
Showing posts from May, 2014

Default logon for UPN Suffix, with only one domain

we have 1 domain name " ", have many upn suffix users log on given site "". each of these added in " ad domains , trusts ".  what need gp similar " default domain login " (which not work) have 1 domain. thought set gp to"h" , show "log on to: " ", but fails because not domain we need able default upn suffix, so when user hits ctl-alt-del, need able type john , hit enter. thank you duramaxster hi, although have set many upn suffix, may still use domain name user login. in active directory, default upn suffix dns name of domain in user account created. in cases, domain name registered enterprise domain on internet. using alternative domain names upn suffix can provide additional logon security , simplify names used log on domain in forest. for example, if organization uses deep domain tree, organized department , region, domain names can quite lon

NPS - send data back to radius client

hi, this first time configured nps server & nps policy. i asked configure nps serve check if specific user have custom attribute in user object , if send value radius client. is possible ? if yes, how can ? thanks. hi eliran, >> specific user have custom attribute in user object could please provide example of custom attribute here? >>if send value radius client. did mean radius send challenge message or reject message client? best regards john please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  >  Network Access Protection

Can someone tell me how licensing of Domain Controllers work?

i still little new licensing of things. i know cals , concurrent sessions apply domain controllers? i thought need single license the  server 2012 install promoted dc there nothing hosted on box except ad, dns , dhcp. do need cal every computer in ad domain?, every user? both? what? there close 200 computers in our little domain, need 200 cals because doing authenticate against domain controller? or what, how work? haven't been able straight answer looking around online since dc's kinda special cases. chaos causes progress, order inhibits it. there 200 client os win 7 , windows 8, correct ? you need not have licenses on dc/server. need licenses win 7/8 , activate them.  on server need license per config, until unless hosting vm machines/servers.  refer :

Having issues with a Copy-Item

so writing powershell script copy logfiles user pc server location.  this script run after various spyware/virus cleaners have been run.  i used same code each program , of course last item doe snot want play nice, or making error cannot see.  hoping different set of eyes can see problem.   one works rkill logfile.  the logfile gets created on desktop of account running rkill program.  i used following code , worked perfectly: # 1 - rkill $rkilllog = (get-childitem -path $env:userprofile -filter rkill.txt -recurse) | select-object -expandproperty fullname copy-item $rkilllog ("\\networklocation\incidentresponse\logs\{0:yyyymmdd}-rkill-$env:computername.txt" -f (get-date)) write-verbose "rkill log copied" -verbose $rkilllog = c:\users\mjd-ir\desktop\rkill.txt this works mbam well: # 3 - chameleon mbam $chameleonlog = (get-childitem -path c:\programdata -filter mbam-log*.xml -recurse) | select-object -expandproperty fullname # rename , co

Wireless Authentication using Computer Certificate

hi all, my background in networking quite weak feel free correct me @ point. we're implementing 802.1x wireless clients, using computer certificates authentication.  have enterprise ca architecture, , auto-enrollment setup through group policies. my questions are: 1) brand new devices, necessary connect them wired network obtain computer certificate first time, because wouldn't able connect wirelessly?  workaround this? 2) same necessary when computer certificate expire?  how devices computer certificate has expired (e.g. unused computers)? 3) how wireless group policies (in win2k8 domain) play in scenario? thanks in advance.   hi, thanks posting here. >1) brand new devices, necessary connect them wired network obtain computer certificate first time, because wouldn't able connect wirelessly?   any workaround this? are referring windows based devices? if going enroll via group policy yes, have make wired connect domain contro

How to - DVD Burner

i have virtual windows 7 client running , want burn dvd it. can attach physical dvd burner vm comes in vm ms cd/rom ata device. how can guest os see burner? you can't. microsoft virtualization products provide virtual dvd/rom only. doesn't matter physical devices have. virtual machines don't interact physical devices, interact virtual devices. the workaround install iso file creation software in virtual machine. can create iso file inside vm. copy iso file physical machine , burn optical media iso file. free iso creation utilities use isorecorder  and folder2iso . Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

