send mail on script failure

hi friends,

i have simple script makes nw connection, copies files source destination & closes connection.

net use \\destinationpath\ipc$ "passwod" /user:domain\username
robocopy "sourcepath" "\\destinationpath" /mir /is
net use \\destinationpath\ipc$ /delete

idea email if above script fails in execution, advise please...

rgds, minesh

robocopy /?

/log:file : output status log file (overwrite existing log). /unilog:file : output status unicode log file (overwrite) ## 

to send mail use send-mailmessage -attachments( get-help send-mailmessage -full) :

send-mailmessage -attachment robocopylog.txt -to "user01 <>" -from "user02 <>" -subject "robocopy"

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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