DFS Cloning - how to get this working


i ran problem i'm hoping able me with.

next year installing 2 servers in 2 offices. servers replace our current file servers. our current file servers run windows server 2003, , new ones run server 2012 r2.

with current setup, data on server-2003-a backed server-2003-b each evening using following robocopy command (initiated on server 2003-b):

robocopy \\server-2003-a ip address\homedir d:\homedir /sec /mir /log:something.txt /w:3 /r:2 /ndl /np

with new servers want implement dfs replication, current servers not have dfs installed.

and gets tricky.

the recommended way, know works fine, pre-seed data copying 1 of servers another, both of servers ending in same replication group. want different. want copy:

- server-2003-a server-2012-a

- server-2003-b server-20012-b

and use server-2012-a , server-2012-b in replication.

i ran test. used robocopy command on both server-2003 machines:

robocopy.exe "d:\homedir\something" \\server-2012\e$\homedir\something /e /b /copyall /r:6 /w:5 /xd dfsrprivate /tee

(i know /xd parameter not needed @ point believe it's irrelevant).

afterwards compared file hashes on both server-2012 machines. have feared, file hashes different. @ point pre-seeding data seems pointless. 

is copying data on wan link way working? or there workaround this?

kind regards,


hi rozanw,

migrate file server 2012r2 dfs requirement @ least windows server 2003 service pack 2 , , please try following step step official method use windows server migration tools migrate.

the related kb:

migrate file , storage services windows server 2012 r2


install, use, , remove windows server migration tools


i’m glad of you!

please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com

Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage


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