WinXP Pro SP3: Some policies missing in Group Policy Editor

i want enforce password-protected screensaver on users.

there should related policies in [user configuration --> administrative templates --> control panel --> display]

but shown in screenshot below (sorry it's in chinese), there many folders missing under [user configuration (使用者設定) --> administrative templates (系統管理範本)]. 1 left [windows component (windows元件)]

as shown in screenshot, haven't applied filter.


my windows version winxp pro version 2002 sp3

it has joined domain, related?




looks deafult .adm files missing. on administrative templates level rightclick , choose add/remvoe templates. should containby default conf/inetres/system/wmplayer , wuau.

best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.

Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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