How to configure the failover in Windows server 2003/2008?

could please give me more detail steps configure failover in windows server 2003/2008? hi,   please refer following guides.   cluster installation(2003)   failover clustering(2008 r2)   failover clusters in windows server 2008   failover clusters in windows server 2008 r2     best regards, vincent hu   Windows Server  >  High Availability (Clustering)

CPU allocation

hi there, have question cpu allocation in hyperv. assuming have server 4 quad core cpus thats 16 virtual cpus , have 8vms hosted on box. in hyperv when allocating cpus based on scheduling of cpu time or each vm allocated cpu , gets reduced pool of available cpu's. eg. 8 vms each 2 virtual cpu's cpu's consumed if have 9th vm allocate cpu must reduce 1 cpu 1 of vms. because i'm used vmware esx concept different. , same memory well. many thanks momo disk contention should concerned when have 30 virtual machines. recommend raid 1+0 or 0+1 on raid 5. non-production use, i'll use raid 0 before raid 5. 30 vms, need consider having multiple independent disk arrays , spread vms across of them. haven't seen specific guidelines on confguration use, general guidelines. Windows Server  > 

DFS not accessible / Printer not showing in search...from xp sp3 client system

i cant possible search result thru windows xp sp3 when search printer, published in active directory (2003 server) / cant access dfs root windows xp sp3.. result "you cant access dfs, permission deneid. contact administrator" hi, whether windows xp added domain? , what's account logon? whether same account can see printer or access dfs root on system? whether other account can access/see work on windows xp? please let know. shaon shan |technet subscriber support in forum |if have feedback on our support, please contact Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Few Questions about backup and restore of DFS-R namespaces with server 2003 and server 2008.

currently on 2003 domain 2 2003 dfs-r servers , 1 2008 dfs-r server.   2008 server need move 64 bit instead of 32 bit state.   which best method backing , restoring dfs?  dfsutil? also dfsutil grab namespaces, permissions, , file share names?   create exact replica of 32bit server in 64 bit , able connect network ready go, don't want recreate each share, dfs name, , permissions.  reading seems backup current dfs structure, restore names spaces new server, restore reg keys (to permissions , shares) restore data. is there easier method? hello paulmoose,   before begin it, please confirm following questions.   1. want backup , restore? dfs target folders or dfs namespace?   2. how many dfs-namespace servers in current windows server 2003 domain?   3. server (windows server 2008 32bit) dfs-namespace server in domain? 1 dfs namespace server in domain?   if want migrate dfs namespace windows server 2008 32bit new 64bit server, , meanwhile there exists other namespace server i

Creating Cluster Over W2K8

good morning, heres problem, when try create new scc copy on w2k8 using command im receiving 5 (0x00000005) error c:\>cluster /cluster:exchclus /create /nodes:"exchclus01 exchclus02" /ipaddress:   4% inicializando el clúster exchclusstps.   9% validando el estado del clúster en el nodo exchclus01.error en la fase para  el objeto de clúster 'exchclus01'. estado de error: 5 (0x00000005). error en la fase para el objeto de clúster 'exchclus01'. estado de error: 5 (0x00000005). please let meknow if need more information   thanks hi,   thank posting.   unfortunately, forum geared answer questions via english , on english version of product. sorry understand exact problem. efficiently troubleshoot problem, suggest contact local microsoft customer service , support (css) this. can speak directly microsoft support professional analyze problem. complete list of microsoft product support services phone num

Event 1309, ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0

i have encountered event error 1309 on 3 of clients' remote desktop services (server 2008 r2) servers. typical environment - single remote desktop services server running 4 services: remoteapp manager rd gateway manager rd session host configuration remote desktop services manager out of our client deployments of configuration, have have 3 servers event 1309 errors.  first time happened, searched forums , kb articles find no solution. it appears kind of permissions issue application pool: rdwebaccess the default identity: applicationpoolidentity no longer seems have enough permissions allow rdweb function. our workaround solution assign domain administrator account application pool identity.  that, our clients' users can log rdweb, , run application.  but, i'm not happy workaround.  can cause permissions problem , how resolve without having use domain admin identity on application pool? ----------------------------- event code: 3005 event message: unh

