How to chose the appropriate IOPS limits in Virtual Machines?

i need configure iops limits on hyper-v vms

how can measure iops of machines make sure configure appropriate , "safe" level of iops?

i´ve used iometer before enter production , tests was:

100% read 512 b =~13.500 iops

75% write 64 kb =~ 700 iops

1000gb test file, in 8 x 1.2tb sas 10k rpm disks in raid-5 in dell vrtx , m630 dual-xeon 256 gb of ram blades

i need make sure configure iops limit make sure proper operariont of vms , low risk of 1 vm "eating" available iops , generating slowliness on other vms

1. here nice description how it...

2. raid 5 known fo read properties , worse writes. use if rely more on reading. better writing characteristics prefere raid 10

3. optimize disk cluster size according files , tune nic properties accordingly.

4. rely heavily on best practices tools ( mean native ones).

5. consider roles of vms in load , in time. model , test various load situations correspond real conditions.

6. overlooked baseline. create baseline comparison in tuning.

7. technet , msdn give advices tuning vm. here 1 msdn



ps: next time consider ssd disks :-)

Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage


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