Group policy refreshing desktop shortcuts and causing them to disappear


we running windows server 2008 domain controllers , windows server 2008 terminal servers.  i've set group policy on dcs "replace" shortcuts on user's terminal server desktops.  i'm using replace action people change roles, can move them different ous/policies , have old desktop shortcut icons clean , new ones created, automatically.  working fine far...when users log on appropriate icons, except throughout day policy automatically refreshes, deletes , recreates icons doesn't refresh desktop, icons disappear on people.  if manually browse people's desktop folder (c:\users\[username]\desktop), shortcuts there, of them show again on desktop, have press f5 or right click , refresh on desktop...or wait next policy auto-run , they'll come back.  confusing lot of people icons disappear , return.  again, on terminal server desktops.

we hoping to not have turn off the automatic group policy refresh runs throughout day.  other thoughts appreciated!

thanks in advance!

> hoping not have turn off automatic group policy refresh
> runs throughout day.  other thoughts greatly
> appreciated!
none i'm aware of - using "update" instead of "replace"...
as long concerned automatic backgrond refresh,
might implement ilt gpo processing mode , set "is not
background". skip shortcuts process other
gpo settings.

greetings/grüße, martin

mal ein gutes buch über gpos lesen?
good or bad gpos? - blog…
, if bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment (-:

Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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