Memory usage - just doesn't add up

this has been mystery me while.

this 64-bit windows 2008 r2 server, has 4gb of memory. task manager showing 94% of physical memory in use.  this doesn't make sense since there few web sites running (totalling 1/2gb of memory usage)

both task manager , process explorer not adding up.  if add processes (unless math horrible possible, i'm estimating in head) i'm not seeing 4gb of processes running....

(just few items didn't make screenshot, nothing significant)

is math bad or not adding 4gb?


hi vnat,

the powershell commands below should @ , add memory on machine:

#retrieve processes $processlist = get-process #display list of processes , workingset converted mb $processlist | select processname, @{n="workingset";e={([math]::round([int64]($_.workingset)/1mb,2))}} #add workingset of processes , convert gb ([math]::round([int64]($processlist | measure-object -property workingset -sum).sum/1gb,2))

also have @ rammap see if brings light: as reading article , on subject of reading material, recent written mark russinovich on memory management in windows worth read...

is virtual machine way? i've seen "holes" in memory before virtual machine granted memory (say 4gb) but limited smaller amount (say 2gb) @ hypervisor level. in vmware, caused baloon driver consume (2gb) memory not show tied particular process:

i hope helps,


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