
Showing posts from March, 2013

Migrate Windows Server 2003 x86 SP2 to windows Server 2012

i want migrate windows 2003 windows server 2012  primary dc (site1): windows server 2003 sp2 x86 (also dhcp server) additional dc(site2) : windows server 2008 r2 x64(also dhcp server). want install windows server 2012 on site1 , make primary domain controller hostname same windows server 2003 , same old ip  please refer blogs , guide me how achive it. step1 : step2: step3: how rename windows server 2012 domain controller (after promoting windows server 2012 primary demote windows server 2003 and i need rename windows server 2012 hostname old hotname , change old ip) if rename domain controller face issues dns. step 4 : how export dhcp window server 2


i want use group policy preferences map 2 network locations.  first 1 pretty straight forward home directories \\servershare\users\%username%.  works fine. for second mapping want map folder called depts \\servershare\depts.  works fine. group policy applied top level ou callled users-network.  under users-network ou there other ous departments in our organization.  on depts folder assigned rights authenticated users authenticated users can access depts folder special permissions depts folder.  assigned full rights folder under depts folder using groups created in ous under users-network. since gpo applied @ top level ou (users-network), when user logs in see home directory, , depts directory , other department folders, can open folder assigned department. is there way have gpo @ top level ou maps depts, show folders user supposed have access to? > there way have gpo @ top level ou maps depts, but > show folders user supposed have access to?   no. need ena

FSRM Variables in Command

hi, we implementing quotas , trying pass variables/arguments batch file wanting run when limit reached, variable seems work [server] (well there 1 have since located also; few of variables seem work). i have assumed (as unable locate documentation) variables list able used in command arguments when running script/command - assumption correct or not? appear not; if not there somewhere says ones can passed through , used? if can offer assistance in hugely appreciated can't seem find clarity anywhere on can use in arguments regards troy well after shagging around , searching internet while managed find assisted: in "run command or script" area, type location cmd.exe (eg c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe) and in "command arguments" area, type location batch file wanting call, plus variables want use. using method seems work , allows passing various variables through without issues....weird true.... eg /c c:\yourpath\yourbatchfile.bat [server] [quota path] [quota limit m

Printers ^%$#^*&

hi all! anyone administrate ts broke mind or @ least user teeth while trying understand why on earth printers in ts wont function should. said, trying figure out why printers users choose defaults keep changing session session out spooler getting stuck or that?! johnsmithx hi,   if same user account used create multiple sessions, default printer on session last client's default printer gets redirected on session. os using ? win 2003 or longhorn ?   eg: user 1 connects client 1 ts server. if default printer on client 1 printer 1, default printer on session. user 1 connects client 2 ts server. if default printer on client 2 printer 2, default printer on sessions user 1.   to disable this option, can set foll. on ts server if "windows 2003 server"   on ts server, open "tscc.msc" open rdp-tcp -> properties goto "client settings" tab uncheck "use connection settings user settings" uncheck "default main cli

Import XLSX To SQL Server

i found script in powershell repositories such located here every time run it, error of 'the microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 provider not registered on local machine.  i have excel 2007 (and this) installed, 32x - tried download 'access database engine 32x' see if resolve , did not.   am missing dependencies or better way such? sorry have install correct version system.  if on 64 bit platform install 64 bit version.  or run powershell (x86). \_(ツ)_/ Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Accessing a DFS folder from operating systems other than Windows

are dfs folders accessible operating systems other windows, such oracle solaris? setting dfs folder hosted 2 windows server 2012 r2 machines (both serving dcs well), placed on different geographical locations. we have few dozen windows clients , couple oracle solaris servers on each site, , access (both read , write) contents of dfs folder set oracle solaris servers, same way windows clients access it. oracle website has brief description on this. seems it's supported limitations, hear opinions , caveats if else has tried. regards, jon solaris uses samba (smbclient), right?  afaik smbclients somehow works (with proper wins config , other caveeats).  we not use dfs-namespaces on non-windows boxes had issues us. seem work, never fall or update foldertargets, stick "classic" direct references smb shares.  hth gregor stefka -- businessprocessautomation ews sql interface

Is it possible to give a choice to user to connect any one server on a network.

dear forum members, i have 3 servers windows 2008 r2 in network each server has own set of users. user member of 1 server cant' login other same credentials.  secondly pc @ time part of 1 domain. every time have change domain name , user able connect particular server. regards, ayaz  abu dhabi if make 3 servers member of domain, can choose either log in domain user account, or local user account. thing need join machines domain. on, both local users , domain users can log in. Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 Essentials

