
Showing posts from February, 2011

DNS is not resolving name

    1 of server running windows server 2012, writable domain controller configured in way has replicate pdc every one day due power has battery due ups not working because of kept shutdown 8 hour after turning on server dns not working properly.what should please guide me. hi, could tell me network  architecture? how many dns server configured? them active directory-integrated dns? could pinging client dns server? in general, there reasons led failure of resolving name: the dns server not responding clients. the dns server not resolve names correctly. more information dns troubleshooting,  please refer following article: best regards, frank please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows

High CPU consumption (svchost.exe) after Approval of Updates in WSUS

hello, we recognizing high cpu consumption of process svchost.exe on windows server 2008 r2 each time, after approve windows updates on our wsus. servers needing more 50 % of cpu , happen before going start installation of updates. after successfull installation of updates cpu consumption decrease normal. i did try hints on page:  do have further ideas? best regards alex regards alex thank both answers. i tried different methods told me. @ moment seems, article possible solution: i tell you, if solution afterwards. regards alex Windows Server  >  Windows Server Genera

Validity of User CALs (one CAL multiple domains?)

hello, we run 1 productive active directory domain several servers 50 users. additionaly have 5 "clones" (virtualized in separated networks) of domain each of these 50 users has access testing purposes. user cals these users valid entire company network? or need buy separate cals each of these testing domains? thanks time, regards charles hello, for correct licensing please contact microsoft support. licensing microsoft not easy follow , you. keep in mind cloned domains never connected original netowkr , no domain machines connected cloned one. run trouble. best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

remove previously approved updates from WSUS storage after a new update !

hi we configure wsus on "win server 2008 r2" automatically approves new updates client computers. after new update, wsus not remove approved updates server storage , causes server storage become full of unneeded updates , there not enough space downloading new updates ! how can fix problem ? after new update, wsus not remove approved updates server storage , causes server storage become full of unneeded updates , there not enough space downloading new updates ! correct. 1 of jobs of wsus administrator. how can fix problem ? remove approvals , run server cleanup wizard. removing unneeded update approvals lawrence garvin, m.s., mcitp:ea, mcdba, mcsa solarwinds head geek microsoft mvp - software packaging, deployment & servicing (2005-2013) mvp profile: the views expressed on post mine , not reflect views of solarwinds.

Using 3G dongle on server 2012 R2

i have lab hyper host running server 2012 r2, use 3g dongle connect internet far no luck. have installed wlan service on server but am still unable access internet. when use win8 machine, the dongle appears k4305 broadband connection and works well. could missing on server 2012 r2? please advise. you should having driver compatible os. recommend contact 3g dongle vendor see if have required driver. this posting provided no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. ahmed malek my website link my linkedin profile my mvp profile Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Snapshots continue to grow

i've taken snapshot of virtual servers , continue grow until run out of hard drive space.  i'm running windows 2008 , have 900 gb hard drive.  after finish server setup , snapshot have somewhere around 200 gb.  other day virtual's servers wouldn't start.  out of hard drive space.  removed snapshots, rebuilt virtuals , same thing happened.   yesterday @ 140 gigs , today i'm @ 61 gigs.   if don't use snapshots, i'm fine, i'd sure have snapshot fall to. if turn off virtuals , take snapshot stay same size?  why growing? jeff a snapshot not complete copy of virtual machine, stop differencing disk applied , vm continues differencing disk.   fyi - not method of backup , should not considered tool disaster recovery.   the difference if taking snapshots of running virtual machines, needs dump entire memory state of vm.  might using bunch of space.   it noted repeatedly taking snapshots can reduce vm performance chaining bunch of differencing disks t

Certificate with thumbprint not found in certificate store 'My' in certificate location 'CurrentUser'

i using sql 2016 db , have created encrypted certificate. i have imported certificate on local machine , create mvc application. when debug application using iis express it's working fine. but when deploy application on iis (same local machine - windows7 debug app) getting error as   - "certificate thumbprint  not found in certificate store 'my' in certificate location 'currentuser'. " it should application running under user context , trying go user local store instead of machine one. for iis questions, can consider asking them here: this posting provided no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. ahmed malek my website link my linkedin profile my mvp profile Windows Server  >  Windows Server General

