
Showing posts from April, 2012

setting up a kms server

i have technet professional sunbscriber , set kms server dont have add key every time, need license number , authorization number, how these numbers please to best of knowledge, kmshost pkeys not ever offered tn subs nor msdn subs. if organisation has vl agreement servers, clients or office, organisation have access ms vlsc website, pkeys available you. note kms requires minimum threshold number of kmsclients, , threshold must maintained or kmshost never issue activations, or cease issuing activations/renewals if threshold not maintained. windowsclient (eg vista/7/8) minimum 25. windowsserver (eg 2008/2008r2/2012) minimum 5. office/visio/project (eg 2010/2013) minimum 5. it's unlikely meet kms minimum in typical tn/msdn scenarios whilst complying licensing of tn/msdn.... (imho) don (please take moment "vote helpful" and/or "mark answer", applicable. helps com

Replication is unavailable and and Group Policy fails

hello, i have windows server 2012 r2 installed active directory , dns roles, however when try join client domain error "network path not available". takes long time windows server boot , login. i tried "gpupdate" , "gpupdate /force" fails update group policy. plase me resolve problem. i tried dcdiag /v /c /d /e /s:dcname >c:\dcdiag.txt , returns : command line: "dcdiag.exe /v /c /d /e /s:server" directory server diagnosis performing initial setup:    * connecting directory service on server server.    server.currenttime = 20140928100937.0z    server.highestcommittedusn = 381456    server.issynchronized = 1    server.isglobalcatalogready = 1    determining ip4 connectivity    determining ip6 connectivity    failure analysis: server ... ok.    [server] directory binding error 1722:    rpc server unavailable.    may limit of tests can performed.    * identified ad forest.    c

Remote desktop to any VM on a Windows Server 2012 RC host is sluggish

i have upgraded windows server 2008 r2 sp1 windows server 2012 rc. have hyper-v role installed on box , there several virtual machines running. used connect using remote desktop virtual machines smoothly either host or desktop. after have upgraded windows server 2012 release review, , when connect remotely windows 7 machine virtual machines, response of vm sluggish , slow opening computer or clicking on start menu. when "translucent selection rectangle" on dektop or in windows explorer, mouse moves slow. thought hyper-v integration services after upgrading it, still experience same thing. 1 thing mention here, when remote desktop virtual machine host itself, works smoothly without glitches.. when connect virtual machine hyper-v manager, works smoothly. think have windows 7 mstsc.exe version , rdp'ing virtual machines on windows server 2012 host. hi, do have other physical machines in same lan? please try remote desktop virtual machine them see whether sam

Can 6to4 addresses be renewed/applied with DirectAccess

is there way renew or refresh ipv6 addresses used directaccess without restarting server, sort of ipconfig /renew? currently way know how refresh address restart server -- hate that! i have set directaccess server working well.  having 2 problems setup related ipv6 addresses.  after directaccess server has been running several days, internal ipv6 addresses starting "2002" dissapearing on internal servers.  restart resolves issue , have re-run directaccess setup , apply policies again, restart server.  haven't been able figure out why happens , interested in thoughts on this. hi ed stark ,   thanks posting here. i confirm mentioned “the internal ipv6 addresses starting "2002" dissapearing on internal servers.  ”, mean ipv6 address of direct access server? if misunderstand please let me know.   please under when direct access client located in internal network, obtain ipv6 address via isatap not 6to4. you may check if worked restart ip help

WIndows Server Data Center R2

  i acquired ibm x 3560 m3 server windows server 2008 enterprise r2 i trying load data center 2008 r2 error "windows cannot install required files. make sure files required installation available, , restart installation. error code: 0x800700b7" hi,   please try use copy of windows server 2008 r2 installation disk see whether same issue.   by way, can download trial version of windows server 2008 r2 or windows server 2008 r2 sp1 following link.   windows server 2008 r2 evaluation (180 days)   windows server 2008 r2 sp1 evaluation free 180-day trial     best regards, vincent hu     Windows Server  > 

