Unattented install on HP Gen9 fail in BFS


i'm trying automate installation of windows 2012r2 , 2008r2 uefi, , bios. use winpe 4.1 disk boot server.

- works on vmware uefi mode vm 40 gb vmdk disk.

- on hp gen 9 in uefi or bios mode, server setup unable install system because says can't find suitable partition. use 64 gb lun on san through virtual connect.

on both, disk partitions created windows setup according unattended.xml file.
  partition 1    recovery           350 mb
  partition 2    system             100 mb
  partition 3    reserved           128 mb
  partition 4    primary             64 gb : hp gen 9, , 39 gb vm using virtual disk.

for hp gen 9, setupact.log says :

summary - ccp check passed; able calculate space reqs; able find install location; location type meets installation reqs; size of location not small; location free space enough; location free space not meet recommendation

and then, there strange message :

info       [0x0606cc] ibs    getsystemdiskntpath: unable required buffer size system disk bcd apis; status = 0xc0000451

so far understand, free space large enough not meet recommendation. why setup can't install windows ?

i read here https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_install/netbook-usb-install-error-setup-was-unable-to/f1d3a741-5f53-4551-8714-e07ff4c7f0c1 had issue if usb drive connected.

on hp gen9, ilo (bmc interface) seen providing , usb disk , seen winpe environnment hp ilo internal sd-card usb device. , seen disk 2.

here diskpart output :

x:\windows\panther>diskpart  microsoft diskpart version 6.3.9600  copyright (c) 1999-2013 microsoft corporation. on computer: minint-n36199f  diskpart> list disk    disk ###  status         size     free     dyn  gpt   --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---   disk 0    online           64 gb      0 b        *   disk 1    offline          64 gb      0 b        *   disk 2    online         7600 mb  3072 kb  diskpart> select disk 0  disk 0 selected disk.  diskpart> list partition    partition ###  type              size     offset   -------------  ----------------  -------  -------   partition 1    recovery           350 mb  1024 kb   partition 2    system             100 mb   351 mb   partition 3    reserved           128 mb   451 mb   partition 4    primary             64 gb   579 mb  diskpart>

here content of setupact.log in uefi

015-04-30 03:09:14, info       [0x0603d2] ibs    callback_diskconfiguration_applyunattend: gathering offline drive-letter assignments unattend.xml's diskconfiguration setting... 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    unattend specified osimage install destination of (unattend id) disk=0 partitionoffset=0x24300000 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:====== disk [0] offset [0x24300000] meet installation reqs? ====== 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info       [0x0601ba] ibs    diskspacereqs: windows image size (from metadata) = [8566607596] bytes 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info       [0x0601bb] ibs    diskspacereqs: windows image size (after padding) = [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: windows image contents: [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: ~bt volume (estimate): [0] bytes 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: install volume (estimate): [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: ~ls volume (estimate w/o padding): [0] bytes 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    calculatingrecommendedspaceforwindows: requiredsize  [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    calculatingrecommendedspaceforwindows: recommending  [225052027395] bytes 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:install volume -- required    free space = [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:install volume -- recommended free space = [225052027395] bytes 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:summary - ccp check passed; able calculate space reqs; able find install location; location type meets installation reqs; size of location not small; location free space enough; location free space not meet recommendation 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:----------------------------------------------------------- 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info       [0x0606cc] ibs    getsystemdiskntpath: unable required buffer size system disk bcd apis; status = 0xc0000451 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibs    getmachineinfo:couldn't find system volumes on efi-based computer 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib canbesystemvolume: volume @ disk [0] offset [0x0] doesn't meet criteria system volumes... 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib diskregionsupportscapability:region on disk [0] (offset = [0x0]) blocked against capability [canbesystemvolume] following reasons... 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib logreasons: [blocking reason {disk 0 offset 0x0}: canbesystemvolume] partition small. 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib canbesystemvolume: volume @ disk [0] offset [0x4400] doesn't meet criteria system volumes... 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib diskregionsupportscapability:region on disk [0] (offset = [0x4400]) blocked against capability [canbesystemvolume] following reasons... 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib logreasons: [blocking reason {disk 0 offset 0x4400}: canbesystemvolume] partition small. 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib canbesystemvolume: volume @ disk [0] offset [0x1028b00000] doesn't meet criteria system volumes... 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib diskregionsupportscapability:region on disk [0] (offset = [0x1028b00000]) blocked against capability [canbesystemvolume] following reasons... 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib logreasons: [blocking reason {disk 0 offset 0x1028b00000}: canbesystemvolume] partition small. 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib canbesystemvolume: volume @ disk [1] offset [0x0] doesn't meet criteria system volumes... 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib diskregionsupportscapability:disk [1] blocked against capability [canbesystemvolume] following reasons... 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib logreasons: [blocking reason disk 1: canbesystemvolume] selected disk offline. install disk use disk management tool bring disk online. 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib logreasons: [blocking reason disk 1: canbesystemvolume] selected disk read only. install disk use disk management tool make disk writable. 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib diskregionsupportscapability:region on disk [1] (offset = [0x0]) blocked against capability [canbesystemvolume] following reasons... 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib logreasons: [blocking reason {disk 1 offset 0x0}: canbesystemvolume] selected disk offline. install disk use disk management tool bring disk online. 2015-04-30 03:09:15, info                  ibslib logreasons: [blocking reason {disk 1 offset 0x0}: canbesystemvolume] selected disk read only. install disk use disk management tool make disk writable.

