
Showing posts from May, 2015

Hyper-V Backup question

- wanted backup a hyper-v host (windows server 2008 core, x.64, sp2) according kb - file server data on a file server vm (windows server 2008, x.64, sp2) on dynamic disk within vm. reason it's possible have extend volume in future, , that's possible dynamic disks. - have seen surprise windows backup takes our vm offline during windows backup operation! there little remark in  that dynamic disks cannot backed online. my question: change windows server 2008 r2? r2 able backup hyper-v host without taking offline windows 2008 servers vm's contain dynamic disks? thank in advance help franz  hi,   the downtime when hyper-v perform "save state" depends on number of vms , applications running inside vms. if don’t want have downtime, may perform follow suggetion:   understanding online , offline backups   whether backup performed online or offline depends on whether backup can

Use of SMS to uninstall office 2003 professional and install office 2003 standard

 hi geeks, i appreciate assistnace on step step processes on how use sms 2003 uninstall office 2003 professional , install office 2003 standard edition. your prompt response appreciated. regards, damola nigerian guru hello damola,   this forum focus on management questions of windows server system. here not best support resource sms, may best support in our corresponding newsgroup:   microsoft.public.sms.admin   hope issue resolved soon. your potential. our passion. Windows Server  >  Management

2012 R2 GC not responding to AD when 2008 R2 server goes down

i have weird problem. background: had 2003 sbs , migrated 08r2. demoted sbs , 08r2 worked fine. added domain services 2012 r2 , clicked gc , moved fsmo roles new 2012 r2 server. both show in aduc under domain controllers. can ping lf.local workstation , round robin reply dns. here's problem. when shutdown 08r2 server, ad goes down too. tried run aduc workstation , 12r2 server both there no directory servers available. if boot 08r2 server well. can manually change 12r2 server in aduc , comes fine while 08r2 server running also. goal continue migration 08r2 12r2 , demote 08r2 asap. i've checked million times in ad can, , says both servers domain controllers. dns works fine. modified record on 08r2 , changed on 12r2. changed on 12r2 , changed on 08r2. changed description field in user , changed both ways. replication seems bi-directional , working. plus i've check in adss bunch make sure replication set correctly. what did miss on 12r2 server? i'm not seeing

XP clients not connecting Windows Server 2008 Standard

hi, teach windows networking class , have never seen behavior before. each lab group made of 1 windows server 2008 standard edition plus 2 xp clients , each server setup ac dc client pc's added ad. the devices have no problems pinging each other xp clients cannot attach in other way windows server. does have ideas might causing this? checked know check (windows server not strong suit) , looks normal , in keeping documentation our class text (that following letter). thanks! there's black lab under desk hi, try if nslookup yourdomain.local can resolved , points dc. if works right remove pcs domain , join them again. next thing todo dcdiag , netdiag on dc. greetings christian christian groebner mvp forefront Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

Dynamic IP range with different users Login

hi all, our environment: serveral hundreds windows users dynamic ip @ 192.168.1.x, .2.x cannot access internet 2 new windows server 2012 dc, dhcp, dns 10 managers fixed ip address 192.168.3.x (ip range can access internet , control in firewall / routers) on desktop pc we want windows desktop configure "dynamic ip" 10 managers can sit everywhere inside office, login network windows id , access internet machine. in other words, base on ad login, system assign different ip range. is possible setup gpo / dhcp / dns .. in windows server 2012 achieve requirement, , how ? if so, can earilier windows server version configure this? thanks suggestion.   no. dhcp low-level network process. machine broadcasts request , dhcp server replies offer. knows nothing ad or gpos. bill Windows Server  > 

Rebooting RDSH Server in Farm during office hours

hello, we have rds farm consisting of 10 rdsh servers , 2 rdcb servers (in cluster).  initial farm connection - using cisco global site selector (gss) hardware load balancer.  gss polls rdsh servers every 4 secounds on tcp port 3389.  if gss unable poll server - removes list of available rdsh servers when requests dns resolution. the issue having if we reboot server in farm (which has no-one connected) during day maintenance reasons - there period when new users try connect (just after server rebooted) presented blue logon screen welcome message - , logon never completes.  can assume gss has not yet registered 1 of servers in farm has gone offline , such new users still been directed it. what can here?  less resilient method of doing initial connection use dns roundrobin - dont see how work in better way. so - can comment on if normal behaviour sees?  possible reboot farm member during office hours , not have issue? thanks in advance. hi, if rdsh server serving redire

