RDP Host/Clients Disconnect Randomly

have issue several months since moving users 2003 virtual terminal server 2012 standard virtual terminal server.  affects mobile users via vpn or 1 mpls branch site.

server logs not reveal valuable other session disconnected reconnected.  both udp , tcp session connected.

packet capture shows either server sending tcp rst,ack packet or client, destroying connection.

i have enabled tcp keep-alive on server default "1", however, keep-alive packets not sent every 1 minute (if that's value indicates).

i have network detection policy set treat every connection fast connection on host.

the clients terminalservices-clientactivexcore log indicates 2 things...

1. multi-transport connection has been disconnected

2. clientactivex has been disconnected reason=4.

i cannot find out reason code 4 refers , pcaps not reveal me.

we had similar issue windows 7 users, resolved making sure client using rdp 8.1.



Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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