Enterprise CA (SHA1 & SHA2 Co-existing)

we have pki infra in ad,  ent rootca + 2 ent subordinate ca (all ad integrated) in sha1 mode-os windows 2008 r2.

is technically viable create 1 more ent root ca + 2 subordinate ca , sha2 infra, in same ad domain?

in short , co-existence possible 2 ent root cas , 2 sub cas(2 subordinates each 2 ent root ca) in single ad domain?

yes, can have multiple enterprise root cas , additional subordinate cas linked root.

here quote coexistence ms document on sha-2 deployment: "currently, having 2 pki trees, 1 sha-1, 1 sha-2, safest option many organizations, highest cost option. organizations choosing 2 tree design until can ensure needed critical applications , devices can accept sha-2. "


also previous forum posting:


byron wright (http://byronwright.blogspot.ca)

Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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