Unable to install SP2 for windows 2008 because it requires sp1 which is already installed

i've seen issue few different places , seems has different files missing.  ran system readiness tool , checked sur log.  displayed following:

checking packages
(f) cbs mum missing 0x00000002 servicing\packages\package_for_kb2183461~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~  

checking component store

seconds executed: 810
 found 1 errors
  cbs mum missing total count: 1

unavailable repair files:

unfortunately, don't have other server 2008 x64 standard servers in company copy from.  can me locate missing files without having reinstall, server dc , exchange box?

thanks in advance!

advanced guidelines diagnosing , fixing servicing corruption
  note: refer “options obtaining files” section files required.
 for detailed steps, refer following steps:
 1. download kb microsoft download center. go http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3579 link cumulative security update internet explorer 8 in windows server 2008 x64 edition (kb2183461)
 2. expand package.
  assuming downloaded msu package %temp% directory , want expand package c:\targetdir, example, run following command:
expand %windir%\temp\ie8-windows6.0-kb2183461-x64.msu /f:* c:\targetdir
  3. expand cab files same location.
expand c:\targetdir\ie8-windows6.0-kb2183461-x64.cab /f:* c:\targetdir
 all files located in above directory payload files located in specific subdirectories.
 occasionally, required file may root package. check above link detailed instructions.
 then, move following steps fix error:
 4. copy files %windir%\temp\checksur directory of corrupted computer following subdirectory format follows:
 all files of type *.mum , *.cat should placed in %windir%\temp\checksur\servicing\packages directory
copy c:\targetdir\package_for_kb2183461_ie8~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ %windir%\temp\checksur\servicing\packages\
copy c:\targetdir\package_for_kb2183461_ie8~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ %windir%\temp\checksur\servicing\packages\


5. rerun system update readiness tool.




regards, dave patrick ....
microsoft certified professional
microsoft mvp [windows]

disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.

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