
Showing posts from February, 2013

How to use "setup.exe /wds /unattend:<unattend.xml>" in Windows Server 2008 R2 - WDS Server?

hello, i want use wds ( not mdt 2010) deploying numerous windows server 2008r2 each individual settings (roles, features, static ip addresses ....). i setup wds server , used command: wdsutil /set-server /wdsunattend /commandlineprecedence:yes i prestage these servers in ad example: wdsutil /add-device /device:computer1 /id:0000000000000000000000155d000710 (this represents mac 20 leading zeros) to "computer1, assigned specific wdsclientunattend.xml : wdsutil /set-device /device:computer1 /wdsclientunattend:unattend_10.xml (the file: unattend10.xml exists in remoteinstall\wdsclientunattend) but "computer1" ignores "unattend_10.xml" file. found @ ( ) problem solved "setup.exe /wds /unattend:<unattend.xml>" switch. sofar not figure out have use "setup.exe /wds /unattend:<unattend.xml>" command. tried add "window-setup_neutral" - run synchronouscommand"

WS2012 Cluster network / DNS issues

hi, does know how resolve following cluster errors (these occur approximately every 15 minutes). event id 1228 cluster network name resource 'cluster name' encountered error enabling network name on node. reason failure was:  'unable obtain logon token'.  the error code '1326'.  you may take network name resource offline , online again retry. event id 1196 cluster network name resource 'cluster name' failed registration of 1 or more associated dns name(s) following reason: the handle invalid. ensure network adapters associated dependent ip address resources configured @ least 1 accessible dns server. we have 3 networks defined heartbeat - cluster use = internal (no dns configured) live migration - cluster use = disabled (no dns configured) management -  cluster use = enabled (dns configured ) we have 6 node ws2008r2 hyper-v cluster configured same network configuration no issues. hi, thanks post. in orde

Do not see host server in the virtual machine's network after setting up internal virtual network

i can see other virtual machines not host server inside virtual machine.  there settings in host server need changed? hi, this duplicated thread   please make sure vms , internal nic on host in same subnet of ips   for accessing file share in host can try windows server forums Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Child AD upgrade from 2008R2 to 2012

hi all our production envriorment parent forest function level 2003 , child domain funcation level 2008 r2, now want upgrade our child domain level 2012 (keep parent forest level 2003), there problem when doing upgrade(domain replication issue or else)? or show me best practice microsoft? there no issues such in afaik. can refer this( ) sure answer lot more process going undertake :) in nutshell, functional level requirement on forest level 2003 , higher getting 2012 dc in domain. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Remote Desktop Web Connection

i'm trying connect windows server 2003 server @ office home xp pro pc.  when type in address in browser example   page comes me enter server name , connect.  when push connect says don't have right name of server.  however, if exact same @ work place on pc opens right , works great.  behind router , have forworded port server's ip address.  seams working until hit connect , won't let me in????  advice appreciated! have tried ip addess of ts server? might dns name resolution issue. thanks! Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Can't create Shadow copy for D Data disk on C System disk Windows Server 2008R2

when attempt enable shadow copies d: data drive/volume on c: system drive volume the message:  failed create storage area association error 8x8004231d: specified shadow copy storage association in user , can't deleted. i had never enabled shadow copies on server before , volumes show "disabled". suspect application may have created them. i found technet post related problem recommended: run vssadmin delete shadowstorage /for=c: /on=c: run vssadmin add shadowstorage /for=c: /on=d: /maxsize=2500mb note: if volume shadow copy work, step above delete snapshots. i ran: vssadmin add shadowstorage /for=d: /on=c: /maxsize=60000mb and got in response: maximum number of shadow copy storage associations reached. i'm reluctant use delete shadowstorage above, because i'm not sure created phantom shadow copy on c: seems preventing me enabling shadow copies of d: on c: at command line ran: diskshadow , command: list shadows all. gave result indicating there