¿Cómo conectar cliente Winxp con Windows 2003 Server?

necesito conectar 2 computadoras que tienen instalado windows xp hacia un servidor con windows 2003 server spk2, mi red es por grupo de trabajo, no tengo dominio alguno. he trabajado este tipo de red con windows 2000 y este me permite hacerlo, validando los usuarios en el apartado de usuarios y especificando el nombre y la contraseña. este proceso me permite en win2k compartir una carpeta y accesar ella desde el cliente validado. he seguido el mismo proceso en windows 2003 server, pero, cada vez que quiero ingresar mi recurso compartido, me dice que no puedo hacerlo que consulte con el administrador. ¿qué pasos me faltan para poder hacerlo? haz 2 usuarios en windows 2003, pc1 y pc2 cuando realices el mapeo, recuerda cuando te pida el usuario para conectar poner. \\hostname wind2k3\pc1  y de pass, la que hayas creado en el wi2k3 para ese usuario. Windows Server

Can Powershell be used to make a text based game?

i've been experimenting different programs trying find easy understand language make simple text based game, learned batch of documentation have on shows how make crummy viruses , don't need that, wondering if powershell can used batch make text based games command prompt? i'd know, because don't want wasting time, i'd open suggestions on other languages, want simple language because i'm new programming , don't have programming knowledge under belt. there tools out there designing text-based games, , in opinion they're better bet _any_ programming/scripting language since should allow author work @ level of storyline decisionmaking, rather worrying coding mechanics. couple of examples: Windows Server  > 

Text selection color in Office 2007 stuck to black

earlier, whenever selected text in a word 2007 document had typical light blue background selection long time, out of switched pure black. to elaborate little more: this not affecting word outlook too. in outlook, highlight color when click on message correct (to windows theme), when highlight text in actual body pure black highlight. because of problem, unable view cross reference tags and tocs. for quick fix: try repair office try hold down ctrl key , double click program shortcut icon start office in safe mode determine if caused 3rd-party add-ins if doesn't help, try use troubleshooting methods in following support article: how troubleshoot problems occur when start or use word max meng technet community support Microsoft Office  > 

Moving File Shares to 2008 R2 - Transfering DNS Name Not Working

i hope title isn't confusing. i'm setting new 2008 r2 cluster our departmental shares , test updated host file entry "old" dns name points "new" cluster client access point. when \\olddnsname none of shares show up. disabled strict name checking i'm unsure go here. mandatory old dns name used on new server. hi. with clusters in windows 2008 , after must have cap same \\olddnsname. cnames not allowed. accessing via ip gives shares of node not cap. need have old names, havent tried multiple cap same "file service". more information please see excellent blog entry askcore . oscar virot Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage

Windows XP unlocks after RDP disconnect

i have windows xp sp3 machine user connecting via rdp. while rdp session active (i.e. user connected xp machine) machine locked. once user disconnects rdp session (without logging off), local screen of xp machine becomes unlocked , no login required work locally on machine. xp machine exhibits behaviour on our network. reason? dani avni strange one. might ask them here.         regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

Windows Terminal Server 2003 Userenv 1508, 1502, 1515, 1511

i'm getting following error messages few user morning , occassionally happen time time. user log off on , fine. morning terminal server slow , had problems 3 user profiles: event id: 1511 windows cannot find local profile , logging on temporary profile. changes make profile lost when log off. for more information, see , support center @ . event id: 1515 windows has backed user's profile. windows automatically try use backed profile next time user logs on. for more information, see , support center @ . event id: 1502 windows cannot load locally stored profile. possible causes of error include insufficient security rights or corrupt local profile. if problem persists, contact network administrator. detail – process cannot access file because being used process. for more information, see , support center @ . event id: 1508 wi

Hyper-v Validation Report - VM Paths do not appear accessible to all nodes

we have 2 node hyper-v cluster 2 node sofs. when validating cluster our virtual machines following in report:  the following virtual machines have referenced paths not appear accessible nodes of cluster. ensure storage paths in use virtual machines accessible nodes of cluster. appears opposite node vm running on complains storage path cannot accessed. however, able live migrate vm inside vmm without issue, when running validation report again other node claims can not access vm path. permissions set both hosts full.  hi david, i have seen post of similar issue. the solution export problematic vm new folder on csv.  whole vm in single folder , not kind of error. apart exporting, using storage migration achieve goal. best regards, leo please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact Windows Server