How can I combine Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA & Add-DnsServerResourceRecordPTR cmdlets to automate creating DNS records?

powershell gurus, we running windows server 2012 r2 powershell v4.0 , want take advantage of new add-dnsserverresourcerecorda and  add-dnsserverresourcerecordptr cmdlets (and remove-dnsserverresourcerecord) automate as possible creation/deletion of statically configured dns records. question: how can combine these 2 cmdlets run create dns 'a' , dns 'ptr' records in 1 long cmdlet?  how make can run both of these below 1 cmdlet? add - dnsserverresourcerecorda - name "hostname123" - zonename "" - allowupdateany - ipv4address "" -timetolive 01:00:00 add-dnsserverresourcerecordptr -name "123" -zonename "" -allowupdateany -timetolive 01:00:00 -agerecord -ptrdomainname ""    as develop our competence powershell, make can use (get-content) import dns entries .csv file as possible automate creation of dns 'a' , 'p

Problem with disk with no free space but the full data size not cover the all the space

hi, have 2 windows server 2008 standart, each 1 has disk (e disk one, c other) same problem, operating system shows there not available free space when size of content data (including hidden files , protected system files) take less 50% of disk space. we don´t know happening, , when try error "you can because there no free space". can me this? hi,   please run dir /a:h in evelated prompt command line , paste output here.   example: e:\>dir /a:h   you can download following tool , run in elevated command line:   disk usage v1.33   please open disk management, take screen shot, upload site , paste link here.   by way, system restore may costs disk space, please check whether have system restore enabled.   how disk space system restore require?  

ReFS and sparse files in Windows 2012R2

hello, i've got strange issue windows server 2012r2 / refs , sparse files. to manage sparse files used fsutil tool. fsutil file   createnew c:\test.txt 0x200000    // create 2048kb file, filled zeroes fsutil sparse setflag c:\test.txt               // mark file sparse fsutil sparse setrange c:\test.txt 0 0x200000   // mark specified region in file sparse save space on disc if use set of commands in windows sever 2012 / refs environment file size on disk 64kb same set of commands run in windows server 2012r2 , refs do not save disc space (the size on disk still 2048kb). have idea can cause such behaviour? according documentation refs (resilient file system) supports sparse files. changed in windows server 2012 r2? thanks in advance suggestions. what cluster sizes in both cases? cheers, anton kolomyeytsev [mvp] starwind software chief architect profile:   blog:   twitter:   linkedin:   note: posts provided “as is” without warranty of kind, either exp

Server 2k12 R2 CIS Benchmarks Hardening Policy

is there .reg script available set this server 2k12 r2 cis benchmarks hardening policy on windows 2012 servers hi,   didn't find existing script can used configure these policy settings.   probably, try post in our dedicated scripting forum , see if out there can share idea:   regards, ethan hua please remember mark replies answers if help, , unmark answers if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

PCI DSS compliant encryption

hi sbs 2011/windows server 2008. how can provide pci dss compliant encryption files/folders contain credit card details? thanks regards hi, how can provide pci dss compliant encryption files/folders contain credit card details? i not aware of encryption solution microsoft achieve goal. “the payment card industry data security standard (pci dss) proprietary information security standard organizations handle branded credit cards major card schemes including visa, mastercard, american express, discover, , jcb. private label cards – aren't part of major card scheme – not included in scope of pci dss. the pci standard mandated card brands , administered payment card industry security standards council. standard created increase controls around cardholder data reduce credit card fraud via exposure.” quoted wiki article below: payment card industry data security standard as far know, e

Installing KB949219 on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V

i have tried installing kb949219 on windows server 2008 enterprise without hyper-v (x64) from  but receive message "this update not apply system".   i note 2008 enterprise without hyper-v listed @ bottom of page, 2008 standard without hyper-v not. while update installed on standard without hyper-v, hyper-v role did not appear , thought have been similiar situation rc0 of server 2008 role later have "enabled".   i upgraded standard enterprise without hyper-v in order able install later. there any way can made work, if unsupported?   tc howdie,   i don't think work, because windows server 2008 without hyper-v has not necessary bits on board use hyper-v. question is: why have bits without hyper-v want use hyper-v? use version hyper-v , don't have problems @ all. Windows Server  >

