Windows Update Client Installation Failure TrustedInstaller Process Hangs

the objective install hotfix kb2775511 on windows server 2008 r2 sp1 system. symptom install fails , system hangs during restart @ "preparing configure updates... please not power off system" message on console.

this server has received monthly security updates, downloaded wsus server, couple of years , installed successfully. production server, , exhausted time in maintenance window attempting solve installation issue , difficult schedule more time try a, fail; restart; try b, fail; restart; try again, etc. don't have time that. need diagnostic pinpoint exact cause , corresponding corrective action , minimize time needed troubleshoot windows update hotfix installation problem.


1. ran stand-alone installer kb2775511:


2. installer opened gui progress bar ran 100% completion, gui never closed. waited 30 minutes. task manager showed no i/o or cpu activity besides normal background activity. assumed process had failed , hung waiting on unknown event. clicked on "cancel" had no obvious effect either.

3. restarted server. server hung on the preparing configure updates... please not power off system" message on console.

4. used cmd prompt command "tasklist /s server /v" remotely view processes running. observed trustedinstaller consuming cpu time @ 100% (multiple issuances of tasklist updated trustedinstaller consistently increasing cpu time without other process ever increasing.)

5. used cmd prompt "taskkill /s server /pid:9999" 9999 = trustedinstaller. allowed restart of server complete.

i repeated attempt install kb2775511 hotfix had same result. observed following messages:

log name: system  source: microsoft-windows-windowsupdateclient  date: 2/13/2016 12:18:58 pm  event id: 20  task category: windows update agent  level: error  keywords: failure,installation  user: system  computer:  description:  installation failure: windows failed install following update error 0x800706be: update windows (kb2775511).  event xml:  <event xmlns="">  <system>  <provider name="microsoft-windows-windowsupdateclient" guid="{945a8954-c147-4acd-923f-40c45405a658}" />  <eventid>20</eventid>  <version>0</version>  <level>2</level>  <task>1</task>  <opcode>13</opcode>  <keywords>0x8000000000000028</keywords>  <timecreated systemtime="2016-02-13t18:18:58.759462200z" />  <eventrecordid>532412</eventrecordid>  <correlation activityid="{022c9c40-f800-0000-2f93-2ab28166d101}" />  <execution processid="972" threadid="2244" />  <channel>system</channel>  <computer></computer>  <security userid="s-1-5-18" />  </system>  <eventdata>  <data name="errorcode">0x800706be</data>  <data name="updatetitle">update windows (kb2775511)</data>  <data name="updateguid">{3a05f808-e47d-43d5-87da-9da8e01eed51}</data>  <data name="updaterevisionnumber">501</data>  </eventdata>  </event>


