Need help with PowerShell to import Hire Date into profile


i have script below not work below , updating 1 field in profile in ad. importing csv file, below:

samaccountname, hiredate


mloo, 5/12/2001

in csv, correct format? hiredate custom attribute.

the below powershell script error below:

set-aduser : parameter cannot found matches parameter name
@ line:4 char:14
+   set-aduser -hiredate $($user.hiredate)
+              ~~~~~~~~~
    + categoryinfo          : invalidargument: (:) [set-aduser], parameterbind
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : namedparameternotfound,microsoft.activedirectory

here script:


import-module activedirectory            
$users = import-csv -path d:\scripts\hiredatetest.csv          

foreach ($user in $users) 
 get-aduser -filter "samaccountname -eq '$($user.samaccountname)'" -properties * -searchbase "cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com" |            
  set-aduser -hiredate $($user.hiredate)          

any advice on how working great help.


hi paul,

to update extension attribute of users, please use parameter "-replace":

get-aduser -filter "samaccountname -eq '$($user.samaccountname)'" -properties * -searchbase "cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com" |set-aduser -replace @{hiredate=$($user.hiredate)}  

using cmdlet "set-aduser", please refer these articles:

if there else regarding issue, please feel free post back.

best regards,

anna wang

technet community support

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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