
Showing posts from April, 2015

DNSCMD /recorddelete successfully completing, but not actually deleting records. Help!

hello, running server 2008 r2 dnscmd /recorddelete not deleting records. command says, "command completed successfully," records still live in dnsmgmt --even after refresh after refresh.    dnscmd   servername   /recorddelete   zonename   nodename   rrtype   rrdata [ /f ] we've got on 500 records delete , it's break fix tonight. suggestions? thanks! hi cee jay jay you can use administrator permission to   run cmd, use following example command: dnscmd dnsserver /recorddelete domainname dnsclientname /f more information: dnscmd the related third party article: dnscmd reference i’m glad of you! *** response contains reference third party world wide web site. microsoft providing information convenience you. microsoft not control these sites , has not tested software or information found on these sites; therefore,

wireless network problem

i don't remember wireless network password, there way find information or have create new network , password? if have create new network , password please advise steps need do. hi, may better assistance question in nis forum: how view forgotten wireless network password in windows see too hope helps best regards, sandesh dubey. mcse|mcsa:messaging|mcts|mcitp:enterprise adminitrator | blog disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server

Domain Member Server Group Policies

this two-part question. i'm trying understand why configure member server group polices when domain controller governs (group) policies member servers in domain? sounds redundant though there may reason though not clear me. second question similar - why configure local policies of member server if dc governs member policies? done backup measure if dc become unavailable? thanks hi steve, thanks post. based on knowledge, there's precedence group policy. domain controller control domain computers group policy. set group policy in member server apply member server and not afffect other computer. group policy objects (gpos) apply user (or computer) not have same precedence. settings applied later can override settings applied earlier. the order of  group policy processing local group policy, site, domain , ou. order means local gpo processed first, , gpos linked organizational unit of computer or user direct member processed last, overwrites settings in earlier gpo

Standalone CA - Restricting certificate templates

hi, i know standalone ca ignores certificate templates standard enterprise authority... how go around configuring issue / display webserver , server authentication certs via certsrv? delete them registry?? ( ) basically want ca few "templates" user can pick from... we don't want link client secure domain hence standalone approach. i've never used microsoft policy web enrollment - better way of doing it? suppose deploy building "custom" domain, then editing the templates require details , not them ad ...just seems "work around" not solution. cheers advice (as inane question :) ) q1: yes, using the enhancedkeyusageextension section in capolicy.inf correct method set policy/extension on ca certificate level. you can find microsoft specific oids her  but other oids either need @ specific r

Which server process the password change?

hi there, as far know when user's password gets reset on dc (domain controller), dc replicate changes dc holds pdc emulator role right away. my questions are: 1. when user changes own password (using ctrl+alt+del -> change password...), machine talk directly pdc emulator? 2. if so, happens if pdc emulator unavailable , role haven't been seized (manually) dc, password changes processed temporary active dc? thanks! the dc connected changes password in copy of ad database, forwards change dc pdc emulator role. if dc not available, password change still propogate normal replication. however, if user attempts use new password, , dc user connected believes password wrong, dc forward authentication request pdc emulator verification. if normal replication has not yet passed new password dc's, , pdc emulator still not available, user may not able authenticate new password. if user makes enough attempts, locked out. edit: in past i tested in lab setup pdc emulato

Create PSDrive with If and Elseifs

hi i'm trying create script take text entered , use create psdrive required domain , change psdrive.    i'm trying use if , elseif commands instead of going next if statement hits first statement , thats it, psdrive domain1 created regardless of input.  can help? $domain = read-host "what domain want change groups in?" $drivename = read-host "what want call drive?" if ($domain = "domain1") {  new-psdrive -name $drivename -psprovider activedirectory -server "$domain" -credential (get-credential "$domain\administrator") -root "//rootdse/" -scope global }     elseif ($domain = "domain2") { new-psdrive -name $drivename -psprovider activedirectory -server "$domain" -credential (get-credential "$domain\administrator") -root "//rootdse/" -scope global } cd ("$drivename" +":" ) you need change = -eq -  $domain = read-host "what doma

Unable to configure certificate for Remote Desktop Services

 i having trouble configuring certificate in remote desktop session host configuration settings on windows 2008 r2 server. able open configuration page , select certificate want use, settings revert auto generated self signed cert. in further testing found following powershell command: wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2\terminalservices path win32_tsgeneralsetting set sslcertificatesha1hash=”‎paste_thumbprint_string” when run command access denied error, though powershell being run administrator. previously ran similar issue nothing enable "allow connecions computers running remote desktop network level authentication" checkbox. setting never stick. able past configuring setting via gpo, not work issue. any ideas? hi shawn, i assume found command thread below: remote desktop administration - configure certificate