How to display only failed login information for user

i want display failed login details users while login system. after enabling logon events in group policy, getting both successful , failure. but organization want display failed login events. is there script or tool or group policy achieve this.. here ; arnav sharma | please remember click “mark answer” on post helps you, , click “unmark answer” if marked post not answer question. can beneficial other community members reading thread. Windows Server  >  Directory Services

Dell Poweredge 2650 with Citrix?

i have 2650 server when boot front panel display says citrix. how go getting windows server os installed on it? i message out hard drives in system. thanks help. hi compudocs,   in order narrow down issue, please provide information below.   1.        is there os installed on server? 2.        which windows server os install on server, windows server 2003 or windows server 2008? 3.        at stage citrix logo appears? 4.        is there error message displayed? what’s exact error message? 5.        have format hard drive , install os? regards, karen ji   posting provided "as is" no warranties, , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment

Windows server 2008 roles

i hope can me.   starting in server area of business.  i need know if can setup 1 windows server 2008 system multiple roles?   hi, find overview roles in 2008: please let know roles want install. kind regards, tim mcitp, mcts this posting provided 'as is' no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights. Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Granular Password setting error

  i try use granular password setting in windows server 2008. did necessary configuration in adsi edit.but @ end of create object wizard.i get error : operation failed. error code: 0x20e7 the modification not permitted security reasons. 000020e7 vcerr: dsid-03050681,problem 5003 (will_not_perform),data 0 check formats of values , times doesn't overlap.   powergui has tool managing fgpp's too: Windows Server  >  Directory Services

PDC emulator force transfer

suppose talking win 2008 r2. suppose dc1 running pdc emulator. i turn off dc1. i start dc2. in dc2, open aduc. force transfer of role pdc emulator dc2. how transfer pdc emulator data in dc1 dc2? thanks. thanks answers still haven't answered question. because dc1 acting as  pdc emulator time, there should data in it. correct? so if there data in dc1, how transfer data dc2? what data talking on dc1? if ad database, distributed & hierarchical means dc have same database(gc have additional info & dc can configured gc if 1 of dc gc role down). can configure dc gc in single forest/domain. if talking files/folders on dc1, need backup regularly recover data during server crash. if dc can't recovered after crash & prior backup not performed data lost. awinish vishwakarma - mvp my blog: disclaimer posting provided as-is no warranties/guarantees , confers no rights.

PowerShell Script for Bulk service account creation

i have tried create script create bulk user objects in ad. #script create bulk generic user account creation param($ou=$(throw "you must specify path")) $password = read-host "enter password" -assecurestring import-csv "c:\temp\generic_users.csv" | % { new-aduser $_.user -samaccountname $_.user -givenname $_.user - displayname $_.user -path $ou -userprincipalname $ -emailaddress $ -accountpassword $password -enabled 1 -passwordneverexpires 1 -cannotchangepassword 1 -description $_.desc } my aim give ou name @ time of execution. example: .\service_acct.ps1 "ou path" also, need clear output account created details , if error exists 9account exist). thanks in advance. prem thanks, premkumar yogeswaran hi, please refer below article: creating bulk active directory user regards, yan li cataleya li technet community s

Update installation fails

i have issue on windows server 2008 r2 sp1 vcenter server. installation failure: windows failed install following update error 0x800f0818: update windows server 2008 r2 x64 edition (kb2454826). i run solarwinds diagnostic tool wsus following result: # solarwinds® diagnostic tool wsus agent # 3/4/2014 machine state   user rights:                                       user has administrator rights    update service status:                             running    background intelligent transfer service status:    running    os version:                                        windows server 2008 r2 standard    windows update agent version:                      7.6.7600.256 (wu agent ok) windows update agent configuration settings   automatic update:                                  enabled    options:                                           automatically download , notify of installation    use wsus server:                                   enabled    wind

