
Showing posts from April, 2014

disable ESC key in Remote Assistent

hi all can tell me how can disalbe esc key in remote assistent sessions chris alright then, easier can configure in settings:   esc key use stop sharing control, disable feature in remote assistance setting, refer following picture. source:  disable esc - remote assistent Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Automation of DiskPart with WDS

i getting hall.dll error when deploy image. red must run diskpart remote hidden drive.  possible  have run automaticly when ever deploy workstation? if how go setting up?  hi,   please try command: diskpart /s x:\windows\system32\deploy.txt     note: x mounted drive letter.   and try following lines in deploy.txt:   diskpart select disk 0 clean create partition primary select partition 1 active format fs=ntfs label="windows xp" quick assign letter=c exit   tim quan - msft   Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

The server is unwilling to process the request. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072035)

hi all, i trying sample code given at namespace adam_examples {     class extendschemacontact     {         /// <summary>         /// extend ad lds schema contact class         ///  , additional-information attribute.         /// </summary>         [stathread]         static void main()         {             // writeable attribute.             const int ds_instancetype_nc_is_writeable = 4;             directoryentry objroot;         // root of ad lds instance.             directoryentry objschema;       // schema partiton.             string strschemanamingcontext;  // schema dn.             // schema path.             try             {                 objroot = new directoryentry(                     " ldap://localhost:389/rootdse ");                 strschemanamingcontext =[                     "schemanamingcontext"].value.tostring();                 objschema = new directoryentry(s

Can we use Windows Server 2012 RDS CAL license in RDS 2008 R2 Server

respected sir, we have rds server 2012 cal license select plus  want use windows server 2008 r2 rds possible use 2012 rds license in rds 2008 server? if yes how can put this. waiting reply. thanks, hiren patel +91 9974091230 hi, rds 2012 cals can license 2008 r2 , 2008 session hosts. however, rds 2012 cals can installed on 2012 licensing server. rds , ts cal interoperability matrix hope helps. jeremy wu technet community support Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Why is kb3000850 not marked as an Update Rollup

i've discovered update rollup windows 8.1 , server 2012r2. it's kb3000850 released last november. reason missed because wsus lists update, not update rollup. have update view 8.1 set security, critical , update rollups, not general updates. why not listed rollup? if had shown @ correct time have included in tablet rollout. might swamp wireless connections of tablets such huge update, i'm reluctant it. i've discovered update rollup windows 8.1 , server 2012r2. it's kb3000850 released last november. reason missed because wsus lists update, not update rollup. have update view 8.1 set security, critical , update rollups, not general updates. why not listed rollup? if had shown @ correct time have included in tablet rollout. might swamp wireless connections of tablets such huge update, i'm reluctant it. i took quick @ "monthly" 8.1 "updates", , other november 2014 release, seem "critical" , not "rollup" @ all.

Suppress setup.exe during install

hi, i have setup.exe has user interaction requirements aid install such language options, , ip address master server etc.  i've found in setup information in setup configuration files not used on first use. can powershell suppress these requests , still install setup.exe file?  i've tried create .msi file failing missing files. i dont want use sendkeys, there option? alter de ruine it heavily dependent on installer , options available.  sounds more either bad installer, or incorrect switches being passed installer.  powershell not best bet trying solve problem if don't want use sendkeys (i don't blame you).  said, may find following resource helpful: Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Assigned Software via Relative UNC Path

hey all, we able install assigned software via gpo of our sites via *local* dc. is there way use relative unc path (ie. \\domain\sysvol\software ) smartly allow local dc? nice not hammer (1) datastore (ie. \\server\share\software\ ) installations sites/nodes.   tia, tom w. hi, recommended , best practice put files dfs share make sure files still available if 1 server or inter-site link fails. how deploy software using software installation feature configuring software distribution point servers brent please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. ” Windows Server  > 

