
Showing posts from March, 2015

Intel server board S5520HC with 82575EB NICs and Windows Server 2008 R2 Network Load Balancing

i’ve 2 new servers, each intel hanlan creek s5520 server board , intel 82575eb gigabit nics , latest drivers (v11.11.43.0). i’ve installed windows server 2008 r2 , load balance both machines using microsoft network load balancing. using windows network load balancing manager ran ‘new cluster’ wizard , tried setup new cluster in unicast mode. operation failed following event id 53: nlb cluster []: nlb not attach adapter '{df7d858f-369c-4b4b-9ef7-947b343e78da}' because not support dynamic changing of mac address . replace network adapter 1 supports capability. is there possibility working in unicast mode (except replacing adapter)? it system specialist finally uninstalled intel drivers , used microsoft drivers came windows server 2008 r2. works , set nlb cluster. it system specialist Windows Server  > 


i'm migrating our old wsus server our new wsus. synced new server old now i'm running wsusmigrationexpert getting. c:\program files\update services 3.0 api samples , tools\wsusmigrate\wsusmigra tionexport>wsusmigrationexport.exe settings.xml wsusmigrationexport failed below exception! operation has timed out    @ request)    @ est request)    @ methodn ame, object[] parameters)    @ microsoft.updateservices.internal.apiremoting.executespsearchupdates(strin g updatescopexml, string preferredculture, int32 publicationstate)    @ microsoft.updateservices.internal.databaseaccess.admindataaccessproxy.exec utespsearchupdates(string updatescopexml, string preferredculture, extendedpubli cationstate publicationstat

Group Policy Management console hides Policy after denying Administrator Group Read Permission

hi system windows 2008 r2. i think made mistake don't know how revert. tried make sure policy did not applied of administrators denying read rignt on policy administrators, domain administrator , enterprise administrators group. now cannot see policy anymore in group policy management snap-in. i know policy stored under: \\domain\sysvol\domain\policies\{a280f050-b443-40c3-9041-4b217c710cdf} so set manually permission again full controll on files , folders. tried increase number in \\domain\sysvol\domain\policies\{a280f050-b443-40c3-9041-4b217c710cdf}\gpt.ini from [general] version=6422545 to [general] version=6422546 but still doesn't work. to shame have didn't not had coffee in morning :o can me? thanks pascal ok found solution problem "inaccessible gpo - access denied". knowledge base article for  windows 2000 , windows 2003: i can confirm works on windows 2008

Terminal Server does not always reconnect a disconnected session

my company supports few clients.  have noticed on time terminal servers, either windows 2003 sp2 or windows 2008 r2, clients not reconnected disconnected sessions.  random can cause issues our clients software.  there no errors or anything.  have terminal server setup allow 1 user connection (single sessions).  if user clicks "x" close out of ts or network causes disconnected, when go log ts not reconnect session old one.  wondering can cause that, seeing how reconnecting same pc , public ip? hi, can check couple of things? 1. users user same credentials connect disconnected session? 2. when connected new session, can see on server if original disconnected session still there? Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Users are prompted with "Outlook is not your default e-mail client" every time they open Outlook

hi, have four-server windows 2008 terminal services server farm running ts broker , nlb. every time user opens outlook, prompted make outlook default client. has happened since installed desktop experience feature. have checked registry value @ hklm\software\clients\mail , sure enough windows mail is(was) default client. changing value "microsoft outlook" has not fixed problem. has fixed ths problem? cheers, ds i able fix modifying registry key in hklm\software\wow6432node\clients\mail Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

IIS extranet access

i have succesfully set iis local access 1 trying access site using same domaing ( ) generic ie can not display page. have ssl binding through default port 443 , binding through port 80.   i have set dns forward , reverse lookup zones , douple chekced ports opened on router , server firewall. you can answers iis questions at:   Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