2003 Server Vs 2008 Server

i have webservices , console apps run fine on 2003 server receive below error when trying run on 2008 server.  proxy used both 2003 , 2008 servers same, on same network, in same data center.  has else had issue , know start looking resolution? i'm assuming there configuration change needs occur on 2008 servers i'm not sure look.  web , knowledge base have not pointed me in direction. here error i'm receiving: unhandled exception: remote server returned erro r: (407) proxy authentication required. ---> system.componentmodel.win32exceptio n: token supplied function invalid    @[] incomingblob, boolean t hrowonerror, securitystatus& statuscode)    @ incomingblob)    @ challenge, webrequest webreque st, icredentials credentials, boolean preauthenticate)    @

ERROR: Input redirection is not supported, exiting the process immediately.

hello everyone, thank taking time read , me problem. i first mention running command line remote computer. have no visual assistance.i've worked linux box's new windows hyper-v server. here's problem: i attempting run "startdedicated.bat" however when type in "./startdedicated.bat" returned this: $ ./startdedicated.bat file not found starting server ... 23:23:55.00 error: input redirection not supported, exiting process immediately. 23:23:55.00 i type in "tasklist" , there no sight of file running. i've looked error , people talk time out command said new windows server not familiar do. this .bat file contains: @echo off rem starts dedicated server rem rem -quit, -batchmode, -nographics: unity commands rem -configfile              : allows server settings set in xml config file. use no path if in same dir or full path. rem -dedicated                    : has last option start dedicated server.

cant make VPN Server on Internet

hello there i cant make vpn server on internet using windows 2012 rras service, doing in step step guides pretty straigh forward when running wizard not work. event log on rras server keeps giving me warning not having machine certificate installed, have no clue of can me out here ? dont know thing certificate services. regards faisal  hello faisal, you can find step-by-step guide on installing computer certificate on server: after install certficate, should have no issues setting vpn server. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

'Unnamed VM' Failed to Initialize

  hi   i have been doing testing past week using windows server 2008 rc1 build, of testing has been using hyper-v.   i had 3 vm's loaded , have not trouble until today when of sudden none of virtual machines start. return error:   "'unnamed vm' failed initialize. failed read or update vm configuration."   my vm's definatly not called 'unnamed vm', 3 return exact error. tried creating new vm , same error returned. theni tried creating a vm no network adapter, or vhd , same error returned.   -all hyper-v services started , hypervisor starts correctly on boot -no errors found in device manager of host box -i tried system reboot -integration components install on vm's -i have not changed default name or locale on host box   i stumped, , appreciated.   john   **update: saw other posts related issue, made new topic on fact error returning 'unnamed vm' message   can check see if running windows serve

role installation failed

hi all, trying install wsus on first server 2012 unfortunately installation fails. error message see in wizard: operation cannot completed, because server specified reuires restart. if restart server see , open add roles wizard see wsus still not installed. here settings: run installation on server 2013, whitch within domain, has fix ip , nothing else installed. arole-based installation, select server server pool , options selcted: wid database , wsus services store updates path: e:\wsus server restart automatically firewall disabled updates installed. 2 errors see in event log: log name:      system source:        service control manager date:          09.01.2013 15:58:40 event id:      7000 task category: none level:         error keywords:      classic user:          n/a computer:      wsus1.mydomain description: windows internal database service failed start due following error:  service did not s

Modified date gets changed to current system date

hello, need in issue. need check if design in windows or if there bug it. i mapping drive on windows 2003 sp2 server share on itself. for e.g. have share folder in c: name test-share , has full permission it. so share c:\test-share i map drive on server use unc map drive i.e. \\server-name\test-share there executable file or setup file in share i open map drive, , run executable file install program 1 more newly created folder within share. when m installing program , ask target installation directory again give unc installation directory i.e. \\server-name\test-share\installation the program gets installed in following location on server c:\test-share\installation , when view different files in folder modified date of files changed current system date now because of if try install update program gives me message files updated i know m using different way install file have limitation need way. any suggestions? thanks it_freak hi customer,   unfortunately, seems hit known issue.

USGCB Policy Question

so have been tasked with implementing usgcb policies in new domain. ive down loaded them usgcb site , un zipped file. there fifteen policies in all. want combine (or merge) them 1 policy can applied. only option i can come re-write them 1 one. there better why import them or should chain myself desk next few days? am 21.06.2012 17:03, schrieb l4fngm4n: > have been tasked implementing usgcb policies in new > domain. ive down loaded them usgcb site , un zipped > file. there fifteen policies in all. want > combine (or merge) them 1 policy can applied. > option can come re-write them 1 one. > there better why import them or should chain myself desk > next few days?   download ms security compliance manager - there's option import gpo backups (what have) , option merge these... and finally, result can exported gpo backup. great tool if you're running domain in english language. in other languages, fails due language dependencies...

