
Showing posts from September, 2014

GPO for TS Profile home path and Citrix

hi have set following setting on gpo , applied citrix ad group: - computer configuration > admin templated > windows components/ terminal services "set path ts roaming profiles" on test account on domamin did not set ts profile able login citrix, logout , profile go location set on policy. trusted domain sets ts profile on ad, , when accounts come our domain, profile loaded trusted domain, not location set on "set path ts roaming profiles" need profile loaded domain , not trusted domain, there way around this? thanks, maelito maelito hi maelito, to make profile loaded trusted domain, may try configure set gpo in trusted domain , set the path path in trust domain terminal services roaming profiles. hope helps. this posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  > 

EmployeeID attribute - How can I add it to the General tab of a user accounts properties?

i understand, attribute accessible through attribute editor.  i've been given task of making attribute more available. to end, want add attribute general tab, of user account properties page. please advise. just adding said, indeed can , require programming skills you. however, there alternative way can achieve making attributes available end users. involves third-party solutions have out of box , can provide access various ad tasks, including viewing , changing attributes, via web ui. can have @ adaxes great example:   you can granularly customize give out users via web ui down specific attributes. seems fit requirements quite well. don't know if opensource  products have similar features, there paid ones. also, can create own web ui similar tasks using similar approach.  Windows Server

Error assigning iSCSI VD to second Clustered iSCSI Target Sever role

hi - here's situation: (server 2012) - 2 server cluster connected san 2x clustered file server roles 2x clustered iscsi target server roles (4 planned iscsi target vd's clustering). file shares good.  1st iscsi target connected dpm server on ip 1 when try assign 2nd iscsi drive target server  (ip 2) , specified initiator (sccm server compared dpm server), receive following error: "could not add lun mappings. 1 or more parameters invalid." there no errors in event log , can't find log files.  how can troubleshoot this? -ken hi ken, please try to rebooting server, reconfiguring iscsi , check if the issue remains. in addition, please follow thread , blog below troubleshoot.

Server 2003 PKI and templates problem

enterprise ca configured on windows 2003 enterprise. i've created certificate template 'test' based on user certificate. on security tab, domain users have allow read , allow enroll permissions. now, user logon on xp workstation, enter certsrv site internet explorer , want request new certificate 'test'. on list, there 2 templates choose - template user , template basic efs. why? new created certificate - test? when try request mmc , request wizard, have same problem - 2 certificate choose :/ on fri, 30 dec 2011 10:59:37 +0000, erol77 wrote: enterprise ca configured on windows 2003 enterprise. i've created certificate template 'test' based on user certificate. on security tab, domain users have allow read , allow enroll permissions. now, user logon on xp workstation, enter certsrv site internet explorer , want request new certificate 'test'. on list, there 2 templates choose - template user , template basic efs. why? new created certi

2012 R2 Standard Evaluation to volume license

can convert 2012 r2 evaluation installation licensed installation using 2012 r2 volume key?  if so, how? i've read article shows how convert evaluation retail:   but i'm not clear if it's possible convert eval volume. thanks for else searching... i able in place upgrade using volume license media converted.  (boot os, rune setup.exe volume media, select upgrade) Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General

Compare-Object HR vs AD

hello,  trying out find differences between hr system , ad.  hr uses column personalnumber (employeenumber), jmeno (name) .. , other properties not related ad. there many accounts in ad not exist in hr, , otherwise.  so, im trying compare property employeenumber (aka personalnumber), exists on hr .. ## hr.csv "personalnumber","jmeno","datumod","datumdo" "101","test1","1-4-2008","1-31-2008" "102","test2","1-4-2008","1-31-2012" "103","test3","1-4-2005","1-31-2008" "104","test4","1-4-2008","" ## ad.csv "employeenumber","name","enabled","homemdb" "101","test1","true","db1" "102","test2","false","" "103","test3","true","

