Looking for AntiVirus Timestamp and I can't find it

i've been writing command return timestamp of computer's antivirus definitions on win 10 computer:

get-wmiobject -namespace root\securitycenter2 -class antivirusproduct | select-object  -expandproperty timestamp

it returns date of av definitions.

i've run same command on windows 7 computers have been updated powershell 4, , result is:

select-object : property "timestamp" cannot found.

yup. it's not in list of antivirusproduct properties - @ ps version 4.

this sucks.

is there way know version things added powershell?


described here:

and also, per comment on blog:


 believe solution querying antivirus status on vista sp1/sp2 strange "productstate" value. seems represent entire av status number.


c:>wmic /node:localhost /namespace:\rootsecuritycenter2 path antivirusproduct displayname,productstate /format:list

displayname=trend micro client/server security agent antivirus


if stop av services, productstate changes 262144.

productstate=262144 = date defs, on access scanning off

productstate=266240 = date defs, on access scanning on

there info microsoft regarding these productstate values? different each av version etc. etc..


mike crowley | mvp
my blog -- baseline technologies

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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