Explicit EAP failure received

solution of nps works on ten desktops. able succesfully authenticate using dot1.x , proper vlan. new desktop batch of 3 machine, newly installed 2 days unable go through dot1.x authentication. instead ends @ explicit eap failure red question mark on network adapter. client windows 7 ultimate. any ideas can difference factor between these windows 7 machines, causing few pass , these new ones fail. services of napagent , dot3svc started, same nap settings through gp on machines. also executed sc config dot3svc depends = napagent. switch 3com model 4210 working other windows 7 desktops. any idea ? shahid roofi hi shahid, thank post. please provide more events details issue, like: ... reason: xxxx reason text: explicit eap failure received error code: xxxx any ideas can difference factor between these windows 7 machines these machines failed connect wireless or wired network? clients has never connected 802.1x network successful or disconnected when user logon

DFS share access issue

sorry if repeat. have windows 7 ultimate laptop cannot our dfs global share. access denied. happens user. same user can login machine , access share successfully. can browse server , open share , folders within, not trying access \\domain_name\dfs_share_name . if has been answered , can point me in right direction, appreciate it. desperate! looks there problem scurity relationship between domain , win7 workstation. try disjoin win7 domain , rejoin. after try use syntax access data \\dnsdomainname\dfs-namespace\dfs-share_name i.e. try access share hr shared hq-dfs namespace within testenv.local domain \\testenv.local\hq-dfs\hr regards, krzysztof Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

local policy does not allow user to logon interactively.

hi all,   i looking guidance.   when user tries log xp based computer opposed logging on domain, receive error local policy not allow them logon interactively.   according article found there may group policy prohibits this. here article:   but there no group policy on domain level prohibits this.   i’d set domain based group policy permit local power users , local administrators log on computer locally. administrator can log on locally.   is can done way of domain based group policy? if so, can point me in direction of solution?   many thanks!!!   lebby   hi, verify gpos applied computer (say, via site, domain, ou or local policy). may need check local policy if setting not configured in of other policies. check groups/accounts specified in "deny logon locally" group policy setting. if allow power users , administrators rights login locally, no other accounts (except members o

Network card disconnects randomly

hi, we have winodows 2012 essentials server @ 1 of our customers sites randomly disconnecting network around 20 minutes , starting work again. the errors event viewer are: log name:      system source:        netlogon date:          13/01/2016 11:50:10 event id:      5782 task category: none level:         warning keywords:      classic user:          n/a computer:      server01.domain.local description: dynamic registration or deregistration of 1 or more dns records failed following error: no dns servers configured local system. event xml: <event xmlns="">   <system>     <provider name="netlogon" />     <eventid qualifiers="0">5782</eventid>     <level>3</level>     <task>0</task>     <keywords>0x80000000000000</keywords>     <timecreated systemtime="2016-01-13t11:50:10.000000000z&quo

Implicit Remoting Question

i notice when use implicit remoting , pipe commands, don't operate expected. example, following piece of code gives 2 different results depending on whether ran remotely, or on server self.  exchange example: get-mailboxdatabase | get-mailboxstatistics on server, code accurately grab database, , start giving each mailbox's statistics every mailbox on every database.  however, implicit remoting, error, "the specified mailbox '<name of database>' doesn't exist."   can see, trying pass name of database name of mailbox, not same experience when connected directly exchange management shell. i can simulate proper functionality foreach loop, worried may take longer , curious why functionality different between 2 scenarios.  there need modify in how implicitly remoted? i have tried scenario both powershell 3.0 , 4.0 client.  exchange server running powershell 3.0. thanks in advance help. yes.  objects returned strings , may not p

I get The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application. Everytime I try to open a microsoftoffice program, followed by There was a problem sending the command to the program error.

i 2 errors when trying open microsoft office docs (word, excel).  i first 1 stating application unable start correctly (0xc0000142). "there problem sending command application" error.  i have no idea how fix , searches coming empty. hi,   error may occur due lots of reasons. suggest follow steps below troubleshoot issue:   1). try in safe mode , see if issue happens again: 2). have test in windows clean boot, check result again. determine whether software conflicts causing issue: 3). if issue persists after steps above, might want repair office installation control panel , see if works.   hope helps, , please feel free post findings.   regards, ethan hua please remember mark replies answers if help, , unmark answers if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact tnmff@micro