Previous object in a pipe

hi, is possible name of group in table: get-distributiongroup | get-distributiongroupmember |ft alias, @{label='test1';expression={$_.($}} thx , best regards christian my fault.  try this: foreach ($group in get-distributiongroup) { get-distributiongroupmember $group |   ft alias, @{label='test1';expression={$}} } [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " " Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Clarification on Licensing For Server 2012 R2 Standard

i know each 2012 standard license comes 2 vm licenses, , licenses applied host instead of vm server.  assume have 2 hosts (both 2 cpus), , 4 vms total. if want run both hosts simultaneously (2 vms per host), how many licenses need if wanted ability transfer 2 of vms on other host if 1 host fails? i think, i've read, need 4 licenses total, can have 4 vms per host (2 licenses per host).  if host dies, can move 2 running vms on host host b. or, if host dead (mb failure, fire, etc), can add license host (now dead) host b?  rules this?  if host comes online, transfer license host host b, , have 2 vms running (and 2 allowed) per host. thank clarification!  don't have software assurance or other program, fyi. hi jondehen, for licensing related issue, you’d better contact microsoft licensing team. in united states , canada, may call licensing team directly @ 1-800-426-9400 (select option 4), monday through friday, 6:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. (pst) speak directly microsoft lic

Problems adding W2k8 (not R2) DC to W2k Domain

curious problem adding w2k8 dc existing w2k domain. i have followed instructions of meinolf weber, e.g. netdiag, dcdiag, adprep, transferring fmso roles, establishing reliable external time server, etc. on new w2k8 dc, when point dns existing dc, new dc performs well.  however, when point dns new dc , restart, dc not seem function correctly. 1. network properties no longer shows domain name network, instead shows "network" 2. event log contained numerous warnings after assigning local ip dns , restarting. see below: (i can provide details if needed) warning    3/28/2015 8:59:33 am    dns-server-service    4013    none error    3/28/2015 8:59:08 am    grouppolicy    1129    none warning    3/28/2015 8:59:08 am    winlogon    6006    none warning    3/28/2015 8:58:37 am    time-service    134    none error    3/28/2015 8:58:28 am    dfsr    1202    none warning    3/28/2015 8:58:24 am    lsasrv    40960    (3) warning    3/28/2015 8:58:23 am    time-serv

IPAM - PowerShell - Automatically create DNS records for this IP address

hi, we creating powershell script find , allocate available ip addresses . we can run our powershell script find , allocate ip address , ipam server run it's tests check ip address not reply ping , not in dns. the issue having is, can't find option/command in powershell run "automatically create dns records ip address"  which available within gui when try add ip address ipam server. is suppose carried out after adding ip address different cmdlet? know how / option within powershell cmdlets? thanks, hi pauliebadboy, >>is suppose carried out after adding ip address different cmdlet? >>would know how / option within powershell cmdlets? you refer link below: adds type resource record dns zone: create dns records , associate ptr entries csv file: best regards, andy_pan

pmcmgmt or pushprinterconnections.

hi.   i face following problem: have few printers deploy through group policy on windows 2008r2 server. large number of pc's printers have deployed xp machines(32bit). i followed instructions use gpo distribute pushprintconnections.exe file( apearatnly pmcmgmt.exe teh same?) anyway problem windows server 2008r2 doesn't have file , when use 1 found vista or something( pmcmgmt.exe. following error: on server( logging in administrator part of userou should 3 pritners installed error: not enough storage space available installation not completed   on xp machine get: update\update.exe not valid win32 app installation not completed.   any idea on how can group policy work in distributing pushprinterexe file? or can locate correct exe won't give me errors? the 64 bit file cannot used on 32 bit machine.  conversely, 32 bit file can run on 64 bit machine. i'm not sure on update.exe part of event. pushprinterconnections.exe included in windows 7 / 2008

RDP screen goes black after successful remote login

i have windows 2008 server have been connecting once a month remotely apply os updates.  often, reboot server , uses auto-logon login , run application.  today, rebooted server , when try connect rdp, login prompt , enter credentials, see few expected messages fly on host os (the last 1 see word welcome), screen goes black. the apps on server running because our applications can connect them, can't logon desktop of windows server 2008. i made no configuration changes (i never do) other apply latest windows server updates. i prefer not drive computers location, or try coordinate time have server hosting company assist me troubleshooting; there else can do?  ideas might cause this? wow, today rdp screen still black.  tried ctrl-alt-end.  hit cancel, closed rdp.  re-opened rdp , had desktop back! yay!!!  hope solution works next time. rob kraft Windows Server