WinSrv 2008 r2 foundation ISO

hello coulud upload me iso  winsrv 2008 r2 foundation hp? thanks in advance. artur hi lisart see thread. foundation available pre installed on server, not available on retail platform. check see if evaluation iso still available. but oem key have on server label not work eval copy. best place o obtain replacement iso or dvd hp support. try contacting them @ yours ed please mark answer if found helpful. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

RDP licensing question

we have 3 2008 r2 rdp servers getting rdp user cals our 2008 r2 rdp license server. however, when renewed our enterprise agreement changed our rdp licenses device cals , have deployed 4 new 2012 r2 rdp servers replace 2008 r2 rdp servers in next several months.  i want activate device cals , use them of our 2008 r2 , 2012 r2 rdp servers.  could activate 2012 r2 device cals , point of our 2008 r2 , 2012 r2 rdp servers 2012 r2 license server , decommission 2008 r2 user cal server?  thank answers can provide. jack cobb hi, yes, can point of rdsh servers new 2012 r2 rd licensing server.  please remember change licensing mode per device on existing 2008 r2 rdsh servers.  2012 r2 rdsh servers set licensing server name , licensing mode in rds deployment properties , make 2012 r2 rdsh servers part of collection. thanks. -tp Windows Server  > 

WSUS 3.2 W2K3 to W2K8 migration

hello, please can tell me, if it's scenario realistic? i'm planning move wsus 3.2 w2k3 downstream autonomous server w2k8 server. procedure:        use wsusutil.exe export metadata database on old wsus server         instal wsus 3.0 sp2 on new server        configure downstream wsus server @ autonomous mode        point upstream server , run manual synchronization        import db metadata exported @ first step should work? keep current settings , approvals? thanks lukas >>should work? keep current settings , approvals?<< nope, no approvals, groups also >> point upstream server , run manual synchronization        import db metadata exported @ first step<< it's not right , exclude each other steps, want synchronize metadata uss, , import metadata old dss the easiest way install wsus 3.0 sp2  on 2k8r2 point dss replica , synchronize  - it's syncronize updates, approvals , groups dss, deactivate old dss

deny Copy / Paste drag+drop win server 2003

hi we have windows 2003 server. i want restrict users copy paste drag drop of files / folders server local machine. the scenario follow: 1. server name somvpl 2. in server there shared folders accessed users. depending upon user directed folder on server. 3. want users read files. 4. want prevent them copying files / folders server local machine. 5. prevent them copying or changing files present in server. can 1 have tried quiet few ways no luck. able prevent users editing / deleting or make changes files / folders on server cant deny them copying local machines. regards hello, if able read them can copy them local machine. if shouldn't possible have implement ad rms network can achieve within documents. best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.

Delete Printer Port on Server 2008R2

my experts, i have problem delete printer ports on server 2008 r2. this explaining: we have old printer canon using , static ip : , working server printer.. one day, change printer new 1 , want use old static "ip :"  so @ first thing, went dc , trying add printer searching ip , found said used.. decide delete ip server, can't allow me delete.. how can do? or need restart server? thanks much.. veasnayim dear veasnayim, switch off printer manually , disconnect cat5/6 cable port reconnect again go adds , try assign old static ip may you... Windows Server  >  Print/Fax

Error with Windows Server 2000

hi all, we have windows server 2000 in our company. every day start server, error massege appears: this machine pdc of domain @ root of forest. (((configure sync external time source using net command,  'net time /setsntp: server name '.))) also, server became slow during start-up. how can solve problem ???? please, send me reply email: thanks alot. please follow following kb resolve problem;en-us;216734 thanks Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Export AD Groups and Last Password Change

hi guys, i need on how export ad groups in specific ou. thing how can extract last password change for users? thank you, totoybeebo hi, export ad groups in specific ou. extract last password change get-aduser -filter * -properties *|select name,samaccountname,passwordexpired,passwordlastset,lastlogondate,enabled,displayname,givenname,surname|export-csv c:\output.csv Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Add Domain Controller Fail

