Autorun Issue for Single Terminal Server User

i have user that, when logs terminal server (w2k3,) gets message program cannot run.  program was actually a virus, (the somethingorother fortress av virus,) , of has been cleaned off, virus evoked doing rundll32 on login dll.  cannot find rundll32 setting in registry causing this.  in pc, under run in registry.  question is:

where locations user have program "autorun" upon signing in in terminal server?  , on user-by-user basis - not issue other users, unique user.  so, no gpo suggestions, or other global locations - need locations individual user might have auotrun.

thanks in advance on this!


i recommend download , autoruns.exe when logged on problem user account.  may choose hide microsoft , windows entries number of entries reduced.  using autoruns should able see autorun location attempting start old virus file.

autoruns windows


Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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