Just FYI, new blog post "RAS Gateway High Availability in Windows Server 2016"

just fyi, new blog post "ras gateway high availability in windows server 2016" @ thanks - james mcillece suggestion ... have seen other posts similar list new articles/blogs.  helpful have sticky note @ top of forum contains such pointers.  make easy find such information instead of having plow through whole forum hoping find new. . : | : . : | : . tim Windows Server  >  Windows Server Technical Preview

Can not PXE Boot with Server 2008 R2 : Getting Error 4 Access Violation on the Client

when boot client using pxe able through right tftp transition on error code 4 access violation, client can connect server fine. server has these roles installed , working.. active directory domain services dhcp server dns server file services windows deployment services server , client both guests of virtualbox network internal network , have got dchp server on server working fine, have tested , pinged server using ubuntu inside of client success. fresh unmodded install of wds. have looked @ on google second page. in advance useful help. hi,   since virtualbox program manufactured company independent of microsoft, not best resource troubleshoot issue. may contact oracle assistance.   tim quan   Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Size of Word Template

the size of template created in ms office 2007 "word document" format more size of (same) template created "word 97-2003 document" format. but when "save as" word document "word 97-2003 document" format "word document" format, size of document less. can explain why "word document" format creates bigger size template makes difference? hi, based on knowledge, documents created in "word document" format should have smaller file size "word 97-2003 document" formatted documents. from office 2007, default 2007 microsoft office system file format new. word 2007, excel 2007 , powerpoint 2007, new default extensions .docx, .xlsx , .pptx. these new formats help: increase file security reduce chance of file corruption reduce file size improve data sharing across range of storage , retrieval systems regards, steve fan technet community support it's recommended download , install configura

Crazy Test Replicate VHD + Config using DFSR?

  ok might little crazy, wondering if work, or why wouldnt work.   could setup dfs replica between 2 servers, , create guest files in replica?  wondering if cause problems if running guest if dfsr able replicate changes on 2nd server failover.  if there failure manually start guest on 2nd server.   i doubt work, thought cool idea.  hardware willing try it? aitor,   your question of general nature in respect geo-clusters , icsci targets. please post question again in failover cluster site.   regards, arno   Windows Server  >  Hyper-V

Windows Server 2008 Activation

hi all, mentioned @ microsoft website windows server 2012 eligible downgrade windows server 2009. i had installed windows server 2008, can know how activate it? failed activated using windows server 2012 license key. show "unacceptable characters" when key in license key. i tried copy , paste license key, of character not been pasted. hi,  use a command slmgr /ipk <product key> if above command not helps you, p lease contact ms licensing team more info. os licensing: licensing questions, suggest contact microsoft licensing center detailed explanation.   please call 1-800-426-9400 (select option 4), monday through friday, 6:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. (pst) speak directly microsoft licensing specialist.   worldwide customers can use guide worldwide microsoft licensing sites  to find contact information in locations. know more windows server 2012

NAP with VPN

hi, what best practice building vpn service nap? can add both roles on same win 2008 server or need 2 separate servers nap, vpn?  what advantages , disadvantages ? thanks.   aigars hi deagegdbhghghgh,   thanks posting here.   there requirements should notice in scenario:   vpn enforcement   when deploy nap vpn enforcement, enforcement server server running routing , remote access service (rras). vpn server can deployed according standard vpn design, such in perimeter network. vpn nap enforcement servers have following connectivity requirements:   ·          to authenticate , authorize network connections, vpn enforcement points must have connectivity 1 or more nap health policy servers.   ·          if vpn network design includes perimeter network, vpn nap enforcement server typically placed in network vpn client access , lan access limited devices such firewalls.   ·          vpn enforcement points must accessible nap client computers wh