IE 11 is not installing via WSUS

hi, some time ago, when deployed wsus server, imported ie 11 (+updates) via update catalog - working flawlessly. yesterday ie doesn't update v11 on new computers. guess it's ms14-035 critical update blocking our ie 11 installation, i've imported newest ie updates update catalog. any solution problem? hi, did error event log? please confirm language selected correct. more information: step 4: configure , synchronize wsus hope helps. we trying better understand customer views on social support experience, participation in interview project appreciated if have time. helping make community forums great place. Windows Server  >  WSUS

gpp tcpip error-printing

i hoping deploy printers using gpp tcpip - because how display queue users. tcpip has queue name. shared printer option shows information "server01\queuename" but tcpip print-errors in queue. tried ip , dns, tcpip , lpr. nothing. its under gpp of computers. using windows 8 2012 server. thank you hi, >>but tcpip print-errors in queue. tried ip , dns, tcpip , lpr. nothing. what error message did get? before going further, regarding how use gpp deploy tcp/ip printers, following 2 blogs can referred double check. deploying tcp/ip printers group policy preferences deployment of tcpip printer via gpo & gpp please note: since above 2 websites are not hosted microsoft, link may change without notice. microsoft not guarantee accuracy of information. best regards, f

problem with windows live opening in word on my computer

i've been using skydrive on windowslive awhile now, , can no longer open files using "edit in word" or similar functions when using firefox.  started using internet explorer instead because work, no longer works ie either!  problems firefox seemed occur around time downloaded microsoft project 2007 computer.  think may have issue plugins, cannot figure out how update office 2010 plugin.  says unknown plugin in firefox.  please help! hi, according description, issue seems more internet exploer related, can following disable add-on in internet explorer: start internet explorer . click tools button, , click manage add-ons . under show, click all add-ons . disable add-ons. close internet explorer , restart it. add 1 check each time list of add-on, restart internet explorer, , repeat above procedure. once issue reappears again, can determine add-in causes problem , disable it. you may visit the link given below, follow setps to re-enable add-on: http://wi

Is there a Good Tutorial on What Happens When the Primary DFS Server Goes Down?

i have read many articles have not found 1 talks when server gets rebooted , down. know there 'referral time'. not sure how works. hate have dfs switch servers on primary server reboot. know more timing. hi vaccarom, for now, couldn't find official documents microsoft describe details why server goes down. personal view, many different cause. , general conclusion. if in scenario, it's dfs servers. suggest please monitor dfs replication health server. check event viewer , troubleshoot dfs health report. if dfs checking shows health. may need troubleshoot from other aspects like network problems, system overload, configuration errors or hardware issues. best regards, mary please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server

32 Bit and 64 Bit error on Windows 2008 R2

i have exchange 2010 running on win 2008 r2 server, 64bit.  i cannot open command prompt, dns, dxdiag, iis etc. following error appears every time:-   "the version of file not compatible version of windows running. check your     computer's system information see whether need x86 (32 bit) or x64 (64 bit) version of             program , contact software publisher." i have uninstalled windows update, rebooted server, initialized chckdsk no change. some exchange 2010 tools toolbox not functioning well, namely queue viewer , mail flow troubleshooter, though different error displayed, believe os. kindly advice hi, thanks post. when did issue start occur? before issue happened, did modifications? or install updates? to narrow down issue, please following: 1. perform sfc scan. 2. perform clean boot. if works before, perform system restore. best regards, alvin wang please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subsc

Push Wireless Settings via Group Policy to include WEP and/OR WPA2 Passwords

i trying push wireless settings windows 7 clients windows 2008 r2 using group policy. able push wireless access point name/info, cannot include wep and/or wpa2 passwords. hi,   by design, wireless network (ieee 802.11) policies not provide feature deploy wep or wpa2 passwords.   if want so, suggest write script export network profile information xml file , deploy clients. more information, please refer following microsoft kb , msdn articles:   how enable computer-only authentication 802.1x-based network in windows vista, in windows server 2008, , in windows xp service pack 3   wireless profile samples   if encounter difficulties when writing script, may submit new question in official scripting guys forum! best resource scripting related issues.   the official scripting guys forum!