2008 Print Management and TS

windows 2008 server, xp clients...... i have windows apps (excel, word, outlook, etc) running on ts server. have thick , thin clients remote server. these ts clients have network printers installed on workstation.  recently have changed printers.  have installed new printer 2008 print management. when users now remote ts server after adding new printer workstation, open app, lets says outlook, go print, , still see old printer not new one.  i have disconnected ts session , did reset well.  still no luck.  any ideas? hi, thanks post. in problematic client machine, please check if old printer-related information still under following key: hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\print\printers if so, please remove , test issue again.   note: please backup registry file before removing old printer-related information.   if can work, please remove relevant policy server side if the old printer deployed using group policy .   you may remove printer connection network p

Hyper-V 3.0 Performance

i new system administrator @ company work for. when started ran citrix xenserver 6.1 free edition hypervisors. came company used microsoft have been pushing hyper-v 3.0 here hard. set 2 identical hosts 1 running xenserver 6.1 , other hyper-v 3.0 core. installed identical vms on each host, using oss technet subscription. very disappointed when vm on citrix xenserver continuously ran faster. want use hyper-v because easier manage. however, supervisors not convinced because of performance hit vms experience. have updated bios on each machine, updated drivers, installed updates microsoft, disabled chimney offload on nics, , still hyper-v slower. @ 1 point boss thought in denial citrix way go. not me bashing hyper-v. there else other drivers, bios, , microsoft updates causing such degradation in speed? have tried test on 2 different machines. first on asus servers. when didn’t results wanted switched dell servers, r710s, , results same. guidance appreciated.   this example x

HA Connection Broker does not detect failed session host

i have deployment of 2 windows server 2012 r2 hosts, each running rdcb service in ha arrangement (the sql database on separate server).  in addition each host running rdsh service.   the rdcb address load balanced via dns round robin.  if user creates rdp session on host, disconnects, , host "disconnected" session becomes unavailable (i.e. disconnected network), broker continue attempt redirect user existing disconnected session though server unavailable. i have tried adjusting registry settings per post: but problem persists. new rdp connections work fine, remaining broker creating new sessions on remaining host. this post:

Windows CE can not logon to Windows Server 2008 R2 RD Host

hi @ all, i have windows ce devices using rdp client 5.5. when log on rd host, error message "because of security error, client not connect..." any other rdp client stil working fine. in past ce devices are working fine too. the articles decribing problem , rcommend delete all x509 certificate under hklm\system\ccs\control\terminal server\rcm on rd hosts und reactivate rd license host telephone. is realy solution above described error message? can't believe that i have certificate corruption, because other clients stil working fine. thank feedback. adrian Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Firefox GPO addin

hi, we have deployed firefox gpo (for disabling proxy setting) , working fine. but issue whenever user logging system other system, can able remove firefox addin. how resolve issue. maybe try this finally added possibility hide extension addons manager. added preference file in extension preference "gpofirefox.hide". default preference set false. if administrator set preference "true" extension hidden addon manager end user cannot uninstall or disable it. regards, denis cooper mcitp ea - mct help keep forums tidy, if has helped please mark answer my blog linkedin: Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Windoes Server Core high CPU

hi all, have been running 2008 r2 server core last month part of pilot establish whether it's going suit our standard file server os. over last couple of days have been getting high cpu usage (97-100%) in "system" process (no, not system idle process).  cannot identify causing , wondered if had ideas. the machine single core virtual machine 2gb of ram running on vmware esx 4.  it's server 2008 r2 x64 server core, fsrm-infrastructure-core , powershell features installed.  manage remotely server 2008 machine, , backed overnight using commvault.  monitored using nagios, on basic probes of disk space, cpu , memory.  no av software limited pilot, client machines have own av software and firewall changes allow apps have mentioned work. the storage provided through vmware host, combination of 3par , nexsan hardware. on problem... yesterday @ around 16:15 cpu went @ or near 100%, on system process.  had quick around , couldn't identify did usual windows thin

About the Terminal server (on windows server 2003 R2) closing sudently

hi there, don't know if i'm in right class. i have a windows server 2003 r2 server running as terminal server with 12 user . users who sits outside company is suddenly evicted without notice and may join again after  some few seconds and in the same session as when were thrown off. what be? i think network problem. hello, you correct, better forum be: best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