GPO for Internet Explorer homepage: Policy & Preference GPOs not having desired effect

we have environment ie7 & ie8 on various windows xp computers.  attempting set initial home page via gpo, not make manditory. have policy mode gpo internet explorer maintenance on users, specifies home page.  unfortunately, expected policy mode, forces our users have in researching this, found internet explorer maintenance: preference mode.  copied our "internet explorer-user gpo" (policy mode), , removed homepage setting it.  placed preference-gpo home page set.  theoritically, since there no homepage forced - think set internet explorer, , allow users modify it. what have found is: configuration resetting home page instead of can suggest method can change policy homepage, , still have our users go unless decide change default? thanks, alex i ran similar issue before.  problem had when standard policy configured, preference made attempts re

MS Windows Security Patches

hello guys...... ms releases lots of security patches/hotfixes. - there tool whereby can configure automatically download patches? it's time consuming download these security patches 1 one. please help....   hi maxpayne3, thank post. please install wsus server on server lan, import updates wsus server connect internet. type of wsus deployment networks disconnected internet , please refer article details.  if there more inquiries on issue, please feel free let know. regards, rick tan Windows Server  >  Security

Using Loopback - is it possible to apply some user settings to a machine for some user and not other?

good morning, this kind of confusing situation have standard user policies set 30 minute screensaver our end users things ie settings, , feel, etc., not our techs.  now, i've got wanting 60 minute screensaver exception machine instead of 30 minutes.  used loopback separate 60 minute screensaver timeout.  now, techs not 60 minute screensaver ie settings, , feel, etc.  doing wrong (or result of loopback)?  loopback apply user settings applied machines no matter logs on or there way tell machine use loopback, "these particular" user settings?  help. here best practices using loop processing : ( assume you'll @ ou level , have computers objects you want loopback processing to take place in it). 1. create gpo : loopback processing gpo - activate loopback processing @ computer level , set merge. apply "authenticated users" 2. create gpo : screensaver 60 minutes - set screen saver timeout 60 minutes. apply "techs group". 3. create gpo : scre

Xerox 7120 and Server 2008 Printing issue

hi guys, i'm hoping may able me. in our office have xerox workcentre 7120 printer shared out via windows server 2008 print server , it's not quite behaving itself! when printing ms word quite margins come out big , me life of me haven't been able work out why. interestingly if user prints directly printer via ip document comes out correctly issue must print server. far i've installed latest drivers , ensured paper size settings correct on print server problem still persists. has come across issue? apparently never happened when printer shared out via ms windows 2003 server. many thanks robbie make sure using postscript driver device. using same driver version that shared server 2003 machine? alan morris formerly windows printing team Windows Server  > 

Trust relation issue from AD to Kiosk PC's

i’ll start off introducing how our network made, have 100-150 computers around rather big area (different buildings etc.) acting similar “kiosk pc’s”, got web browser , automatically logs on, other access stripped, , web browser forced full screen can go around on our internal web page (this pure intention.) these pc’s running windows embedded, , according ms pretty “xp sp3 light”, stripped down version of xp sp3. our domain controller running windows server 2008 r2. upon startup of these clients, sign on individual account name in domain (yes, use domain users , not local users.) logon automated upon startup. now, problem, along, , worst recently, more , more of these computers looses trust relationship ad, giving ad system errors event 5722, 5805, 5723, 5722 – netlogon related, , there id 4 – security-kerberos, getting further , further away basic understanding of how computers work together. now, i’ve worked on day out , day in weeks now, , coworkers longer, we’ve inve

Wireless issues when AD password out of sync

hi,  we have following issue happening , wanted see if has security conscious suggestions. most of our users have laptops (xp/7) configured wireless via peap (user authentication).  users access wireless via ad group, we use funk radius auth.  in our environment, have lot of shared workstations in environment many of same users have use.  sometimes end changing ad password on 1 of these shared machines , creates issue on personal machine since password out of sync.  it leads lockouts since have citrix or outlook running on laptop.  the laptop loses wireless connection, , user unable on network until plug machine in or reboot (pre login wireless auth enabled) refresh cached credentials. educating users (doctors) on where/how change password not seem work, , using single generic account users wireless access not direction want go into.  any ideas?     are laptops part of domain or stand alone computers? if laptops part of domain change wlan authentication computer authe

