error message with a script sending emails to multiple recipients.

hi all,

i new powershell scripting , want request attention , on issue.

i getting error message "send-mailmessage: invalid character found in mail header: ','" given script:

param (  	[string]$path = "c:\temp\",  	[string]$smtpserver = "",  	[string]$from = "",  	[string[]]$to = ",",  	[string]$subject = "new backup file"  	)    $smtpmessage = @{      = $to      = $from  	subject = "$subject @ $path"      smtpserver = $smtpserver  }    $file = get-childitem $path | { $_.lastwritetime -ge [datetime]::now.addhours(-6) }  if ($file)  {	$smtpbody = "`nthe following files have been added/changed:`n`n"  	$file | foreach { $smtpbody += "$($_.fullname)`n" }  	send-mailmessage @smtpmessage -body $smtpbody  	  }

found foreach() approach when put inside infinite loop.

many suggestions

[string[]]$to = ",",


[string[]]$to  = @("","")

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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