Shares Registry Key Backup (Remotely) 2012 Servers

what options backing key remotely 2012 servers? (task runs on mgmt server)


and powershell cmdlets (if any) can use?

hi netcrammer,

to use module in powershell, need import module firstly, , need change powershell execution policy or recieve error.

1. since module downloaded internet, need change execution policy unretricted, please note risks running malicious scripts policy: set-executionpolicy unrestricted.

for more detailed information, please check article:

running scripts downloaded internet

2. move the folder "psrr" to specific folder: %windir%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\modules

3. import module , check available module , cmdlets:

import-module psrr get-module -listavailable get-command -module psrr

$key = "software\microsoft\internet explorer\registration"
get-regbinary -key $key -value digitalproductid -computername server1

then can run remotely access registry, , please also make sure you have admin permission on remote machine server1.

you can schedule in task scheduler, , save script .ps1 file, , schedule powershell script below:

weekend scripter: use windows task scheduler run windows powershell script

i hope helps.

Windows Server  >  Windows Server 2012 General


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