Data retrieval failures occurred on windows server 2016 Datacenter

hey. "work online - data retrieval failures occurred 15-08-2017 21:09:53 00377-90014-19084-aa119 (activated)" message in server manager program when open it. have been seaching solution online few months , can't seems find it. have other stepped on problem?? , found solution on problem?? okay.... don't know fixed issue... it's fixed now. latest steps have done changed psu, removed hyper-v role , there's no more red.. final fix unknown mark answer have fixed setup. Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2016 General

need Framework 4.0 msu

hi all i have extract wsus updates wsusutil.exe" export .\ .\wsusexport.log" <update updateid="cd851703-9f5c-4c39-8146-001be3fd1cc6" revisionnumber="100" title="wic x86 (.net framework 4 full coinstall)"><files /> but can find cd851703-9f5c-4c39-8146-001be3fd1cc6 on wsus folder!   chris trying match update export cab file going unreliable , misleading. research indicates expired update, or old revision -- not current/valid update. does home page of wsus administration console report server still downloading files? does updates listing of wsus administration console show files status "files not downloaded". more specifically, status exist approved .net4 updates? when's last time ran server cleanup wizard on connected server? suggestion: run server cleanup wizard on connected server. run utility wsusutil reset re-queue downloads missing-and-needed files. confirm 100% of needed files have been do

Not enough memory to run VM but there is plenty of available memory

i hope can this, setup home lab running windows server 2012 r2 on physical machine, i have 2 vms both not starting , i'm getting error: 'not enough memory in system start virtual machine {name}' synthetic scsi controller (instance id ...) failed power on error 'ran out of memory' i've been searching solution while can't find similar situation have. when check memory usage there 29.8 gb available and on disk virtual drives hosted have 465 gb free , 232 gb free on system drive. this first time i'm having issue, vms worked before , didn't change on host or vms. tried change startup ram , made sure it's enough, 1 of vms configured power when physical 1 start, changing memory settings in vm , restarting physical machine didn't help. [update] when try add new vm error: "the storage virtual hard disk located not support virtual hard disk sharing." and removed hard disk 1 of vms when try add new hard disk or point exis

Erro no Backup do System State Windows Server 2008 R2

boa tarde todos. estou tentando fazer o backup system state servidor microsoft windows server 2008 r2 enterprise e estou recebendo seguinte mensagem de erro: erro no backup de c:\windows\\systemroot\ durante enumeração: erro [0x8007007b] sintaxe nome arquivo, nome diretório ou rótulo volume está incorreta. event id 517 source backup.  a operação de backup iniciada às '2011-10-28t15:01:25.8563227600z' falhou com o seguinte código de erro '2155347997' (a operação foi interrompida antes da conclusão.). verifique os detalhes de evento para uma solução e, em seguida, execute o backup novamente após solucionar o problema. já tentei pelo wbadmin e pelo próprio backup windows server.  alguém poderia me ajudar? obrigado desde já.  hello, sorry english forum. please ask in technet forums using language. if want posting in english consider posting here:   this posting provided

Network Speed

simple question. i have 2 servers connected gb switch. i show results. you should not go faster? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------    robocopy     ::     robust file copy windows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------   started : wed sep 08 19:04:01 2010    source : c:\folder01      dest : \\\c$\folder02     files : *.*   options : *.* /copy:dat /r:1000000 /w:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------                            1    c:\folder01 100%        new file              69.9 g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------                total    copied   skipped  mismatch    failed    extras     dirs :         1         0         1         0         0         0    files :         1         1         0         0         0         0    bytes :  69.980 g  69

windows 2008 web server

i trying add file services role server can't see role option added? i trying in order set nfs mount server. please advice if windows server 2008 web edition compatable role , how can add role? thanks as far know file services role not available in web edition.,d.awc           regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. Windows Server

Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop - Cannot delete a connection

hello, its not question, more tutorial on how remove connection doesnt allow removed after bad restart. i searched , didnt find thing helped tried , worked you need use regedit , go here , remove connectio giving problem:     after create new connection hi, thank for sharing your experience. technology changes life…… Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)

0x000000d1 (0x00000002, 0xd0000002, 0x00000001, 0xf6e13323)

0x000000d1 (0x00000002, 0xd0000002, 0x00000001, 0xf6e13323) hello, this bsod. bug check code 0xd1: please use microsoft skydrive upload dump files (c:\windows\minidumps). once done, post link here. you can contact microsoft css.   this posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. microsoft student partner 2010 / 2011 microsoft certified professional microsoft certified systems administrator: security microsoft certified systems engineer: security microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 active directory, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 network infrastructure, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows server 2008 applications infrastructure, configuration microsoft certified technology specialist: windows 7, configuring microsoft certified