Secure Tunnel Between Servers

hello, have a win2008 r2 web server in city with a public ip.  join win2008 r2 domain across internet.  secure way of doing this?  i've tried creating tunnel using connection security rules in windows firewall, caused connectivity problems.  ideas? hi,   yes, if create connection security rules (ipsec rules) connect web server , dc across internet have forward ports/protocols on router (dc site). complicated deploy when have remote domain members. think there following alternative workarounds corresponds different circumstance.   1. if have remote site has web server , other domain members well, should consider deploy site-to-site connection link branch offices together. building efficient branch offices ws   2. if have 1 web server connect dc, may deploy vpn server @ main site , dial vpn connection main site

NAP presentation

has done powerpoint presentation plainly discusses nap? hi, here publicly available presentations: -greg Windows Server  >  Network Access Protection

AD DNS servers across WAN

hi, have inherited network looks running 2 separate dns servers on each side of wan. both dcs of same domain. issue 1 side of wan has trouble pinging dhcp clients on other side. each side has own dhcp , dns, , looks neither dns setup secondary.. question best practice in situation? if setup site 2 secondary dns server, have same issues resolving dhcp clients? thanks, dekkar if understand problem, having troubles ping clients on other site. if case can start following steps: try ping client on other site using ip address. if successful while not case when ping using dns name there should problem dns resolution. check it, can use nslookup . if clients not getting registered need check dns servers accept dns dynamic registration , computers configured register dns records (if not can try temporary disable security software in use might blocking dns registration too) if ip ping not successful problem should not related dns resoluti

RAS tracing

i have been reading 6421b training manual, surprised managed drag myself away. could enlighten me difference between: netsh ras set tracing component enabled|disabled and netsh ras diagnostics set rastracing enabled|disabled obviously different commands, cannot find out enough information differentate between them. text uses first syntax, slide second syntax. thanks in advance hi gutbucket1, thanks posting here. both commands enable or disable ras logs in order troubleshoot ras connections related issues . 1 pervious windows server versions , new server platform (windows server 2008 /2008 r2) : enabling ras tracing in vista/longhorn server regards, tiger li technet subscriber support in forum if have feedback on our support, please contact . tiger li technet community support Windo

Policy to Disable Windows 10 Tablet Mode

is there way in group policy disable tablet mode switch in settings>system>tablet mode mode permanently turned off? know can disable notification , action center (which have) don't want users in particular ou have ability @ all. in advance help. matt georgetti hi, there registry tablet mode. hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\immersiveshell\tabletmode enable:1 disable:0 we can perform registry modifications using group policy preferences or perform using reg file under computer config>policies>windows settings>scripts>startup . check manually reg file can executed on clients. also, check don't have replication problems using dcdiag.exe . more articles reference: configure registry item deploying custom registry changes through group policy

GPP shortcuts and error 4098

well i've searched forums , can see question posed multiple times no apparant answer. here's hoping i've missed 1 post solution , can provide here.... we have mixture of xp/win7 machines running in 2008 ad. gpp shortcuts don't created @ logon. shortcut points a mapped drive. i've tried having drive mapped script , gpp seems make no difference. know policy works 'gpupdate' or waiting policy refresh causes them appear. is there no solution this? howdie!   am 02.08.2011 19:20, schrieb fredquango: > i've searched forums , can see question posed multiple > times no apparant answer. here's hoping i've missed one > post solution , can provide here.... > > have mixture of xp/win7 machines running in 2008 ad. gpp > shortcuts don't created @ logon. shortcut points a > mapped drive. i've tried having drive mapped script , gpp > seems make no difference. know policy works as > 'gpupdate'

Site User ConnectionProblems

how expression problem when server won't connect? asked question marked answer not answer. peoblem on server not expression ., positively. expression connects other sites. from earlier question  problem on server absoloutely. some type of configuration problem seeking advice on how track down. hello, all questions in previous thread , configuration expression. if have connectivity problems between main office , site office, please describe how connected, router, vpn etc. post unedited ipconfig /all site server , main office server. best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Wind

DNS Errors

hi, i have made change in dns after my _msdcs folder greyed out replication stopped out dns event :- 713 administrator has moved zone new location in active directory. zone stored in active directory @,cn=microsoftdns,cn=system,dc=,dc=com   event id 710 an administrator has changed type , zone storage options of zone zone type 2. zone stored in zone file       . sounds relocated ad-integrated zone domaindnszones application partition microsoftdns container of domain naming context. refer to  for steps remediate issue... hth marcin Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Reading Security Logs Windows Server 2012...

bit elementary questions here, appreciated. attempting determine time when specific computer logged onto our domain... more specifically, if computer logged onto our domain within specified time range, , if so, applications opened during time frame. viewing security logs computer. when @ list, under "source" column, there line item called "eventlog". double click , opens window stating, "the event logging service has shut down". mean cannot access information need? if so, how turn event log service on? hi, it seems recieve event id 1100 — runtime: this normal condition. no further action required. on dc, under security log, when users logon domain, see event log. applications used, not achieved dc. i suggest log on 1 test computer, , open 1 application, , check event viewer logs indicate application opened. far know, applications openning could not be logged in event viewer.