RDP connection takes about 20 seconds after RD session Host role installed in server 2012R2

hello by default, when want establish rdp windows server 2012r2 system, session takes approximately 20 seconds established , logged in. i reduce time , make establish fast configuring policy "low level" group policy / administrative templates / windows components / remote desktop services / remote desktop session host / security ---> set client connection encryption level ---->   "low level" but after install rdsh (which installs rdcb + rd web) on server, again rdp sessions take long showing "securing remote connection" , takes approximately 20 minutes establish. i guest because of certificates (edit deployment properties. certificates) how can solve it? thanks in advanced hi, try setting netwotk path validation policy *on client* shown here: evgenij smirnov msg services ag, berlin -> windows server user group, berlin -> mark minasi technical forum, relo

Can't see connect information in tcpview when WSUS download update file to WSUS server.

as title, because wsus server download speed slow(like stop download), so, trying use "tcpview" find out problem. but, can't see connection connect * ask wsus resync in console. why? because wsus server download speed slow(like stop download), so, trying use "tcpview" find out problem. probably there no problem. sounds normal behavior me, if downloads slow . are aware of purpose of background intelligent transfer service (bits)? now, if downloads have failed , that's entirely different situation. but, can't see connection connect * ask wsus resync in console. connection not going domain. lawrence garvin, m.s., mcitp:ea, mcdba, mcsa solarwinds head geek microsoft mvp - software distribution (2005-2012) mvp profile: the views expressed on post mine , not reflect views of solarwinds.

New-Cluster tries to cluster wrong disks

dell chassis 2 blade servers , storage. three virtual disks on chassis presented both servers. each server has 2 disks on local storage, local c , d drives. windows server 2012 r2 i trying automate configuration of servers, including clustering them. when run test-cluster, report shows identified of drives on each node, , knows 3 shared disks validated clustering. when run: new-cluster -name cluster1 -node server1, server2, -staticaddress the 3 shared disks correctly clustered. but doing local d drives.  after command runs, disks containing d drives offline , readonly on both servers.  if try bring 1 of them online, get: set-disk : specified object managed microsoft failover clustering component. disk must in cluster maintenance mode , cluster resource status must online perform operation. how new-cluster ignore local d: drives? tim curwick tim curwick it seems known issue , can refer following kb solve it. local sa

Does AD for Users store IP/machine name?

i used able see machine name , ip address user had in nds.  there way view information in active directory too?   thank you, mike hello, by default there nothing stored in ad this. can use scripts collect information , stores on network share. richard mueller has scripts: best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Functional Levels and OS version

hi, we have 4 dc's 2 2003 x86 , 2 2008 r2 x64.  the forest functional level 2000 , domain functional level 2003.  can upgrade dc's 2008 r2 x64 , stay on current forest/domain level or have upgrade the functional levels first?  thanks!!! -bill hello, please see ,  for requirements. best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my blog : disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Migration

TSWeb: wrong screen resolution from one client only

hello, on our intranet site, posted tsweb links in order let users run rdp connections certains servers. these links run asp page, customized parameters, servername,  screen resolution, full screen mode etc. now, have user runs correctly link, establishes connection server opening window wrong resolution. happens on computer: same user, logging on client, , running same link, gets right resolution. so had user log on "broken" client, , run link: ok. given this, assume it's in that specific user profile on client but... what? tried resetting ie defaults, nothing. clients run xp sp3 ie8. server ws2003. any idea? of course i'd solve deleting user profile , letting regenerate @ next logon, i'd find less radical way solve! thanks good afternoon i have potential solution. in internet explorer, check under view menu bar zoom set 100%   regards   james   Windows Ser

Event Log service is unavailable. Verify that the service is running.