AD CS 2008 - What happens when you have two or more certificates that can encrypt files? Which one gets used?

in ad cs 2008 if have 2 or more certificates can same thing, such efs (encrypting file system) and a user (client authentication, secure email, encrypting file system) certificate available certificate used file encryption?  both used, can specify 1 use?  how work , best practices dealing this? thanks, craig craig, as far understand, can identify certificate used encryption by checking hash referenced in user profile under hkcu\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\efs\currentkeys (you can regenerate it, if desired, via cypher /k - or set manually based on hash of appropriate certificate stored in personal certificate store). i'm not aware of mechanism can apply in order specify different one... note it's user's private key - rather certificate - relevant point of view of efs (in particular, far decryption concerned)... hth marcin Windows Server

GPO Startup VBScripts on Windows 7 clients using Server 2003 DC

i have vbscripts, i'd run gpo startup scripts windows server 2003 domain controller. they work fine gpo startup scripts on windows xp pro sp3. they work fine when run manually on windows 7 enterprise. but when attempt use them startup scripts on windows 7--every "run program" type of command fails. any ideas?   thanks in advance, sheree l. grier hi, from log file, there several errors relate syswow64. trying install 32 bit java on 64 bit windows 7? if so, please try 64 bit java. 9:50:10.0644468 am msiexec.exe 444 createfile  c:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\appdata\locallow\sun\java\au\au.msi path not found   desired access: generic read, disposition: open, options: synchronous io non-alert, non-directory file, attributes: n, sharemode: read, allocationsize: n/a, impersonating: nt authority\system 9:50:10.0310091 am msiexec.exe 3020 querybasicinformationfile  c:\windows\syswow64\config\systemprofile\appdata\locallow\sun\java\au\a

would password GPO override USER Cannot change password?

would password gpo override user cannot change password? let password expiration set 90 days. what happens account set with "user cannot change password"? would setting override password expiration policy , user not asked password change? or policy push change password user not allowed so? thanks. talking new domain 2012 level, granular policy management help? i know existence never used it... thanks. --- when hit wrong note next note makes or bad. --- miles davis hi, far know, user cannot change password setting not affect password policy, prevent user change password. if check setting, afraid administrator or person have right change user password increase workload users reset password. , if looking best practice of password policy in domain, please refer following article more details: best regards, wendy please remember mark replies answers if help. if have feedback technet subsc

Error 0x80042316 using NTBackup on Win 2003.

hi, folks i checking system state backup windows 2003 server r2 standard edition , saw bkf file 2kb! the system state backed every 12 hours using ntbackup. server domain controller. destination backup windows 2003 server r2 standard edition functions file server. the backup log shows following information: backup status operation: backup active backup destination: file media name: "titansystemstate.bkf created 12/03/2010 @ 06:00" volume shadow copy creation: attempt 1. error returned while creating volume shadow copy:0x80042316. error returned while creating volume shadow copy:80042316 aborting backup. ---------------------- the operation did not complete. ---------------------- any ideas may causing this, please? the server has sophos enpoint security & control installed. onaccess scanning set scan 'infectable files' only. scheduled scans take place on sunday morning only. the server multihomed function

The volume you have selected may not be extended

i added new hard disk our windows 2003 r2 server sp2. when try extend it, receive "the volume have selected may not extended". kb841650 has been installed. problem? c:\documents , settings\administrator.payroll>diskpart microsoft diskpart version 5.2.3790.3959 copyright (c) 1999-2001 microsoft corporation. on computer: hsa-comm02 diskpart> list volume   volume ###  ltr  label        fs     type        size     status     info   ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------   volume 0     c                ntfs   partition    128 gb  healthy    system   volume 1     e   new volume   ntfs   partition    105 gb  healthy diskpart> select volume 0 volume 0 selected volume. diskpart> extend the volume have selected may not extended. please select volume , try again. diskpart> select volume 1 volume 1 selected volume. diskpart> extend the volume have selected may not extended. please select volu

1332: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.