Intel NIC Teaming and Hyper-V Teaming

hi all, we have intel modular server. 2 nic each ims network switch (intel modular server) configured in 2 teams (sft mode). i'm create other team intel teams hyper-v 2012 server (for failover). working fine.. when create virtual nic in hyper-v settings communication external network - virtual nic traffic dosn't going. could please provide little more information mean?  have created hyper-v external virtual switch on team?  within vm have associated virtual nic on virtual switch?  within vm can see nic operational within network connections?  output of 'ipconfig /all' virtual nic within vm? .:|:.:|:. tim Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Recovering moved or deleted files on network server

worked big corp. provided private password protected network drive personal use , stored private/sensitive legal info on it. fell out of favor boss, , left corp couple of years ago. moved these private folders out of drive before leaving. can these moved files retrieved nosy/vindictive boss? it depends when account deleted space become available reuse / other use.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows server] datacenter management disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Additional Permissions for ICA-TCP connection

i can change session settings of ica-rdp connection using powershell modifying registry. however, not finding way add additional permissions connection using powershell.  i see security registry connection, can;t read values , add parameters it. if still looking this, here code :- (get-wmiobject -namespace "root/cimv2/terminalservices" -class win32_tspermissionssetting| where-object {$_.terminalname -eq "ica-tcp"}).addaccount("k0z0s",1) Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

wrong password stored

when logging in hotmail account, tell me it's been blocked.  give explinations why might blocked, tell me continue.  next page asks me e-mail address want "code" sent to.  in e-mail address box there address has not been used in on 10 years, isn't active anymore.  there's arrow down, when use it, same address appears , not give me option change it.  options send code, or have code.  i'm not sure code want?? i've been working on trying figure out since 8 morning.  not computer savvy , use own personal needs.  home computer , used emailng, word processing, facebook, news, etc. hello, this windows server forum. for home computer , hotmail, windows live online services please ask questions here- sachin gadhave mcp, mcsa, mcts Windows Server  > 

Downstream server downloads files from Microsoft through proxy server but report to WAN upstream server

hello,  i have 1 downstream server needs report 1 upstream server in wan connected slow vpn connection. because vpn line slow, downstream server needs download files microsoft web site, not upstream server.  i have settings, connect microsoft site, requires go through local proxy server.  the setting in "update source , proxy server" 's proxy setting used upstream or ms web site. if set local proxy server here, cannot connect upstream server in wan.  could know how report upstream server in wan download files ms site when there local proxy server internet connection? thank in advance! the setting in "update source , proxy server" 's proxy setting used upstream or ms web site. if set local proxy server here, cannot connect upstream server in wan.  could know how report upstream server in wan download files ms site when there local proxy server internet connection? it sounds you'll either need route through proxy server, or allow wsus

0x00000050 windows 2003 r2

hello, i 0x00000050 , server reboot evey time tried safe mode, last know configration , repair system windows cd it's give me same error, i tried scan hard disk througe third party didnt found bad sector. i see there hotfixes but  dont know how can install them without login windows. so suggest? thanks. its tough tell untill analyze crash dump file please use microsoft skydrive upload dump files (c:\windows\minidump). 1 done, post link here. please start updating possible drivers. if need further assistance, please understand forum not best place analyzing dump. it’s suggested contact microsoft customer support services (css).;en-us;phonenumbers   if outside please see regional support phone numbers Windows Server  > 

Problemas con DNS

buenos dias:  tengo una red 192.168.2.x el servidor de dc tiene la, necesito pegar al dominio una pc que se encuentra en la red 192.168.5.x , en el firewall tengo una politica para que pase todo el trafico.  en servidor tengo agregada la sub red 192.168.5.x en sitios y servicios y en el dns tengo agregada la zona inversa para esta misma sub red.  cuando intento pegar la pc tengo el siguiente error el dns se consultó correctamente acerca del registro del recurso de ubicación de servicios (srv) usado para ubicar un controlador de dominio para el dominio "casita.local": la consulta se refería al registro srv para _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.casita.local la consulta identificó los siguientes controladores de dominio: srvdc001.casita.local sin embargo, no se pudo contactar con ningún controlador de dominio. las siguientes son causas comunes de este error: - los registros de host (a) o (aaa) que asignan el nombre de los controladores de

"Pass-thru disk access"

i want install sql 2005 server in hyper-v guest read about hyper-v's "pass-thru disk access" great interest.  need enable feature, or special setup required, or "native" mode hyper-v disk access? tia, barkingdog   you present disk vm mounted host.   your vm can install os on disk, or can present second disk san (for example) data resides on (so can use san management tools managing backups, etc.)   mount volume host - not bring on line, attach it. edit settings of vm -> choose controller type present (scsi requires integration services, ide can booted) -> select hard drive -> click add. the last item physical disk (this available if ws08 host has attached disk offline) -> select radio button , corresponding physical disk.   boot vm , passthrough disk other.   you can of course have combinations of passthrough (host level), iscsi (guest level), , virtual disks (host level) attached guest

