updates and reboot by script

how handle updates , periodic reboots?  i want leanr more scripting , use wsus.  so question how oyu send updates servers , desktops , employ scripting auto reboot them?  do test out yuor updates beofre send them out?  thanks.

how handle updates , periodic reboots?  i want leanr more scripting , use wsus.   so question how oyu send updates servers , desktops , employ scripting auto reboot them?

if using wsus, using grouppolicy/registry point our wsus desktop , server.about how configure automatic updates using group policy http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd939933(v=ws.10).aspx  among settings,you can set clients download/install through configure automatic updates setting wishes.

about how handle updates , periodic reboots, depends on individuals.but basically, recommend user patching updates asap.the goal of windows update keep computer safe , secure possible.

for ordinary clients,there updates need reboot computer complete whole process.choosing option 4 in configure automatic updates setting means to enable automatic reboots.read link may give insights:http://blogs.technet.com/b/mu/archive/2008/10/02/windows-update-and-automatic-reboots.aspx

for critical servers,my suggestions should never rebooted without observation, never be patched unless rebooted (if required).using option 3 choice.

test out yuor updates beofre send them out?

always.  testing each update before testing machine discover of possible issues/compatibilities first consideration.

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