CAPolicy.inf or Not

hi there, i’m working on implementing 2 tier pki , wondering   if need use capolicy.inf. in microsoft book using on technet documentation not using it. can please recommend me method use? the deployment have 1 x offline standard ca , 2 issuing enterprise ca running windows 2008 servers.   thanks, simon mcsa, mcse, mcitp:sa, mcitp:ea, mcts:exchange server 2010 config, ccna if wish define: - renewal key length ca - renewal validity period ca - initial aia , cdp paths root ca - key usage criticality , settings ca - whether install default certificate templates on enterprise ca you must implement capolicy.inf i have never deployed ca *without* using capolicy.inf hth, brian   Windows Server  >  Security

Virtual DFSR Server Crashed

hi, we have virtual dfsr server crashed because brand new hard drive started spewing bad blocks @ us.  shut down , awaiting replacement.  hoping turn on vhd when copied in order have data servers sync up, there 'lost' data on dead server need recover. will happen if has been down week or so?  should remove dead server share , try re-add recover missing stuff preexisting folder?  thanks. hi, set dfs member primary member in replication group, considered authoritative member , wins out during initial replication. overwrite current replicated folder content on non-primary member.   try command set server primary: dfsradmin membership set /rgname:<rg name> /rfname:<rf name> /memname:<member name> /isprimary:true note: please backup incase newer data overwritten old version. if dead server removed dfs replication group, when add back, considered new added server , initial replication, files on server overwritten "primary server&q

what is correct way to make RDS hosts warn people to change passwords??

we set rds hosts cluster earlier year. i did set in group policy give 14 days' warning change passwords. today discovered not work -- people not log in etc. how make rds hosts et al. warn people change passwords?? thank you, tom hi tom, it not idea rely on built-in warning mechanism.  displays balloon disappears when user clicks on something, fraction of second after message displayed.  recommend 2 things: 1. automated daily reminder emails sent people password expire within xx days, clear instructions on how change password.  if change password within remote desktop session instructions should reflect telling them press ctrl-alt-end.  when number of days gets low preferred change email reflect (set high priority and/or make text in bold red letters, etc.). if have web password change interface can include link within message encourage them change immediately. 2. use custom script or program runs during logon , displays popup warning more visible. the above

dnscmd /recordDelete behavior

it seems if have 2 records managed ms dns server, say: (in forward zone) and ptr (in reverse zone) and call:  dnscmd /recorddelete /f i see both , ptr records deleted. unexpected want record removed. there way disable deletion of ptr in case? i hoping since had specified record type a, leave ptr alone... thanks. hi, a pointer (ptr) resource record deleted automatically if corresponding host (a) resource record deleted. see here: have nice day! masterplan - mcse,mcitp-ea Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

need help converting this to powershell

can in converting ps? @echo off /f "tokens=1-4 delims=," %%g in (dhcp-reservations.txt) ( netsh dhcp server scope %%g add reservedip %%h %%i %%j "" both netsh dhcp server scope %%g set reservedoptionvalue %%h 66 string "" netsh dhcp server scope %%g set reservedoptionvalue %%h 67 string "pxelinux.0" ) if correct to  $txt = $_ -split ',' split each line in text file comma , store array  $txt . if dhcp server running windows server 2012 or later can use  add-dhcpserverv4reservation , set-dhcpserverv4optionvalue create reservations , set options. Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

windows server 2008 R2 - console login stuck at "wait for user profile"

hi,   i have dell poweredge t300 running 64-bit windows 2008 r2 server. using hyper-v, runs virtual copy of same os.   today, attempt login administrator on console of virtual machine failed. started produce usual login messages rapidly stuck on message "waiting user profile service".  seems go no further having left couple of hours see.  have tried logging in using safe mode without networking , works ok, logging in safe mode networking gives same problems. the physical server has 2 network interfaces, 1 of bridges vm. believe, though i'm not sure, ipv6 disabled on both (i cant in check). the virtual server domain controller (the 1 in domain) , runs exchange 2010 latest exchange rollup pack 2. i grateful suggestions cause of , how around it. thanks     i start checking event viewer. later try change exchange services check if problem not related them , restart. additionally try logging machine different user member of domain administrators, can pr