How to online mounted disk using VDS

hi, i need on how online mounted disk using vds. ivdsdiskonline in there "online" method unfortunately im getting "interface not supported" exception. thanks, znarf hi znarf, thank posting in windows server forums, ivdsdiskonline supported on vista ( wth sp1 )  and windows 2008 as question more towards programing suggest post query in appropriate msdn forums meant answer programing related queries. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Is this senario supported in PKI Infrastructure?

greetings all, have question can't seem find info on. if enterprise root ca installed on windows server 2003 standard, can install subordinate enterprise ca on windows 2008 r2 server can create , issue version2 certificates sccm 2007 r3 native mode? thanks, chris craig yes, enterprise ca installed on 2008 r2 can issue certificates based on v2 & v3 templates regardless type of parent/root ca. /hasain Windows Server  >  Security

Static IP vs APIPA

after configuring static ip on 10/100 nic, (no alternate configuration)  the dns role on server 2008 r2 shows ip address apipa assigned address. after setting ipv4 wins tab allow netbios name resolution static ip shows in dns. network not use wins whatsoever; why won't static ip stick first time around?  i have similar experience time ago, when set answer file automatic installation of windows operating system. there 2 possibilities: 1. there firewire port system enumerates as first interface , nic  was assigned apipa. 2. when have 2 nics , system assigned ip "wrong" nic. network devices in listig ipconfig /all ? you have not reveal aim , add note case of active directory. let system install dns me. assignes . procedure quite different 1 ad 2003, had fidle netdiag (fix & debug parameters). route print may clear magic. regards milos Windows Server

Address book problem, Outlook 2003

i have quit using exchange server in our sbs network.  when removed es mail account list in outlook, exported personal folders, saved them, imported them outlook new mail server settings.  works fine except that when accessing address book in mail view send emails, receive error message contact directory not exist or don't have proper permissions.  closing dialog box opens address book.  clicking on drop-down box, there multiple listings contacts.  selecting of these listings, except top one, brings contact list.  how eliminate top contact listing apparently points no longer available exchange server listing? thanks in this. jerry x for sbs questions, post in sbs forum: for exchange , outlook questions, post n exchange forums:     posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees

ODBC Administrator (32-bit ..\SysWOW64\odbc32ad.exe) fails on System DSN add, with error code 126

logging into w2008r2 server id member of "administrators" group.  installed 32-bit postgresql driver via msi package.  when using 32-bit odbc administrator create "system dsn", receive error follows: "the setup routines postgresql ansi odbc driver not loaded due system error code 126: specified module not found. (c:\psqlodbc\0903\bin\psqlodbc30a.dll). i have verified file exist, name, in location , registry entries (i not allowed insert images until account "verified"). the odbc administrator lists 32-bit driver (along others) in drivers tab.  successful creating system dsn if choose different 32-bit driver (e.g. ibm db2 driver).  thank direction can provide. hey justin.  thank followup!  have been trying insert images "show" registry values , windows explorer showing file exists (so double check me), have had no luck - interface claims have not "verified account", 'tho believe have done several times - clearly,

Mail Merge issue

hi: i attempting design mail merge using word , excel used in silent auction non-profit benefit party.  i want set system makes consolidating data on purchases , buyers, , generating receipts,  fast , easy once auction closes. (i using office 2010). my problem how create receipt through  mail merge when 1  person buys 1 item, buys 4 items, , third buys no items.   make easy data input person, use excel sheet includes item number in column a, it's description in column b, buyer number in column c, , price in column d.  at completion, simple sort buyer number line buyers , purchases together.  my question - how create mail merge form (the receipt) each buyer list of purchases (one or several) , total amount owed.   maybe there way think through.  however, want start item number in column make quick , easy data person.    thanks help! hi katrina, you can use word's catalogue/directory mailmerge facility (the terminology depends on word version). see how mailmerge

