SQL 2008 R2 Failover Cluster Installation failing due to errors or failures in verification report even though not the case

i getting below exception though validation of cluster comes fine, couple of warnings no error. have tried removing report related files without success. @ point on there errors have been resolved , check out fine in report now. assume report re-run overwrite previous info have of cached somewhere?

exception type: microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.rulesengineextension.rulesenginerulefailureexception
        cluster either has not been verified or there errors or failures in verification report. refer kb953748 or sql server books online more information.
      sql.setup.failurecategory = ruleviolationfailure
      disablewatson = true
        @ microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.rulesengineextension.runrulesaction.executeaction(string actionid)
        @ microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.action.execute(string actionid, textwriter errorstream)
        @ microsoft.sqlserver.setup.chainer.workflow.actioninvocation.executeactionhelper(textwriter statusstream, isequencedaction actiontorun)


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Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)


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