hello, environment : windows server 2008 r2 ent i error message  event log service unavailable. verify service running. whenevr try open event viewer. when try start service services console, below error i tried sfc /scannow, there no integrity errors. please me fix issue. thanks ~ knowledge seeker check dependancies of service , hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\eventlog : "start"=dword:00000002 boot safemode , check it. try doing cleanboot , see works. can make sure have permission of logs folder. refer : and refer thread : i not sure about fix : netsh winsock reset.. winsock has of them said fixed issue. reference : gopi kiran | facebook | posting provided no warrant

RemoteApp connection error: Server 2008 R2 with Windows 7 and RD Gateway

hello, i’ve got situation i’ve configured w2k8r2 server remoteapp on internet (with rd gateway) , seems work great windows xp , vista, windows 7 clients cannot connect.   after authenticating on rdweb page , clicking remoteapp ‘connect’, win7 clients message:   “your computer cannot connect remote computer because error occurred on remote computer want connect to.   contact network administrator assistance.”  note:   no useful event messages produced on either client or server event logs when happens the difference between windows 7 remoteapp working or not change rd gateway config ‘autodetect..’ make win7 work (instead of specifying internet dns name , ntlm authentication – xp work).   and, when remoteapp work win7 (when ‘autodetect..’ chosen) not show in rd gateway monitor!   in other words, it’s using rdp port firewall port 3389 instead, when don’t want to!   i’d shutdown port 3389 cannot because of issue. question #1 :   i understand win 7 uses nla authenticat

Can you please add the ability to connect to a bookmark with Mac's RDP client via CLI?

i want single bash command (a) establishes ssh tunnel remote site , (b) launches rdp session through tunnel. presently have use rdesktop part b, sucks compared official rdp client microsoft. however, can't use it, because there not seem way auto login remote site via command line. actual rdp client executable, if have cli options, not documented anywhere, doesn't support applescript, want like: /applications/microsoft remote remote desktop /desktop "foo bar" using 'open foo.rdp' doesn't work either because doesn't include password. pllleeeassseee add this. hi, you submit ideas in our uservoice website: best regards, alvin wang please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . W

pushprinterconnections.exe Computer deployment - deployed printers no longer published in Active Directory

strange behavior.  have identical printer sets installed on 2 servers, setup publish active directory.  deployed printers on 1 of servers via group policy , pushprinterconnections.exe.  once did that, printers on server deployed, no longer browseable clients regardless of whether client had them pushed or not.   when go server pushed printers, printers still show publish active directory check box enabled.   ideas? Windows Server  >  Print/Fax

How to match WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams to each monitor

when enumerating instances of wmimonitorbasicdisplayparams, how 1 match particular instance monitor in windows (hmonitor, windows device name, etc)? identifier returned wmi query instancename, which seems correspond pnp device id. seems difficult relate id display name returned windows obtained either through or enumdisplaydevices. names "\\. \display1". way i've found seems totally unreliable (requires trolling obscure entries in registry). i'm looking more of  "windows- sanctioned" way determine monitor being referenced each instance of wmimonitorbasicdisplayparams. want know because i'd estimate physical dimensions of each display , compare resolution the display running , determine if user using non-square pixels. thanks, -wes Windows Server  > 

Remote Procedure Call Failed and did not execute message while Explorer.exe is launched

hi, we have rd server (2008r2) in production used 20-25 users on daily basis. recently, of users getting error when try lunch explorer.exe desktop. "remote procedure call failed , did not execute". , explorer cannot started. not of users getting message, 1 user might have problem while others don't seem have issues. problem might go away after 10-15 minutes of waiting , explorer.exe can launched again. when happened first time, restarted server , did not see problem again 2-3 weeks here comes again. i'm running out of ideas , helps appreciated. thanks kubilay elmas mcitp (enterprise desktop administrator windows 7) hi, seems issue occurred on 1 guess due personal settings.pls try rename user profile,and recreate new one,and recover data new profile see whether issue resovled. regards, clarence technet subscriber support if technet subscription user , have feedback on our support quality, please send feedback here . please

