How do I Get Excel Data Correctly with Merge Cell function?

hi, i've cells on excel formated currency, like: r$8.159,86. when merge word document merge cells function, appears like: 8159,862 how can exaclty same number shown on excel field? thanks! frederico

frederico galinari moyses fgm soluções em tecnologia

see below:

mailmerge number & currency formatting
control number & currency formatting in word, add numeric picture switch mergefield. this:
• select field;
• press shift-f9 reveal field coding. should {mergefield mydata};
• edit field {mergefield mydata \# $,0.00} (or whatever other numeric format prefer - see below);
• position cursor anywhere in field , press f9 update it;
• run mailmerge.
note: '\# $,0.00' in field referred numeric picture switch. other possibilities include:
• \# 0 rounded whole numbers
• \# ,0 rounded whole numbers thousands separator
• \# ,0.00 numbers accurate 2 decimal places, thousands separator
• \# $,0 rounded whole dollars thousands separator
• \# "$,0.00;($,0.00);'-'" currency, brackets around negative numbers , hyphen 0 values
precision of displayed value controlled '0.00'. can use '0' '0.000000000000000'.
mailmerge percentage formatting
control percentage formatting in word, add formula , numeric picture switch mergefield, follows:
• select mergefield, «percent»;
• press ctrl-f9 wrap field around it, { «percent» };
• edit field {=«percent»*100 \# 0.00%};
• position cursor anywhere in field , press f9 update it;
• run mailmerge.
precision of displayed value controlled '0.00'. can use '0' '0.000000000000000'.

paul edstein
[ms mvp - word]

Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions


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