installing yet? brian ehlert learn. apply. repeat. disclaimer: attempting change of own free will. Windows Server  > 

how to pass a script stored in a parameter to a job?

i used following code, doesn't work. how can pass script block parameter start-job?  $script="my script...."  start-job -name test -scriptblock {$script} $sb = { myscript } start - job - name test - scr $sb [string](0..9|%{[char][int](32+("39826578840055658268").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace "\s{1}\b" Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Windows network bridge disables port on Cisco switch

i'm using network bridge in windows around fact vmware player's bridging protocol broken in windows 10. if connect laptop directly cubicle network jack, patched 1 of company's edge switches, causes switch disable port. have 1 of network admins re-enable port. if connect laptop switch on desk, connected 1 of cubicle jacks, not cause issue. there registry keys in windows xp disable spanning tree on network bridge, , network admins believe necessary keep laptop tripping bpdu guard on switch. know registry keys have moved to? ones xp not work, , cannot find windows 7/8/8.1. hi, there no information disabling spanning tree on network bridge. in opinion, can try use process monitor capture network bridge trace, method might helpful find corresponding registry key. you can access link below download process monitor: how capture process monitor trace:

Cannot connect to Windows Server 2003 domain on Windows 7

hey everyone! i trying connect domain windows server 2003 standard edition windows 7 professional pc keep getting error message.  the error message below.   note: information intended network administrator.  if not network's administrator, notify administrator received information, has been recorded in file c:\windows\debug\dcdiag.txt. error occurred when dns queried service location (srv) resource record used locate active directory domain controller (ad dc) domain "cotlw.local". error was: "an existing connection forcibly closed remote host." (error code 0x00002746 wsaeconnreset) query srv record _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.cotlw.local please post unedited ipconfig /all of both server , problem client.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.

Windows Server 2003 R2 and Windows 2003 Non R2

we have 2 dc's have windows server 2003 standard non-r2 on them.  promote member server has windows server 2003 standard r2 dc.  our forest , domain levels windows 2003.  my first question is, can windows server 2003 standard r2 promoted dc , work windows server 2003 standard non-r2 dc's have in place. (articles have read not indicate if work or if cause issues.) secondly, have read various articles, states run adprep.exe cd 2 of r2 version.  states need run on current schema master add r2 schema features can promoted.  correct process?  thirdly there other process must done prepare such domain prep?  finally, if can done , decide promote r2 server cause issues in future when decide upgrade windows server 2008 r2?   thank in advance assistance.  1) yes, can have mix of 2003 , 2003 r2 dcs.  however, must prepare update schema.  you'll find copy of adprep in system tools folder on 2003 r2 cd.  run on dc holding schema role, logged in member of hte schema adm

Reports for Approved updates for particular day

checked in wsus , there no such functionality view reports updates approved yesterday or last week. there other option or 3rd party tool can required report information? checked in wsus, there no such functionality view reports updates approved yesterday or last week. not in console, correct. can extract event information %programfiles%\update services\logfiles\change.log not done. is there other option or 3rd party tool can required report information? yes. information readily available dedicated view in eminentware wsus extension pack . lawrence garvin, m.s., mcitp:ea, mcdba, mcsa principal/cto, onsite technology solutions, houston, texas microsoft mvp - software distribution (2005-2011) mvp profile: blog: Windows Server  > 

WMI: Win32_Account class

hello! one of our vbs scripts monitors changes in win32_account class: " strcomputer = "." set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:{(security)}\\" & strcomputer & "\root\cimv2") set objeventsource = objwmiservice.execnotificationquery (" select * __instanceoperationevent within 10 targetinstance isa 'win32_account' and targetinstance.localaccount=true ") ... " the problem in spite of adding targetinstance.localaccount=true this code still captures win32_account class's changes in domain of our enterprise domain tree, when connected "." (locally). this page says: "the win32_account abstract wmi class contains information user accounts , group accounts known computer system running windows . user or group names recognized windows domain descendants (or members) of class. " q1: defi

Unable to restart windows 2003 server enterprise R2.

i using hp bl486 p-class and c-class blade server , have installed windows 2003 server. server windows updated , antivirus updated , there no threat or virus. when ever try restart or shutdown server got hang have hard reboot server physically. problem not server happen around 15 server. please me sovle problem... hello i more applications have been installed on servers issue. have checked events log errors or warnings? isaac oben mcitp:ea, mcse Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Create a group policy for managing safe senders in Outlook’s junk email settings

hi all, required assistance create group policy managing safe senders in outlook’s junk email settings , should leave ability list configurable users.  and should applied users how can done using gpo. tried below mentioned link missing can expert guide me. thanks hi satyendra alaparthi, you can refer following kb: how deploy junk email settings, such safe senders list, using group policy more exchange question please post exchange forum, there have exchange expert give more professional advice. thanks understanding , support please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact

Script works in PowerShell ISE but not in regular PowerShell window

hello all! i've got ps conundrum ponder.  have following script lines: write-host "check password complexity requirements:" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor white write-host "" import-module activedirectory $passwordpolicy = get-adobject $rootdse . defaultnamingcontext -property pwdproperties $passwordpolicy | select @{n = "policytype" ;e = { "password" }} , ` distinguishedname , ` @{n ="password complexity requirements" ;e = { switch ( $_ . pwdproperties) { 0 { "passwords can simple , administrator account cannot locked out" }  1 { "passwords must complex , administrator account cannot locked out" }  8 { "passwords can simple, , administrator account can locked out" }  9 { "passwords must complex, , administrator account can locked out" }  default { $_ . pwdproperties}}}} | ft * -auto when run code in ise, works great.  returns v