One of the Cluster Disks shows as Online but unable to browse it

hi, a windows 2008 r2 csv volumes. one of csv's though online is unavailable. getting the following errors in viewer: cluster physical disk resource 'cluster disk 2' cannot brought online because associated disk not found. expected signature of disk '8502fb43'. if disk replaced or restored, in failover cluster manager snap-in, can use repair function (in properties sheet disk) repair new or restored disk. if disk not replaced, delete associated disk resource. cluster shared volume 'volume2' ('cluster disk 2') no longer available on node because of 'status_media_write_protected(c00000a2)'. i/o temporarily queued until path volume reestablished. thanks, we opened call ms, seems mbr got corrupted.. thanks Windows Server  >  High

Intel nic problem with WDS

hi all.   i'm trying capture customized xpsp2 image through wds. i've sysprepped it, , tried pxeboot. my nic (intel pro 100ve) finds wds-server , press f12. far good. bu t stops, saying there no drivers current nic.? i've installed boot.wim vista ultimate dvd boot image on wds server, still doesn't work. created capture image boot.wim. anybody idea solve this..?  hi stefan,   your nic using pxe capability windows pe, there no driver within windows pe. if vista driver for the nic from intel's website, , use peimg.exe (from windows aik) inject driver windows pe, should able use it.   hope helps, jez Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

Changing AD DC from private IP to Public and Changing Domain Name

good evening, first time asking question here easy on me. i've been searching around awhile can't seem find answer here goes (also if i'm in wrong section let me know). currently i'm running windows server 2008 r2 ad dc within home on private ip scheme using .local domain. i'm in process of putting box hosting web sites cut on cost of web hosting, in doing i've accord static ip addresses isp. testing shows shouldn't have problems changing on home hosting site (other trying find pretty control panel manage site remotely without having use rdp). what i'd assign 1 of static ips ad dc , rename .local .com domain name add other server, running same server, connected forest dns management new box running iss dishing out web sites. one control panel i'm trying out (enkompass cpanel) requires on server ad dc leads me believe might possible. i know there's way rename domain on server , need reboot computers 2 times take update after settin

Workstations lose mapped drives when server restarts

my environment:  1 widows 2008 r2 server.  16 windows 7 workstations.  pretty simple network setup.  two mapped drives , 1 network printer. i'm starting notice users somehow loosing mapped drives when reboot server.  for example, other night, running windows update , applying patches.  i restarted server twice.  one user has application runs job in middle of night (like 4am) server.  i believe, because lost mapped drives, application did not run (to whatever does).  in morning, users complain see red x on mapped drives (even though tell them can double click , it'll re-connect itself, explaining red x temporary disconnect, idle time). first question:  how can set things users don't loose mapped drives when reboot server.  surely wouldn't have restart everyone's computer after restart server, reconnect mapped drives.  i think resolving resolve red x (however, did run command on server :   net config server /autodisconnect:-1 10 minutes ago, have wait see

Domain/DNS setup - configured the server for .local only

help?! i've set sbs2003 r2 server domain controller, screwed configuration i've got .local domain.  need server dns server both .local , public domains. way can add current config accommodate or going have reinstall everything? can tell, i'm rookie... i'm sure more questions follow. :) tia! ok, want host email on internet exchange server on sbs 2003. here's need: a public domain name company. a static ip line isp (usually called 'business class' service). at registrar, wherever purchased public domain name, ( not on internal dns server ) create 3 records: a host record called 'mail' under ( an mx record (leave hostname blank) points an spf record (see ) in exchange: set authoritive receive mail "" sbs, re-run ceicw wizard this. with sbs, once run wizard, add additional proxy address mailboxes , sets default rep

Build 10240 clean install activation?

i'm insider member since november 2014 , had installed windows 10 technical preview in laptop since then. after serious problem in laptop had clean install of build 10240 tree days go can't activate windows. there solution case? i'm insider member since november 2014 , had installed windows 10 technical preview in laptop since then. after serious problem in laptop had clean install of build 10240 tree days go can't activate windows. there solution case? microsoft has remove iso website , @ same time de-activated all pre-released product keys. there nothing can except wait till windows 10 rtm released tomorrow (july 29th). excerpt :   source if seeing “activate windows” watermark on build 10240, please first understand pre-release product keys published earlier builds of windows 10 insider preview have been deactivated , no longer activate preview builds , including build 10240.   