this error have been receiving. trying to add domain controller with global catalog , our error... we've been on while cant seem find solution... here our errors event viewer the active directory installation wizard (dcpromo) unable establish connection following domain controller.   domain controller:   additional data error value: 1908 not find domain controller domain.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and internal error: active directory error has occurred.   additional data error value (decimal): 183 error value (hex): b7 internal id: 3001183   when trying join domain error saying credentials wrong , cannot create ntds setting on remote server (gc)... saying "domain controller cannot found..."   thanks if can! thanks replies! problem resolved changing 1 of routers in remote site... don't know why router causing issue router changed dcpromo worked fine.   thanks again


dear group members,                                  have made trust relationship between 2 domains , , trust created successfully. at have shared files , folders client access. but issue , active directory clients of unable access shared folders , files of server2. though clients of can share files.   i recieve type of error,while accessing \\ \\ not accessbile may not have sufficent permission. contact administrator of server find out if have access permission. username not found. though can access file local administrator account unable access domain admin or client account, kindly provide resolutoin !! hi there, can please check verify have setup two-way trust relationship between , meanwhile, please check if have grant user account in corresponding permission in hope helps. scorpio technet softwa

SCOM query from command line.

hi all, i’m looking solution following problem. i want able execute powershell oneliner cmd.exe, appears working great simple things, not “more complex queries”   for example: c:\users\smetj>powershell –command “”ipconfig”” windows ip configuration   ethernet adapter local area connection 2:      connection-specific dns suffix   . :    ipv4 address. . . . . . . . . . . :     subnet mask . . . . . . . . . . . :     default gateway . . . . . . . . . : c:\users\sys_smetj>   great! works.   now want same thing powershell command: get-monitoringclass|where{$ -eq ""}|get-monitoringobject|select healthstate,displayname when start “operations manager shell” can execute query, want able execute cmd.exe i understand need load scom powershell extension (-psconsolefile microsoft.enterprisemanagement.operationsmanager.clientshell.console.psc) before can execute this. 2 questi

Does /gpprep need to be run when updating schema from 2003 to 2008 R2 ?

we have 2003 forest (non r2) , have updated schema in preperation 2008 r2 using the following commands (using adprep 2008 r2 media), can confirm definite whether adprep /domainprep /gpprep needs run ?  makes reference after running /domainprep adprep /forestprep adprep /domainprep adprep /rodcprep hello, it must not run, correct. started windows server 2003 new option available running rsop planning mode. lot's of domains upgraded without people know planning functionality. you correct cause traffic , should run on off peak hours, /forestprep must replciated complete other dcs before starting it. best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

LastLogonTimeStamp Attribute Not Updated for Computer Account Over SSL-VPN

we use lastlogontimestamp (llts) find stale computer accounts, disable them, , delete time.  have found domain member computers connect domain exclusively ssl-vpn (for instance in case of employees work home office) not update llts.  consequently these computers appear on stale computer reports. i suppose required logon type never used when connecting on ssl-vpn.  therefore know if there way via a logon script or other method can update attribute. that normal connect vpn using locally cached credentials user , computer accounts. my recommendation track these computers have agent periodically report computer status (example: using microsoft intune) or have scheduled task run script when user connected vpn , register computer name active in file hosted in share. this posting provided no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. ahmed malek my website link my linkedin profile my mvp profile

wins? dns? name space?? how to resolve?

  hi there, i'm migrating server1 server2. when i'm done server 2 have same server 1 newer , windows 2003 os.   i know how can go making users unaware of changes. users put links in word docs, excel spreadsheets, etc, etc... points \\server1\data\ .. want migrate server 2 , keep server2 name have users files still think server1 still active.   i've tried doing tests such adding record in dns (ie: server1test) when go \\server1 name.   thanks in advance, gl   this forum windows server 2008. please post question in windows 2003 newsgroup, you'll find here: Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