here extract of unattended file

 <settings pass="windowspe">     <component name="microsoft-windows-international-core-winpe" processorarchitecture="amd64" publickeytoken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionscope="nonsxs" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wmiconfig/2002/state" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance">       <setupuilanguage>         <uilanguage>en-us</uilanguage>       </setupuilanguage>       <inputlocale>en-us</inputlocale>       <systemlocale>en-us</systemlocale>       <uilanguage>en-us</uilanguage>       <userlocale>en-us</userlocale>     </component>     <component name="microsoft-windows-setup" processorarchitecture="amd64" publickeytoken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionscope="nonsxs" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wmiconfig/2002/state" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance">       <diskconfiguration>         <disk wcm:action="add">           <createpartitions>             <createpartition wcm:action="add">               <order>1</order>               <size>350</size>               <type>primary</type>               <extend>false</extend>             </createpartition>             <createpartition wcm:action="add">               <order>2</order>               <type>efi</type>               <size>100</size>               <extend>false</extend>             </createpartition>             <createpartition wcm:action="add">               <order>3</order>               <type>msr</type>               <size>128</size>             </createpartition>             <createpartition wcm:action="add">               <order>4</order>               <type>primary</type>               <extend>true</extend>             </createpartition>           </createpartitions>           <modifypartitions>             <modifypartition wcm:action="add">               <order>1</order>               <partitionid>1</partitionid>               <label>winre</label>               <format>ntfs</format>               <typeid>de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac</typeid>             </modifypartition>             <modifypartition wcm:action="add">               <order>2</order>               <partitionid>2</partitionid>               <format>fat32</format>               <label>system</label>             </modifypartition>             <modifypartition wcm:action="add">               <order>3</order>               <partitionid>3</partitionid>             </modifypartition>             <modifypartition wcm:action="add">               <order>4</order>               <partitionid>4</partitionid>               <label>windows</label>               <format>ntfs</format>             </modifypartition>           </modifypartitions>           <diskid>0</diskid>           <willwipedisk>true</willwipedisk>         </disk>         <willshowui>onerror</willshowui>       </diskconfiguration>       <imageinstall>         <osimage>           <installto>             <diskid>0</diskid>             <partitionid>4</partitionid>           </installto>

here setupact.log in bios mode :