2016-02-13	11:22:50:762	 972	148	dnldmgr	***********  dnldmgr: copy update cache [updateid = {f045bed7-a15b-449a-b0cf-38c86ded2600}.501]  *********** 2016-02-13	11:22:50:794	 972	148	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\01f93e9ed9d1a3e15fd42503dc5ef43dd333670e dwprovflags 0x00000080: 2016-02-13	11:22:50:809	 972	148	misc	 microsoft signed: yes 2016-02-13	11:22:50:809	 972	148	dnldmgr	***********  dnldmgr: copy update cache [updateid = {9ffd88fe-36f7-407c-a3be-c1f3c93ed554}.501]  *********** 2016-02-13	11:22:50:809	 972	148	dnldmgr	asking handler generate non-range requests. 2016-02-13	11:22:50:825	 972	148	handler	generating request cbs update 9ffd88fe-36f7-407c-a3be-c1f3c93ed554 in sandbox c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\b4648f727477559b98fdd272789d7485_ctc 2016-02-13	11:22:50:825	 972	148	handler	selecting self-contained because update not have express payload. 2016-02-13	11:22:50:825	 972	148	handler	selected payload type ptselfcontained 2016-02-13	11:22:50:825	 972	148	handler	detected download state dsstart 2016-02-13	11:22:50:825	 972	148	handler	adding (entire file) request list. 2016-02-13	11:22:50:825	 972	148	handler	request generation cbs update complete hr=0x0 , pfresetsandbox=0  2016-02-13	11:22:50:965	 972	148	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\b4648f727477559b98fdd272789d7485_ctc\ dwprovflags 0x00000080: 2016-02-13	11:22:51:246	 972	148	misc	 microsoft signed: yes 2016-02-13	11:22:51:246	 972	148	dnldmgr	asking handler generate non-range requests. 2016-02-13	11:22:51:246	 972	148	handler	generating request cbs update 9ffd88fe-36f7-407c-a3be-c1f3c93ed554 in sandbox c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\b4648f727477559b98fdd272789d7485_ctc 2016-02-13	11:22:51:246	 972	148	handler	selecting self-contained because update not have express payload. 2016-02-13	11:22:51:246	 972	148	handler	selected payload type ptselfcontained 2016-02-13	11:22:51:246	 972	148	handler	detected download state dshavepackage 2016-02-13	11:22:51:246	 972	148	handler	request generation cbs update complete hr=0x0 , pfresetsandbox=0  2016-02-13	11:22:55:754	6912	1b0c	comapi	------------- 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	6912	1b0c	comapi	-- start --  comapi: install [clientid = wusa] 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	6912	1b0c	comapi	--------- 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	6912	1b0c	comapi	  - allow source prompts: yes; forced: no; force quiet: no 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	6912	1b0c	comapi	  - updates in request: 1 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	6912	1b0c	comapi	  - serviceid = {66d16a6d-958a-440f-af2e-10341c0cdef1} third party service 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	6912	1b0c	comapi	  - updates install = 1 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	6912	1b0c	comapi	<<-- submitted -- comapi: install [clientid = wusa] 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	 972	1bb0	agent	************* 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	 972	1bb0	agent	** start **  agent: installing updates [callerid = wusa] 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	 972	1bb0	agent	********* 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	 972	1bb0	agent	  * updates install = 1 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	 972	1bb0	agent	  *   title = update windows (kb2775511) 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	 972	1bb0	agent	  *   updateid = {3a05f808-e47d-43d5-87da-9da8e01eed51}.501 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	 972	1bb0	agent	  *     bundles 2 updates: 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	 972	1bb0	agent	  *       {f045bed7-a15b-449a-b0cf-38c86ded2600}.501 2016-02-13	11:22:55:770	 972	1bb0	agent	  *       {9ffd88fe-36f7-407c-a3be-c1f3c93ed554}.501 2016-02-13	11:22:55:848	 972	1bb0	agent	warning: failed calculate prior restore point time error 0x80070002; setting restore point 2016-02-13	11:22:55:848	 972	1bb0	agent	warning: loadlibrary failed srclient.dll hr:8007007e 2016-02-13	11:22:55:848	 972	1bb0	handler	attempting create remote handler process mydomain\myuseracct in session 2 2016-02-13	11:22:55:879	 972	1bb0	dnldmgr	preparing update install, updateid = {f045bed7-a15b-449a-b0cf-38c86ded2600}.501. 2016-02-13	11:22:55:879	 972	1bb0	dnldmgr	extractupdatefiles: 0x00000000 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	5860	1560	misc	===========  logging initialized (build: 7.6.7601.19116, tz: -0600)  =========== 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	5860	1560	misc	  = process: c:\windows\system32\wuauclt.exe 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	5860	1560	misc	  = module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll 2016-02-13	11:22:55:879	5860	1560	handler	::::::::::::: 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	5860	1560	handler	:: start ::  handler: command line install 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	5860	1560	handler	::::::::: 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	5860	1560	handler	  : updates install = 1 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	5860	1560	handler	  : command line install completed. return code = 0x00000000, result = succeeded, reboot required = false 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	5860	1560	handler	::::::::: 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	5860	1560	handler	::  end  ::  handler: command line install 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	5860	1560	handler	::::::::::::: 2016-02-13	11:22:55:895	 972	1bb0	dnldmgr	preparing update install, updateid = {9ffd88fe-36f7-407c-a3be-c1f3c93ed554}.501. 