MS07-042 – the vulnerability is in MSXML 5.0

hello all, i use windows 2003 sp2 machine , running "the 2007 microsoft office servers service pack 2 (sp2) , windows sharepoint services 3.0 sp2, 32 editions only" got update our security team msxml5.dll version available on server 5.20.1072.0 , vulnerable fix msxml5.dll has upgraded. could 1 me fix vulnerability upgrading msxml5.dll version next available version. thanks, stanjoan this 1 may help.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Data saving problem in win server 2008

hi, our server running windows server 2008 standard , 2 logical drives shared users full permissions.after time our server restarted server working fine cant save data in shared drives. please me right answer. hi, thank post. is there event log error? open mmc shared folders, check share--drive share--properties--user limit--allow number of users settings. please uninstall tally 7.2 test if issue persists. if there more inquiries on issue, please feel free let know. regards rick tan technet community support Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Empty HTML(XML) Reports with AGPM and Citrix GPO

i have installed agpm 4.0 in 2008 r2 environment. have installed engine of citrix policies see citrix gpo in gpmc/agpm. can configure gpo, , applied on users , desktops. the problem when want see html(xml) reports of citrix gpo in agpm, agpm produce report without settings. it's empty. no error message. if use gpmc , take on settings of same citrix gpo, see settings. in both cases, use administrator account. i don't want use gpmc, use agpm on environement. why reason cannot see html (xml)reports? problem of rights? configuration problem? thanks input. hi, do mean when generating html difference report, there no error, , no result? i suggest generate other gpos without citrix policy and check result, please refer below links: hope helps. regards, yan li if have feedback on our support, please click here . cataleya li te

upgrading from AD 2003 to AD 2008r2.

trying upgrading ad 2003 ad 2008r2.  when  examining environment tried change domain function level (as test) , got message not because 1 or more servers @ domain funcion level 2000.  when got detailed info server name blank.  there 2 domain controllers in th domain.  both of them 2003 servers.  1 crashed , rebuilt.  fsmo roles on rebuilt server.<o:p></o:p>  n eed function level 2003 so  can extend scema , install new domain controllers , transfer function.<o:p></o:p> remember full backup of domain controllers nt backup before doing domain work. i think need raise forest level first. example: preparation tasks before level increase in example, environment raised windows server 2000 mixed mode windows server 2003 forest mode. inventory forest earlier versions of domain controllers. if accurate server list not available, follow these steps: to discover mixed level domains, windows server 20

Administrator locked out

having major problem.  while troubleshooting issue dns on exchange server , adds administrator account has become locked out of 8 of 9 servers , clients.  when trying load administrator account following message displayed:  group policy client service failed logon.  access denied.  went in secondary admin account though depreciated , tried load hive of administrator's ntuser.dat, when assigning approriate permission denied access.  how go fixing this?  oh , yes dns , exchange server issue solved. michael r. mastro ii hi arthur,   go through information in kb edit acls , such, when dang thing started working on it's own.  or @ least seems on it's own.  did try something, not sure if fix or not.  went log on administrator's account, no password 3 times locked out.  on server administrator account had access , logged onto, went ad users , computers, selected account showed locked.  unlocked account, waited hour.  things started working.   thanks though mich

Server 2012 beginner questions

i testing windows server 2012 r2 64 , sharepoint 2013 on virtualbox. have 2 instances of server 2012 installed. 1 share point , 1 without. here questions. i told 1 needs domain controller, one? 1 without sharepoint installed? i told open cmd , enter dcpromo make 1 server domain controller, one? how create local domain? i jsut testing @ home , want similar work, implementing sharepoint , want in know. no link here... open server manager on non sharepoint machines select add roles , features next select or type server name select "active directory domain services" this install role not create domain after role installed wizard should indicate it's not complete requires configuration there link run domain wizard create domain. if first domain controller should have dhcp , dns on dns forwarders should internet dns server google Windows Server

