How to add local groups to local user account PS script

hello, powershell 3.0 novice , want add feature first ever production script tool.

the script below local user accounts remote computers listed in a .txt file export .csv format.  how can incorporate local groups each local user account member of?  each local user account retrieved want list local groups member of.

get-ciminstance -classname win32_useraccount -filter “localaccount=’true’” -computername (get-content c:\ps\<listofcomputers>.txt) | export-csv c:\ps\<name>_localuseraccounts.csv (export .csv)

your insight appreciated,

matt, ps 3.0 novice


hi matt,

give try:

get-content .\computerstocheck.txt | foreach {      $adsi = [adsi]"winnt://$_"     $adsi.children | {$_.schemaclassname -eq 'user'} | foreach-object {         $groups = $_.groups() | foreach-object {$_.gettype().invokemember("name", 'getproperty', $null, $_, $null)}         $_ | select-object @{n='computername';e={$}},@{n='username';e={$}},@{n='groups';e={$groups -join ';'}}     } } | export-csv -notypeinformation .\localuserslocalgroups.csv

create text file named computerstocheck.txt in same directory script 1 name per line.

edit: added in export-csv.

edit2: here's link started from:

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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