Desired State Configuration pull server Configuration, how to create single MOF file for multiple servers.

hi all,

i trying create new pull server windows 2016 dsc ( ps 5.0), best way distribute configuration across multiple servers (i have more 200 server require same configuration). found option create mof file each server nodes "". me not pull server. 

my questions , node name mentioned below "contoso-fps1", hard coded in mof file have relevance if use pull server renaming contoso-fps1.mof file <guid>.mof file? can use same mof file setting configuration node named "contoso-fps2"

configuration mysamplefileserver
    node $nodename
        windowsfeature filestorage
        ensure = "present"
        name = "fileandstorage-services"
        windowsfeature printersharing
        ensure = "present"
        name = "print-services"
mysamplefileserver –nodename ‘contoso-fps1’

regards, vipin vasudevan

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