Unable to establish a session with the password export server. Access is denied"

hi, i'm getting error "unable establish session passport export server. access denied" when trying ad user account migration using admt v3.1. below setup details. source :, windows server 2003 target :, windows server 2008 trust : 2 way i have installed password export service in source server , have created migration id full rights on resources of source server , domain admin rights in target server. now when try migrate password throws error " unable establish session password export server . access denied " . could please me on this, have wasted lot of time on this.     hi, thanks post. this issue occur if account using migrate not having required permission on either of domain. now please add account built-in administrator group of both domain , check if passwords migration can work. hope helps. miles Windows Server

How to Cold Backup VM

hi have hyper-v setup csv 4 hyper-v hosts. there few test server vmwhich want backup. there anyway copy vhd file backup , save somewhere else. i not looking live backup (hot backup); can turn off these vm , backup. can copy vhd files/whole folder , later when needed copy/restore back? any appreciated, thank you. hi, you can copy exported vms csv folder, import it. can copy vhd files csv folder, create new vm existing vhds. Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

Post-Installation of Windows Server 2012 R2

hello, installed server 2012 r2 , had question. after installing essentials, have 1 thing left configure. have 3 services "stopped" (remote desktop management, sql server analysis services, , vmware). know how can these services running? thanks vmware , sql analysis services not default essentials role. vmware third party virutalization platform not recommend installed on same server 1 running essentials role. are sure service called vmware? unfortunately technet isn't coming back, sorry folks :-( Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 Essentials

Configuring OCSP with Microsoft CAs

i have root ca , sub-ca installed. installing ocsp server revocation list sub-ca. i want setup sub-ca send crls ocsp server , not ldap. thank help... i have root ca , sub-ca installed. installing ocsp server revocation list sub-ca. i want setup sub-ca send crls ocsp server , not ldap. thank help... hi, you check ocsp implementing guide reference: implementing ocsp responder best regards cartman please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

any method or Utility to log the duration which takes each service and driver Loads during windows startup

hi friends. there method or application log , see how long took each service or driver loaded during windows startup process ? (the problem  i installed softwares ( game , browser ,etc ),  now windows startup process takes long time want find out service or driver takes long when loading or starts , disable ) lot hi, microsoft has introduced utility examin os boot called xbootmgr.exe windows performance toolkit (wpt). please refer below link may serve query. windows performance toolkit (wpt) :-- how use xbootmgr solve windows boot problems : -- hth.., thanks & regards, amit katkar (mcitp windows 2008) ------------------------------------------------------------ posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights.

ADCS High Availability and Redundacy

hi there, i have general question regarding adcs redundacy , high availability on our customer . our customers have 2 tier windows server 2008 r2 ca 1 stand alone root ca , 1 enterprise sub ca (issuer) @ same site (drc), want implement 1 enterprise sub ca (issuer) again on site (dc) cross site ha /redudancy enterprise sub issuing  ca . i know adcs can installed ha service in failover cluster in windows server 2008 r2. however, if there not need level of ha, there redundancy if 2 issuing ca`s set exact same certificate templates published? is possible & steps should prepare? i.e. autoenrollment try next available ca if first 1 unavailable? many help. hi fajar pambudi, microsoft not recommend install “active directory certificate services” on server has been installed roles on it. highly advise install “active directory certificate services” on member server has not been installed role or application. microsoft supporting clustered configu

SCUP Update publish process getting fail for DELL Catalog.

i able publish adobe update under scup 2011 dell updates getting fail. scup log file, came know issue due ftp based url doesn't able download binary. publishitem: download content: failed download file ''.$$<updates publisher><wed feb 25 18:26:0.277 2015.4><thread=4> same url not working in browser well, it's getting timeout there. if fire same url http prompt actual binary. ftp specific entry present under registry. 1 face similar kind of behavior? solution? hi nky85, >>same url not working in browser well, it's getting timeout there. it seems device block ftp traffic. please check if firewall or filter block ftp traffic i tested url broswer in lab, works. here screenshot of lab: besides, due question more related scup, better help, please post question on the system center forum below: https://social.technet.mic

Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "Documents"

i know why the error happening, can't seem find fix it. old server (sbshingesvr) no longer exists after migration. new server 2012 r2. i've looked in gpo , thought found right spot (gp management editor\user configuration\policies\windows settings\folder redirection\documents don't see there pointing old server. appreciated. error: failed apply policy , redirect folder "documents" "\\hingeserver\users\tfitzge\my documents".  redirection options=0x9021.  the following error occurred: "failed build list of regular subfolders under "\\sbshingesvr\users\tfitzge\my documents"".  error details: "the network path not found. figured out. registry on client computer causing problem. deleted instances in pointing old server; rebooted, , good. Windows Server  > 

