Configuration of internal mail server and DNS

i'm new server 2008 , need configuring dns server run local mail server (not exchange).  i not have hosted website or mail.  i'm running windows 2008 r2 3 servers each 2 nics; domain controller (, terminal server (, , file server (  the domain controller dns server.  the mail server software installed on file server.  i assigned port 2525 mail server software avoid conflicts smtp running on port 25.  smtp running no errors.

my domain name gccc.  i created mail domain in mail server software called mail.gccc.local , added accounts.  diagnostics of mail server show works except mx record.  

here excerpt of test results:


test: test mx records
trying resolve mx records mail.gccc.local...
error: mx records domain mail.gccc.local not resolved

test: test local connect
connecting tcp/ip address in mx records local domain domain mail.gccc.local...
error: mx records local domain mail.gccc.local not resolved


on domain controller, ran dns manager.  

i added host (a) record , named mail fqdn of mail.gccc.local.  the ip address  the entry appeared under gccc.local zone.

i added mx record host same parent folder , fqdn of gccc.local.  the fqdn of mail server set mail.gccc.local , server priority of 10.

i confused research i've done on internet , don't know if i'm way off base or missing entry or two.  i appreciate or guidance.

first of all, multihoming dc not recommended. recommend using single ip address , nic card dc. please remove dns record nic remove in dns system.

please make sure servers pointing dc primary dns server. please make sure dc pointing private ip address primary dns server , secondary one. public dns servers use should set forwarders , not in ip settings of dc.

to check dns resolution of mx record, can use nslookup. see that:

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