Expuesto seguridad - MIT Kerberos 5-1.3.4 en w2008

sobre una instalacion de un dns con w2008. tenemos un reporte de errorres que nos indica un expuesto de seguridad con kerberos. el expuesto es:  overview: double free vulnerabilities in error handling code in krb524d mit kerberos 5 (krb5) 1.2.8 , earlier may allow remote attackers execute arbitrary code. impact type: provides unauthorized access, allows partial confidentiality, integrity, , availability violation; allows unauthorized disclosure of information; allows disruption of service este mismo error tambien lo teniamos reportado con w2003, y suposimos que migrando el dns w2008 lo resolviamos. no fue así y seguimos teniendo reportada la misma vulnerabilidad. alguien sabría como actualizar la version de kerberos o que hacer para eliminar esta vulnerabilidad?? hola, pues lo mas importante serian dos cosas 1.- teneis el servidor actualizado al dia?  me refiero tanto nivel de service packs como nivel de actualizaciones disponibles que han ido apareciendo desde la publica

Mail Merge with duplicate names

hi, i'm working word 2010 , mail merge using existing list. every day excel sheet list of accounts balances due. there multiple accounts same owner different balance due. add balance due accounts , insert 1 letter. like, if owner #123456 insert name, address, phone number, due date, , add cells of balance due , insert address blocks.    thanks provided! manny mendoza see following page of fellow mvp graham mayor’s website: or, more complex, more capable methods, see fellow mvp macropod's "word 97-2007 catalogue/directory mailmerge tutorial" at: do read tutorial before trying use mailmerge document included must mail merge main document set as required. the add-in in first link need modification want, when modified required, may simpler use. hope helps. doug robbins - word mvp, dkr[atsymbol]mvps[dot]org posted via community bridge "mdoza17&quo

Compare two directories

hello guys, i need migrate few file shares. ll use robocopy migrate server 1 server 2. because lot of folders , files @ end of each script call power shell script compare (by size) source , destination , if different send alert. i have tried few script list contents of directories space when want root of directories. can 1 me , point me on right direction. regards, arestas get-childitem c:\test\* -file -recurse |measure-object -sum length | select sum |ft -auto \_(ツ)_/ Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Compare 2 DNS Zones for differences

our organization uses bind dns top level domain e.g. , subdomain our ad domain e.g. using addns. ad servers secondaries top level domain. records machines on network exist in both domains there descrepancie e.g. machine renamed in ad teh record in top level domain not updated. can reccomend way compare 2 zones , output differences in useful format? tia below article might you.   regards awinish vishwakarma mvp-directory services my blog: this posting provided as-is no warranties/guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Director

Socket or serial port programming

hi devs! i wanted communication bioaccess device. used socket programming gets hanged , shows following error connection closed forcefully >so, please me out if used method(code shown below) proper or not. or should have use method receive data device. tell me if below code not proper. should receive data device. someone suggested me using serial port programming have no knowledge it. please me out situation. socket sock = new socket(addressfamily.internetwork,, protocoltype.tcp); var ipadd=ipaddress.parse(""); ipaddress add=new ipaddress (ipadd); endpoint ep=new ipendpoint (add,80); sock.connect(ep); if (sock.connected) { string = null ; byte[] rec=new byte [256]; int32 b = sock.receive(rec, rec.length, 0); while (b > 0) { b =

win 2008 r2 rdp issue

when try rdp home laptop (vista x86 sp2) work pc (win 2008 r2 x64), black screen.   found article on issue:   so disabled bitmap caching in rdp client still black screen when rdp win2008 workstation.  if press ctrl+shift+esc on black screen (task manager) error:   the application unable start correctly 0xc0000142.  click ok close app.   any 1 else run this?   thanks! here's updated info on problem. typically, when leave work, lock desktop (windows + l), turn off monitors , go home.   home attempt remote in using vpn , laptop.  this time, got black screen remoting in normal domain user decided try remoting in domain admin.   whatever reason, remoting in domain admin worked fine.  for reason remoting in , trying assume existing session not working.   bounced box , works fine.   weird.             Windows Server