Windows server 2008 error code 0x80070035 network path was not found

h   guys,  have setup windows server 2008 xp client, can access network through xp client pc can not access xp client through server , when ll try access give me error network path not found. have disabled firewall, enable file , printer sharing service , m pretty new in windows server 2008 enivoiurment if has solution post me asap hi chintan78, how access windows xp client? via ip address or unc? can check following factors first: 1. can ping windows xp client? 2. if yes, can visit \\<ip address>\ , see result. 3. enable netbios on tcp/ip on computers: 1)   go “control panel\network , internet\network connections”. 2)   right-click on connection , choose properties. 3)   click “internet protocol (tcp/ip) version 4” in list. 4)   click properties, , click advanced. 5)   on advanced tcp/ip settings windows, go “wins” tab. 6)   under netbios setting, click “enable netbios on tcp/ip”, , click ok. hope helps! please remember click “mark answ

SMP XP Guest = unsynchronized timers

when running smp windows xp guest os under hyper-v seeing unsynchronized timers across cpu's applications game servers rely heavily on accurate timers fail. shutting down vm , changing single processor under settings, restarting , running same test , good. from our conclusion timers across cpu's in hyper-v not aren't synchronized way out extent clock in seconds can seen go backwards on occasion , hence running smp causing big problems. this make hyper-v unusable i'm hoping there workaround / fix seems major flaw. hate answering myself needs must. seems down fact tsc synchronized across virtual processors time can indeed go backwards. our current solution set /usepmtimer in boot.ini of guest os. this seems work ok beg question how expensive tsc on guest os , hyper-v have option direct hardware access tsc of host avoid overhead vmware does? Windows Server

Windows Xp y Windows 7 en el mismo equipo contra el mismo dominio

tengo un ordenador con windows xp instalado y conectado al dominio de mi empresa en un servidor con windows server 2003. recientemente instalado windows 7 con arranque compartido (puedo escoger entre iniciar xp o w7) con el mismo nombre de usuario y pass hacia el mismo dominio y ha funcionado sin ningún problemas. quiero tener los 2 sistemas operativos funcionando mientras no actualizo todos los programas en windows 7 que tenía en xp pero al reiniciar un volver al windows xp me sale el siguiente error: "windows no puede conectarse al dominio porque el controlador de dominio está bloqueado o no está disponible, o porqué no se encontró la cuenta de equipo." ahora si me conecto con w7 no puedo hacerlo con xp. ¿ me podéis informar de que forma puedo conectarme al domino independientemente desde xp o windows 7. gracias de antemano.   cada instalación debe tener un nombre diferente de equipo. recuerda además que no comparten el perfil de usuario...   guillermo d

Locked myself out as a Admin

this kind of complicated explain, best. user created 3 files wanted viewed employees. when in file under security tab saw bunch of groups had access file. 1 of groups being "everyone" naturally denied group access. not knowing admin profile in group. "i did not set up, took on support recently" admin, not locked out. created account , managed in, can see 2 of 3 files. managed unlock them, need third file. original admin, can see file, not open it. user created cant see @ all. suggestions helpful.  takeown /f answer.  Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Performance Issue

we have noticed many of our applications (exact software erp , crystal reports) taking 50% - 100% longer run on windows 2012 r2 server on windows 7 workstation.  true when benchmarked after hours no 1 else on server. true running directly console or in rdp session. we got same results on 2008 r2 server. possible problem has existed long time. noticed difference recently. most of applications use data sql server.  equipment new.  both server , workstation on same network , data on san. me apples apples comparison results not expected. looking suggestions on how fix or appropriate monitoring tool diagnosing problem. thanks. hi, according description, understanding applications (exact software erp , crystal reports) taking 50% - 100% longer run on windows 2012 r2 server. in general, can restart server in clean boot(without 3rd party/unnecessary process), , confirm if performance issue caused other process’s effect. besides, contact application’s supporter co

