Create PSDrive with If and Elseifs


i'm trying create script take text entered , use create psdrive required domain , change psdrive.    i'm trying use if , elseif commands instead of going next if statement hits first statement , thats it, psdrive domain1 created regardless of input.  can help?

$domain = read-host "what domain want change groups in?"
$drivename = read-host "what want call drive?"
if ($domain = "domain1")

new-psdrive -name $drivename -psprovider activedirectory -server "$domain" -credential (get-credential "$domain\administrator") -root "//rootdse/" -scope global
    elseif ($domain = "domain2")
new-psdrive -name $drivename -psprovider activedirectory -server "$domain" -credential (get-credential "$domain\administrator") -root "//rootdse/" -scope global
cd ("$drivename" +":" )

you need change = -eq - 

$domain = read-host "what domain want change groups in?" $drivename = read-host "what want call drive?" if ($domain -eq "domain1") {  new-psdrive -name $drivename -psprovider activedirectory -server "$domain" -credential (get-credential "$domain\administrator") -root "//rootdse/" -scope global }     elseif ($domain -eq "domain2") { new-psdrive -name $drivename -psprovider activedirectory -server "$domain" -credential (get-credential "$domain\administrator") -root "//rootdse/" -scope global } cd ("$drivename" +":" )

[string](0..21 | % {([char][int](22+
-replace " "


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Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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