Updating server

dear,  i have 1 question, keep windows server up-to-date affect of following application: active directory ms sql share-point exchange or need install security update ? please advice  general recommendation: test updates before installing in infrastructure. however: doing it? (too expensive resources , admin time.) statistical approach: while security/important updates highly reliable, optional need not. reality: depends. (it improving problems persist.) summary: general question brings general answer. recommendation|: careful. keep in mind return path. backup , test restore. m. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

word 2007 prove the encryption strength

word 2007 document, changed default aes 128 bit encryption 256 via registry, need prove documents in word 2007 encrypting @ strength level, there settings in document or file show me encryption strength of word 2007 document. hi, the level of protection provided aes encryption related strength of password used protect document. please check follow articles, hope helps: "document encryption in office 2007 open xml" "2007_office_docencryption" best regards. william zhou technet community support Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discuss

DFS - Restart replication after folder offline for 90 days

we had replication group between 2 servers offline more 60 days. these steps i've taken bring online: 1. made backup of data on both file servers 2. marked server 1 primary member because has date data. (server 2 functions backup in hub , spoke configuration.) 3. disabled server 2 in replication group, , enabled again. server 2 showing events stating it's ready begin initial synchronization. however, server 2 showing events stating needs disabled in rg, , when enabled, pull fresh data other rg members. what correct way restart replication server 1 server 2 @ point? concern disabling/enabling server 1 in rg group pull stale data. hi, i think easier delete server2 replication group, force ad replication , add - equal recreation of replication group. can add folder on server2 replication, set primary server1 , waiting initial replication.  please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact tnmff@

Issues with Cisco ASA 5500 Series and NAP

using vpn nap enforcement in test lab step step guide, trying setup , test vpn solution having problems getting nap authentication work. not sure if there issue asa, nap server or client. information below how have configured.     cisco asa 5500 series configured internet facing device     server 2008 configured radius server , nap authentication server     windows xp sp3 machines clients, these machines running cisco vpn client version 5.0.x appears soh not being passed or received client/nap server. whenever enable nap policies, following error in event logs:      network policy server denied access user. contact network policy server administrator more information. user:     security id:            domain\username     account name:            username     account domain:            domain     qualified account name:    domain\username client machine:     security id:            null sid     account name:            -     qualified account name:    -     os-v

Security permissions

we have windows server 2008 r2 server. full control permission removed , read  is selected in group shared folder,while administrator , power user have full control of same shared folder. but application can't accessed in both administrator , power user domain. error message appers insufficient privelege. can't modify full control in group now, kindly advise how revert group full control permission. hi, try take ownership of folder should able set ntfs permissions again. in meantime please check share tab of folder confirm if - full control set instead of read permission. share permission affect when accessing via network shared folder. please remember mark replies answers if , un-mark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  > 

Powershell "Clear or Remove Text Box" Button

is there way make button can clear results out of field? something like $rbutton = new-object $rbutton.location = new-object system.drawing.size(122,550) $rbutton.size = new-object system.drawing.size(110,40) $rbutton.text = "view dhcp information" $rbutton.add_click({rinfo}) $form.controls.add($rbutton) i figured out.. nevermind. for curious...   #clear button $clearbutton = new-object “”; $clearbutton.location = new-object system.drawing.size(237,550) $clearbutton.size = new-object system.drawing.size(110,40) $clearbutton.text = "clear" $clearbutton.add_click{$outputbox.clear()} $form.controls.add($clearbutton) Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Test-Path (folder) on multiple servers

hi. i trying identify of servers has folder named ptia1000 under c:/program files i getting server names txt file this ive came with: get-content "c:\tstjek\servers.txt" | ` select-object @{name='computername';expression={$_}},@{name='folderexist';expression={test-path "c:\program files\ptia1000"}} this output:  (the output shows false , know fact ptia1000 folder exist on couple of these servers)  computername                                                                                                                              folderexist ------------                                                                                                                              ----------- srvpctx100                                                                                                                                      false srvpctx101                                                                      