Backup of VM using vshadow fails if exchange server 2003 is installed in VM (Host OS win2k8 RC2)

hostos:- windows server 2008 rc-2   i  have installed exchange server 2003 on vm (win2k3 -sp2). i tried backup using vshadow tool. backup of vm fails in running state with error message   error: selected writer 'microsoft hyper-v vss writer' in failed state!    - status: 8 (vss_ws_failed_at_prepare_snapshot)    - writer failure code: 0x800423f3 (<unknown error code>)    - writer id: {66841cd4-6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de}    - instance id: {f626102c-c846-4b9a-8f6a-b8f76db34636}   in paused state backup works properly. idea reason?   fyi:- screen display   c:\program files (x86)\microsoft\vsssdk72\testapps\vshadow\x64\release x64>vshadow.exe  -bc=pg.xml -p c:\ vshadow.exe 2.2 - volume shadow copy sample client copyright (c) 2005 microsoft corporation. rights reserved. (option: saving xml file 'pg.xml') (option: persistent shadow copy) (option: create shadow copy set) - setting vss context to: 0x00000009 (gathering writer metadata...)

Using environment variables in a wmi query

hello i'm trying use wmi queries on group policy preferences targeting computers on network. have file named testfile.txt in windows directory , check last modified date replace policy files if date older of current file. set query : select * cim_datafile name='c:\\windows\\testfile.txt' , lastmodified<'20140910145110.821214+180'. replace action occurs on machines windows directory 'c:\windows\'. there machines on network windows installed on directory 'c:\windows7'. thinking use %windowsdir% environment variable in wmi query ckeck testfile.txt date on correct directory windows installed. i've tried different ways use environment variable in wmi query no success (for example: select * cim_datafile name='%windowsdir%\\testfile.txt' , lastmodified<'20140910145110.821214+180'). can me correct syntax? thanks. > set query : select * cim_datafile where > name='c:\\windows\\testfil

PC Boots then writes giant datastore.edb file slowing the computer down

the system i'm looking @ windows 7, 32bit. when system boots spends ton of time reading , writing datastore.edb file located in windows\softwaredistributi on\datasto re directory. makes system run slow several minutes, 10 if i'm honest. if stop windows update service, within minute system stop reading , writing file , runs smoothly. things i've tried: i've stopped windows update, deleted file, rebooted, when windows rebuilds file until it's few hundred mb in size. once windows happy whatever it's doing, stops , disk usage , cue drop down normal levels , system whatever want plenty of speed. i've booted safemode , run several virus scans , kaspersky's rootkit killer tool , nobody finds offensive. should try next? when system boots spends ton of time reading , writing datastore.edb file located in windows\softwaredistribution\datastore directory. this makes system run slow several minutes, 10 if i'm honest

Returning MemberOf as a string from an AD query

i'm using quest add-on query ad , want csv list of users few properties , groups in. like: user1, group1, user1property, user1property, etc... user1, group2, user1property, user1property, etc... user2, group1, user2property, user2property, etc... user2, group2, user2property, user2property, etc... pretty straightforward think. load users , groups memory , interleave them. instead of getting group name, i'm getting looks single value hash table: @{name=groupname}. how text of group name? line breaks readability: write "" write "running...." write "username, group, lastname, firstname, creationdate, modificationdate, accountisdisabled, accountislockedout, accountexpires, lastlogon, passwordlastset, passwordexpires, passwordneverexpires" # write "username, group, lastname, firstname, creationdate, modificationdate, accountisdisabled, accountislockedout, accountexpires, lastlogon, passwordlastset, passwordexpires

How can I disable IPv6 EUI randomization with group policy?

