need help converting this to powershell

can in converting ps?

@echo off

/f "tokens=1-4 delims=," %%g in (dhcp-reservations.txt) (

netsh dhcp server scope %%g add reservedip %%h %%i %%j "" both
netsh dhcp server scope %%g set reservedoptionvalue %%h 66 string ""
netsh dhcp server scope %%g set reservedoptionvalue %%h 67 string "pxelinux.0"

if correct to $txt = $_ -split ',' split each line in text file comma , store array $txt.

if dhcp server running windows server 2012 or later can use add-dhcpserverv4reservation , set-dhcpserverv4optionvalue create reservations , set options.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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