Problem with AD script

hi guys,   i managed script can take details input file(csv) , create users in active directory. but doesnot create logon id( samaccountname... appreciate if experts can me solve issue.  script using. $users = import-csv users.csv $users | foreach-object { $userfirstname = $_.firstname #givenname (i.e. first name) $userlastname = $_.lastname #sn or surname (i.e. last name) $userloginid = $_.samaccountname #samaccountname; pre-windows 2000 login id $userprincipalname = $_.upn #secondary login id or active directory login id $userprincipalname = $userprincipalname + ""  #append domain name here $userdisplayname = $userfirstname + " " + $userlastname #displayname & cn name write-host "displayname: $userdisplayname" $objdomain = new-object system.directoryservices.directoryentry $objuser = $objdomain.create("user", "cn=" + $userdisplayname) #this creates local object update $objuser.put(&qu

Automatically import module on remote PC running powershell 2.0 when connecting with WinRM

i use script connect remote pcs not on domain. these computers running powershell 2.0 , have carbon module added modules folder. because powershell 2.0, looking way have these modules imported when connect following script. i've done research , looks have use invoke-command not sure how use when connecting remote pc. # create $pw variable save password secured string. $pw = convertto-securestring -asplaintext -force -string *password* # create $compname variable prompt target computer name. $compname = read-host "computer name use enter-pssession" # create $cred variable combine username , password credentials. $cred = new-object -typename -argumentlist $compname\"winrm",$pw # $session intitalizes enter-pssession use computername, on port 80 using credentials. $session = enter-pssession -computername $compname -port 80 -credential $cred figured out: # create $pw variable save *pass

RDS 2012 Farm SQL Move from Standalone SQL to SQL Alwayson

hello all, we have rds 2012 r2 farm connection brokers acting in ha.we had move backend sstandalone sql db new pair of sql configured on on..the move went fine without trouble there 1 caveat not able find commandlet chnage database file path in rdms marked in red below.the new sql instance refelecting correctly problem database filepath although seems db working fine , able publish new apps eventhough path actual database file resides different . is there commandlet change database file path pointing new path on new sql servers or cause problems in long run..basically on new sql servers have database file path on different path: s:\mssql\rds-db  maneeshb hi, please check thread below mentioned database folder path used during db creation process, , there no need modify it. can't modify "database connection string" rds rd connection broker high availbility settings

AD schema modification

is schema modification not recomended microcrosoft? , why? please give kb artical. needed rca ... plz help.. hello, there no recommendation against it. if have need use provided articles in other thread aware have test before using on production networks assure no problems arise. keep in mind erros in schema change may result in loss of complete domain/forest. best regards meinolf weber mvp, mcp, mcts microsoft mvp - directory services my blog : disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Cannot Enable Bitlocker - I believe machine has key still in Active Directory

have machine had bitlocker enabled previous hard drive.  we moved drive machine , ended having reformat drive , reinstall windows.  i sure drive had bitlocker disabled before happened. have bitlocker save keys in active directory systems on network.  these new machines running windows 8.1.   have new drive in laptop , when try enable bitlocker, have problems.  bitlocker passes check process , says restart system.  when restart system following error message: bitlocker not enabled.  the bitlocker encryption key cannot obtained.  verify trusted platform module (tpm) enabled , ownership has been taken.  if computer not have tpm, verify usb drive inserted , available.  c: not encrypted. system brand new dell precision m4800 , have tpm installed , enabled.  and said before, enabled on old hard drive @ 1 time.   after doing bit of research, guess there key in active directory related old system has become orphaned.  (based on article found trying google solution:  htt

Windows Server 2012 R2 - Configure Redundant Servers

hello all, i setting 2 servers business, , trying set them in event of server01 failing, server02 take on requests service.  i've tried using failover clustering, hoping use storage have in servers (we installed 2 3tb hard drives in each, , mirrored them), , failover clustering requires external storage center. the 2 servers running windows 2012 r2.  initially, essentials installed on them, have since had product keys standard activated, providing features of standard on essentials build. also note, service being provided not standard windows service, application.  it should noted, not interested in use of virtual machines of kind (no hyper-v, vmware, or virtual box).  the company uses older servers running xenserver, , have had issues them. any appreciated.  thanks in advance. ok, found solution problem.  there builtin service windows 2012 r2 (and apparently goes 2008, maybe 2003) called distributed file system.  this makes configured server have files copied