loggin in on 2 different domain controllers

hello , i have   2 dc's 1 is  primary , other backup  (using old terminology)  theses 2 replication partners......... wanted users able still login if dc #1 goes down.... needs in place dc #2 authenticate  users in leiu of dc1 going offline ? how test this  (without havingto put dc1 offline) backup dc - dc2 - guess, referring additional domain controller. theses 2 replication partners......... wanted users able still login if dc #1 goes down.... needs in place dc #2 authenticate  users in leiu of dc1 going offline ? configure dc2 global catalog , make sure use dc2 ip secondary dns on client machines. once dns configuration updated on client machines, take dc1 offline , and allow users log on domain. if users able log on domain without issues, confirms failover working seamlessly. how test this  (without havingto put dc1 offline) configure dc2 ip primary dns on client machines. once configuration updated, allow users log on.  you may verify log on server running

Windows 2008 Deactivating

hello, we have server 2008 installed on hyper-v server. own datacenter vla key. hyper-v servers in cluster. seems after every failover machine becomes de-activiated , have go through activation again. does know if there can this? i don't have vla media install, there way stop activation process kicking off servers in production environment? thank you hello mtech456,   before move on, need collect information:   1. w here problem happens? happen on hyper-v host machine or guest machines hosted in hyper-v cluster? if happens on guest machine, exist on guest machines or of them?   2. mean mentioning "i don't have vla media install"? mean didn't install windows serve 2008 virtual machines vla installation media?   3. datacenter vla key own work for?   according test, failover operation won't cause machine becomes de-activated on side. consider servers in production environment, need verify hyper-v server , virtual machines running on should activated va

Windows server 2008 R2 issue for install the language pack

server: windows server 2008 r2 standard x64 english 1, installed language pack chinese simplified successful on 17 april, 2, want install language pack chinese traditational , error, system prompt fail, 3, below log: can give me advice. thanks. log name:      application source:        windows error reporting date:          16/05/2014 09:56:10 event id:      1001 task category: none level:         information keywords:      classic user:          n/a computer:      description: fault bucket , type 0 event name: cbspackageservicingfailure2 response: not available cab id: 0 problem signature: p1: 6.1.7601.17592 p2: microsoft-windows-server-refresh-languagepack-package p3: 6.1.7601.17514 p4: amd64 p5: zh-hk p6: 80070002 p7: stage p8: resolved p9: installed p10: lpksetup attached files: these files may available here: c:\programdata\microsoft\windows\wer\reportqueue\critical_6.1.7601.17592_92e101b17f0d1a932aaecf3476a11346d741a3a

Can I use Windows Server 2012 RDS CALS

is possible use windows server 2012 rds cals on windows server 2008 licensing manager? when attempt enter license code error "the license code contains invalid characters or not enough characters." hi, before using 2012 rds cals on 2008 rd/ts licensing server need contact clearinghouse , downgrade them. locate microsoft clearinghouse telephone number country or region -tp Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


 i downloaded windows 8.1 , tried suggestions did not work.there box turn on narrarrtor not turn off. settings|change pc settings|ease of access|narrator flip switch off start narrator automatically       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Management

Invoke-Command fails to execute Exchange cmdlets

i have developed powershell script captures exchange , os related information. script works fine when run server. when try execute script remotely windows part executes , os information returned, exchange part, cmdlets fail execute , unable retrieve information. is limitation of powershell remoting, normal windows cmdlets executing, exchange cmdlets fail ? thank you! raj17 exchange cmdlets requirs  exchange configuration run. you need create implicid remote session exchange  or  need add pssnapin before  running exchange cmdlets . to create implicid remote pssession : $s=new-pssession -configurationname -connectionuri http://fqdnofexchangeserver/powershell  import-pssession $s or to add  add-pssnapin load de exchange management shell current powershell add-pssnapin mcitp - exchange 2010 | mcitp - windows server 2008 r2