i need turn off ipv6 eui address randomization. can done in netsh (a few commands) or powershell (set-netipv6protocol -randomizeidentifiers disabled).  how can in group policy without scripting? > need turn off ipv6 eui address randomization. can done in > netsh (a few commands) or powershell (set-netipv6protocol > -randomizeidentifiers disabled).  how can in group policy > without scripting?   identify required registry changes , deploy them through gpp registry. regshot great tool in doing :)   martin mal ein gutes buch über gpos lesen? no not evil, if know doing: or bad gpos? , if bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :)) Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Raising Domain Function Level - server is unwilling to process the request

hi,   i trying raise domain function level windows 2003 , keep getting error "server unwilling process request"   i running on pdc dc i started few weeks , had delete orphaned nt pdc server , remove unsuccessful dc's using ntdsutil.   netdiag reports not showing errors. i went lostandfoundconfig container in adsi , contains cn=ntds settings empty.   any ideas here great   thanks     run diagnostics against active directory domain. if don't have support tools installed, install them server install disk. d:\support\tools\setup.exe run dcdiag , repadmin in verbose mode. -> dcdiag /v /c /d /e /s:yourdcname > c:\dcdiag.log -> repadmin.exe /showrepl dc* /verbose /all /intersite > c:\repl.txt -> ntfrsutl ds your_dc_name > c:\sysvol.log -> dnslint /ad /s "ip address of dc" **note: using /e switch in dcdiag run diagnostics against dc's in forest. if have significant numbers of dc's test generate s

Remote Office connection

fellow technet’ers – know how sometimes, it’s simple things need can things give brain fade. i’ve taken on role smallish company – fair, have decent bits of kit , have right ideas etc.   however, have inherited bit of mine field need clear , take them forward.   one of mines need clear brain fade comes in.   we have main office, 2008 domain.   all there.   we have remote office, connected via vpn link.   each end software fire wall, seems running fine.   at remote office, there several workstations used connect tsg main office.   again, seems well. going forward – need extend domain include dc @ remote office, along hyper-v box.   just test water, have tried joining machine domain remote office (after network in place) – no luck (domain not found).   from same machine, can connect servers need remote desktop etc.   i’ve configured subnets , sites in sites , services, brain fade has struck me down.   any ideas?   hello all suggestions received valid suggestions

Block file types

hi!, we need block file types can used viruses on our file servers terminal servers. file types should block , locations on c drive? thanks. hi, you can use example software restriction policy block access temp , appdata no program can run locations. can block .exe files running , if have user need software can install , make exclusion in srp.  block executable file types being received email or downloaded internet. unlikely organization ever need receive these types of files outside world. make regular backups of important work , data, , check backups successful. should find safe place store backups prevent unauthorized devices connecting computers. unauthorized devices such usb drives, music players , mobile phones can carry malware infect computer when plugged in. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if found post helpful, please give "helpful" vote.  please remember mark rep

Event ID: 1000, 7023

hello all, after lunching below event's unable start power management/ network management services please give proper answer event id's, diffrenet diffrent solutions id's there no proper answer id's (1) computer: xxxx      event: system      source: srvice contol manager      event id: 7023      network manager service terminated following error:      process cannot access file because being used process. (2) computer: xxxx      event: application      source: application error      event id: 1000 (1000)      faulting application svchost.exe, version, faulting module svchost.exe, version,      fault address 0x00001432. more information, see , support center @ thanks in advance     sameer hello, for event id 1000, start by:

help: howto use physical com port in hyper-v

hello guys, i have use dongle (connected com port) piece of software that i have installed on server 2008, virtualized hyper-v rtm. i found settings com port redirection in hyper-v manager, have no idea how use it, "named pipe" , how can use it? thank help greetings thomas t. there's no way pass through physical device connected com port hyper-v vm. this posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Sysvol mismatch on GPO - 2003 server, it reports okay, 2008 does not

have 2003 r2 server bunch of 2008 r2 servers.  i'm troubleshooing name resolution issues , came across gpo not getting applied.  ran gpo tool , saw there mismatch on few servers.  followed info on how dump sysvol share , recreate using blurflags = d2 that worked great 2008 r2 server having issues.  2003 r2 server having issue too. did blurflags = d2 again on , share re-created, though i'm still getting mismatch. see below. the odd thing if run gpotool on 2003 r2 server, says everythng cool. 2008 r2 servers not it.  there several other gpos fine.  there 3 give me mismatch.  i've supplied output of 1 of them... thanks! c:\program files (x86)\resource kit win2k3\tools>gpotool /verbose /gpo:31b2f340-016d-11d2-945f-00c04fb984f9 domain: validating dcs... available dcs: searching policies... found 1 policies ==========================================================