Identify service in SVCHost with high CPU Usage

i'm wanting know how log cpu usage service. i've got 2008 r2 server has random cpu spike, once within 24-36 hour time period. i'm trying identify causing cpu spike, troubleshoot further. using process explorer, , performance monitor, have identified "svchost (netsvcs)", contains twelve different services within svchost process. have attempted use "process explorer", far have been unable catch process while maxing out cpu. any suggestions on monitoring individual services? hi, there can multiple svchost.exe running on system , each svchost.exe can hold multiple services. may difficult use task manager or performance monitor troubleshooting svchost high cpu usage problem, because cannot show service inside svchost.exe causing issue. may following blog below narrow down problem: besides, may reference link below confirm if automatic update cau

Migrate folders from one domain to another

i have been tasked creating plan migrate existing user data on our new domain. ( merged company ( about 10 months ago , rather keeping 2 domains, has been decided move on domain. powers first determined users in obtain new userid's nothing new id's on how can migrate existing data , have apply proper permissions userid can access data? fear have move data , manually go through , apply proper permissions. no need use admt tool move users account 1 domain new domain put these users in 1 ou , here set permission on ou, users have same permissions automatically... kamal sharma Windows Server  >  Migration

Unable to install SP2 for windows 2008 because it requires sp1 which is already installed

i've seen issue few different places , seems has different files missing.  ran system readiness tool , checked sur log.  displayed following: checking packages (f) cbs mum missing 0x00000002 servicing\packages\package_for_kb2183461~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~   checking component store summary: seconds executed: 810  found 1 errors   cbs mum missing total count: 1 unavailable repair files:  servicing\packages\package_for_kb2183461~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~  servicing\packages\ unfortunately, don't have other server 2008 x64 standard servers in company copy from.  can me locate missing files without having reinstall, server dc , exchange box? thanks in advance! advanced guidelines diagnosing , fixing servicing corruption        note: refer “options obtaining files” section files required.     

DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry Class member confusion...

bear me here... to create new objects using adsi, can run following snippet: $objou = [ adsi ] "ldap://ou=myou,dc=domain,dc=com" $objgroup = $objou .create( "group" , "cn=my new group" ) $objgroup .put( "samaccountname" , "my new group" ) $objgroup .setinfo() this creates new security group in ou. now, both $objou , $objgroup objects of type directoryentry. $objou .gettype().fullname and if members of these directoryentry objects, not see create, put or setinfo methods @ all... $objou | get - member - view ==> so, question - why snippet work? create, put, , setinfo methods coming from? aren't documented under .net framework references directoryentry class...   hi, to more information $objou, please try: $objou.psbase | gm powershell doesn’t implement iadscontainer directly. powershell uses wrapper

Microsoft Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition - NetBT error in system log

hi support, i have ms windows server 2003 r2 enterprise edition encountered " netbt " error in system log description such: the name "domain:1d" not registered on interface ip address 10.x.x.x machine ip address "dc" did not allow name claimed machine please kindly advice how resolve type of error message as it's appeared quite frequency. thanks victor :) regards & thanks check following links below if you're sure no duplicate name exists, check dns , wins records , clean duplicates Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Failover Cluster network requirements

i clustered 2 windows 2012 servers, , have configured cluster share san lun, , able failover virtual servers hosted cluster, seems working, have couple questions.  never asked network use cluster heartbeat, or migrations.  isn't best practive use dedicated network cluster heartbeat , and migrations? hi, yes, use dedicated network adapter different purpose recommended. more information, can refer to: hyper-v : how many network cards need?   Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

What's the best way to partition the disk of a Server with Hyper-V Role?

should have 1 gigantic c drive or c drive os , d drive vms or c drive os plus separate partitions every vm guest? we able use windows backup vss backup of running vms , read impossible restore individual vms, entire partitions vss, makes sound like, if want restore single vm, you must make separate partition every vm or else end having to overwrite vms don't need restoring. the problem with a separate partition every virtual machine guest is either have partions big , waste disk space or else risk running out of space vhd later. partitioning backup purposes might par different partitionaing other purposes. most folks use unique parition / volume / lun vms. the key modify vm snapshot location @ time vm created. (this big gotcha after few snapshots created). vss technology taking backups of running vms. data protection manager backs @ vm level using vss.  , there thrid party backup programs coming on line (i can't recall who). here background on using server backup (which think

Install Seagate Dashboard

i have seagate desktop external hdd, , i've used seagate dashboard app on win 10 (formerly 8.1) laptop backup files our mobile devices. built home server, , put server 2012 on it. i'm learning seagate doesn't play nicely server 2012, including won't let install dashboard app. there way force install still? or need find method backup our devices on our internet? first build, , i'm still learning. thank time! you setup ftp server. i'd ask them more on here.       regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  > 

Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility certificaste expired

i got alert saying certificate has expired on 1 of servers alert description: certificate has expired on 12/31/2002 07:00:00 utc. certificate subject: cn=microsoft windows hardware compatibility, ou=microsoft corporation, ou=microsoft windows hardware compatibility intermediate ca, ou=copyright (c) 1997 microsoft corp. certificate issuer: cn=microsoft root authority, ou=microsoft corporation, ou=copyright (c) 1997 microsoft corp. serial number: 198b11d13f9a8ffe69a0 store name: intermediate certification authorities store key: ca store provider: systemregistry store type: localmachine monitoring user: nt authority\system chain time details: --- certificate status --- nottimevalid: required certificate not within validity period when verifying against current system clock or timestamp in signed file. --- chain status overview --- level 0:cn=microsoft root authority, ou=microsoft corporation, ou=copyright (c) 1997 microsoft corp. isverified any idea? this 1 may help. ht

USB redirection not work

hello, my pc windows 7 sp1 updates i have navigate computer configuration, administrative templates, windows components, remote desktop services, remote desktop connection client, remotefx usb device redirection , set allow rdp redirection of other supported remotefx usb devices computer enabled. reboot pc. but not see "other supported remotefx usb devices" option in mstsc client. why? (i see option on win7 notebook, not in pc) hi, firstly, please restart computer setting take effect. you may run gpresult.exe find out whether the setting is applied. more specifically, may use /h switch .html view. for example: gpresult /h c:gpresult1.html after confirming setting applied, plug-in usb device see whether option appears. best regards, amy please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact .

Can't move EXISTING computer objects in AD

suddenly our delegated helpdesk folks having problems moving computers 'access denied'.  i've verified create, delete, , write attribs has been delegated on affected ou branches group containing of users affected. with cloned test account in group i can create, delete, , move computer accounts (that create) .  there some existing accounts refuse moved short of domain admin. this working , bit stumped.  had 1 case 'protect accidental deletion' flag @ fault - not main culprit idt. hi, posting in microsoft technet forums. please check suggestions in thread below see if can helpful in situation: delegate control of ou delegate control move user objects 1 ou ou have nice day.

remote desktop, maximum number of allowed connections

i have no access rd server except registry , command line, , maximum allowed connections 1 , want increase 2 via command line? please help! is you're referring to: maxinstancecount hklm\software\policies\microsoft\windows nt\terminal services description stores configuration data policy setting limit number of connections. the corresponding policy located in administrative templates\windows components\terminal services. kind regards, freek berson the microsoft platform twitter linked-in wortell company website Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

extract user names from one ad group and create and add it to new ad group

hi all, i have 7 groups need copy existing(old domain) ad groups new group(new domain) along members. we have domain migration going on, check if user migrated or not new domain, if he/she migrated, want add users in above new created group. how achieve using powershell command because want automate process instead of doing manually. any appreciated. thanks in advance abbas scripts creating , copying users here: \_(ツ)_/ Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

slow login when loggin in ibto windows network

after entering in credentials login box , hitting ok, takes 4 to 10 minutes login system. system joined domain. using group policy map drives, printers, set settings etc. we using dhcp give out ip addresses. what can cause slowness in logging in? can try fix issue? hi, in order narrow down cause, please try following steps: 1.    on client, clean boot system. 2.    issue still occurs, may caused group policy. on dc, try unlink gpo 1 one , reboot client each time test. 3.    gpo disabled , issue still occurs, clarify following questions: 1). when did issue start occur? 2). there change made on client or dc? 3). if create new account, problem occur? thanks. this posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Group Policy

Unauthorized file from the Executable Files file group detected

we have configured folder redirection throught gpo's in our domain. have redirect folder , %username% subfolders on redirect folder configured quota of 200 mb , file screen template block executables. if some users try download executable , save in 1 of redirected folder following mail: unauthorized file "executable files" file group detected user domain\%username% attempted save e:\redirect\%username%\documents\fotosq12012\vlc-2.0.1-win32.exe e:\redirect on the name server. file in "executable files" file group, not permitted on server but the weird thing wil warning every hour. , have seen diffrent executables download. if try download same executable, don't mail warning, popup saying don't have permission save.. the following alert weird: user domain\%username% has exceeded 100% quota threshold quota on e:\redirect\%username% on server name. quota limit 200.00 mb, , 135.91 mb in use (67% of limit) the quota isn't exceeded, s