Activating an directory sharing

hi using the powershell for windows 7 sp1, how i set users/groups with their permission share a directory and then how i activate it ? thanks bye balubeto i created this function : function new-share ($foldername, $sharename) { # test existence of folder, if not there create # if (!(test-path $foldername)) { new-item $foldername -type directory } # create share check make sure isn’t there # if (!(get-wmiobject win32_share -filter “name=$sharename”) { $shares=[wmiclass]”win32_share” $shares.create($foldername,$sharename,0) } } but i unable to add instructions for adding users/groups ( with permission ) authorized access new re source. so , how do this ? thanks bye balubeto Windows Server  > 

I have a network time issue.

ntp or other time sources not start on ad server. causing errors on replication. advice out there? i recommend refer have recommended here configuration: this posting provided no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. ahmed malek my website link my linkedin profile my mvp profile Windows Server  >  Network Infrastructure Servers

Windows Server 2102 WSUS not downloading updates

hi there, i have read through other posts on forum , have not found relates problem. i running standard install of windows 2012 std edition , have added role wsus. i have checked bits service running, wsus service running , have performed series of routines have found on google. [issue proxy authentication - patched although not using proxy] [restarted services both bits , wsus] [checked event viewer errors - none reported] [on gateway server (fw), checked firewall logs, no traffic wsus server unless physically web surfing or ping , external address] [tried disable windows firewall] [imported updates catalog server directly] my server configured by-pass proxy. have visited catalog server try , import updates directly wsus stated above. i have checked wsus logs , bits logs. nothing reported. my server doesn't download updates @ all. i have run windows updates on server , made sure date itself. have synchronized wsus , checks ok. if @ "all updates&qu

CN=Deleted Objects missing

hi! have encountered issue needs sorted out son possible. reviewing restore routines @ customers active directory forest, discover container cn=deleted objects missing domain partition. (using ldp.exe view partition tree, can not found.) i have verified same procedure in other forests, , deleted objects container shows expected. need start troubleshooting problem? regards marcus i assume have followed steps below, sure: to display deleted objects container -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- open ldp.exe, click start, click run, , type ldp.exe. 2.on options menu, click controls. controls dialog box, expand load predefined pull-down menu, click return deleted objects, , click ok. verify deleted objects container displayed:    a. connect , bind server hosts forest root domain of ad ds environment, under connections, click connec

Community NNTP Bridge

for of struggling web interface, , discouraged quality of ms provided nntp bridge, there new option, community bridge. in active development, builds more once day being made available, , results quite impressive. not faster ms bridge, has better conversion plain text, handles code samples better, , allows easier managing of messages , thread you've participated in. "ctrl-h" feature of oe/winmail works you'd expect. please take at: details , current download. and thank jochen , others have contributed. fine example of can accomplished programmers , healthy community. charlie. yes, thank developing it. works well!   on 6/5/2010 12:49 am, charlie russel - mvp wrote: > of struggling web interface, , discouraged the > quality of ms provided nntp bridge, there new option, the > community > bridge. in active development, builds more once a > day bei

Cannot Delete Hyper-V Checkpoint

i finished building 2 new server 2012 r2 hyper-v hosts.  each running 3 vms (all server 2012 r2 well).  i use veritas backup exec.  started backup of each , avhd files created during backup did not merge parent file after backup ran.  to "fix" manually merged avhd file parent.  i re-ran backup , same thing happened again.  so merged files again. now have checkpoint can not delete in hyper-v manager.  i started researching , tried commands in powershell nothing seems work. please help.... brian modlin hi brian, when delete snapshot in hyper-v manager, did errors? as workaround, export earliest snapshot , import new vm. or, copy vhd file , use build a new vm. best regards, leo please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact . Windows Server  > 