Windows startup Failure due to anti virus software

my windows 7 - 64 bit operating system fails start after restarting, when ever run full system scan anti virus software.  anti virus software have used has presented problem avg 2011 , norton 360. option have found start computer system restore point prior me installing or running anit virus software , scan. have tried removing programs thought may not compatible anti virus software, nothing works.  have trojan on computer need clean , pc protection there seems compatibility issue anti virus software , windows 7- 64 bit.  gratefully appreciated.  thanks hi,   the companies listed below provide consumer security software compatible windows 7. click company name see windows 7-compatible product offer. business security software compatible windows 7, please visit windows 7 compatibility center or contact security vendor of choice.   windows 7 consumer security software providers  

The best way to roll out a scheduled task

i have small batch file shutdown switch, have been manually creating scheduled task , using batch file shutdown clients @ particular time. works fine need add around 120 clients best way of doing this? i have read can achieved quite using system center config manager unsure of how to/where install this? best solution problem?  i rolling out small audit tool small script runs minimized upon start users - sends client info (comp. name e.t.c) db displays on our help-desk software. quickest , easiest way add clients startup folder. any appreciated, chris.   we don't know how having "shutdown.exe" assess if user still using computer , cycle until not.   there 120 computers in network , have system center there @ least couple of options for deploying settings in ad environment takes care of credential hassles you. 1) create software deployment package runs schtasks.exe command line utility.  schtasks.exe create scheduled task you.  make sure task runs system

How to reinstall a secondary DNS

i have failed secondary dns server.  how go reinstalling secondary dns server on windows 2003 server keeping same server name? there kb article shows steps?  thank you. hi, thanks posting here. is ad integrated or standalone primary-secondary dns scenario ? if first , assume domain controller dns service installed , may remove information form ad system following introductions in article below: forcing removal of domain controller if standalone dns server may need rebuild server same pervious settings (host name, ip addresses ..etc.) , install dns role on , after reconfigure dns transfection @ primary flowing introductions in link below , replicate dns zone new secondary 1 : adding secondary dns server regards, tiger li technet subscriber support in forum if have feedback on our support, please contact . tig

Is it possible to create cluster with this servers in HyperV 2012

hello there! possible create hyperv cluster in windows server 2012 2 servers (see picture below) for me important if cluster online (no matter if if display warnings, important if don't have errors) regards! lasandro lopez according ) procs support vt-x , execute disable bit, make them able run hyper-v ( see hardware requirements ) there other requirements cluster, cant comment on based on info give. cluster give warnings if have 1 nic per server eg, need shared storage (for example iscsi) , on, servers run hyper-v, in general can cluster it Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

Server 2008 R2 Standard Image

hi guys, i purchased dell r510 running server 2008 r2 standard recently, upon inspection dell did not send me copy of os disk. many phone calls dell revealed have stopped sending os disks customers , instead advise bare metal backup need. i don't feel comfortable without os disk in case i ever need rebuild server scratch. i have eval copy of 2008 r2 microsoft advise use non-eval media... " question: can convert evaluation version full version? answer : although this conversion not blocked, not support an upgrade evaluation version full version or changing product key full version key. upgrade full version, must install  non-evaluation media . if change product key full version, visual evaluation references in winver and as displayed in slmgr /dlv output removed, but the wlms service remains on system , media retains evaluation status." dell won't send me media no matter do! (believe me when have tried) so, how copy of non-eval media?  i have seco

How to backup FRS replicated SYSVOL?