15-04-30 13:08:52, info       [0x0603d2] ibs    callback_diskconfiguration_applyunattend: gathering offline drive-letter assignments unattend.xml's diskconfiguration setting... 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    unattend specified osimage install destination of (unattend id) disk=0 partitionoffset=0x15f00000 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibslib diskregionsupportscapability:disk [0] warned against capability [caninstall] following reasons... 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibslib logreasons: [warning reason disk 0: caninstall] computer's hardware may not support booting disk. ensure disk's controller enabled in computer's bios menu. 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibslib disksupportscapability:the selected disk supported warned against capability [caninstall]. 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:====== disk [0] offset [0x15f00000] meet installation reqs? ====== 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info       [0x0601ba] ibs    diskspacereqs: windows image size (from metadata) = [8566607596] bytes 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info       [0x0601bb] ibs    diskspacereqs: windows image size (after padding) = [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: windows image contents: [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: ~bt volume (estimate): [0] bytes 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: install volume (estimate): [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: ~ls volume (estimate w/o padding): [0] bytes 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    calculatingrecommendedspaceforwindows: requiredsize  [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    calculatingrecommendedspaceforwindows: recommending  [225056442883] bytes 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:install volume -- required    free space = [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:install volume -- recommended free space = [225056442883] bytes 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibslib diskregionsupportscapability:disk [0] warned against capability [caninstall] following reasons... 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibslib logreasons: [warning reason disk 0: caninstall] computer's hardware may not support booting disk. ensure disk's controller enabled in computer's bios menu. 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibslib disksupportscapability:the selected disk supported warned against capability [caninstall]. 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:summary - ccp check passed; able calculate space reqs; able find install location; location type meets installation reqs; size of location not small; location free space enough; location free space not meet recommendation 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:----------------------------------------------------------- 2015-04-30 13:08:52, info       [0x0606cc] ibs    getsystemdiskntpath: unable required buffer size system disk bcd apis; status = 0xc0000452 2015-04-30 13:08:52, error      [0x06069e] ibs    getmachineinfo:couldn't find boot disk on bios-based computer

i same on vmware vm smaler disk without issue.

here disk part output 

diskpart> list disk    disk ###  status         size     free     dyn  gpt   --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---   disk 0    online           40 gb      0 b        *  diskpart> select disk 0  disk 0 selected disk.  diskpart> list partition    partition ###  type              size     offset   -------------  ----------------  -------  -------   partition 1    recovery           350 mb  1024 kb   partition 2    system             100 mb   351 mb   partition 3    reserved           128 mb   451 mb   partition 4    primary             39 gb   579 mb  diskpart>

here setupact.log output

2015-04-30 11:17:54, info       [0x0603d2] ibs    callback_diskconfiguration_applyunattend: gathering offline drive-letter assignments unattend.xml's diskconfiguration setting... 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    unattend specified osimage install destination of (unattend id) disk=0 partitionoffset=0x24300000 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:====== disk [0] offset [0x24300000] meet installation reqs? ====== 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info       [0x0601ba] ibs    diskspacereqs: windows image size (from metadata) = [8566607596] bytes 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info       [0x0601bb] ibs    diskspacereqs: windows image size (after padding) = [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: windows image contents: [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: ~bt volume (estimate): [0] bytes 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: install volume (estimate): [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    diskspacereqs: ~ls volume (estimate w/o padding): [0] bytes 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    calculatingrecommendedspaceforwindows: requiredsize  [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    calculatingrecommendedspaceforwindows: recommending  [19563112963] bytes 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:install volume -- required    free space = [10228574723] bytes 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:install volume -- recommended free space = [19563112963] bytes 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:summary - ccp check passed; able calculate space reqs; able find install location; location type meets installation reqs; size of location not small; location free space enough; location free space meets recommendation 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    callback_validateinstalldrive:----------------------------------------------------------- 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info       [0x0606cc] ibs    getsystemdiskntpath: found system disk @ [\device\harddisk0\dr0]. 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info       [0x0606cc] ibs    getsystemdisknumber: disk [0] system disk. 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    getmachineinfo:found system volume @ disk [0] offset [0x15f00000] 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibslib compliance checks found boot disk 0 contains system volume @ offset [0x15f00000] , meets criteria 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibslib disk compliant operation 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info       [0x0606cc] ibs    getsystemdiskntpath: found system disk @ [\device\harddisk0\dr0]. 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info       [0x0606cc] ibs    getsystemdisknumber: disk [0] system disk. 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    getmachineinfo:found system volume @ disk [0] offset [0x15f00000] 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    getmachineinfo found boot disk/partition information on black board. boot disk number [0] parition offset = [0x15f00000] 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibslib disk compliant operation 2015-04-30 11:17:54, info                  ibs    callback_validateandprepareinstallsystem: order of partitions on install disk (disk 0) consistent recommended order.

thank idea !



according description, understanding that:
disabling internal sd card slot in bios/uefi, unattented install on hp gen9 able completed.

in general, recommend remove external equipment before installation. recommend confirm problem hardware vendor(hp). or, if there firmware/driver update windows server 2012.

best regards,
eve wang 

please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com.

Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 Setup


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