SP2 for Exchange 2007 & Windows 2008

my organisation contains, 4 exchange 2007sp1 server, 2 in site , remaining 2 in site b. each site contains 1 mailbox server , 1 cas+hub server. exchange server installed on windows 2008sp1 (no r2). scr enabled between site mailbox server , site b mailbox server (site mailbox server target server site b & site b mailbox server targer serve site a). domain , forest level windows 2003. planning install sp2 windows 2008 , exchange 2007sp1. can please tell me in order sp2 should installed? should install windows service pack first , go exchange service pack installation or reverse order? need suspend scr during service pack installation of windows exchange ?

this question needs directed exchange 2007 forum.
chuck timon senior, support escalation engineer (see) microsoft corporation

Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)


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