2016-02-13	11:22:55:910	5860	1560	handler	::::::::::::: 2016-02-13	11:22:55:910	5860	1560	handler	:: start ::  handler: cbs install 2016-02-13	11:22:55:910	5860	1560	handler	::::::::: 2016-02-13	11:22:55:910	5860	1560	handler	starting install of cbs update 9ffd88fe-36f7-407c-a3be-c1f3c93ed554 2016-02-13	11:22:55:957	5860	1560	handler	cbs package identity: package_for_kb2775511~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ 2016-02-13	11:22:55:973	5860	1560	handler	installing self-contained source=c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\b4648f727477559b98fdd272789d7485\, workingdir=c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\b4648f727477559b98fdd272789d7485\inst 2016-02-13	11:23:00:855	 972	1a28	report	report event: {2b9841fb-7c1c-4ca3-b704-19e31dd22e25}	2016-02-13 11:22:55:848-0600	1	181	101	{3a05f808-e47d-43d5-87da-9da8e01eed51}	501	0	wusa	success	content install	installation started: windows started following update: update windows (kb2775511) 2016-02-13	11:25:01:628	 972	1a28	pt	warning: cached cookie has expired or new pid available 2016-02-13	11:25:01:628	 972	1a28	pt	initializing simple targeting cookie, clientid = 8f1329a6-464f-466c-b1d6-fb13343c49a7, target group = production servers, dns name = 2016-02-13	11:25:01:628	 972	1a28	pt	  server url = http://madpwsus1/simpleauthwebservice/simpleauth.asmx 2016-02-13	11:25:01:644	 972	1a28	report	uploading 2 events using cached cookie, reporting url = http://madpwsus1/reportingwebservice/reportingwebservice.asmx 2016-02-13	11:25:01:644	 972	1a28	report	reporter uploaded 2 events. 2016-02-13	11:48:05:092	5860	1108	handler	cuhcbshandler::cancel called freleasethreadnow=0 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	 972	1bb0	agent	loghistory called. idupdate={3a05f808-e47d-43d5-87da-9da8e01eed51}.501, resultmapped=800706be, resultunmapped=0 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	 972	1940	au	triggering offline detection (non-interactive) 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	 972	1bb0	agent	********* 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	6912	1b78	comapi	>>--  resumed  -- comapi: install [clientid = wusa] 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	 972	1940	au	############# 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	6912	1b78	comapi	  - install call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded errors = 0, failed = 1, unaccounted = 0) 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	 972	1bb0	agent	**  end  **  agent: installing updates [callerid = wusa] 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	 972	1940	au	## start ##  au: search updates 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	 972	1bb0	agent	************* 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	 972	1940	au	######### 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	6912	1b78	comapi	  - reboot required = no 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	6912	1b78	comapi	  - warning: exit code = 0x00000000; call error code = 0x80240022 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	6912	1b78	comapi	--------- 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	6912	1b78	comapi	--  end  --  comapi: install [clientid = wusa] 2016-02-13	12:18:36:622	6912	1b78	comapi	------------- 2016-02-13	12:18:36:637	 972	1940	au	<<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {c3eeecfd-525e-46ed-8fca-1b87b126b42a}] 2016-02-13	12:18:36:637	 972	8c4	agent	************* 2016-02-13	12:18:36:637	 972	8c4	agent	** start **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates] 2016-02-13	12:18:36:637	 972	8c4	agent	********* 2016-02-13	12:18:36:637	 972	8c4	agent	  * online = no; ignore download priority = no 2016-02-13	12:18:36:637	 972	8c4	agent	  * criteria = "isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' or ispresent=1 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' or isinstalled=1 , deploymentaction='installation' , rebootrequired=1 or isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , rebootrequired=1" 2016-02-13	12:18:36:637	 972	8c4	agent	  * serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7} managed 2016-02-13	12:18:36:637	 972	8c4	agent	  * search scope = {machine} 2016-02-13	12:18:58:759	 972	8c4	agent	  * found 0 updates , 77 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 749 out of 1828 deployed entities 2016-02-13	12:18:58:759	 972	8c4	agent	********* 2016-02-13	12:18:58:759	 972	8c4	agent	**  end  **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates] 2016-02-13	12:18:58:759	 972	8c4	agent	************* 2016-02-13	12:18:58:759	 972	8c4	report	report event: {f91efe65-8269-4ad0-b97e-f21d8b3cb07e}	2016-02-13 12:18:36:622-0600	1	182	101	{3a05f808-e47d-43d5-87da-9da8e01eed51}	501	800706be	wusa	failure	content install	installation failure: windows failed install following update error 0x800706be: update windows (kb2775511). 2016-02-13	12:18:58:759	 972	4b0	au	>>##  resumed  ## au: search updates [callid = {c3eeecfd-525e-46ed-8fca-1b87b126b42a}] 2016-02-13	12:18:58:759	 972	4b0	au	  # 0 updates detected

