WDS - remote access via COM object and WinRM issue

i began investigate options remote access wds role since there still not console in rsat , pretty unleash control particularly by powershell, able found out there undocumented com object wdsmgmt.wdsmanager can used stuff. when try create powershell instance on localhost wds installed, straightforward...

ps c:\> $wdsman = new-object -comobject "wdsmgmt.wdsmanager"
ps c:\> $wdssrv = $wdsman.getwdsserver("localhost")

however, trying proceed same winrm on machine, able create com object, on other hand, getwdsserver method result in failure

ps c:\> enter-pssession "wds-server"
[wds-server]: ps c:\> $wdsman = new-object -comobject "wdsmgmt.wdsmanager"
[wds-server]: ps c:\> $wdsman.getwdsserver("localhost")
exception calling "getwdsserver" "1" argument(s): "the system cannot open
device or file specified. (exception hresult: 0x8007006e)"
@ line:1 char:21
+ $wdsman.getwdsserver <<<< ("localhost")
    + categoryinfo          : notspecified: (:) [], methodinvocationexception
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : commethodtargetinvocation

sure, have tried pass wds server hostname, ip address, fqdn string parameter getwdsserver method, exception remained still same, am really clueless now can done.
wds server windows server 2008 r2 machine, tried connect winrm windows server 2008 r2 machine windows 7 pro x86 same results.

thanks ideas in advance.



as cmdlets worked locally, please ensure enable powershell remoting features , start windows powershell administrator. configure windows powershell remoting, type following command:


enable-psremoting –force


more reference, please visit following documents:


enable , use remote commands in windows powershell


best regards

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