Impossible to connect to Remote Web Access (Win Server 2012 Standard R2 with Essential Experience)

hi everyone, i've got little problem , maybe here me little. i've installed essential experience role on 2012 r2 standard server , configured stuff connect server via remote web access. unfotunatly, connection doesn't work , i've got error message "impossible connect rwa. please contact person in charge of server". i spend long time looking problem on google didn't find how solve it. thanks help julien + here part of log file : [11464] 141225.214952.6462: remoteaccess: [website] requestedlogonpage: in browser session went defaultwithoutdetection, serving same page [8248] 141225.215001.2419: remoteaccess: [website] requestedlogonpage: in browser session went defaultwithoutdetection, serving same page [8248] 141225.215001.2775: remoteaccess: [website] logon attempt detected [8248] 141225.215001.4185: remoteaccess: [identity] new logon starts. [8248] 141225.215001.5005: identity: looking microsoft.windowsserversolutions.users.iuserlogonp

How to connect to a specific collection

im trying configure machines in computer labs automatically rdp collection of desktops each lab.  if use rdweb console, shortcut gives me looks uses  loadbalanceinfo parameter specify collection connect to.  looking @ mstsc.exe command line options, dont see there.  i dont want have deploy pre-configured rdp shortcut (which different each lab) every machine.  i rather able use command line name of collection/server connect to.  is there no way via command line? hi, there no command line option collection name.  can specify .rdp file launch via command line, however.  in way have separate .rdp file (one per collection) , specify appropriate file name in command line. if reason not want reference .rdp files create script generate .rdp file on fly proper loadbalanceinfo string contained within.  example, script take command line parameter , based on generate .rdp file , launch connection. how planning on distributing proper customized command-line each lab? -tp

Invoke-Item on A Remote Computer

hello guys , gals,   i trying script going allows me start , kill process on remote computer. managed kill part going. asks me info, computer , login id. after finished working on computer want able restart process had killed earlier. reason want able kill process because every , anti-virus software package blocks me being able connect doesn't matter if vnc or rdp. below script far killing process.  $comp = read-host "what full computer name?" $user = read-host "please enter administrator user (domain\user):" $pwd = read-host "please enter user password:" tasklist /s $comp /u $user /p $pwd $program = read-host "program kill" taskkill /s $comp /u $user /p $pwd /im $program       yeah makes call on rpc, taskill doing. speaking of which, remove dependecny on external program can this..   gwmi win32_process - computername $comp - filter "name=$program" | % { $_ .terminate(0)} didnt test it

Close all popups pulled from running a an executable

i have been using powershell automate functions.  1 of them when call exe file process user accounts.  exe file produces popup.  looks form no options use x in corner close. is there command in powershell close opened popups? hi, to process holds popups, first close them all, , run: $processes_before = get - process then open popups, run: $processes_after = get - process then: compare - object - referenceobject $processes_before - differenceobject $processes_after regards, yan li Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

DHCP enforcement problem

hello world, i'm facing strange behaviour of nps. evaluate compliance of clients memberships in particular computer group. everything's ok if pc compliant , member of group, full access. non-compliant granted restricted access of servers. problem non-compliant pcs tcp/ip configuration without restrictions. logs pc granted access, quarantined (according policy settings), tcp/ip settings of compliant ones. in dhcp have 1 scope. scope nap enabled , set drop packets in case nps not available. there 2 groups of scope option class: default user class (for compliant) , default network access protection class (for non-compliant. could please give me an idea on how rid of odd problem? hi, when manually issue ipconfig/release , /renew, please verify client computer evaluated nps each time. if incorrectly unrestricted ip address, client may not have been evaluated. please try testing short dhcp lease instead of manual /release , /renew , think won't see problem. you said non-nap-ca

logon error

we have windows 2000 domain while trying logon windows xp machine added in domain giving error while login local policy of system not permit logon interactively. suggestions please thanks meinolf weber , mahi-n i got clue find solution. the answer if in domain security policy - windows setting - local policies - user right assignment - log on locally if define administrator or user can login xp or vista client pc, default not defined i removed administrator form , not defined policy and tried login xp client , time did not logon local policy error has not come problem solved thanks guys Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

