Server 2012: Using Powershell to set VM-Switch VLAN?

hello there. there way set vlan tag on microsoft vmswitch object on host operating system via powershell? i've searched through possible commands (get-command *vmswitch* , get-command *vlan*), , have not had luck finding appropriate cmdlet. right forced use virtual switch manager gui set vlan id on vmswitch.

on related note, can done for a vmnetworkadapter object. there get/set-vmnetworkadapter cmdlet set vlan tagging of individual vmnetworkadaper inside virtual machine.



the below thread should want:

ps - script modify vlan settings? 

in addition, please refer below link:

vlan tagging scvmm powershell commands

hope helps.


yan li

yan li

technet community support

Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General


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