also, today can see server continues check in wsus looking more updates. normal behavior:

2016-02-16	11:58:25:832	 988	cd8	au	############# 2016-02-16	11:58:25:832	 988	cd8	au	## start ##  au: search updates 2016-02-16	11:58:25:832	 988	cd8	au	######### 2016-02-16	11:58:25:847	 988	cd8	au	<<## submitted ## au: search updates [callid = {82d8d345-95c6-4a52-ab3f-1ed222cf7a9c}] 2016-02-16	11:58:25:847	 988	1a6c	agent	************* 2016-02-16	11:58:25:847	 988	1a6c	agent	** start **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates] 2016-02-16	11:58:25:847	 988	1a6c	agent	********* 2016-02-16	11:58:25:847	 988	1a6c	agent	  * online = yes; ignore download priority = no 2016-02-16	11:58:25:847	 988	1a6c	agent	  * criteria = "isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='installation' or ispresent=1 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' or isinstalled=1 , deploymentaction='installation' , rebootrequired=1 or isinstalled=0 , deploymentaction='uninstallation' , rebootrequired=1" 2016-02-16	11:58:25:847	 988	1a6c	agent	  * serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7} managed 2016-02-16	11:58:25:847	 988	1a6c	agent	  * search scope = {machine} 2016-02-16	11:58:25:847	 988	1a6c	setup	checking agent selfupdate 2016-02-16	11:58:25:910	 988	1a6c	setup	client version: core: 7.6.7601.19116  aux: 7.6.7601.19116 2016-02-16	11:58:37:673	 988	1a6c	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\ dwprovflags 0x00000080: 2016-02-16	11:58:37:704	 988	1a6c	misc	 microsoft signed: na 2016-02-16	11:58:37:704	 988	1a6c	misc	warning: cab not contain correct inner cab file. 2016-02-16	11:58:37:704	 988	1a6c	misc	validating signature c:\windows\softwaredistribution\selfupdate\ dwprovflags 0x00000080: 2016-02-16	11:58:37:719	 988	1a6c	misc	 microsoft signed: na 2016-02-16	11:58:37:719	 988	1a6c	setup	wuident managed service valid not quorum-signed. skipping selfupdate. 2016-02-16	11:58:37:719	 988	1a6c	setup	skipping selfupdate check based on /skip directive in wuident 2016-02-16	11:58:37:719	 988	1a6c	setup	selfupdate check completed.  selfupdate not required. 2016-02-16	11:58:38:343	 988	1a6c	pt	+++++++++++  pt: synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++ 2016-02-16	11:58:38:343	 988	1a6c	pt	  + serviceid = {3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7}, server url = http://madpwsus1/clientwebservice/client.asmx 2016-02-16	11:58:38:375	 988	1a6c	pt	warning: cached cookie has expired or new pid available 2016-02-16	11:58:38:375	 988	1a6c	pt	initializing simple targeting cookie, clientid = 8f1329a6-464f-466c-b1d6-fb13343c49a7, target group = production servers, dns name = 2016-02-16	11:58:38:375	 988	1a6c	pt	  server url = http://madpwsus1/simpleauthwebservice/simpleauth.asmx 2016-02-16	11:59:16:316	 988	1a6c	agent	  * found 0 updates , 77 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 887 out of 1828 deployed entities 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1a6c	agent	********* 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1a6c	agent	**  end  **  agent: finding updates [callerid = automaticupdates] 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1a6c	agent	************* 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1b38	au	>>##  resumed  ## au: search updates [callid = {82d8d345-95c6-4a52-ab3f-1ed222cf7a9c}] 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1b38	au	  # 0 updates detected 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1b38	au	######### 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1b38	au	##  end  ##  au: search updates [callid = {82d8d345-95c6-4a52-ab3f-1ed222cf7a9c}] 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1b38	au	############# 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1b38	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1b38	au	featured notifications disabled. 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1b38	au	au setting next detection timeout 2016-02-16 21:47:19 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1b38	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-02-16	11:59:16:331	 988	1b38	au	successfully wrote event au health state:0 2016-02-16	11:59:21:339	 988	1a6c	report	report event: {c4e61741-ed60-45f5-9d7f-e77a7c007197}	2016-02-16 11:59:16:331-0600	1	147	101	{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}	0	0	automaticupdates	success	software synchronization	windows update client detected 0 updates. 2016-02-16	11:59:21:339	 988	1a6c	report	report event: {e86fb5b1-2c40-457c-ae5e-06bbd8e31337}	2016-02-16 11:59:16:331-0600	1	156	101	{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}	0	0	automaticupdates	success	pre-deployment check	reporting client status. 2016-02-16	12:04:19:376	 988	1a6c	report	uploading 2 events using cached cookie, reporting url = http://madpwsus1/reportingwebservice/reportingwebservice.asmx 2016-02-16	12:04:19:376	 988	1a6c	report	reporter uploaded 2 events.

not particularly helpful, @ least error numbers have defined meaning (?) per article (
0x800706be -2147023170 rpc_s_call_failed 
0x80240022 -2145124318 wu_e_all_updates_failed operation failed updates. 

when next attempt install update (whether kb2775511 or other) windows update install update, or system hosed?

what do fix system install hotfixes , wsus delivered security updates?

hi geoge,

>2. installer opened gui progress bar ran 100% completion, gui never closed. waited 30 minutes. task manager showed no i/o or cpu activity besides normal background activity. assumed process had failed , hung waiting on unknown event. clicked on "cancel" had no obvious effect either.

i understand you, , issue face due kb2775511.

kb2775511 cumulative update contains 89 hotfixes, updates many os components , cost long time complete.

i guest cancel update in step not installed successfully, process hangs again:

i heard update may take more 3 days complete, , behavior design. sorry inconvenience you.

best regards,


please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact

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