An authentication error has occured (Code: 0x80090327)

hi, have created new instance of hyper-v virtual machine via hyper-v manager; unable connect virtual machine right-mouse clicking on virtual machine , clicking on "connect" in hyper-v manager.  issue appeared on screen after entering domain administrator credential, error box titled "remote desktop connection".  error message: "an authentication error has occurred (code: 0x80090327). remote computer:"  need connect new virtual host load , configure operating system new virtual host. this environment: - hosting server: windows server 2008 enterprise sp1 64-bit (full install, not server core) - role: domain controller i baffled have tried both terminal service , physically walking server console logon server access hyper-v manager , credential using has domain adminsitrator priviledge access server , hyper-v manager... , no avail.  have made sure password domain administrator id using indeed corret , member of domain administrators

Activate Server 2012r2 license

hi, i have installed windows server 2012 standard evaluation , configured ad . have got olpnl license , trying activate not activating, getting error cannot change edition of active directory error 50, there way activate license out removing ad ????? the dc migrated 2003 server 2012 server . thanks , thejus hello, you not able activate evaluation version ad installed. reinstall or add second dc/dns/gc domain full licensed , transfer fsmo roles can remove trial machine. keep in mind evaluation testing , not production networks. best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my blog : disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Robocopy from windows 2003 server to windows 2008 server, more files in destination than source.

hello, i having problem where, when copy files server 2003 server 2008 r2 amount of files on destination server seem more amount of files on source server. example server1(2003 server) has 100,000 files server2(2008r2) has 120,000. both have same amount of folders, destination has more files. the command using being run 2008 r2 server copying data 2003 2008r2, 2008 r2 directory empty when started.  robocopy <source> <destination> /e /z /dcopy:t /copyall /tee /mt:64 /log:d:<logdirectory\log.txt> /mir /w:2 /r:2 /purge know why destination have more files source? point may open call microsoft, , thought might check technet first. thank you, hi,   by default robocopy copy file if source , destination have different time stamps or different file sizes.   incomplete copies if terminate robocopy during copy operation (e.g if command prompt window closed), incompletely copied destination file left later time stamp it's corresponding source file

Windows Search Service failing to install on Windows Server 2008 R2 Terminal Server

hi, i unable install windows search service on server 2008 r2 terminal server. want install enable indexing options within outlook 2013 users. server manager > add roles > file services > select windows search service > install. the error receive: "attempt configure windows search service failed error code 0x80070057. parameter incorrect." thanks, bjorn hi, i did test , install windows search service without problem. which role did installed on terminal server? did try install on windows server? regards. please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  Management

How to monitor Hyper-v core server resources?

hi folks,              please let me  know how monitor,manage resources of hyper-v core server. thank in advance. hiya,  you have same possibilities on server 2012 core have on 2012 gui. difference can view , how view it.  1: server 2012 gui, can remote connect using perfmon. 2: can use cli tool logman application. 3: 3'rd party products can monitor core server. one example use logman create data collector performance data wish collect , use perfmon view these data server. Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Unable to remove Hyper-V VM

i did restore of broken vm two-node hyper-v cluster, however, machine didn't boot because last backup corrupted. deleted vm hyper-v manager , thought cleared until saw vm still existed in scvmm (slow refresh maybe?). when tried , delete vm there, get: error (1730): selected action not completed because virtual machine not in state in action valid. the machine in failed state.   when go failover cluster manager, don't see vm under service , applications.  reloaded hyper-v manager , machine back! when go csv, see machine folder contains virtual machines folder can't open (don't have permissions access folder).  i'm unable delete vm folder (you require permission perform action). i'm @ loss on how remove machine. realize worked quick remove bad machine, easy way clear whatever holding access folder/machine? don't want interupt machine if can it. hi, the virtual machine doesn’t appear under service , applications in failover cluster manager co

Server 2008 R2 does not see my USB hard drive

i had windows server backup configured , running several months. stopped. open investigation, backup program no longer see usb drive. drive works fine in workstations (windows 7 , xp). server can access usb flash drives without problem, won't see usb hard disk drives. nor appear in server manager in disk management area. have not had months! please help. hi,   as mentioned “but won't see usb hard disk drives”, know whether can see drive in explorer/my computer.   by way, if appeared in disk management, can see driver letter? how remove current driver letter , assign it?   if possible, please plug disk computer see whether windows server backup on computer can find disk.     best regards, vincent hu Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Pertaining to Permissions/Users