Cannot connect to Microsoft online services - integrate office 365 into Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

hi, i have setup new window server 2012 r2 standard , installed windows server essentials experience role connect users office365 email sync passwords.  it worked during setup , able import users , set things up, after updates , restarts has stopped working. when try "assign microsoft online account" times out , asks if server connected internet. can browse internet, run windows update, connect remotely etc. without problems, server has internet access.  also tried disable firewall, still no luck.  after tried disable integration essentials dashboard shows "n/a" , option enable again not there. trying enable integration windows intune gives same error.  my setup: windows server 2012 r2 standard hyper-v gui. the server i'm having problems runs virtual machine on top of this, same os.  is there better way sync passwords essentials experience role, or how can fixed? hi, based on description, understand that  you install updates before i

Windows cannot connect to printer. 0x00...2

i work in domain environment have hundreds of printers on dozen print servers. 2003 , others 2008. server i'm working 2003. client work stations windows 7. have several printers not mapping designated clients. installation of printers controlled via scripts through gpo , based on security group belong in.  as far can see computers in proper ad security group. students , staff log desktops, none of printers show up. , when try manually connect printer going unc path \\xxx-xx\printer_name gives me "windows cannot connect printer"..... code of 0x00...2 (there bunch of zeros in there).  now have other printers mapped , available everyone. connected via security group. if machine in room 123 , in 123 group, should color printer , b&w printer room.  for reason color printer not showing up, b&w is. outside group, other teachers can connect via laptop, or other desktop. computers students use, cannot map printer.  i've tried registry fix clear drivers, i&#

WDS with Hyper V issues

hi guys i'm trying pxe boot vm's in hyper v no luck...below description of problem. there maybe in forum experienced before can me please? i have difficulties getting right hyper v also. @ least virtual pc gave me option press f12 after error came up. hyper v client stay @ dhcp screen (as if trying contact dhcp server) error "pxe-e51: no dhcp or proxydhcp offers received" come , go black screen following message on: boot failure.reboot , select proper boot device or insert boot media in select boot device wowww man, working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks mike taking of valuable time me after started dns service joined client sucessfully. tried pxe boot cleint again , voila.... there f12 option , os files start load.....and learn everyday :) Windows Server  >  Hyper

PS1 script listing computers in a domain

i working on script run through domain , spit out report of computers in domain. put following togehter , works great in test domain (which has 8 computers in it. when run in of prod domains (thousands of computers) gives odd results found 4 computers. code , results below: --------------------start script---------------------------------------- $domain = 'ldap://localhost:389/dc=xx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx' $root = new-object directoryservices.directoryentry $domain $date = date ## debugging uncomment 3 lines below , verify ldap connection domain ##cls ##write-host "`n`nconnected ldap domain:`n $domain `n" ##"the domain name is: $($ `n`n" "the following computers in $($ domain" >> ./adcomputerinformation.txt "report date: $date" >> ./adcomputerinformation.txt " " >> ./adcomputerinformation.txt $selector = new-object directoryservices.directorysearcher $selector.searchroot = $ro

Using the ADTD Tool

i using adtd first time ever , getting error related credentials.  have tool installed on local network machine not on dc.  ok start? francisco mercado jr. >>i using adtd first time ever , getting error related credentials.   great if can share complete error message, easy troubleshoot issue. far know, run adtd, need @ least domain user (which has read permission on ad object), please first check credential you’re using.   >>i have tool installed on local network machine not on dc.  ok start?   it’s not necessary run adtd on dc, carlo mentioned, can run on non-server os.   regards, ethan hua please remember mark replies answers if help, , unmark answers if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  Dir

Error handling

hi how catch exception when working params . below script , if run myscript.ps1 - u 1 it work. if run myscript.ps1 -u i exception error. rather call usage function. looking way test if argument has been parse parameter ? param ( $user , $logout , $report ) function usage{ " random message " } if ( $psboundparameters .get_count() -ge 1) # check see if have params { if ( $psboundparameters .values -eq $null ) # trying check if params have value \ argument { "no args" } else { 'parameters have been provided' } } else { usage } you might want check out capabilities of decorating parameters attributes determine how should handled.  here article: you can make parameters mandatory , include message each well. fr3dd Windows Server