Remove guids from string

hi, i have powershell script iterates through sharepoint web app, , returns pages titles, descriptions, url’s , keywords tagged against page, works fine, apart can’t stop returning keyword guids. currently output string is: keyword1 | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx; keyword2 | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx; keyword3 | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx; but need: keyword1 | keyword2 | keyword3 i’ve tried getting script ignore guids no success, trying write script go through , remove guids, cant find way without specifying guids beforehand, there couple of thousand i’d rather not have that. is there anyway use wildcards like: $myarray.remove (“*-*-*-*-*”) thanks in advance $guid_regex = "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}" $myarray - replace $guid_regex   [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace &q

Reset Uptime

hi, possible reset server uptime wmi (or other method), without restart computer? hello, afaik no since counted since startup of server. resetting means server had been restarted. this posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.       microsoft student partner 2010 / 2011 microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 active directory, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 network infrastructure, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 applications infrastructure, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows 7, configuring microsoft certified technology specialist: designing , providing volume licensing solutions large organizations microsoft certified p

Wss 3.0 site pages not shown in intrenal users?

sir, we have windows server 2008 r2 dc in 1 location , rodc (2008 r2) server on location. we installed wss 3.0 on rodc server, external users access site pages remote location issue last 7 days. internal users not suppose access sharepoint site pages on pcs. in ie browser shows page can't display. previously works for internal users desktop. we noticed in iis default site page show can't display web page in ie browser. sir, me how resolve wss 3.0. hi,  we have dedicated forum share point product. so, please post query in concerning forum regards, ravikumar p Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Restrict Access to Specific RemoteApps Externally

hello everyone, in server 2012 environment rd gateway , rd web access, how can restrict access specific published apps externally still permit access internally?  using acl on published app doesn't work because app not available internally.  options see in rd gateway access "network resources" (computers).  doesn't work either.  since can't deploy apps using msi anymore, web feed option.  means can't use option not display app in rd web access or won't distributed internal use.  filter says user can run remoteapp internally using shortcut in start menu not externally using rd web access still allow them run remoteapp b both internally , externally? thanks, scott hi scott, thank posting in windows server forum. user added in domain group or in workgroup mode? because, remoteapp programs can assigned domain users or domain groups, not local users or local security groups. if user logs on rd web access non-domain account, remoteapp

How do I reinstall a Hyper-V host without exporting/importing VMs?

i need reinstall host os least possible downtime vms?  from i've read, have shut down vm in order export it, , export process slow.  since vms include company exchange server , domain controller, need have little down time possible. the host os on own partition, format/reinstall host on partition , leave vhds at.  i hope able install hyper-v on host , restart vms.  is possible? thanks hi! exporting virtual machine hard drives (vhd files) takes time. you can take @ ben armstrongs blogpost on how export/import configuration files only: since vhd files located on partition separated os, not need exported location , quicken export/import process significantly. also, try encourage take backups of vm's before modifying drives, in case. you must export vm's first before importing them on newly installed system.

Certain Computers and Loopback

i want deploy gpo settings in user configuration. gpo have loopback processing enabled. want computers apply policy. simple specifying security group (with computer accounts) on gpo? default authenticated users. yes. if want apply loopback policy users logon computers can use security group filtering. hope helps   alan burchill (mvp) Windows Server  >  Group Policy

C++ code to print IADsTSUserEx properties

hi, i trying write c++ code print terminal services properties. have added tsuserex.h error saying get_enableremotecontrol identifier not found. there references available help? my code: iads *pobject; hresult hr; iadstsuserex *ptsuser = null; variant var; lpwstr pszattrs[] = { l"enableremotecontrol" }; dword dwnumber = sizeof( pszattrs ) /sizeof(lpwstr); hr = adsbuildvararraystr( pszattrs, dwnumber, &var ); hr = pobject->getinfoex(var, 0); long *pval; hr = get_enableremotecontrol(&pval); hi, as question related code, can post in our developer forums help. developer forums more information: iadstsuserex properties thanks. best regards jeremy wu

