Event Log ID 5145 - Detailed File Sharing

we have auditing turned on our server on 1 file in order determine computers accessing file.  have few computers accessing file (not workstations) though have no reason programmatically access files.  how  can determine why these workstations accessing file , disable it.  below sample:

- system
- provider
[ name] microsoft-windows-security-auditing
[ guid] {54849625-5478-4994-a5ba-3e3b0328c30d}
eventid 5145
version 0
level 0
task 12811
opcode 0
keywords 0x8020000000000000
- timecreated
[ systemtime] 2012-10-17t16:13:09.381066300z
eventrecordid 1038283
- execution
[ processid] 444
[ threadid] 460
channel security
computer sbistream.sheridanbooks.com
- eventdata
subjectusersid s-1-5-21-1993962763-1708537768-839522115-1357
subjectusername eblissic
subjectdomainname sbi
subjectlogonid 0x15329a4
objecttype file
ipport 64853
sharename \\*\stream
sharelocalpath \??\e:\stream
relativetargetname $extend\$quota:$q:$index_allocation
accessmask 0x12019f
accesslist %%1538 %%1541 %%4416 %%4417 %%4418 %%4419 %%4420 %%4423 %%4424
accessreason %%1538: %%1801 d:(a;;fa;;;wd) %%1541: %%1801 d:(a;;fa;;;wd) %%4416: %%1801 d:(a;;fa;;;wd) %%4417: %%1801 d:(a;;fa;;;wd) %%4418: %%1801 d:(a;;fa;;;wd) %%4419: %%1801 d:(a;;fa;;;wd) %%4420: %%1801 d:(a;;fa;;;wd) %%4423: %%1801 d:(a;;fa;;;wd) %%4424: %%1801 d:(a;;fa;;;wd)

this on client (workstation) side. use process monitor reveal problem causing process.



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