in advanced security settings ie (64-bit w/ vistal home premium)  ...  in permissions/effective permissions areas, having difficulty assigning particular permissions including removing, in particular, unidentified user, settings.....i have been able limit (in few cases) users full control changing allowing "read only" priviledges. when attempt to remove user, not accept change. not paranoid individual per se....but, feel system has been infiltrated unknown "hacker" or individual.  in addition, haven't been able successful install "windows updates"  ... resulting in "failed attempts".  these updates have noticed seem to  have commonality....that being "security updates". leads me believe if "theory" or "suspicion" is  valid, a/some user in way preventiing "protecting" his/her ability to  interact w/i system's environment.  suggestions/comments appreciatedl.  tjs hi, if system got in

chkdsk question

i designing new storage system in 80tb range.  we've traditionally used raid cards , ntfs, looking @ refs , storage spaces.  1 of big benefits of refs not having run chkdsk.  on new volume though, storing larger files - files in 2gb range.  fact volume not full of bunch of small files mean chkdsk run "fast", @ least in comparison bunch of smaller files?  i'd love stick ntfs because it's been around long, , want figure out if our workload might make more feasible.  thanks! hi, not run “fast” when storing larger files in volume. refs designed work extremely large data sets—petabytes , larger—without performance impact. file system, refs not resiliency, great maintaining extremely large amounts of data. more detailed information, refer article below: windows server 2012: refs replace ntfs? when should use it? best reg

Windows 2003 SP2 perflib event id 2003

i have multiple windows 2003 sp2 servers throwing perflib event id 2003 in application event logs. errors vary between servers, take similar formats: aug 28 07:06:38 server01 perflib: 2003: the configuration information of the performance library "c:\windows\system32\aspperf.dll" for the "asp" service does not match the trusted performance library information stored in the registry. the functions in this library will not be treated as trusted.      aug 28 07:06:43 server01 perflib: 2003: the configuration information of the performance library "c:\windows\system32\perfts.dll" for the "termservice" service does not match the trusted performance library information stored in the registry. the functions in this library will not be treated as trusted.      aug 28 07:06:43 server01 perflib: 2003: the configuration information of the performance library "c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\w3ctrs.dll" for the "w3svc" service does not match 

Firewall for VMs on Hyper-V

hi, installing latest hyper-v release need protect vms via network firewall. microsoft have fw comes hyper-v can filter traffic between vms? or need 3rd party fw? how need traffic filtered?  hyper-v creates virtual switch vm's connected to. puts hyper-v computers on same subnet different ip's physical computer.  a way have 2 or more nic's on computer, 1 physical computer , others virtual computers. firewall @ network gateway protecting virtual computers same rest of network in setup.  most versions of windows contain software firewall may suit need if need traffic filtered intranet.    there no virtual firewall aware of you, physical firewall @ gateway should work filter traffic. Windows Server  >  Security

"Powershell 2 host programs that have been compiled with CLR 2"

hi, reading windows powershell system requirements , stumbled on following sentence: "..."due change in runtime activation policy in microsoft .net framework 4.0, windows powershell host programs written windows powershell 2.0 and compiled common language runtime (clr) 2.0 cannot run without modification in windows powershell 3.0, compiled clr 4.0. " can explain me? powershell host programs ? thanks, rob powershell hosts can run powershell commands; there's api out there allow developers write own hosts.  powershell.exe, ise, , powershell web access examples of hosts default.  (if remember correctly, there's separate host remoting well, wsmprovhost.exe) if you're not writing own custom powershell hosts (or using 1 third-party vendor), blurb doesn't affect you. edit:  maybe make more clear, powershell engine work of running powershell commands.  host presents user interface, whether it's console window, ise, or whatever, , hand

1 server, 3 NICs, 2 Gateways - will it work?

  hi guys,   here situation.  have server in our domain has terminal server access controlled our firewall.  server has 3 nic’s – 2 operational @ moment have default gateway of  , our firewall goes out via 2 adsl connections.  have published ip’s on fw direct ts traffic server.  have added fibre connection to our larger office.  can use fibre connection browse internet through network , have setup gateway (say on fibre.   what wanting allow ts session through fibre connection (as retaining access through other fw- now).  has been allocated ip address controlled firewall @ our other office.  wanting activate third nic , have default gateway of nic people can access ts using superfast fibre – still need keep other connections in meantime.   just wondering if possible or confuse server data packets need travel?  wondering if route command can use somehow tell server info coming in on nic 3 has go out nic 3 , consequently out gateway