User has access to folders they do not have permissions for

our main file server (windows 2008 r2) has couple of folders locked down using ntfs permissions specific hr users , domain admins - has been in place several months.  despite this, 1 standard user on our domain can access folders via network share.  i've checked both share , ntfs permissions these folders/files , user not listed , should not able view them. i've double-checked permissions user in ad , not domain admin or have specific access beyond basic user groups. i'm @ loss why can view this.  i have double-checked logged in on workstation, workstation doesn't have permissions in ad , not administrators on file server itself.   anyone seen before? ben hart have tried un-sharing folder , check no inherited permissions on folder. re-create share , assign share permissions again. also deny takes precedence add user share , choose deny quick fix if user. Windows Server

How to Remove Decommissioned CA's from PKIVIEW Locations

hello, i decommissioned 2 of our enterprise issuing certificate authorities our pki environment. have removed decommissioned ca http references on each of our existing ca management console's extensions tabs and ensured ca exchange certs not have decommissioned cdp locations referenced. have restarted cas, decommissioned servers still appear in cdp , deltacrl http locations. i've verified don't exist in registry , don't exist in ntauthcertificates container viewed through pkiview.msc > enterprise pki > manage ad containers. environment consists of windows server 2008 offline root , policy cas 5 online issuing cas (which consist of 2 2008 , 3 2012 servers) any other ideas of how rid of decom'd locations in pkiview.msc? thanks! patrick you need revoke recent ca exchange certificate , re-run pkiview.msc. vadims podāns, aka powershell cryptoguy weblog: powershell pki module: powershell cmdlet editor pscmdle

I want to back out of Windows Phone Insider

hello! i accidently signed inside fast on lumia 830. starts downloading windows 10 phones , gives me no option out. have uninstalled windows insider app has not affected download process. please me.. thanks, pranav will answer forum ? the person posted reply microsoft employee. p.s. not have windows phone. relaying might useful you. Windows 10 Insider Preview  >  Windows 10 Phone Insider Preview General

Map out Nested Groups

i working in 2008 ad environment. have been asked map out groups have, both security & distribution, , show memberships of other groups. @ time, i'm not concerned w/the users in groups, groups members of other groups , how ties together. essentially, want series of trees, or circles in cases, showing groups , parent & child groups. there utility out there this? found ms has released ad topology mapper ous, trusted domains, etc. if find groups, perfect. in advance assistance. this vbscript program might you. uses ado retrieve groups , memberships. groups first read dictionary object, recordset read again save members groups. groups, , direct members groups, output: option explicit dim objrootdse, strdnsdomain, adocommand, adoconnection dim strbase, strfilter, strattributes, strquery, adorecordset dim strdn, arrstrmembers, strmember dim objgroupmembers, strgrouplist dim arrstrgroups, strgroup, strgroupmember ' setup dictionary object of group membershi

Vista Xp Dual Boot Black Screen

i've started thread on couple other tech forum websites, no luck. if there rule against long posts breaking it, sorry. farthest have gotten far trying reset cmos moving cmos jumper on first 2 pins, again 5 seconds later. didn't work. i'm wondering if there way reset whole computer, seeing system restore disk came pc doesn't work either. i'm running gq5140 desktop frys (i know it's not best rig) celeron d processor, 1.5 gb of ram, have egeforce 7200 gs, 80gb internal harddrive, 500gb wd external drive, cd rw/dvd rom, vista home basic. though doesn't have best specs, runs older games , can play ovlivion on out trouble. haven't had many problems before. just wanted play assassins creed, , noticed have upgragde ram if tried play on vista. on xp needs 1gb of ram play. decided take xp pro disk older computer , install beside vista. partitioned external drive (i decided give xp 80gb), installed easybcd (i might have done early, info had said install after insta