DCOM error 1053

within services applet, try start service , fails. event viewer shows corresponding error: dcom got error "1053" attempting start service service_name arguments "" in order run server server how fix error? hi rajesh j s , service startup failure going either corrupt system files, or driver conflict. the scm under user mode , doesnt communicate kernel mode, scm database runs under nonprivilige mode, user mode services loaded under scm hood , afaik there no kernel mode services , user mode services communicate kernel mode components might 1 of component in executive subsystem or direct kernel. so pelase understand drivers might bus driver / filter driver / miniport driver these not loaded services. sainath !analyze Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Dynamic volume recovery fail - Windows 2008

i have dynamic disk spanned on 5 "physical" hdds (they on storage). none of them runs os. i mount virtual hd on server configured dynamic disk 5 volumes. after cannot recover correct 5 disks structure... show me failed , when click reactive volume nothing happen. i need recover files because of them dont have update backup.  i tried these softwares: data back, file scavenger. any suggestions? thanks! what beleave storage raid configured hardware raid , server software raid... change dynamic disk it seems raid has broken... so try removing add on hdd , restart server, if still raid remains still dont have luck try recovery softwares recover data .. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Need help to script some common tasks

i'm looking simple way script following tasks , wondering if can done powershell: 1. set autologin setting in registry 2. set administrator password predefined password 3. set administrator account force password change @ next login   can powershell used script these tasks , them done running 1 script?  note, windows 2008 server, , servers stand-alone , not connected domain.   thanks!   do need done remotely or can locally? for #1, sorry, setting exactly?  autologin or autologon ( ). Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell

Word 2010 - Shortcut in recent documents shows document was saved, but is missing from the folder

user opened document lotus notes 8.5, edited , saved in word 2010 (.docx) with compatibility mode checked folder on computer (new lenovo t410s (2912-30u) with-win7pro).  few moments later user went attach edited file new e-mail, documents not in folder , had closed in word 2010.  tried searching computer, find file shortcut points folder user saved file, file not exist.  tried searching on options , wildcards, file not appear on computer. computer new , all fixes windows/office/hardware have been applied. is common occurance in word 2010?  ideas on how recover edited document or saved?   was in list of used documents? did user select folder saved or accept (default) temporary folder have been created when document opened lotus notes?  if open document lotus notes , use file>save, show name of folder, may hidden folder. hope helps. doug robbins - word mvp, dkr[atsymbol]mvps[dot]org posted via community bridge "gld50" wrote in message news:2d2782e

NPS-RADIUS problems with authentication methods.

hi! have next scenario: pki infrastructure: 1 offline standalone root ca (server a) , 1 enterprise subordinate ca (serverb). both windows server 2008 r2 enterprise. serverb 1 use give certificates. servidor nps-radius (serverc) : windows server 2008 r2, certificate of server issued serverb using template workstation. access point (ap-radius) : configured radius client on serverc. the authentication method i'm using, is: eap-tls ; clients i'm issuing certificates, either workstation or user certificate. both templates version 1 (windows 2000). when connect access radius, prompts me user/pwd (maybe because have 2 rules, 1 has condition of 'domain users' , other asks 'domain computers'). here added rule in nps named 'only certificates': under network policies:          condition: nas port - wireless ieee 802.11          policy enabled, grant network access.          restrictions: authentication methods: eap types: smart card or certif

W2k8 : Active Directory Replication Issues

hello all, i have issues active directory domain network single domain controller. needed add new dc keep having issues due sysvol not replicating. please see dcdiag result below: directory server diagnosis performing initial setup:    trying find home server...    home server = gbb-dc-03    * identified ad forest.    done gathering initial info. doing initial required tests       testing server: hujuu\gbb-dc-03       starting test: connectivity          ......................... gbb-dc-03 passed test connectivity doing primary tests       testing server: hujuu\gbb-dc-03       starting test: advertising          ......................... gbb-dc-03 passed test advertising       starting test: frsevent          there warning or error events within last 24 hours after the          sysvol has been shared.  failing sysvol replication problems may cause          group policy problems.          ......................... gbb-dc-03 failed test