AppLocker GPO: Allow only Auhorized user for PowerShell

in applocker gpo, how can create deny rule deny 'everyone' powershell & powershell ise (both x64 & x86) & allow authorized users? my thought is: create two deny rules (one x64, 1 x86) deny 'everyone': 1. deny %system32%\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe 2. deny %syswow64%\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe but understanding, deny rule take precedent, how can go allow authorized users use powershell? please shed lights. best regards, hi blueberries, you try these actions below. create rule click allow in permission tab , click select to select group use powershell click publisher , click next on conditions tab click browse , select x64 powershell.exe on publisher , click next click next on exceptions click create on name tab 7. there prompt after click create , click yes 8.   if not want administrator run powershell.exe, need double-click action=allow user=administrator and add x64 po

Save output of a command

hi all, i trying save output of command can read , decide weather completed or not.  i having trouble running command though. it's working switches aren't. $servers = get-content servers.txt | sort-object foreach ( $server in $servers ) { & psexec.exe \\$server 'c:\program files (x86)\progfolder\program.exe' option -t=$duration -e=$email -c=$comment -q=110 } when ran complains not specifying options/switches. ideas? thanks. you don't need = options...try this.  $results collective output running command on each of servers. $results = @() $servers = get-content servers.txt | sort-object foreach ( $server in $servers ) { $result = & psexec.exe \\$server 'c:\program files (x86)\progfolder\program.exe' option -t $duration -e $email -c $comment -q 110 $results += new-object psobject -property @{computer=$server;result=$result} } Windows Server

Microsoft Silverlight deployment

does microsoft have msi file can downloaded install microsoft silverlight via gpo? if not how install ms silverlight bunch of workstations using gpo not msi file. hi, >>does microsoft have msi file can downloaded install microsoft silverlight via gpo? as far know, can't download silverlight msi file directly. however, can extract file silverlight installer. regarding how deploy silverlight via gpo, following article can referred more information. deploying silverlight package users using gpo please note: since web site not hosted microsoft, link may change without notice. microsoft not guarantee accuracy of information. technet subscriber support if are  technet subscription  user , have feedback on our support quality, please send feedback  here . best regards, frank shen

The Windows Media Services service terminated with service-specific error %%-1072884851.

hi, installed windows media service on server 2008 r2 64 bit retail. service not start , following message in logs; the windows media services service terminated service-specific error %%-1072884851. do know error means? in wmsserver config can see this: needs upgrade:1 upgrade file:c:\windows\system32\windows media\server\servernamespace.xml workaround install/upgrade related issues... coinitializeex returned 0x00000000 cocreateinstance clsid_wmsserverresourcemgr returned 0x00000000 m_pserverresourcemgr->init returned 0x00000000 cocreateinstance clsid_namespacefactory returned 0x00000000 pnamespacefactory->createinstance( wms_namespace_server ) 0x00000000 updating anonymous plugin @ server level  error code: 0x800703e5 hi, in order solve problem more efficiently need clarify information. would please tell me event ids logged in system event log? to view system event log, please perform following steps: open command prompt. type eventvwr

Updating user fields within AD

hi, is there recommended/easy way (step step instructions) to update hundreds of user property information description, address, phone, office, job title, etc.? i see can export whole ad csvd there way organizational unit?  update user property info in spreadsheet import ad haven't found simple way , not scripting guru. also read other posts again haven't found standardized way of adding additional fields users properties employee number. thank you i have powershell script in gallery updates users in bulk according information in excel spreadsheet here: however, handles single-valued string attributes. unfortunately, description attribute multi-valued, though there never more 1 value. have 2 vbscript versions linked below, 1 of supports multi-valued attributes , many more datatypes (updateusers2.vbs): richard mueller - mvp directory services