Domain trust try to validate with wrong Domain Controller

hi everyone, i wanted know if of you met particular issue: - trust being validated dc not own fsmo (nor pdc role) make trust inconsistent or corrupted. in case source domain have conditional forwarder set on domain controller box same target domain. i have many dcs , ad sites configured in target domain, on underlying network architecture there big mpls verizon (issue produced bad network path ?) i checked following on both domains : - name resolution : srv/a = ok - clean site topology references : (both domains sides dns and ad site & services) = ok - ad subnet overlapping : clean no overlapping - other ad tools : nltest /dclist i'm scrolling through event viewer on both domains in order find trust validation. kévin kisoka - mcitp entreprise messaging administrator, mcts hyper-v server virtualization not represent organisation work for, opinions expressed here, own. posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. don't have

Windows 2008 + FTPS

bom dia senhores! estou com meu servidor ftp windows 2008 instalado e o serviço de ftp server devidamente configurado com ssl e um certificado emitido por uma ca interna porém não estou conseguindo acessar o ftps mesmo com o certificado instalado no meu "cliente". para melhor entendimento: 1 - servidor windows 2008 + serviço ftp server + ssl certificate ("meu certificado") + allow certificate   ---meu certificado foi solicitado criando-se uma requisição pelo iis nas opções de certificados e logo apos realizando solicitação customizada pelo portal de certificados da minha ca interna. até aí nada de novo. 2 - cliente windows xp com coreftp (que foi unica ferramenta de ftp que achei que me permitia trabalhar com certificados windows)    ---solicitação e instalação de certificado de cliente, ca e ca chain pelo portal de certificados da minha ca interna.     ---os seguintes parametros foram definidos no coteftp: * host: meu endereço de ip meu servidor

All documents gone

dear all, after performing upgrade-installation windows 8.1 windows 10 (keeping files, not settings & apps) documents documents folder gone. strangely enough, only exception files stored in hidden folders (all hidden folders in tact). also, other folders (videos, pictures, downloads) seem okay. the documents folder in windows.old empty. i upgraded win 8.1 x64 english (us) to windows 10 x64 dutch. any or suggestions appreciated. thanks! elmar one cannot perform "direct upgrade" of existing english version of windows dutch version of windows.  installation of windows 10 (dutch) was performed "new installation'.  did backup files before installing windows 10 dutch version?  please review: retrieve files windows.old folder carey frisch Windows 10 Insider Preview  > 

Windows 10 - Unable to download Feature Update 1703 from a WSUS 2016 server

hello, i trying update test clients win 10 1703 win 10 1607, , created specific computer group wsus 2016 server, able create lab environment , approve upgrade environment, not clients. in wsus server approved new feature update new computer group. clients assigned new group using ad security group, adding computer accounts group. deploy environment, created new gpo, sets " windows components/windows update/defer windows updates " keys to: - select branch readiness level feature updates want receive: current branch - after feature update released, defer receiving many days: 0 - pause feature updates: disabled i applied new gpo on new security group, using security filtering in gpo scope. the "standard" windows update gpo disabled computers, using specific deny delegation tab of gpo. if perform gpresult /r on computers, see new gpo applied correctly, , "standard" update gpo no more applied. after that, if perform check updates

GPP Printer: error code '0x80070006 The handle is invalid.'

hello, we're using 2 2008 r2 domain controllers, 1 2008 r2 print server , 6 2008 r2 xenapp terminal servers. a problem has occured 1 of terminal servers. has stopped mapping printers users during logon. the error event in event log says: "group policy object did not apply because failed error code '0x80070006 handle invalid.' error suppressed." the printers configured in group policy preferences using fqdn. i installed printer on secondary print server, testing purposes, , printer mapped fine, when deploying printers residing on main print server, nothing gets mapped. file shares , every other settings work fine. users able browse \\printserver or \\ , add printers without problem. can browse directory , add them. gpupdate ends same error in eventlog. i have tried (on terminal server) leave domain , rejoin, didn't solve this. i need solving this. cannot tell if problem in print server or terminal server.. any ideas?

