joining variables adds a Space


i've written first powershell script today looking @ others and works seperatly while testing when execute script have put in few write-host lines can see data being passed.

i noticed source location e:\cbt\staging \* instead of e:\cbt\staging\* there appears additional space, causes copy source wrong?

any ideas

#  script name:    movecbtdata.ps1  #  created on:     02/07/2012  #  author:         mike lister  #  purpose:        copy new \ updated cbt modules local offices   #create array of servers  $site = @("br","cr","cs","cv","ds","gl","hl","hq","la","lt","nw","pb","ph","tf","wa","wy")  $servername = @("br cbt","cr cbt","cs cbt","cv cbt","ds cbt","gl cbt","hl cbt","hq cbt","la cbt","lt cbt","nw cbt","pb cbt","ph cbt","tf cbt","wa cbt","wy cbt")  $sourcefiles = @("e:\cbt\staging\")                #function check thier items in source locations or no need run  function fnchecksourcefiles {  $a = @(get-childitem $sourcefiles)      if ($a.count)          {          write-host "number of files found in staging area:" $a.count          #call function copy data servers          fncopydata          }      else          {          write-host "there no files in staging area:" $a.count          }  }  #function process files each server in array list.  function fncopydata {     #loop throug each of servers  ($i = 0; $i -le $site.length -1; $i++)       {          write-host $site[$i]          $basepath = "\\" + $site[$i] + "-cbtsvr1\"          $donepath = $basepath + "localcbt\cbt\modules"                    if (test-path $donepath)            {                     write-host "copying files for" $servername[$i]              $fullsourcepath = $sourcepath + "*"              write-host $fullsourcepath              copy-item $fullsourcepath $donepath                            write-host "files copied"          }           else          {          write-host $donepath + " directory not exist"          }                }  }      #run functions  fnchecksourcefiles

.: lister :.

if you're talking $sourcefiles, don't see how can change.  way, initialise string, don't need wrap array.


$sourcefiles = @("e:\cbt\staging\")

should simply:

$sourcefiles = "e:\cbt\staging\"

...although makes no material difference in case, it's important know types creating.  code creates array single element.  get-childitem accept array path, works, bear in mind.  cast array when need one.

grant ward, a.k.a. bigteddy

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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