Add Size Column in Powershell Script.

hi, i'm working in script determine files didnt have been modified in 5 years, need add sizes of each path, can me?


dir f:\ -recurse |  select fullname,creationtime,lastwritetime,  @{name="age";expression={(get-date)-$_.lastwritetime}},                              @{name="days";expression={[int]((get-date)-$_.lastwritetime).totaldays}},                              @{name="owner";expression={(get-acl $_.fullname).owner}} |                              where {$_.days -ge 1825} | sort days -descending 

thank u!

you can add size adding length property. can placed anywhere inside select command, such before fullname, in middle somewhere, or @ end (after @{name="owner";expression={(get-acl $_.fullname).owner}}) -- it's you. length (think, size) report in bytes, should, if you're challenge, can have display in it's proper size group: bytes, mb, kb, gb, etc, based on number of bytes. here's post wrote how that:

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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