Cannot unjoin servers from my domain (Win2k3)

hi, we tried unjoin , re-join 1 of our servers from/to domain. when tried unjoin server domain, using built-in administrator account, got the following error message: "the following error occurred attempting unjoin domain "": access denied". after googling found out netsetup.log file , looked @ , found there: 07/07 16:55:06 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 07/07 16:55:06 netpunjoindomain: unjoin 'sw1' using 'sw1\administrator' creds, options: 0x0 07/07 16:55:06 os version: 5.2 07/07 16:55:06 build number: 3790 07/07 16:55:06 servicepack: service pack 2 07/07 16:55:06 netpunjoindomain: status of getting computer name: 0x0 07/07 16:55:06 netpapplyjoinstate: actions: 0x2b005a 07/07 16:55:06 failed open scmanager 07/07 16:55:06 netpapplyjoinstate: status of stopping , setting start type of netlogon 16: 0x5 07/07 16:55:06 netpapplyjoinstate: initiating rollback due earlier errors 07/07 16:55:06 netp

HYPER-V Manager cannot connect locally after 24+ hours

2 * server 2008 hyper-v cluster sp2 (non-r2). both servers domain controllers _only_ cluster domain (hv01.cluster-domain.local , hv02.cluster-domain.local) keep network separated normal network. cluster works fine, 8 virtual machines, wandering node node, fine. hyper-v manager cannot connect machines after while, after day, on 1 machine says "cannot connect", on other machine says "connecting" never connects. can still switch machines node node, , can still shutdown , reboot machines cluster manager. putting resources on node one, reboot node two: hyper-v manager works again on node two. after putting resources on node 2 , reboot node one, hyper-v manager works on 1 too. have no eventlog entries showing error message, stunned reason hyper-v manager unable connect after day. hi. have checked hyper-v-vmms error log ? it`s located under applications , services logs\microsoft\windows\hyper-v-vmms cant connect vms remotely ? check hyper-v hosts listeni

Variable Expansion

i'm working on exchange management shell script, i've got simple powershell related question. let's i've got following script: $ recipient  =  read -host "enter recipient's email address"   $ sender  =  read -host "enter sender's email address"   $ start  =  read -host "enter start date and time in the format 2/12/2009 9:00:00 am"   $ end  =  read -host "enter end date and time in the format 2/12/2009 9:30:00 am"     if($recipient -ne "")       {$ recipientarr  =  "-recipient" , $recipient        $ recipientarr_join  = [string]::join(" ", $recipientarr)        $ argsarr  = $recipientarr_join + " "}     if($sender -ne "")       {$ senderarr  =  "-sender" , $sender        $ senderarr_join  = [string]::join(" ", $senderarr)        $argsarr += $senderarr_join + " "}          

Which version should I use? Domain conflict?

my office needs many of features found in small business server 2008, have license standard edition. apparently, standard edition supports 1 windows server per domain. possible have sbs 2008 , server 2008 standard exist on same domain? hello, i don't know find info "standard edition supports 1 windows server per domain"? can use servers in domain, doesn't matter edition, long have correct amount of licenses correct edition. it no problem have other windows servers in sbs domain, long have licenses. there no problem have additional dcs in sbs domain, fsmos must on sbs server itself. best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

restricting notepad

hi. newbie experience group policy , experience old system policy editor.    have test domain server 2003 , xp professional machines.  how set policy disallow use of notepad domain user? second question: can tell me if there policy template out there might make easier to , name of template? thanks in advance vze2mss6 joesf16 use software restriction policies. how use srps in windows server 2003: description of srps in windows xp: software restriction polices how to: regards, salvador manaois iii mcse mcsa ceh mcitp | enterprise/server admin bytes & badz : Windows Server  >  Group Policy