hi guys, i'm using russian windows server 2008 r2 enterprise(locruscln), local user named "abc" and dc english windows server 2008 r2 enterprise,(locdc) i have domain admin account named 'matt', , use account log on locruscln, i disabled uac, , try "runas /user:abc cmd" or "runas /user:locdc\matt cmd", failed, whatever program or account, can't run it. i didn't know russian, , don't know how type them in, and tried copy local admin account "Администратор", , translated password russin using google translate service, and use them run as, still not works,  :( any 1 can me ???   microsoft windows [version 6.1.7601] copyright (c) 2009 microsoft corporation.  rights reserved. c:\users\asttest>net users user accounts \\locruscln ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abc                      ?????????????            ????? command completed successfully

Modifying Windows Appearance via Command Line / Script

how specify windows appearance settings (eg - color, border width, etc) via script or command line?  tx you might able modify via regwrite method of vbscript hkey_current_user\control panel\desktop\windowmetrics hkey_current_user\control panel\colors then run; rundll32.exe user32.dll,updateperusersystemparameters,1,true regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional microsoft mvp [windows] Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

Streaming Audio Performance

we have windows 2008 r2 vdi cluster. cluster servers hp proliant dl 980 g7 512gb of memory. vms windows 7 entprise configured 3gb of memory. the storage lefthand iscsi storage. connect these vms using hp t5740e thin clients. there 120 vms running in cluster. there around 40-50 vms in use concurrently at given time. have real poor internet audio quality when connecting via thin client. if rdp same vm desktop system audio quality better. must difference in audio hardware between desktop , server. don't if adding audio card server supported or make difference. adding audio card work or there other tweaking can done. hi, you can try change audio quality modes see option best. more details information, please refer link below. remote audio playback has tried automatically adjust bandwidth usage based on current network conditions. allows audio work pretty on 56k modem through 10 gi

KB article 843515..........Your network connection may be reset when you try to perform a file operation on a remote Windows Server 2003-based computer

when perform file operation on remote microsoft windows server 2003-based computer, such saving file local windows server 2003-based computer, remote computer may reset network connection during operation. example, when perform microsoft sql server database-backup operation on local server, can specify location on remote server store backup file in. however, backup operation may not completed in scenario. i have found kb article on ms site ( hotfix , ready install it. wondering if has experienced problem , have used hotfix no issues. thanks much sam. hi , srv.sys server side redirector , applying patch not cause problem, , need make sure should have appropriate patch management servers have latest version of driver / dll versions. Windows Server  > 

Windows Server Backups (Bare Metal Vs C: drive )

hello folks our 95% infrastructure virtual, 20 25 servers physical. have microsoft dpm backups. backing bare metal , system state phyisical ones. i backing up, c: drive+baremetal+systemstate physical servers. have doubt when backing bare metal , system state, need backup c: (os drive) ? does't bare metal include whole os drive?  correct me if wrong. i confirm system state not take full c, not know other option, i don't use/used dpm. regards, philippe don't forget mark answer or vote helpful identify information. ( linkedin endorsement never hurt :o) ) answer interesting quest ion ? create wiki article it! Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum

windows server 2003

hi all, i downloading somthing on win 2k3 server , after start download left session idle. what happening , remote connection lost , session getting off automatically. i want session active. please tell me how can resolve this. thanks amit a. hi, check exact policies applied, , check whether apply them on user or computer level. the group policy settings session limits located in following locations: computer configuration\policies\administrative templates\windows components\remote desktop services\remote desktop session host\session time limits user configuration\policies\administrative templates\windows components\remote desktop services\remote desktop session host\session time limits for more information on different timeouts see: in addition,based on experience, disconnection issues caused following reasons. -the network connection not stable. -some routers between client , server

0x80050035 trying to access files on server after resume of Windows 7

laptop running windows 7 enterprise x64 sp1. files on server (running windows 2003 standard x64) accessible before system suspended / hibernated. after resume, path not found error explorer or when trying save open files application. ping resolves servername ok , replies in 4 miliseconds. remote desktop can resolve servername , connect server ok.. explore can access shares , files on server using server's ip address not using name. reboot resolves issue. i feel must known issue can't find answer. thanks john hi, thank post. after resume, path not found error explorer or when trying save open files application. it's normal symptom session need reestablished when system network lost sleep. explore can access shares , files on server using server's ip address not using name. means smb session issue when computer resume sleep. seems no available solution , here similar thread.