hello, i'm start fixing morphed folders on our sysvol. before going in, make full backup of sysvol. sysvol still replicated using frs because value of following registry entry on our ws2012r2 domain controllers 0. hkey_local_machine \ system \ currentcontrolset \ services \ dfsr \ parameters \ sysvols \ migrating sysvols \ localstate i read article still don't understand how should backup sysvol replicated frs. could advise how backup sysvol replicated frs? hi  you should use vss (volume shadow copy service) writer backup , restore,your provide article include steps; also check this; volume shadow copy service this posting provided no warranties or guarantees,and confers no rights. best regards burak uÄŸur

within adfs I need to pass domainname\username as nameid.

newb here,  idp adfs , sp needs nameid equal windows account name.  when edit claims rule don't see windows account name option , if type in passes nothing onto sp.  doing wrong.. thanks greatly tr hi, thank posting! regarding claims related issue, suggest refer following forum professional support: claims based access platform (cba), code-named geneva forum thank understanding , support. best regards, amy Windows Server  >  Directory Services

iSCSI reconnecting

hi,   i have 2 windows server 2008-r2 based hyper v servers. virtual machines running ad/exchage etc. off late have witnessed storage connected through iscsi keeps disconnecting hyper-v server disks not connected based server, bring disk need restart whole server. after storage reconnected.   on iscsi console status reconnecting. can body me on this. regards, kiran b. hi kiran, what disk type using in windows server 2008 r2? basic disk or dynamic disk? thanks , regards scorpio_milo mcts: windows vista | exchange server 2007 mcitp: enterprise support technician mcitp: server & enterprise administrator microsoft infrastructure consultant enterprise service: solution architect microsoft storage team - file cabinet blog my blog contact me if post helpful, please take second hit green arrow on left, or mark answer, thanks Windows Server

Licensing Windows Server on a hypervisor other than Hyper-V

i'm using host linux , have installed 4 windows server 2012 std on 4 vms. how many licenses need purchase? they'll licensing on here.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter management disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

the server is unwilling to process the request

i have searchresultcollection. foreach iterate each searchresult. searchresult directoryentry getdirctoryentry(). collection has 70.000 searchresults in it. dont cache them , have pagesize of 1000. @ random error: "the server unwilling process request". can't see reason why. have microsoft contract solving problems may here can answer me. because policy on server not right or what? software developer david, it looks problem solved. tech guys put auditing on server when loading data. saw server had problem loading data in background, changed settings. server ad server used synchronising data main ad. host os windows server 2003 service packs installed. software developer Windows Server  >  Group Policy

how to get alert that a vm is up ?

hi guys, how alert when tenant vm getting up? hi weili, to check if vm up, recommend can use scheduled task, , can schedule trigger time, run powershell script check event id 18500 to monitor running vm, call function based on vmname. for example, if set scheduled task run every 1 hour, can filter starttime of the event logs by an hour ago, parse vmnames. get-winevent -filterhashtable @{logname="microsoft-windows-hyper-v-worker-admin";id=18500;startt ime = (get-date).addhours(-1)}|foreach{ $_.message.split("'")[1]} #then call function based on vm names if there else regarding issue, please feel free post back. best regards, anna wang Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Remote Desktop Implementation

i working organisation has merged another, 2 lans are connected through vpn connection. site 1.  1x windows 2003 server domain controller, file and print server, 1x windows 2008r2 exchange 2007sp3. site 2   1x windows 2008r2 server domain controller, file , print server. users on site 1 have roaming profiles stored on w 2003. users on site 2 have roaming profiles stored on w2008r2. originally, few users supposed travel between site. time more users travelling between sites. to minimize traffic between sites, , speed logins have used redirected folders. more recently, management wishes upgrade workstations on site 2 end being windows 7. i end 35x xp on site 1 , 20x w7 on site 2. making roaming profiles management possibly nightmare. users using office 2003, ie, acrobat reader,  an oracle database , microsoft office document imaging tiffs files  i admit, know little or nothing of remote desktop services. better off using rds cheaper thinclients instead of w7 workstation