MPIO Between Nas4free and Windows

he creado dos raid en nas4free, y luego abro el iniciador iscsi y discos me aparecen. pero tengo que aplicar el concepto de multipath. estoy virtualizar el proceso con vmware, y tengo dos máquinas virtuales, uno con nas4free y el otro con windows 7, tanto la máquina con dos interfaces de red configuradas en nat, por lo que: nas4free dhcp le0 192 168 255 154 le1 dirección manual  windows 7  interfaz 1: 192 168 225 160 dhcp interface 2: dirección manual todos los adaptadores de red están en nat. y hacer ping entre ellos. pero nose  cómo aplicar el mpio , leído en línea que tengo que instalar en mpio.sys para windows 7, pero no puedo encontrar, pero es sólo para windows server . soy nuevo en esto, espero poder ayudar con el proceso. primero de todo, gracias Windows Server  > 

Get-aduser -filter question

i running get-aduser filter on employeeid.  seems bit slower i'd expect.  can tell me whether being filtered @ server or on client? get-aduser -filter {employeeid -eq "00000012345"} thanks \\greg generally speaking, each built-in cmdlet parameter performs server side filtering, oppose command pipes where-object (client side filtering). shay levy [mvp] powershell toolbar Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Automatic VM Compaction

is there method identify vm's lots of whitespace or automatically compact vm's on schedule? can reduce our strorage space lot looking easy method 100 vm's across 4 hosts. hi,   if can identify general physical machine easily, can use same way identify virtual machine.   by way, how did mean “compact”? far know, there no way compact vhd file while virtual machine running.     best regards, vincent hu     Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

problems with RAID 5

our system reported failed hdd on port 1. logged on intel matrix storage application find out more info, discovered port 1 hdd detected degraded swapped hdd on port 1 , installed on port 3. system picked drive , reported normal. when left server room raid rebuilding status @ 0% , when came next day @ 16% our system became slow , client machines hardly access resources. checked system monitor , discovered cpu usage bit higher.and suspect the rebuilding status consuming of cpu processing power. our system using raid 5. there way can resolve issue of raid rebuilding without using of cpu processing power or should change type of raid system.   hi, this common issue rebuilding process take long time , use large system resource. can find many similar topic in different websites. the performance of rebuilding affected many factors such hardware performance, total size, data stored on hard disks, system load etc. how large these hard disks , how many data on hard disks? also ra

Issue using Get-Child-Item

have function scan (grep) files in folder extension.  for reason, get-child-item returns empty / 0 files on folder though can @ folder , see files of specified extension (*.config).  suspect either doing wrong or permissions somehow getting in way.  how use  get-childitem in context? function scan-files { param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$folder, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$filepattern, [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [bool]$recurse = $false ) write-host "folder = $folder" write-host "filepattern = $filepattern" $files = get-childitem -include $filepattern -path $folder #always empty reason if ($files) { write-host "file count = $($files.length)" } . . . #invoke our function $folder = "c:\program files\microsoft sql server\msrs12.mssqlserver\reporting services\reportserver\" $filepattern = "*.config"          #sc

Problem with connection to RRAS server using GSM (mobile) connection

hi we've got problem. mobile workers connect company lan using built-in windows vpn client. computers access internet using d-link 3g mobile w-fi hotspot , launch vpn connection. sometims have problem vpn connections... conection closed, cannot connect, etc. rras system log has events: coid={e405594a-176b-7b4c-6472-968c2f9dec5d}: following error occurred in point point protocol module on port: vpn1-19, username: comain\jamesbond. invalid situation but if in same time user uses local wi-fi network (in mcdonalds, free hot-spot or wi-fi in home) or connect using mobile phone (mobile hotspot) - there no problems. works fine. not problem rras server or bad vpn client configuration. i think problem network latency. possible change value in rras server? hi, >> is possible change value in rras server? i can't find official document how edit value of latency tolerance. you may check if there qos setting on gsm device. or may replace device. best regards,

Can a Domain Controller Certificate be set longer than 365 days?

hi, i export dc certificate certificates\personal\certificate use idm product.  noticed dc certificate (intended purposes - client authentication, server authentication) expires within 365 days.  if possible, i'd not have export cert every 365 days. is there way set cert longer 365 days?  couldn't find a solution dc cert...saw plenty ca cert. thank can offer, mr mister you cannot modify v1 domain controller certificate, modify v2 domain controller authentication certificate template , use if enterprise ca running enterprise edition (2003, 2003r2, or 2008) or standard edition (2008 r2). brian Windows Server  >  Security