Import-VM from WS2012 Hyper-V PowerShell not working

i'm following reference:

to import vm via powershell.  when try it, following:

ps c:\users\xxx> $vm = import-vm -path "v:\cloningmasters\602\ws2012vmdc" -copy -generatenewid
import-vm : operation failed because file not found.
at line:1 char:7
+ $vm = import-vm -path "v:\cloningmasters\602\ws2012vmdc" -copy -generatenewid
+       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + categoryinfo          : objectnotfound: (:) [import-vm], ioexception
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : devicenotfound,microsoft.hyperv.powershell.commands.importvmcommand

the weird thing if go manually using wizard, path works fine.  any pointers?

your source must actual xml configuration file, not folder in gui.!/2012/08/handling-import-vm-errors-in-server.html

brian ehlert
learn. apply. repeat.
disclaimer: attempting change of own free will.

Windows Server  >  Hyper-V


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